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@SpencerRuport Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device.
what up kly
@MVC3: MVC, you crazzzy
I got pissed at the javascript room earlier , and called them assholes
did they ban you?
4 hours later…
Q: Predefine XML namespaces for DataContractSerializer

rekireI'm building a self hosted WCF service. I'm building a special data structure for a very flexible transport of data. So far I test if my structure is serializable using the DataContractSerializer. That works fine and I'm happy about that, but there is something anying me: In my XML output are do...

We've decided to bring Nemerle and the team on board. Great things are going to happen in the language/tooling space. #JetBrainsMovesForward
yey :p
round up the aes sedai
(or something like that)
lol he left :(
2 hours later…
dont suppose anyone can help - stackoverflow.com/questions/11223697/…
1 hour later…
i have a list which contains a datetime field..i have to select the latest item from the list which have the max datetime
myList.Max(listItem => listItem.DateField); ?
@Baboon yo..thanks man
_counterHistory =_tempCounterHistoryList.Find(ch=>ch.CreationDate.Equals(_tempCounterHistoryList‌​.Max(date => date.CreationDate)));
Hi guys
Q: check and uncheck the checkbox in repeater control using javascript

Prince Antony G how to check and uncheck the checkbox in repeater control using javascript? here i m unable to check the checkbox in single click or uncheck the checkbox in single check. my code is: <asp:Repeater id="repeaterentry" runat="server" > <HeaderTemplate> <table border="1" width="1...

i have a method which is searching through a datatable for a specific name in the first column. Its then reading columns 2 and 3 and populating two lists with whatever is in those fields + depending on how many rows have that name, it populates a list<textbox>. I have a pretty strong gut feeling this is shit design ie doing too much in one method. But i dont see how i could break it apart as then i would need to redo the search loop.
does that make sense?
here is the method
@DavidDV Whats new today bro?
had a talk to my new manager
nice guy?
or douche?
told him what was wrong with the company :p
nice guy I guess
could be interesting depending on how he takes it
btw that code is ....
if so just say
depending on the lifetime it will have
ugh answering questions is frustrating sometimes
can u elaborate?
also Oh hi, @Hans
this .Rows[i][0].
sup @hans
@HansRudel holy shit
and not enoug Linq
again you and the uncallable methods
Q: Always loop on row collection -1

user1292656I am working on a WinApp project using c#. I am using a datagridview and when i am trying to write inside a cell then a new row is created automatically. so if i use 2 rows then a 3rd is created automatically and it is counted in the collection. foreach (DataGridViewRow row in grdCrew.R...

stop making methods with 10 parameters
yeah but static methods rule though :p
strongly typed
like when people answer with tons of hacky ways
but not in this case
when there's clearly something in the API for it
and then people upvote the hacky ways cause hacky things is the mark of a good dev, right?
@Hans upvote because it's the best
nah they upvote it because it works out of the box
ty david XD
but later on, they cry because their app is broken
and they don't know why
I would do it diffrent though :p
how would you do it @David
if (row.IsNewRow) continue;
or write an extension method on the rows
mm continue is like salt or baby seal skin
@Baboon @DavidDV i havent covered LINQ and wasnt planning to atm as there are a few other basics that i need to cover first. @Baboon, yeah i remember you mentioning that i passed too many parameters into my methods last time. What im not sure of is how this should be structured. I want a list of the parameter names and data types.
use in moderation
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in grdCrew.Rows.NotNew())
salt isn't actually that bad for you
@HansRudel maybe you're trying to encapsulate too much behavior into one method
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in grdCrew.Rows.Where(x => !x.IsNewRow))
@HansRudel it's okay, secretly, deep down inside, we all hate LINQ
Not me I love Linq
@Baboon is it acceptable to have 2 methods with the same for loop in?
@Hans lol
i was told i COULD get by without it, so its on the back burner atm
problem with Where(x => !x.IsNewRow) is that that ! symbol is so small
Think I'll make a WhereNot extension method
WhereNot(x => x.IsNewRow)
@HansRudel you really only need a couple of LINQy methods and that's it
.Where(), .Select(), .GroupBy(), and .Distinct() is usually the ones I use
@HansRudel my major concern is that the method you pasted is only ever gonna be used in one place
defeating the purpose of your endeavor
@Hans ill take ur word on that bro. I still have the dummies guide to sqlserver to read before the end of the week.
oh my god did I just write that? I'm getting snob -.-
@Baboon dont worry i like ppl being blunt, its cool
@baboon, not to play the devil's advocate, but I believe insomuch that @HansRudel's method is absolutely debonaire
arent french people snobs by definition :s
@DavidDV fuuuuuu
it's quite Kafkaeqsue in execution
@Hans I had to google debonair
you're a douche
it's got an ineffable je ne sais quoi
@Hans "Kafkaeqsue in execution" lol
@Baboon and you, my good sir, are a blustering rube. Good day.
Dafuq? I can't use "??" operator in javascript :(
you could use || instead of ?? in javascript
@Baboon "my major concern is that the method you pasted is only ever gonna be used in one place" no i know ur absolutely correct.
you could use "?"
please, in javascript, everything is bool
javascript > C#
@DavidDV var i = 3; i || 5 = true?
I know I could use ? but I wanted to use ?? :( It's just a null check..
@Andredseixas null is false in js
var bla = val1 || val2
if val1 == null then bla = val2
otherwise val1 != null then bla = val1
@Hans In javascript, everything is object
I know guys ._. I just didn't know I couldn't use "??"
@DavidDV var i = 3; var bla = i || 5; //true?
I not a newbie on javascript D:
@KendallFrey in javascript, everything is everything
Yes. XD
in javascript everything is great (except the bad parts)
No shit captain.
@DavidDV I think that better describes C# imho
yeah but C# doesn't run on a browser :(
additionally, the term "up to 15% or more" means "less than or equal to 15% || more than 15%"
I always see a lot of drama when a C# programmer is doing javascript
When I program in JS, it my C#-fu is so strong the JS looks and acts like C#.
so u use == ? gasp
my school is making us vote on who to bring to our fall lecture series
vote Baboon!
@DavidDV In private code, when it doesn't matter.
i want a free trip =)
I have to choose between Elon Muske, Spacex; Neil deGrasse Tyson, Hayden Planetarium; Randall Munroe, XKCD; Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, Mythbusters
but but neil degrasse tyson
so should i write the following?
Method 1) takes datatable sProcList, sting selectedSProc, List<Labels> labelCollection. and shows the labels which need to be shown.

Method 2) does the same but with textboxes.

Method 3) populates a string[,] with parameter names and datatypes.

each of the above will have the same for loop in
I want to be soothed to sleep by his dulcet tones explaining how near earth objects work
@HansRudel Method 3 but with a List<string>
that way you can bind it to a datatable
you're still in winforms and tonight i start my first commercial metro app =(
I feel like I'm too cool for this world
@hans howd u mean bind it to a datatable/
winforms 4 life
@DavidDV When I have to use c# and javascript a lot, I usually get confused, I always find myself declaring a "var" on c# and a "string" on javascript.
lol, I just use var everywhere :)
who the heck is starring my ego-ish non-witty comments? haters!
rofl xD
"oh nooooo please don't star my comments" -Baboon stars comments -Everybody else
so, @Hans, vote for me? pretty please?
but neil degrasse tyson....
ah no, wait, it doesn't work like that
adam and jamie....
randall munroe
neil degrasse tyson is mean to pluto
even elon muske...
Dude pluto can go SUCK IT
I see him sometimes on Colbert
@Hans i dont see how that would help. The list<string> can/should only hold specific info + how can u get it so it only tried to fill it with one row from the datatable?
I promise to reduce tax, increase quality of life at no expense and while keeping the existing infrastructure, be eco-friendly, and publish sex tapes of kirsten with a new geek each week on a government's site.
now, vote for me?
@baboon who is kirsten?
don't remember her last name, an emo girl playing in twilight i believe
ahh ok
chick in snow white as well?
i hear the kids all have a hard on for her
yeah, that one
or snow sh-te as my bro seems to be calling it.
snow incredibly white people?
man, I went to see that movie with my gf
she HONESTLY pushed me to go
it was NOT pleasurable
good or not?
1h30 of boredom
very classic story
ahh well
you know what's gonna happen tens of minutes before it does
I almost fell asleep
p-ssy can pull a man further than dynamite can blow him ;)
and it's really not my style
what is your style then?
my style is not to sleep at movie theaters
it's a good style, I encourage you to be baboonish
Bienvenue chez le chtis
charlize theron is in movies that are either extremely terrible or pants shittingly awesome
just like robert de niro
I don't like her, but she comes from the same country as my gf, I had to be compassionate
let' say snow white was not pants shittingly awesome
so in essence, I learnt that compassion is boring
@Baboon hey look everybody, Baboon has a gf!
you know, I've always found the things people do on stack overflow to be ridiculous
a good 40% of questions is gimme code plox
hey guys I am writing an enterprise solution that does this, can you give me code that works out of box without me having to worry about learning anything?
and then vanish before upvoting anything or accepting any answers
then don't answer stuff
just talk shit on chat all day
@Hans Yes..... I defintally feel that
thanks for the code motherfuckers I'm outta here
in the case where anyone can be assed.
Q: design issues, tendency to write custom methods

Hans RudelI seem to have this tendency to write custom methods ie things which couldnt be reused in any situation. The following seems to be one example of trying to do too much in a single method. But the point im not sure about is, in order to split it up, id have to redo the for loop each time. Is that ...

hello can i ask something irrelevant
@rjtubera that's all we do all day
@Hans Dammit hans! I was gonna say that
lol windows hasn't been labelled for nerds since 1989
I have to concentrate on something:( bye
Only Steve Jobs could program on a Mac, there will be no new programs ever
Then GTFO :)
but our teacher gave us a statement that "Mac is an artist's computer, then Windows is for programmers"
yep, now they're called Apps
I don't know what to say because I haven't even tried mac
@TonyHarmon Oh, but there's an app for that.
@rjtubera Mac has lots of design software built for it
@rjtubera Windows is for business. Linux is for programmers.
@rjtubera Good for you. Me neither.
but is it still possible to program on MAC? what languages are readily available on mac?
in the 21st century
everything is available for everything
Well, C/C++, C#(Mono), like, anything.
let's say you want an integrated OCaml IDE for obscure versions of Android
you've got it
Mac is technically a Unix OS. /wtfshudder
I mean it is, most linux terminal based applications are ported to mac
you can vi/emacs which does everything on mac
you can eclipse on mac for java programmers
mac has its own python packages
xcode for objective c, c++, c, lisp
basic too, i think
but linux is what hardcore devs actually use to program
especially server side stuf
What do you guys think of JSON ?
<< Hardcore dev alert!!! :)
it's the best thing that's happened to JS since ajax
thank you for the tips. :))
other than jquery, of course. jquery is both the peanut and the butter in a peanut butter and javascript sandwich
But is JSON safe enough to use on a high demanding web app ?
err you should JSON for public data
not anything secure
what are you thinking?
@Hans jQuery is the peanut butter and the sandwich and the plate and the table, but you only need the sandwich.
jQuery = necessary evil
@Andredseixas lol
I'm sending some user comments via JSON to the server, but it should be confidencial.
@Andredseixas nah it's fine
"real hardcore programmers" who run Linux to work? can anyone relate to such a specimen still alive?
I like jQuery so much that I rather not use it. It's too easy and simple to use but the performance cost is not worthy.
@Baboon They are like unicorns, people claim to have seen them but...
running Linux to work is just a big waste of time if you ask me.
the industry doesn't do very high level languages and bulldozer-like with billions of features IDEs to be evil. It's actually awesome on productivity
@Baboon if you think there aren't devs who work using linux
you obviously aren't a dev
howd u create a chatroom with someone who has just answered/commented on a question?
Step 1: have 1000 reputation
@hans well that blows
@HansRudel If you comment enough, it'll ask you if you want to go to chat.
@KendallFrey yeah it did but the box disappeared
or you can ask someone to start a chatroom for the three of you and then leave
@hans will see if he replies to this last question otherwise i might just do that. thanks for the suggestion
oh my god
I cried and died a little
char.IsDigit anyone? :p
or int.TryParse?
Regex.Replace(destination, @"[^0-9]","");
return StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals(Regex.Replace(destination, @"[^0-9]",""),destination);
Maybe just Regex.IsMatch
well if you wanna just grab the numbers from it regardless of dashes and parens
why regex -.-
you don't need a regex to parse numbers
int.TryParse would work as well, but needs an extra variable.
Why not try string / 1 catch // not numeric
an extra variable is much better than a regex
@Hans then I haaaaate you!

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