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the regex doesn't really matter - change that as you see fit
but the code is there
There are lots of other possibilities. mailto: links, protocols like skype, rdp, etc. (You shouldn't find many of those, but still)
a lot of those automatically do this for you thoguh
skype detects phone numbers for example
I guess if I explain what I'm trying to do, will be easier to understand.
and linkifys them
There is also a JavaScript script that can do it too
@KyleTrauberman Only if you let it >:)
I have a website that I can do some sort of posts
@RyanTernier There is a JS script for everything.
And when a person post a link, it should automatically change to anchor.
@KendallFrey Atwoods law
JS is not an option since I'm building all my dynamic divs on the server side.
Haha I love that law.
Awesome. I'm ditching C#.
There's a place for people like you ;D


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
I don't like JS chat.
Some people ruin that chat.
@KendallFrey I have a JS Script to parse a RegeX that parses HTML!
wow, I'm really enjoying the new LP album.
@RyanTernier SO chat has a <insert parser here> to parse regex that parses html. When it finds one, you know what happens.
O.O I just realized something. Regex can't parse regex! We're doomed...
My co-op can parse regex! And get me coffee. I love co-ops
i have a three tier asp .net
where my dal is implemented using dbcommand object
my problem
is i want to allow the administrator to download the script of the remote database to their localmachine
the problem i encouter
is by testing
the sql command in my SQL SERVER MANAGEMENT STUDIO
IT DOESN't work
So the script that your app runs against the DB works in your app, but after it's downloaded it doesn't work?
@KyleTrauberman The LP album?
Has anybody used asp.nets modalpopupextender before
TO DISK = 'Z:\';
where Z:\ is equivalent of \\localSever4DB\share\myDirectory
@walkingTarget Linkin Park
anyone know the answer to this question(It should be a really simple one)... stackoverflow.com/questions/11161769/…
but the "Events" property does not show up and I know I chose the right usercontrol since the (Name) property is "textBox1"
@DeanHiller check it out now, looks like you got an answer
Hey all, I'm looking for a freelancer for a project developing a plugin for MS Outlook. Can anyone here recommend best places to look?
cool, thx
@Kyle I suppose my question was more about the communities that Windows devs hang out in. I'm a Rails developer myself, and I know where those guys hang.
Users Groups are a good place for that
So, about my problem. I got a solution. May I paste it here to share with you guys || paste on another website || nowhere ?
did you ask a question on SO about it?
if so, answer your question with the solution
feel free to paste it here too
No, I actually asked here on the chat and you guys started arguing about a lot of stuff like parsing regex on html..
then feel free to paste it here
        private string RetornaAnchor( string strDesc )

            if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDesc.Trim())))

                string strResult = string.Empty;
                string strPattern = string.Empty;
                bool blnMailTo = false;
                bool blnHttp = false;
                for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
                    switch (i)
                        case 0:
                            strPattern = @"(((f|ht){1}tp://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]+)";
Not the best way to do some stuff, but it works. So many emotions ----
@Kyle what user groups would you suggest? The local ones I've found are dead husks.
I hate it when my anchors are retorn.
no idea. I'm in AZ, and we have azgroups.com
@SpencerRuport what do you mean by retorn ?
perhaps there's something similar for your area?
@Andredseixas See code ^^
thanks for your help.
@KendallFrey Whaaat?
@Andredseixas your method is called "RetornaAnchor"
@KyleTrauberman Oh, I'm portuguese, RetornaAnchor means ReturnAnchor
in english it just looks like a mispelling of "Return"
Haha I forgot to translate it
@Andredseixas - I figured. I was just making a bad joke. :)
anyone know how to trigger a button click using a method?
@Nadal You could use JavaScript to do that. document.getElementById("button name").click;
@SpencerRuport Haha, this regular expression problem I had killed my logical thinking, so sleepy right now.
 <asp:LinkButton ID="EditDriver" runat="server" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("IndividualID") %>'
                        CommandName="EditDriver" Text="Edit Driver" CausesValidation="false" ToolTip="Click to edit driver details" /></center>
                      <asp:Panel ID="popupMenuDriver" runat="server" style="display:none" />
i want to trigger this button from a method
@SpencerRuport either coincidence or luck, I found your recent answer on this at:
o.o It surpassed my limitations. Sorry.
@Nadal in code behind?
@KyleTrauberman i want to call it from event handler off anothor button
:( You can perform a click on that using javascript... I wuv javascript~
@Andredseixas how would I do that?
    public void btnPreviousVer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            view.ActiveViewIndex = 0;
            MyGlobals1.previousVersionClicked = true;
            MyGlobals1.previousVersionClicked = true;
            btnPreviousVer.Visible = false;


thats the eventhandler i want to call it from
put the code of that button inside a void function and make the other button call the void function instead of the event handler.
I think I dislocated my hip bone after playing hockey with some big guys and getting body slammed couple of times....being a computer person makes us all pretty vulnerable :P
Not if you're fat.
so i must get fat to absorb the impact :P?
suck it up princess
Comp Person here. Bow hunter, run 10km daily, training for tough mudder. have 2 kids who like to pile drive me whenever they can.
hey, can i get some help with the checklistBox control?
sucking up reminds me, earlier there was someone trying to hire a developer to create a website for adult "movies"
@RyanTernier that's your new catch phrase. I've starred it twice so far ---->
I've used that phrase for over 10 years, started using it when working with youth
@RyanTernier I was playing hockey with some "big" guys....think football players...
Hello, can i get some help with the checkListBox control?
6 feet+ 200 lbs+ of muscle
Well big people hit harder than small people :P Get out of the way haha
@EliteGamer Not if you don't ask :)
@EliteGamer not if you don't post your question.
wtf kendall
ok, well, i was wating until your conversation was over, but here, let me ask
bah just interrupt us
interruptions are welcome here
lol good manners :P
if not, we'd get nothing done.
it's SO chat. If it was really important we'd get paid to be here
... I get paid to be here
I need each checkbox in the list to have its own function, like on_changed.... How do i do that?
few ways to do it
Oompa loompa doopity doo
I get paid to be here in the same way I get paid to poop.
@KendallFrey what is that? Ha ha ha
@EliteGamer LIAR
That's his answer to your question
Please, don't feed the trolls.
that's why you don't ask Kendel questions
wow, i wish
no, he helped me yesterday
kendall and his reaction faces
i have never worked with the checkedlistbox control ever
So, let me be first to answer. You can use a switch to determine which checkbox is changed. Or something.
@EliteGamer use one event for the whole list, then check which checkboxes are checked in the event handler
@AmmarThebadprogrammer reaction rage -_-
Are you binding to the CBL?
@AmmarThebadprogrammer he is 17... I hear rage faces are all the rage with his generation.
can i get an example on how to check wich boxes are checked?
no pun intended
i am 16
I was gonna say... BAD PUN
@KendallFrey back in my days .. they were called reaction faces
@EliteGamer kendall is 17
@EliteGamer There is an oncheckedchange event for checkboxes. when youbind your CBL you can tell it to use these events.
no offense
Q: How to attach onchange event to CheckBoxList? Missing InputAttributes?

AhmedSetting onchange event for CheckBoxList using the following code doesn't work. chkListUserGroup.Attributes.Add("onchange", "document.forms[0].isRecordModified.value='true';"); How to set onchange event for CheckBoxList?

That does a JavaScript type thingy example
You can also specify like that.
what i am doing is if the first item is checked, then one button visible = false, but i need to do that to all buttons
Perhaps you can make good use of the tag object?
how would i get one of the items in the checklistbox
do i specify a name?
there are attributes you can give a listitem in a CheckBoxLIst
ok, how
Q: How to get the latest selected value from a checkbox list?

Masud RahmanI am currently facing a problem. How to get the latest selected value from a asp.net checkbox list? From looping through the Items of a checkbox list, I can get the highest selected index and its value, but it is not expected that user will select the checkbox sequentially from lower to higher in...

Screw this, I cannot figure out that control.
ha i know it is super confusing
That's what I said to ASP.NET back in the day.
That should be javascript's job.
I never use checkbox lists
In ASP.NET (Webform) days I always use rep;eaters
@TravisJ That sentence could be placed in any context ans still make sense.
as I have full control
@RyanTernier Rep eaters? Noooooooo...
i assume just use a bunch of checkboxes, and add a background, boom, you got an easier checklistbox!
IF your CBL is not going to change - IE it's static, don't use a CBL
@KendallFrey rep eaters are downvoters
Do any of you have experience with querying 4n rdbs? Does the added complexity cause queries to run slower?
I hate down voters, they always down vote me when I say people who use:
var age = 5;
var name = "ryan";

should be flogged
@EliteGamer Oh, I was thinking Cookie Monster style. OM NOM NOM NOM ... urp.
@TravisJ I have no idea what 4n even looks like. Most I've done is 3n.
Using linq's .Include I notice that it will take a couple extra paths to make the same query.
4th normal form?
what're you looking for?
Do querys run slower on 4n?
I've gone up to 6th and worked on a system that was trying to do 7
Depends on the query
Complex ones
Hey, do any of you have visual C# express?
I have to do 6 iterations of .Include currently, and with 4n it will be more like 9 iterations which is an extra 3 queries.
i have 2010
@EliteGamer why?
@RyanTernier - What does it depend on?
the query
General rule:
1-3 normal form == getting faster
4-7 normal form == getting slower
@KendallFrey how do you sell you applications, or publish them with an installer?
But, you also have to look at the query beingu sed
@EliteGamer WiX, or Iexpress, if it's really simple.
For example:
RUnning 4th normal form on a DB2 and you do a
Select ..... where .... IN (...) That will cause the DB system to go crazy
where running that on an oracle / SQL stack will be easy
I used the VS installer ONCE. Never again.
same here
I like WiX
xcopy is your friend.
MSI installer cannot have 4 version numbers!#%!@#%!#%!@#
ok, can you look at this software, it looks super easy, but i am kind of confused. installforge.net
Yeah, I would be using EF 4.1 linq to MySQL
go there
LINQ == awesome =>slow
yes, but its awesome
that is where the .Include comes from
the awesomeness makes up for the slowness
i want to use that, but do i add the clickonce file to be installed or what?
I never even considered using clickonce.
Simple solutions are usually the most efficient
We can't use click once here for deploys. Deploy's take 12 hours sometimes:(
You don't need clickonce if you use another installer.
simple solutions usually take the longest :/
@ScruffMcGruff Yes they do, but they're efficient, and I get paid to make things efficient
I do a bin deploy
I got nothing against simple, I love simple
no one else here gets paid ;) we are all volunteers
but simple hurts
@KendallFrey if you have express, then how do you not publish a click once?
@EliteGamer I forget clickonce existed. I use something else. Just package the essential files into an installer and go.
If all your installation is is copying files, use IExpress.
For full Windows installer functionality, use Wix.
if you look at the software at www.installforge.net it says to add files, what files?????
Wix is nice when working with Nant.
the compiled files from your solution, I assume.
or CCNet/Jenkins
well, i get a setup file, a clickonce file, and a application files folder
what do i put in there?
anyone there?
Yes, but I don't get it.
Just create an installer package to deploy your binaries.
oh, ok, it says add files to install, what files do i add?
the click once file?
the application files?
The binaries.
WindowsFormApplication1.exe etc.
where do i find those?
Don't include vshost and pdb files
i do not get an exe, i am using express 2010
ok, cool
also, how do you do like software updates and stuff?
Too broad for me to cover. :/
ok, well, on the software to make an installer, it asks for url's
@EliteGamer do some research on that man.
ok, i will
it's a big subject, and you have various ways of doing it
i have a website, so...
i might could use it?
You might could.
if i add the bianaries, or the .exe, do i need to add the application files
What are the 'application files'?
Types of Software Updates in a nut shell:
1) Download a zip file- extract. Voila
2) Download a MSI/EXE/Installer - Install which updates - voila
3) Have a background service that runs, or a background app that runs when you start your project that checks the versions, and updates when needed.
4) use the web HTML5 and say SCREW YOU to software updates,
also, if i have the .exe , do i need to add the application files?
What are the 'application files'?
any XSLT guru's in here?
well, when i click publish, i get the things: the clickonce app, the application files folder, and the setup thing
but i am going to get the .exe from the bin
I have no idea what's on your screen. :(
Click publish where?
ha, ok, so i will just test it
Since you wrote the app, you should have the best idea of what files it needs in order to operate =\
in visual C# express 2010
That's ClickOnce, no? I thought you were using InstallForge.
yea, it says add files, do i just add the .exe from the bin?
Yes, if that's all your program needs
InstallForge says that? Then add your exe.
no, it says add files
not add exe
Why don't you just try it and see what happens?
ok i will
exe is a file
ok, also i have a problem this is what i use to save my file
int i;
string fileData = string.Empty;

for (i = 0; i < this.Controls.Count; i++)
TextBox t = new TextBox();
System.Type textBoxType = t.GetType();
if (this.Controls[i].GetType() == textBoxType)
string boxValue = this.Controls[i].Text;
string boxName = this.Controls[i].Name;
fileData += boxName + "=" + boxValue + "|";
//fileData = "this is my test string for my file";
//string activeDir = saveFileDialog1.InitialDirectory;
//string newPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(activeDir, "myFile.rjr");
What's the problem?
i have another save event that save over the file
when you exit, like save changes
so i add this code if they say yes
the same code as above
but it will not save over the file, nothing happens, i do not even get an error
@KendallFrey just saw that image lol
What image?
whats up
IDK, too lazy to lift my head.
@KendallFrey hurr hurr =)
@KendallFrey "fn" is the file Name that is open
is every one gone?
No, everyone is confused.
ha ha ha i am sorry, i can not ask a question well
@KendallFrey the pink troll face
oo yeah
tuesdays are the worst day of the week
well, come to think of it, i figured it out
I have energy on Monday.. but I can't sleep Monday night
so I am tired on Tuesdays.. always
also, has anyone ever changed the registery with there software?
In code, or with an installer?
like edited it?
in code
Microsoft.Win32.Registry should get you started.
like, what i want to do is if someone double clicks on my file (.rjr), then it opens my software and the selected file
That would be with the installer, right?
Unless you want an option in the app to enable/disable this functionality.
i guess, but i thought you would do it in the code???
well, no i want to do it automatically
Then use the installer.
not turn it off and on
No, I don't know how your installer software handles that. :(
hmm, i had a friend say you would do it in the code...?
Unless that friend was Jon Skeet, there is a good chance they're wrong.
well, how would i do it with the turn off and on thing?
@Nadal - What'd you think of my answer?
Q: How to associate a file extension to the current executable in C#

ChrisI'd like to to associate a file extension to the current executable in C#. This way when the user clicks on the file afterwards in explorer, it'll run my executable with the given file as the first argument. Ideally it'd also set the icon for the given file extensions to the icon for my executabl...

When the option is changed it would add or remove the information in the registry.
whats with all the dots?
TWSS XD </badjoke>
vs froze on me
you ever get that bug where you can't type anything into VS?
happens at least twice a day for me
yay time to chat on SO while u wait. ;)
I get one where scrolling turns into text size changing
@KyleTrauberman Unless you mean while you are debugging code, no.
the keyboard just stops responding
@AmmarThebadprogrammer That's cuz you're holding down Ctrl. >.>
while coding
the only way to fix it is to restart vs
@KendallFrey no. I am not. It happens after I stopp running an MVC webpage
Oh, lovely. I had to restart Windows this morning.
wow that registery thing is freken hard!

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