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When will these magical ORM's appear?
Who is going to write them?
it's gonna take some years to refine the current ones ;)
but no more than a decade imho
I thought that original article was from 2004
so In 8 years time
another decade will not change things
you're not being objective
things have obviously evolved since he had his talk
current ORMs may lack some speed, but they work just fine
and no matter how much you hate EF, it's very evolved
they work "just fine"
I don't do fine, I do Excellent
-.- why did I start talking with you about ORMs
you use one for god's sake
Yeah but it has a better level of abstraction
a lot lower and less leaky
better level of abstraction my ass
there are just ORMs for different size/complexity of apps
yes in theory
EF is a war machine, Dapper is more light weight
it doesn't mean either is bad, they just have a different purpose
EF is a time-waster
You know what, do your next app with EF
what exactly do you reproach to EF?
mmmh maybe that word doesn't exist, wait a sec xD
what do you have against it?
no I looked it up
It's very easy
EF Promises Simplicty, but doesn't deliver
It is not Simple
When doing something other then Simple you will need to have intimate knowledge of the inner workings
Ok you might say "But I do simple apps"
simple apps tend to grow complexer
never simpler
And then your stuck in Vietnam :p
The positive thing about EF
Lots of people that don't know the innerworkings -> lots of questions on SO -> lots of Rep
ok but if we're talking on understanding how OrderBy etc work
the same is true for SQL
you need to know not to use DISTINCT or NOT IN in sql
No we are not talking about that
I'm talking about "WHY is EF doing 300 select statements"
N+1 Select problems
Entity Tracking /Context problems
Not understanding all the convensions
efprof.com/Learn/Alerts <- these things
anyway it's also about this -> infoq.com/presentations/Simple-Made-Easy
hello :)
let me introduce my question
Q: ASPXScheduler Fails to Fire Update and Delete Method

levanleviI have a ASPXShceduler binded with object data source. It work fine, but when I change it to past and try to delete or update ObjectDataSource methods are not fired. When I change if back again it works... Any idea what is the problem? <dxwschs:ASPxScheduler ID="Appointments...

1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@David, how the hell did u stumble upon this?
belgian newspaper = quality news ! :)
I'm not searching for "big scrotum", no really I'm not :s
well the terrorist leader would love that guy
scroll to 1:15
@HansRudel Yo!
And also:
Team America 0Wnz :D
@CBarlow sup, guessin rex would like to chew on that guys balls as well
@DavidDV whats 0Wnz??
Team America the movie :)
i thought it was some tla, or in this case 4la
MOAR RAGE! mornin'
@TonyHarmon morning
@HansRudel Yes he would
@TonyHarmon Mornin!
mornin Tony. @CBarlow lol
Sup y'all? I'm chillin here on the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!
vimeo.com/43524962 <- Great Keynote :D
Might be a last day of school but there is no such thing as a last day of learnin' :P
That would suck.
school = unpaid so good riddance :p
throw new OutOfMemoryException(); // done learning
@KendallFrey chillin like a villain?
Yea man.
Done all my work, so I'm sitting here in the lab getting SO rep.
@KendallFrey Congrats! Is this your last year? Got plans?
Work. Make money. Money good.
You already land a job?
I've had a job for 3 years already :)
congrats bro
Awesome - I presume you're developing for someone, what kind of work do you do?
Right now it's mostly app customization with script.
Mobile apps or...
No. Big accounting system.
Still only understand about 1/5 of it, and I always need to look up the docs anyway.
@DavidDV bloody hell, he sings ok but when he's talking he sounds so gay. It's irritating
Good morning.
@Baboon well yeah, but the singing really was WTF, and he makes some good points offcourse, about washing machines
I got my first silver badge :D
Grats Ammar!
a chat-badge :)
Hell... I don't even have that one. Bad programmer, bad chatter... :-/
I just hang out in the chat a lot
and make witty comments because I don't know how to help anyone
getting stars is easier than getting rep
my friend who is new to SO sent me a link to his answer and asked me to upvote it :/
Nothing wrong with upvoting it - if it's good :)
Maybe a little constructive criticism as a precondition though.
Well he needs the early permissions anyway so I didn't mind
Noob question but, does a DataSet with just one table with it has the same performance as a DataTable ? Or if it doesn't have, is the performance difference significative ?
if you have less than 2k entries, it's probably not gonna make a difference
Thanks. I always care a lot about performance, so I don't want to get that stucked in my code haha.
@Andredseixas the best thing is to do a quick stress test
Excelent articles, totally going to read it, it's almost lunch time here in the company. I will use this time to read. Thanks
It's always important to do the hard parts first and stress test the sh#t out of them early in the project
Also keeping in mind the Fallacies of Distributed Computing
@Hans I do not agree with you at all... I have only had four stared posts, and 610 rep :(
wow. someone like that star button a little too much...
how did I know that would happen?
I'm in such a star-happy mood. :(
in the past 14 posts, there have been 11 stars.
I have a webmethod that returns a string result. If I call the webmethod - it makes a string , then if I call it again through jQuery with no post back's , is the value of the string supposed to remain constant between each time calling it?
everyone stops talking when I ask a question...
dont worry ill ask another one ;)
Baboon showed me the following code yesterday
List<LanguageRepository> languages = new List<LanguageRepository>();
what is a LanguageRepository? Is it just a custom class? I googled it and it came up with the following
but i dont know if it applicable
its custom
and that article is relevant
@KyleTrauberman thanks
ill see if i can make sense of it
@HansRudel it's custom, I told you to change it with your own
@Baboon yeah i know, i was just wondering what it is. I dont fully follow what it is (u guys are pretty fu--ing smart) so im just going to use a custom class, similar to the class i derive from Eventargs for passing data. Assuming thats ok?
@ScottSelby I'm pretty sure if you don't initialize the webmethod again, the string will remain with last value. But I can't assure you.
@Andredseixas that is what I was hoping , but there is no way to get the value the next time when I call the webmethod because the string is created in the webmethod
string orderSQL = "SELECT TOP " + pageSize + " * FROM Orders ORDER BY OrderID";
that is how MSDN said to do paging, aren't SqlParameters better?
@HansRudel it's just an entity-like class: it holds data, there is no method in it, no inheritance, nothing
but yours can be whatever you want, as long as it holds the data you map from SqlDataReader
thanks again
@ScottSelby What is it exactly that you need to do ? Maybe if you need to persist the value, you can return the value as responseText from xmlHttpRequest and when you call it again, you send as a parameter.
@Andredseixas I'm going to send the value back and forth through jQuery, I just thought I'd ask , i was thinking maybe... just maybe.. the webmethod held the value and I could avoid sending an extra value back and forth
oh wow I just saw the greatest post
is it possible to find two values x and y, where ~x + ~y == ~(x+y)?
0 and 0
~0 + ~0 = 0xFFFFFFFE != ~(0+0)
Oh, yeah.
My typing speed has now exceeded my thinking speed.
@KendallFrey Mavis Beacon will be so proud
@ScottSelby I think it's the only way. Good luck :)
nah , I found you can make a static datatable that will hold the results
...and my typing speed is slooooow.
your face is slow
Your mom...
I was wondering how facebook handle to do some posts, because you can send over 2k+ characters on one post.
Does anyone have an idea ?
@Andredseixas what's the problem with 2k+ characters?
From default you can't send more than 2k characters in one querystring. And since it uses ajax to call some server side scripts, you need to send the post via querystring.
<jsonSerialization maxJsonLength="50000000"/>
that's an awful lots of assumptions ;)
I use that, but I don't think that's what you mean
Hm, I actually need to send a good amount via ajax. Client -> Server and Server -> Client. And I don't want to make more than one call to send everything. It will be really slow to do it.
I'm sending all the HTML for all my query results back from server ajax , and it is way more then 2k characters
I query database, turn the results into full HTML string with all the DIV's , classes all that, then send that back AJAX
Weird. I'm going to do a little test. Maybe I'm on the wrong foot.
that is why I asked earlier about webmethod holding data, because otherwise, I would have to pass all the results string back to server, then add to it in server , then pass it all back , for paging
Well on a handler you can use HttpContext and use Response.Write and send the value back to the client and still do some additional code before you end it all.
Knock knock.
"Who's there"
Very long pause....
Very very long pause....
Funny that they can't get their VM to work right.
For those doing Win8 development and missing a lot of the old .NET classes, I've re-implemented some of them in a NuGet library
Anyone know why they switched from Stream to a combination of IRandomAccessStream and Stream?
ok would the following work? Create an array of object for each row read, via sqldatareader, and insert the data into the array via SqlDataReader.GetValues. i can then write the results to a txt file via binaryformater.serialize?
@HansRudel I'm not familiar with the .NET SQL classes, but I'd assume if the data was serializable, you could write it to a file that way.
The problem is that BinaryFormatter formats it in binary format
Not text (human-readable) format
You'd probably be better off using XmlSerializer
@IDWMaster ill check it out, thanks for the tip
Hey guys
is there a better way to do GroupBy(y => y)
hi Hans
hi Hans
this is why I think linq is silly
Are any of you guys familiar with ms sql server? No one is in sql chat
Hey everyone
I'm using a lambda expression to capture the variable already captured by the lambda expression
@notbadjpeg just ask your question and see if anyone knows
I have been in trouble stripping a string since ages
When I've got database stuff to do I usually just write my own database software.
@Hans lambdception
can someone teach me how can i strip down a string
@Ali what do you need to strip?
Getting: ProgrammingError: ('42000', "[42000] [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'INTO'. (156) (SQLExecDirectW)") INSERT BULK DataVault INTO {table} ({columns}) VALUES ({values})
On microsoft sql server, while attempting a bulk insert, anyone have any ideas? ...The sql string is formatted in python so that table is a table name, columns is a comma separated list of the columns, and values are a bunch of comma separated () tuples
@Ali What do you mean by that?
Strip it down?
@notbadjpeg do you mean BULK INSERT?
i have random strings like

asdsa1;#AccountName 1
asdssdsad asa1;#AccountName 2222

i only need string after "#"
Try this?
yes, someone's responding in sql chat, but according to msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms174335 BULK is an option
        string mstr = "asdsa1;#AccountName 1";
        mstr.Substring(mstr.IndexOf('#') + 1);
null checking ftw (mystring.indexof("#") >= 0) ? string.substring(mystring) : "";
do you wanna also include the "#"?
Then the code I put there should work
thanks, let me try
Substring returns another string which only includes the stuff after the #
(mystring.IndexOf("#")>=0 && mystring.IndexOf("#") < mystring.Length - 1) ? string.SubString(mystring+1) : "";
capitalization is hard :(
I am checking a list items assigned to different web users,

I want to get there email addresses, so trying this code , if someone can suggest me anything better please ?

                foreach (SPUser user in web.Users)
                    foreach (SPListItem mySourceListItem in mySourceItemColl)
                        name = mySourceListItem["AssignedTo"].ToString();

                        name = name.Substring(name.IndexOf("#") + 1);

                        if (user.Name == name)
@Hans thank you, i'm trying that now, but didn't think it would let me go from a string instead of a file
i dont think if my code is efficient
@Ali, this question is too long for chat, SO it and link it here
or should I say.... LINQ it here ;)
lol okay then :)
for codereviews
aha neva seen that before, cheers @DavidDV
aarrrrgh LINQ is frustrating
I'm trying to find unique over multiple columns
and then return a list sorted by another column
so I've got silly things like GroupBy( y => y)
GroupBy( y => y) ???
what does that do :)
Groups by all columns.
let's say I have a list that looks like {2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 6}
go on
GroupBy ( y => y) turns that into {{2, 2, 2}, {3}, {4, 4}, {1}, {6}}
and then you want the count?
because you could do a distinct instead
if you want unique values
well I want distinct by another column GroupBy(y => y).Select(z => z.Property)
When I send a JSON via Javascript to C# do I need to read the HttpContext.Request.InputStream to get the values sent?
(z => z.First().Property)
shaba laba ding dong :D
@Hans: You can use an overload of Distinct that lets you specify a custom equality comparer.
or I can use for loops like a proper programmer **pout
If you could give input, wanted output it would be easier :s
Likewise you can OrderBy with a custom comparer.
so how can i check a key in dictionary
i have a string , i want to check if its equal to any of key in dictionary
@Hans INSERT INTO User_by_Dept VALUES ('ID', 'MAC', 'randomuser', 'group1'), ('ID', 'MAC', 'cooluser', 'group1');
this is failing with ProgrammingError: ('42000', "[42000] [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near ','. (102) (SQLExecDirectW)")
@Ali dict.ContainsKey(key);
my bad, i was trying a non string value in there when key was string lol, thanks
@notbadjpeg INSERT INTO [Table] (Column1, Column2) VALUES (Value1, Value2), (Value1, Value2)
for you something like INSERT INTO User_by_Dept (ID, OS, UserName, UserGroup) VALUES ('ID', 'MAC', 'randomuser', 'group1'), ('ID', 'MAC', 'cooluser', 'group1');
whatever you named your columns
calling ToString() on an object thats actually an integer will return "3" or "6" right
stupid question i know but...
ok cool
whoever said there was no such thing as a stupid question has never been to yahoo answers
@Hans multiple value insert statements aren't supported in 2005, started at 2008, thanks ill get it figured out
ah sql server 2005.... you can use my favorite sql hack

INSERT INTO [Table] (Col1, Col2)
SELECT (Val1, Val2)
I love it that's what some memes have been reduced to
"I'm to lazy to post the picture. You know what I mean."
would be better if his avatar was the meme picture
I give him a 6/10
I like my avatar because a lot of people don't realize it's not just one of the autogenerated ones.
At a glance it looks like identicon.
Aperture Science
but its pretty obvious what it it really is.
We do what we must, because we can.
For the good of all of us
... except the ones who are dead.
you get a 0/10 for not having still alive as your biography.
Haha I put my profile link on resumes
Gotta keep it somewhat serious.
Html comments are allowed, you know.
mine was randomly generated.. it was really small and it created this montage of some random person that totally isnt me
@KyleTrauberman - I didn't realize this.
I wonder if alt or title is.
By the way, in case nobody knows this and doesn't have it set up for personal projects... SVN is super easy to set up.
especially if you use an online repository service
Why not set up your own?
so I don't have to worry about managing hardware, backups, etc.
for personal use, you could go either way.
What is SVN?
Subversion Source Control
its a source control repository
similar to CVS, GIT, TFS
I haven't used TFS but ever since Source Safe I'm skeptical of MS Source Control.
I don't blame you. Source Safe was horrid.
TFS is really good though.
Ive never used anything but TFS
TFS has some nice features, like work item and defect tracking built in
and you can connect it to a sharepoint farm to create project webpages
wikis, document libraries, discussion forums (although sharepoint's forums are horrible)
oh, and it works as a build server too
for continuous integration.
Im trying to connect my unit tests to a build definition right now :)
@KyleTrauberman - Yeah the continuous builds would be nice. Though from what I've read you can use the same scripts with MSBuild and set a trigger on SVN for the same behavior.
yeah you could
or use something like cruisecontrol.net
I had forgotten about this project.
Thanks for reminding me.
Anyone great with ASP.Net?
although that depends on your definition of "great"
@RyanJMcGowan - Forms or MVC?
In the presentation yesterday, Scott Hanselman showed off a lot of the features they backported to forms from MVC.
you can use routing
Anything better than me, which isn't saying much. WebForms. I have a user control with a dropdown. I can grab a value from the user control, but I'm having trouble getting the selected value of the dropdown.
model binding
I wish they'd just drop forms.
Yeah, last time I use forms
I'm newb
Define "having trouble"
But starting out I new zip about C#
Is the value not being preserved on postback or are you not sure what property to access?
In my code behind of the page:
CountryList DropDownListCountries = CreateUserWizardStep2.FindControl("DropDownListCountriesContainer") as CountryList;
Ah okay
Don't do it like that.
@Kyle did you go to the SDSIC for Windows 8?
string value = Countries.SelectedValue;
in the codebehind of the control
In your user control, define a public property of the dropdown type and return the dropdown inside the user control.
Actually this:
DropDownList Countries = DropDownListCountries;
string value = Countries.SelectedValue;
So you'll access it something like
I'm getting the first index no matter what is selected
ok lemme try that
Also is this user control being loaded dynamically?
Ah.. I was going to go to the SDSIC but I ended up not going.. could have been interesting though
9:30 PM Hi can someone please give me a idea why is this not working correctly: jsfiddle.net/Denonth/NdRx8 Its a google gauge which is loading default valus for the size And I have put inline style in html to fit correctly
you mean via codebehind?
No. It's in the aspx

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