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I need a quick solution. There's no way to just get a <asp:Image> to call a onmouseover event??
or <asp:Hyperlink>?
hey guys, is there a way to resume a single process in Visual Studio?
I have 3 processes in my solution, and I want just one of them stopped
but I would prefer to not detach any of them
you mean the debugger?
@Nadal When was that?
yes, I mean the debugger
can someone help me troubleshoot a problem with IIS?
i have an mvc4 app uploaded that uses the new web api
when i attempt to delete an object through the api, it says "405
Method Not Allowed"
and i think it's because it uses the "DELETE" verb in the request header
i was wondering if there was a way of finding out if the remote IIS has that header disabled or something?
This is just my personal opinion so it may not be shared by all.
But I would avoid using HTTP verbs for any application meaning.
It gets weird and frankly it's entirely unnecessary.
why so??
Because web APIs methods are rarely so specific.
that kinda defeats the point of WebAPI though, doesn't it?
Is "WebAPI" some kind of framework?
Then yes ;)
I use web methods all the time but the operation I'm trying to perform is contained entirely in the method name.
I don't have
DELETE /Method/User
I have
GET /Method/DeleteUser
I don't think one offers any particular benefit over the other except for the fact that trying to get your web server to play nice with using the different verbs seems to create a bunch of problems.
So why bother?
Besides it's a really leaky abstraction.
What if I want to delete all users associated with a company.
@TomHalley if you want to use the DELETE verb, look here: forums.iis.net/t/1166025.aspx
@SpencerRuport I agree
If you just name it in the method you'd have something like
thanks @Kyle
GET /Method/DeleteUsersInCompany
DELETE /Method/UserInCompany ?
That defeats the whole purpose of using the verb in the first place.
The point of WebAPI is that you have some objects that are exposed, then you perfom actions on those objects.
using what you are suggesting is like having a bunch of sprocs in SQL
Yeah but then you start writing functional code in your views.
vs just calling selects and inserts
I prefer your approach, but I see the point (and benefit) of Microsoft's approach as well.
I don't see a problem with that. The only reason I recommend against sprocs is because it splits your code.
It makes a project difficult to manage IMO.
Yeah but think about this @KyleTrauberman
So say I have a website that works flawlessly using webapi
Say to create a user I need to create a user and a profile object.
So somewhere in your javascript
You've got
POST /Method/User
POST /Method/Profile
Well now I say, hey I want to create an app for the iPhone.
Think about views that aren't webapps. Consider a mobile phone app.
I think each approach works better in different contexts
But now the iPhone app can potentially have a bug that calls POST /Method/User
but never creates the profile.
On the other hand if you create a bunch of method functions you just require that it passes in both.
POST /Method/CreateUser { User: {SomeData}, Profile: {SomeData} }
your phone app isn't just a view though - its a complete app with a data layer et al.
Now, regardless of where this is being called from it will ALWAYS behave the same way.
I feel like that is a case of premature optimization
I disagree. It's about knowing where an error can occur.
If I do it my way and I see that a User has been created without a profile I don't have to look at the view.
It's impossible for the bug to exist there.
The bug has to be in the controller.
That's a significant amount of code I can simply disregard and it really speeds up maintenance.
I agree with you.
The downside to that is while it makes your API more functional, you remove a lot of the abstraction from the API, and thus flexability.
Have you seen/used OData?
with WebAPI, you can send OData requests easily.
Also, bookmarking this convo
You can have abstraction in the API but I think that should exist inside the server side design.
Not between the client and server.
The client shouldn't be making those decisions IMO.
It's insecure and creates a lot of extra debugging.
Once you get into the controller I agree, having stuff like User.Delete() is extremely useful and that's how I design my Model layer.
I just think that splitting that over HTTP is silly.
Here's a good old question:
Q: What exactly is RESTful programming?

hasen jWhat exactly is RESTful programming? Don't give me links to wikipedia please, I'm hoping for a straight-forward answer, not some BUZZ-word-ful answer. Bonus question: Should I feel stupid because I never heard about it outside SO?

Yeah. I'm just not a fan. :)
It's neat in theory but I don't think practically it's the best option for any context.
I agree. Playing devils advocate is fun. :P
Im pretty confused as to what MVC is
when ruby on rails MVC is mentioned - i'm assuming it is different then microsoft mvc in visual studios ?
Its a design pattern that describes the separation of Data from business logic and views.
MVC is a design pattern... damn it typed to slow
yeah - MVC is just a concept, ASP.NET MVC or Ruby MVC is an implementation of that concept.
so a course of "Ruby on Rails MVC" would or would not be benificial to learning asp.net MVC ?
the concept parts of it would be
but not the nitty gritty implementation details
ASP.Net MVC is hardly even an implementation of MVC to be honest. It just gives you some nifty tools that make writing an MVC pattern a little easier.
@ScottSelby - Hardly. Especially since it would center mostly on models and in ASP.Net MVC you pick that yourself.
my c# professor at DePaul had nothing but awesome things to say about Ruby on Rails , he kept saying he's been using asp since it came out , but ruby on rails is awesome - sooo I was thinking it'd be nice to learn new technologies plus it might help towards asp.net mvc
@ScottSelby - It's definitely a worthwhile technology to learn don't get me wrong.
I just don't think it would really help you learn ASP.Net MVC much.
its $2,600 though - so im trying to decide what worthwile means
Ruby on Rails is as awesome as a boar with teets. Sure it's interesting to look at, and some weird geeks in a basement can probably do some weird things with it, but when it comes to getting the job done, I'd rather use Java/C#
@ScottSelby - Do what the rest of us do. Look up tutorials on Google and teach yourself. Or buy tons of books like @TonyHarmon does.
that's what I have done with everything else
So why are you considering taking a course now?
I like having access to the fucking brilliant developer professors more then the actual class
I don't have a ton of books :P
@TonyHarmon except LINQ books
Advanced SQL course looked cool too, that one is only like $1000
@ScottSelby Learn the concepts of MVC, you don't need to learn a language to understand that. once you have the concept, you can apply it to languages.
I'm not saying don't learn ruby, or anything else, I'm saying learning ruby just to learn how to do ASP.NET MVC problbaly isn't the best route to do that.
@ScottSelby - I hate to break it to you but the odds of getting a "fucking brilliant developer professor" are pretty low.
I think I will , I have no idea what MVC is, but someone I think it might have been Spencer said I was almost already using the idea when I completely turned off viewstate and everything is webmethods and ajax
@SpencerRuport HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA <cough> hahaha
no, the loop campus at DePaul in Chicago are pretty good
In my four years of college I had about 25 CS professors. I'd say 3 of them were fucking brilliant but only two of them communicated it well. The rest were... unimpressive.
Dont forget to add DI
I think he was talking about the help he gets here @Spencer
I wonder if I could just take a @KendellFrey course
What am I? Chopped liver?
Just kidding @KendallFrey would make an awesome teacher I think.
I'm too grumpy.
This is a great explanation of how the internet works: tomayko.com/writings/rest-to-my-wife
he's 17 , he'll be pretty damn good at developing when he's like 30 - he already knows a whole lot
he's going to be old and be laughing when he says he used to use that old ass asp.net
"Back in my day..."
back in my day we had to type to talk on the internet
Back in my day we had to carry CDs if we wanted to listen to music
It gets worse, kids
It's weird but people who are only 3 or 4 years younger than me seem to think that the iPod was the first MP3 player.
NOMP! RIO 4mb!
it was the first mp3 play worth buying
I dunno about that.
I liked my Rio.
I hate apple
And my Creative
Sirius/XM on the android all day
Anyone know if there's a way to map a <script> tag like <asp:Script "~..." I need it to dynamically seek root.
I attribute their success primarily to the fact that they went with putting a hard drive inside a MP3 player because SD memory was taking too long to become cheap.
and easy to use - people are stupid you know
It allowed them to deliver a digital music player that met the desires of the customer base before the technology really existed to appease them.
Well that kind of relates. With a rio you had to keep swapping out music. An iPod you just dropped your whole library in.
I'm codin... they hatin...
@TravisJ I tried the alert in chrome and it works, but not in firefox! I must have something in here that is just angering this browser...
@TonyHarmon - they tryin' to type with qwerty...
LOL I was thinking they tryin' to catch me writin buggy :)
@ScottSelby who buys mp3s?
stupid people
they're free , like air
So people who use apple products?
@ScottSelby I'm stupid then.
OK this is driving me nuts. How can you map a script tag to the root in a master file??
asp.net webforms
I used to have an iPhone, I ment simple
@RyanJMcGowan put it in a div
<script src="~/path/from/root" type="text/javascript></script>
that should work
~ is a .NET character
no it doesn't
needs to runat server
you'll have to do "../..etc.
./ referrs to the same dir
bah don't do a runat server on a <Script> tag.
that's the problem I have
and it's in different levels of directories
So you can either tell it to go to the root of your site and have a single script directory
that doesn't work...
Can I use a literal tag to make a script tag somehow?
literal works in <head>
<script src='<%= Page.ResolveUrl("~/path/from/root") %>' type="text/javascript></script>
try that
What Kyle put down will work
yeah... I think that's the kind of thing I was looking for.
I'll try it
I need to get some of you experts on FB or something. Emails or whatnot.
Company golf in 2.75 hours... Free beer, food, golf, beer, food...
nice! Out of here and headed to get some beer in about 12 minutes :]
enjoy the weekend.
Beer league hockey in ~5 hours
Ahhh, the reasons I force all my dev's to sit with me during a code review:
for (UInt32 i = 0; ; i++)
{ // read the environment item
Environments.Add(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_PREFIX + i].ToString());
} catch (Exception)
{ }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the retry interval. The retry interval determines how many
/// milliseconds to wait between retries.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The retry interval in milliseconds.</value>
public string Password
get { return _password; }
set { _password = value; }
Return the password in plain text? =P
Also, doesn't limit loop; just encap in try/catch and wait for exception - good enouhg.
How can I get ASP to not remove ID tags?
in img tags
This explains why my javascript isn't working at all
I don't think I have ever noticed ASP removing ID attributes from anything. In what scenario does this take place?
I have label images over photos. onmouseover makes the label appear by calling for the id. I see that when I view source, the images have no ids.
Wait, nevermind... it's something else.
I don't think "~" is mapping to my root
I have a separate application under /temp and it's mapping the root to the site's root.
viewsource comes out "/temp2/js/main.js" when it should be "/js/main.js"
@walkingTarget CHeck the comments out on the properties method, also in the first one, they're looping through COnfig settings, HD1, HD2, HD3, HD4<--error because HD4 doesn't exist.
@RyanJMcGowan Only ASP.NET knows how to decode the ~ in a file path, unless you built some weird mechanism for JS.
@RyanJMcGowan If temp2 is a separate application, and that is the application which contains the ~, then I would indeed expect it to find /temp2/js/main.js and not /js/main.js. If you want /js/main.js, then do not use the ~, just say /js/main.js
I'm using <script src=<%= Page.ResolveUrl("~/js/main.js") %> type="text/javascript"></script>
I need it at different directory levels
did you put that in the app in the temp dir?
the ~ will map to the root of the applicaiton its in.
@RyanJMcGowan Yes, and if that is in your temp2 application, then ~ is going to find the root of your application, which should be /temp2/js/main.js, as you have described. ~ is application root, not site root. Site root is just /.
@RyanJMcGowan that works, but make sure you have quotes around your source in src=
mysite.com/ site root
mysite.com/CanadaRocks/ application root
that is if CanadaRocks is an application
I added an application through the control panel to the temp2 directory. I'm not sure where I tell my application that temp2 is ITS root
@RyanTernier haha
@RyanJMcGowan From what you are describing, your application already knows that temp2 is its root, otherwise you would not get /temp2/js/main.js when you ask for ~/js/main.js
then why isn't it calling my js code?
@RyanJMcGowan If you have placed your js code in /js/main.js and not /temp2/js/main.js, then you should be asking for your site root, not your application root. Just say src="/js/main.js" and be done with it.
You're right, it does see the js file in source view....
Inspect element shows all the code
it all worked on localhost.
That's awesome
You would think javascript wouldn't have this issue though. It's pretty straightforward
it's like it's not firing events or something
it all looks right on view source. links to the js file, the mouseover events called, linked to the right id
how does javascript know what your application root / site root is?
javascript is evaluated on the client. All it knows is the URI
@RyanJMcGowan Let's see, what are the clues? It worked on your localhost, it involves images, mouseovers, I guess some sort of image swap. My psychic senses tell me your paths are wrong for the replacement images. Use fiddler and reload the page, see if you get some 404s.
the images appear
and js uses getelementbyid
You're http://localhost/Ninja/ page might be:



or later deployed to:

it should work on all
yeah it's not mapping. it all shows up on view source
so best is to create a clean structure for your scripts. ~ works if parsed by .NET
<script src="/js/main.js" > is going to go to the root site.
@RyanJMcGowan Exactly what is broken? What is happening that should not be happening?
where are you expecting it to go?
How about I just link you to my temp site
sure, i have a few min before I headout
OK, I changed the css file so the label images are showing. they should fade in on mouseover.
nothing happens on mouseover
You have a 404 error when loading jquery.
you're images on a few pages are not resolving correctly
I am getting an error on your page @Ryan , "$ is not defined"
yeah i know about the other images
i have written a 30 page website in a single php script. everything is in one script. its massive
still working out all the image maps
all the css, js and html.. all in one php file
getting 404's on some png's
sounds like a pain to debug
@JeremyPatrick THat would suck to maintain
its a beauty
i'm just trolling. i would hope someone wouldn't brag about that
trolling isn't allowed in SO chat rooms
WHen I first got hired as a .NET dev, a senior dev (this was back in 2004) wrote a web app that had all logic, events etc. in the page load. 1.5k lines long
I spent my first 2 months fixing it
i mean, joking
<%= Page.ResolveUrl("~/js/jquery.js") %>
@RyanTernier wow
yea, 1 function, and it was all done old school asp style. ugh i cried.
I cried inside. real men don't cry!
@RyanTernier I'm going through right now and re-working some code that I wrote about five years ago. I was just starting C# then. It's pretty bad stuff; I wouldn't have hired me for this junk. We all have to start somewhere, though.
@RyanJMcGowan - If you use <% if(false){ <script src="/js/jquery.js"></script> }else{
Page.ResolveUrl("~/js/jquery.js") } %> you should get the jquery intellisense to show up in visual studio
I am not as used to the old school <% as I am with razor.
It's all working
I firmly believe in a Statute of Limitations on Code. 6 months.
oh, i see what you're saying though
After that no judgement
@RyanTernier my old supervisor one day was fixing a function over 3k lines long that an old dev left behind
the previous developer must have known it was out of control, because they created #regions within the method
which is actually more horrible, because they used #region instead of creating the methods they so desperately needed
All I need now is to change my connection string in web.config
Sounds like my co-ops. They created an automated smoke test for us. 1 function, ran over 50 manual tests. around 4k long.
Alright, i'm going golfing in this rain. Have a good one guys
Break a leg. Or a window.
How do you determine your connection string once it's deployed?
@RyanJMcGowan ??? Once something is deployed, you would hopefully not be able to see its connection string anymore, or else think of the havoc as we traipse about the 'net, finding other people's login credentials willy-nilly.
I mean I need to change it in my web.config
I don't want to make it visible, I just need to know how I go about making it the right string
@RyanJMcGowan I usually add a connection to the DB in Visual Studio Server Explorer, then view the properties of the connection, and get the connection string from there.
@RyanJMcGowan Ohhh, well, that depends, on a lot of stuff, really. I suddenly realize how difficult it is to help you with connection strings, as I am having trouble coming up with questions that will have answers you can safely divulge in public.
I'm trying the Visual Studio route. Just having trouble connecting to the SQL
Like, wouldn't you need to select the server's SQL server to do that? All my SQL servers on the list are local
@RyanJMcGowan Kyle's advice is good, just remember that connecting to the database from your local machine may be different than connecting to it from the web server. Maybe not, though, I don't actually know what your network looks like.
right. It's pretty easy if it's local. Just not sure how to add the webserver's sql server to my list
This is how I setup my connection string in web.config to connect to a remote mysql db

    <add name="Context"
      connectionString="Data Source=db.source.com ; Initial Catalog=b; User ID=?; Password='?';Persist Security Info=True;"
      providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" />
If your web server is also your database server, then I would think you could just say (local) and have it work... I've never deployed to such a configuration though, I don't know. My db servers are separate boxes from my web servers.
@RyanJMcGowan just type the name of the server in the server box
db.source.com being the application name or the location of the db file?
application location rather
that is the location
the location of the database
so if that was hosted locally on a machine, it might be or something
my data source comes from a godaddy hosted db, so that is what the db.source.com is
note that it is not actually db.source.com, I changed some of that info to protect wild rabbits in the south pacific
do you keep the database in the root or App_Data?
neither, if I want access directly to the sql instance, I must go to (not this exactly) db.source.com, and then log in with my user id, myname, and then my password, mypassword, and then I can access the database.
@RyanJMcGowan I am vaguely aware it is possible to do that, but I have always used an actual SQL server instance instead. It manages where the actual file is kept--you don't generally need to care about it for your code. Connect to the server, not to the file.
OK, that's what I saw thinking really. Just wasn't sure how to set that up. I imagine you have to explicity set up your sql server first, telling it to add a db, right?
I have the db file uploaded, but I need the web server's sql server to see it before I do aything, right?
I got off work, bought some beer and planned on working on one of my books all night and now I don't feel like doing shit :-/
Doing the right thing is never the easiest route. :)
I'll fake it! I'll photoshop a server. No one will know
@RyanJMcGowan Yes, that is generally correct. Depending on what you mean when you say you uploaded the db file, you will want to attach or restore the db into the web server's local sql server instance (assuming it has one). Or use scripts to create the db there. Or some other solution, maybe. It's all quite fuzzy, really, there are a lot of ways to do this and it's hard to advise you on what is best for your situation.
Instead of working with one of your books, just make something entertaining with what you have a already learned
Thought about it, but feel like playing my tank game instead :P
I have a regular sql db I uploaded with the rest of the site. Looking at web.com's control panel, I don't even.... It will let me add a database, but not connect to an existing db file. That's probably not the route I want.
restored the db file
I think I got it. I need to put the url in the db name on VS
I'll just give one of you full access to our back end. Or post it on some forum. Interweb people are pretty trustworthy.
Sigh, I posted an answer to a question and as I submitted it they chose to accept someone else's less awesome answer.
I don't think the OP even saw mine
I think I improved a persons answer but nobody has looked at it :-/ stackoverflow.com/questions/11161860/…
I like to take the least relevant answer, and mark it as the answer.
It's my way of promoting socialism.
Alright, I can connect to my host's SQL Server, but I need to attach the uploaded db file and the URL to the file doesn't work.

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