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03:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

If I update the LastProperty in method GetRealAddress(LastProperty) it will affect the object outside?
So I don't have to use; LastProperty = GetRealAddress(LastProperty)?
I am a little bit confused about pointers here.
what is that English word when you want to say, something is possible but there's a "catch", or there are different processes that needs a consensus before proceeding?
2 hours later…
@mr5 depends, necessitates, requires?
@ABuckau the context is like this, We are used to make designs for the same platform, but this time, some information or behavior are not available on either platforms, so there's a "catch"
anyway, this SO designs looks good
1 hour later…
@mr5 Lots of dead space on the left.
Also, I don't know how you use SO, but I almost never care about the Home/Questions/Tags/Users tabs. Giving them this sort of real estate is a waste.
Good morning.
@mr5 80%-possible?
I don't know what you mean with "catch", your example states you want to do something you don't have resources for.
Depending on how corporate-y you want to sound, you can say "We can do X,Y, contingent upon Z being done first".
I have a basic question to ask
Jan 10 at 18:36, by mikeTheLiar
Aug 28 '17 at 15:53, by mikeTheLiar
Don't ask if you can ask, it creates an infinite recursive loop. Just ask your question. If someone is around who can help, they will.
why don't we always use (Exception ex) under catch. When we can catch all types of EXCEPTIONS
Why don't we always use object obj, when we can use it for all types of VARIABLES?
1. We catch specific exceptions because we want specific handling for specific exceptions. An HttpException will have HttpException-specific error data, such as the Http status code and error reason. A FileNotFoundException might have the path of the file that wasn't found.
2. We don't universally do a try/catch all exceptions, because catching all exceptions isn't necessarily the right error handling logic. If my GetDataFromFile() method threw an exception because the file isn't found, I don't want that method to return successfully. I can catch the exception and return empty data, but is that the right thing to do? I probably want the error to bubble up until it's caught by someone who can do something about it.
On the client-side, for instance, it would often be the ViewModel that triggered the operation, which will show an error message.
got it! :)
good morning
Is there a documentation for the meaning of these icons?
Probably, they are the current status of the server instances.
but I can look at Inner Exception
A FileNotFoundExcpetion doesn't have an inner exception. It is the exception.
But what's the point in catching all Exceptions and then examining the properties to see which kind they are?
@MohamedElshawaf Generally speaking, the play symbol means it's running, the red square that it's stopped, the question mark that you don't have permission to see what's the current status of the database, usually because you aren't a sysadmin
Not necessarily permissions. It simply means there's no information available.
Could be for all sorts of reasons. For instance, I wouldn't be surprised if a localDb instance simply has no run state information, simply because it's doesn't have any agent service to manage it.
I didn't see it was LocalDB. Hand it over to the yellow square sign.
Who have worked with remote notifications in iOS here before?
good morning
Goood morning squirrels and not-yet-squirrels!
ah, so the squirrel-plague is progressing?
hello snail.
what squirrels?
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos squirrelerinos pleberinos!
is this a good place to learn java script?
what technologies should a c# programmer know?
apart from .net
What do you need javascript for?
Learning the core language itself is fine, but the use you intend for it is important.
Frontend / clientside scripts
By saying "scripts", I have a feeling you're not talking about a proper front-end architecture.
Avni, just ignore Breathing, he's not worth your troubble IMHO.
I will continue to answer questions I feel like answering. I reserve the right to call out help-vampiring when it occurs.
Q: "There was no endpoint listening " This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action

user1196392I have created the wcf service. I added the service using "add service refence" in vs2017. after adding the service i am trying to access using below function (c#) List<ProductData> data = new List<ProductData>(); ServiceReferenceIHS.PriceClient ns = new ServiceReferenceIHS...

you looking for free downvotes?
@user1196392 "http://test.svc" isn't a valid address.
ya i know this, due to security i am not giving the actual address
in my code i am using the right address
nice fake address :p
Well, the error seems to be with the address. So since you're hiding the pertinent details, we can't really help.
ussually someone jumping in chat saying "hi" and posting a link to a question they asked minutes ago is considered annoying
first of all, give SO some time to read your question, then give it some time to answer, then give it some margin of where people dont give a shit
@Wietlol take your time give the answer
On a fun note, any1 got a PI with PiHole runnig on it?
im not an SO user, just the chat user :D
@Wietlol Take your time, give the answer.
I think that will be my motto of today!
@Squirrelintraining nah, too busy
also, people have answered the question already
and considering their answer is similar to Avner's, they are probably right
Also he didn't ask your if you could answer, he told you to answer streight out of the box. Just you could take your time :D
he said "hi", that's all
Hey hey kids
Hello Mister Butler
@user1196392 Try starting the service you're connecting to
Project manager just looked me dead in the eye, I looked at him, we stared at one another, then he proceeded to ask "Why don't you like VB6?". Actually he said "¿Por qué no te gusta desarrollar en VB6", but you get the idea. He was dead serious. I laughed. Everyone looked at us, and laughed too. I don't know how to feel now.
Wait, is it 2008 again? Is rickrolling funny again?
Quick! Buy bitcoin!
Building an application in VB6 is like carpentry with a penknife
too late the price is already up
technically possible, but not very efficient
and it is down again.
@mr5 I saw the URL and recognised it and clicked anyway, you rat
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan kek
@Squiggle Try building a WYSIWYG HTML Editor in vba in Excel. We called it Excelweaver
it's still a year of click baiting =P
@mr5 am disapoint
hi disappoint
I'm mr5
!!giphy im just disapointed
don't fail me now cap
but, disappoint no more, coz dis iz te anser meta.stackexchange.com/a/47089/227505
how can I in SQLITE db use row ID in sub query?
for example:
SELECT cID, (SELECT TOTAL(pTotal) FROM Pay2018 WHERE cID = ???? AND pType = 1) paid,
or is there any other way to do it?
@Mr.Noob You might have better chances here: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/11391/sql
I need to bring popcorn here, what a circus.
I think I found the solution, I have to set name to my main query (AS) and use it in subquery
Let's say person 1 didn't know how to commit their 3-week-long changes after they got about 80 merge conflicts, so person 2 came to the rescue and clicked everything, then forced the merge and committed. So there's a file on the repo right now that has something like this:
Foo Bar
God knows how many of those they'll have to delete manually, but I'm not doing that.
@Mr.Noob Protip: AS is usually optional. You can do SELECT 1 'One' and One becomes the alias for 1.
Mnemotecnics: AS = Autistic Screeching. It only adds noise.
@HéctorÁlvarez 80 merge conflicts? does that even happen irl?
I though it used to explicitly set it as "variable"
@mr5 Yes, when you keep updating stuff but don't commit, because you don't know how to.
SELECT Hector AS HA FROM ChatUsers
!!giphy nelson ha ha
what was the outcome of the "why don't You like VB6?"
did You reference 2-12 years of top dreaded/ top hated programming language result of stackoverflow users?
at least 2 years vb6 is top hated I think
yeah, but that doesn't answer why...
I didn't have to reference anything beyond company scope, customizations are hardcoded values and for each function, every single one, you keep asking IF CustomerID = 1234 THEN...
That's dirty, unmaintainable, and old AF. The IDE was discontinued over 10 years ago and we've had to find it around as abandonware, there's no actual support if something doesn't work, and if for some reason tomorrow someone decided a new CPU architecture should happen in order to do whatever new thing that x64 restricted, everything is being built for x32 leaning on x16 libraries and won't be compatible with the new standard.
when to use generics over interfaces? For example I have a dynamic json data poured into a table. Each row is a command with different type (and different amount of data attached to it). When I want to read it into C# I may use interfaces, and ICommand is implemented in several ways each command type. Or have a Command<T>. When to use the second one?
Does each class have different logic?
If your Command<T> has different logic based on what T is, it should be different classes.
List<string> and List<int> have identical code. There's nowhere in it that does if (typeof(T) == typeof(string). It's only the storage that is different. So it makes sense for it to be one generic class.
I don't understand. Both ways T's must be same common. Other way You don't have anything in the interface, nor in Command<T>'s code
If the different Ts implement a shared interface (say, IComparable<T>), then that's all the Command<T> needs to know.
im not sure what you are after though
!!brb eating
In short, Interface if you need to apply the same functionality customized for each type, Generics when they do the exact same thing.
that's a bit of a letdown.
generics and interfaces if you wanna be cool
T : IComparable<T>
@avner you once explained select where beautifully in linq
thank you once again
damn I'm one upvote from 1k rep
well, better downvote the squirrels!
@Squiggle there, take my updoot
then you might need 1k upvotes for one rep
And you're actually 13 updoots from 1k @Squiggle
now its 3
You're welcome? I guess.
plz don't spam upvotes at me
2 l8
that sort of shit gets you banned
all the upd00ts
sorry for being a help-vampire
It's like I have lost my self-respect.
my image on others
Now* loading debug symbols for edgehtml.dll. Is this what my life has come to?
> edgehtml.dll!Abandonment::AssertionFailed(void)
They have a class called "Abandonment". That's bleak.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Coming from Microsoft I find it pretty self-explanatory.
Hi everyone
public virtual ICollection<LeagueMember> LeagueMembers { get; set; }

public IEnumerable<Member> GetActiveMembers
return LeagueMembers.Select(a => a.IsActive == true ? a.Member : null);
So. Interface gives contract between same type of elements, letting them use the same methods specific to each (ICommand.Send()), while generics might restrict to same type also IComparable<T>?
is this above a single property or 2 different ones?
The above will return a list that has both Members and nulls. That makes no sense.
@ntohl Interfaces give different classes the ability to implement equivalent code for different data. Given proper interfaces, you can then write generic code which doesn't care about the type of data, assuming it implements the interface.
@Breathing 2 different ones, but you could encapsulate the bottom one into the top one's getter and achieve the exact same result
@HéctorÁlvarez mind the virtual
the second property might want to use a different LeagueMembers implementation from a derived class
@ntohl That's for inheritance purposes, for this particular example it shouldn't make a difference (If I'm not mistaken).
Hi all
i am facing difficulty to access the wcf service
can anybody help me
Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), () =>

bool test = VerifyPaymentStatus(Id);//Its returning Task<bool>
!!welcome-c# user1196392
^just ask, if someone can they might
@user1196392 Welcome to the C# chat! Please review the room guidelines and tips. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Any idea?
@M.Nabeel That wasn't a question.
@M.Nabeel I have some
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan so no use of ternary operator here
@Breathing You're using Select when you should be using Where. You're FILTERING, not PROJECTING.
Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), () =>

bool test = VerifyPaymentStatus(Id);//Its returning Task<bool>
Error Not all function return a value in Func<bool>
not my code
@ntohl Example, you have 3 types: Dog Cat Human, you can create a generic method to make them walk, such as Walk<T>() and everything can walk. It wouldn't make much sense though, since a Bed object can't walk, so it would make more sense to create the IWalker interface and implement it in your custom classes. As soon as you implement them you'll be told to add the required methods automatically, and you can define how each animal walks now.
just came across it and had my doubts
@M.Nabeel You understand the different between a function that returns bool and Task<bool>?
@Breathing Whoever wrote that code should be fired. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.
it's on SO
Doesn't mean it's any good.
@HéctorÁlvarez when I'm told, I leave interface implementation and give them a common base class
@ntohl hi
However, all you know is that IWalker objects can walk, you just forget about how they walk and leave that detail to whomever made the Cat.
@ntohl Inheritance means your Cat will be everything its parent is, plus the Cat details, the interface only means the Cat can do certain things, and those things are guaranteed.
@HéctorÁlvarez right. I understand that. Hence the "contract"
which I don't know the added/stricter functionality of generics
@ntohl could you please look in to this stackoverflow.com/questions/49380339/…
@user1196392 done. Looked at it
tho I have an address like "http://localhost/Foo/Bar.svc"
are You sure You have right address?
@SohaibAsif broken black
@ntohl It's not really "stricter" necessarily, all you have to do is make sure whatever type is passed to a generic is handled the same way despite the type.
In that regard, the only difference is interfaces must be implemented individually by each type, and a generic function is just a wrapper that eats whatever type is passed to. The List<T> example is very good here, doesn't matter what type you pass it returns a list of items of type T.
in List<T> example I use T just to stricten the elements to same type
I.e. generics are there to make your code reusable. If you can't tell the difference at first sight then do it type-specific, and if you need to do the exact same thing for a different type, encapsulate it and make it generic.
I have a feeling that in generics, somewhy You need to stricten to types compared to eachother
@ntohl If you need to have shared implementation, yes.
For instance, List<T>. What logic does it have? For Add - nothing. Any T will do.
For Remove - you need to be able to take a given T and compare it to the existing Ts.
So the default object behavior can be enough.
It doesn't make sense to have a ViewBag grab-bag with an assortment of types, you'll always want to keep your types together unless you use dynamic like @RudiVisser
@ntohl The point of generics is not to have several different types. The opposite.
this looks cool
Prezi? It's ok, I guess. Terrible Hebrew support, so I never really bothered to learn to use it.
@mr5 I worked 2 streets from prezi's HQ
I have ex-cooworker/s in prezi
@ntohl i hided the address due to security
@user1196392 I did too...
@ntohl that shit is the future of presentation
@mr5 several years ago I asked my coworker if he would lay an influence for me. But no :(
good day to all of you :)
@nthol could you please let me know
what is wrong in my code
IMO regex101.com is way better
I see myself falling too often in the same discussion about MVVM being worth for smaller applcations and tools. Let's pretend I have an application Which is just a Window with 2 buttons. They come at me with the argument that "Doing MVVM takes more time than doing it the old WinForms way". I tell them that the time investment is worth it. They ignore it and keep pointing out that time is of the essence, and it seems like it's the only concern around here.
@HéctorÁlvarez and then the time comes where you should integrate just one little part of that application into another, no problem for MVVM, but MVC is another tale :P
I honestly don't know what else to say to defend this approach. The separation of concerns and the final quality feel like they are enough.
they should be
@HéctorÁlvarez muscle memory is trained if even 2 button app is made. So You won't fall out from the pit of success
is dotnetpearl site good?
It's not bad in my experience. I don't know if I'd say it's good but it's acceptable.
It's good for beginners. These days MSDN is about all I consider good.
But the official docs are frequently scary for newcomers.
MSDN is good for the What, but not so much for the Why
I guess this place is just as good as any other for the "why"
@HéctorÁlvarez I would make the distinction between "real" code, small or trivial however it be (say, the small two-button form you mentioned) which, I agree, should still be MVVM - the overhead isn't that big, and there are advantages to separation and clarity, as you say.
However, I just wrote a small UWP app as quick and dirty as I could, because it's just a bit of throwaway code to repro a core bug in UWP's WebView. I don't need it MVVM.
anyone can tell me the purpose of Interface? If I inherit it, I have to define implementation for every method inside the Interface? Why not just create a class and skip interface all together
@Koosh interfaces define what behavior you want that function to have
classes define how that behavior is implemented
you can have many classes implementing the same interface
but you only care about that the instance you have has those methods that the interface defined
An interface is just an agreed upon contract with no implementation
you dont want to give a shit about how it does it, it just has to be done (in most cases)
It just means "you will provide these methods that I can call when appropriate. What they do and how they work is left as an exercise for the implementer"
I just don't understand a reason for it. Wouldn't it make sense to have an abstract class with virtual methods, and then simply override methods if need be
The point being that you have no idea what the implementation might look like
Take IEnumerable for example
The only thing you know - literally the only thing - is that it can be enumerated
You don't know what the backing data looks like or how it's stored
@Koosh ussually yea, but (abstract) classes have one fundamental issue
you can only ever directly extend ONE class
It's also crucial for generic constraints
so an Interface is like a structure (skeleton, easier for maintainability), you know you will needs "these" methods, but what you do with them is basically up to the class that inherits it
so technically I have to have an Interface for each class that i have
@Koosh Logically, you can think of an interface as "something that you can do", whereas a base class is "something that you are".
@Koosh what? No
Your class might implement IComparable if it can be compared to other items. But it isn't what it is, just something it can do.
what's the difference between a static properties and a static method
@Mathematics Same as the different between non-static. properties and methods. But static.
like stating which glasses You can look on that object. If You pick up the comparable glass, than You see it as IComparable
Anyone know where I can find the roadmap for ASP.NET Framework edition?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I just don't understand why making properties static... do they cache data like static fields ?
@Mathematics They're made static if they need to be accessed in a static context.
but they are just methods... they don't necessary have data in them that needs to be cached
properties are simply a getter and or setter method for a field
if the property is static, the methods and the field will be static
if the property is not static, the methods and the field will be non-static
the only exception is public Property => stuff;
where it only contains a getter and no field
@Mathematics You're overthinking this. They don't necessarily have data. They don't necessarily don't. Just like I would use properties instead of raw fields in a non-static context, I can use them in a static context.
You can call a static method without creating an instance of the class on which to call it
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan possibly I am overthinking it
Another thing always confuses me... does WCF creates a new app domain per request
or process
or it just creates a new thread per request
or it depends on settings and concurrency etc..
It depends, of course.
I can assure you it is not 1:1 threads per request. That's what the threadpool is for.
okay thanks, wish I could find a video explaination on all this :D
Can't watches tell me where a variable has been changed?
Watches can tell you the time. By now they can also take your puls and temperatur and count steps. But they can't tell you where a variable has been changed.
Witches might be able to tell you.
For real though watches can just tell you whats going on right now during a break
Here's my witch: فالتلعنكم سماء الله تصيبكم كرات اللهيب
> And the curse of God will curse you
seems a bit redundant but okay
Are you using google translate to throw back my curse?!!!
Now Google Translate is cursed
Thanks @MikeTheLiar
Google Translate was always cursed.
thanks for reminding me that exists
Star Wars - Japanese Google translate. Best video for the lols.
> Donto toray Anakin, I have the high groundo.
your user profile pic is resolving from facebook graph api, which is blocked here. Weird.
wtf that is wierd
God dammit facebook! Leave us be with your tracking already!
CamAnal is watching
OMG they were watching our border radiuses all this time!
/me dons sandwich board, tinfoil flatcap
!!giphy h2g2 the end is nigh
@HéctorÁlvarez m'spy
tips alexa
user image
@CaptainSquirrel Few people are going to get that reference.
Are you referring to my fedora reference?
or something else
The fedora reference.
It is a well-known meme.
What else!?
ah g00d
I dunno
Is this a chat for woke people that C# ?
Thought you might be talking about some knew internet meme
@IamNguele when you say woke people
@IamNguele Do you even english bro?
what is it you refer to
You ain't lit fam
I'm not quite sure
I'm too woke
english is overrated tho
I believe he means japanese buffet, but that's called wok without the ending e.
@HéctorÁlvarez no it's not
A wok is the pan it's cooked in
wok is a frying pan
@HéctorÁlvarez I'm all up for wok too
Source, worked in a Chinese take-out place for a couple years
Source: Dude, trust me
You ain't wok woke
I've got a joke
!!> ["hip","hip"]
@mr5 ["hip","hip"]
@mr5 yes we've all seen that SO question
it's an answer though :D
@MikeTheLiar No I haven't?
Q: What is your best programmer joke?

hmasonWhen I teach introductory computer science courses, I like to lighten the mood with some humor. Having a sense of fun about the material makes it less frustrating and more memorable, and it's even motivating if the joke requires some technical understanding to 'get it'! I'll start off with a cou...

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