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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 20:00

I want to make arguments but if I force myself, it seems that I deliver my points on emotional rather than logical basis
I agree to someone who disagrees with me just to stop the conversation because I lack of supporting details at the moment.
Okay, that's it. Going to sleep again. Cya!
posted on March 16, 2018 by Scott Hanselman

This is one of those "Did you know you could do THAT?" Many folks have figured out that C#/F#/.NET is cross-platform and open0source and runs on basically any operating system. People are using it to create micro services, web sites, and webAPI's all over. Not to mention iPhone/Android apps with Xamarin and video games with Unity and MonoGame. But what about cross platform UIs? While not of

1 hour later…
> OS X: MonoMac or Xamarin.Mac (and also iOS via Xamarin)
Linux: GTK# 2 or 3
Windows: Windows Forms (using GDI or Direct2D) or WPF
A wrapper on top of another wrapper hmm
we need to go deeper
Web Assembly sample using XAML
C# with .NET Core is the future!
4 hours later…
good morning
what is the difference between Github and bitbucket
@Breathing they both offer remote repositories, bug tracking system, ... the difference is they're run by different companies
I've just dropped on this MVC project using Razor, and the first time I boot up it throws this: String was not recognized as a valid Boolean on the Html.BeginForm line, but the exception doesn't even say what parameter was supposed to be a boolean.
@using (Html.BeginForm("Login", "Account", new { ReturnUrl = ViewBag.ReturnUrl }, FormMethod.Post, new { @class = "form-horizontal", role = "form" }))
it doesn't even look like something had to be boolean, the model has one boolean but its value is false right now.
There are also 2 string types, 1 ìnt and 1 Dictionary<int,string> all far from a boolean
GitHub has been proven able to dismantle a massive DDoS in 10 minutes too. Not saying that Bitbucket can't though, but it's uncertain.
how do you dismantle a DDoS?
succinct answers, thanks! :)
analyze the incoming packets and reject the garbage ones through heuristics
but both require me to learn git, right?
Oh awesome it's some sort of ghastly error here, the VM is fine (I initialized everything before returning the view) but the error pops at the form begin...
@Breathing When you use a Git hosting provider, well yes, yes, it makes sense to learn git.
ok @RoelvanUden HAHA
god dammit really how does someone get into MVC 4, the stack trace is bullshit.
"String wasn't a boolean" but what string you numb nut!
I sometimes miss VB6
It's ok Hector, relax, the nice men in the white coats will be here any moment
Everything was better with VB6
There were no dynamics, I'm sure of that.
has someone experienced this crap before?
There are 5 god damn arguments
none of them are boolean
the only object close to being a bit flag is a property of one of those arguments, and it's false
I'm gonna remove pieces until it stops breaking, debug like a troglodyte
@using (Html.BeginForm())
that also throws an exception about strings not being booleans :|
Simply switch out one parameter for a boolean one by one until you checked every parameter
@Squirrelkiller It doesn't get simpler than this:
17 mins ago, by Héctor Álvarez
@using (Html.BeginForm())
what are your favourite methods for string?
string.Wedgie() hands down.
Oh my god. The web.config deletes itself and is replaced by random bullshit!
Hahaha, Airbnb is adding features for the regulars of the C# room - Airbnb adds new search filters for people with disabilities
my favorite is string.~String()
@RoelvanUden I've developed a custom to not open youtube links on friday.
I.e. it smells black.
`list.First(e => true)` looks for the first occurrence in the list
`list.Last(e => true)` looks for the last occurrence in the list
is this true?
Why the e => true though.
Assuming this is C#, of course.
I was looking for an element in the list and expecting it to be found at the end of it. I happen to use the First instead of Last for IDK reason but it is working
@mr5 well, yeah. But you could also just say list.First() instead.
@HéctorÁlvarez it's just a sample code
Enumerable.First() will retrieve the first element in the enumeration, or throw if Enumerable.Count is zero.
don't mind the e => true there should be a condition there because I am searching
@HéctorÁlvarez but it wasn't in my case. the element can be found at the end of it but it successfully returns it
so I guess, if there's a condition, it would traverse the list and First will start at index 0 while Last will start at end
@mr5 did you consider reading the documentation?
no. it's a guess
@mr5 I've never used Last() for one reason, and it's because you'll have to dump it all in memory before retrieving it. First() implies a scalar result, and I think it should be much faster than retrieving a list of results and taking the last, instead of sorting it upside-down and retrieving the first result.
.Last doesn't necessarily mean dumping it all into memory. It depends entirely on how the IEnumerable/IQueryable provider is implemented.
i.e. I would assume that if it's implemented, the EF framework will likely translate it into performant SQL
and even with IEnumerables, it shouldn't dump it all into memory. It might have to iterate through the entire collection, but that doesn't mean it'll contain the entire enumerable in memory.
In any case, I will usually (if not always) try to retrieve the first result I need given my filter conditions. I feel like I'm more in control when the top item is the exact result that I need, instead of getting a list of items where I have to think if it's the first, the last, the average, or the one in the middle that I need.
I'm wrong with the traversal. It doesn't. It still starts at index 0
I guess Hector is right, Last(condition) is inefficient compared to First(condition)
well yeah :)
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos squirrelerinos pleberinos!
urgh, not this guy again
Hello my master, you called for me?
Actually, I just noticed "Squiggle" sounds like a french dude pronouncing "Squirrel".
Ecky Roy
Monsieur squiggle.
that's French for "squirrel", spelled phonetically.
phonetically wat?
good morning :)
Phonetics (pronounced ) is a branch of linguistics that studies the sounds of human speech, or—in the case of sign languages—the equivalent aspects of sign. It is concerned with the physical properties of speech sounds or signs (phones): their physiological production, acoustic properties, auditory perception, and neurophysiological status. Phonology, on the other hand, is concerned with the abstract, grammatical characterization of systems of sounds or signs. In the case of oral languages, phonetics has three basic areas of study: Articulatory phonetics: the study of the organs of speech and their...
@SebastianL eki eki fetaaang, thank you!
cyka blyat
I'm handsome
@mr5 true
Define @CapricaSix
@HéctorÁlvarez "SyntaxError: illegal character"
!!tell @CapricaSix ban
@HéctorÁlvarez Don't be annoying, drop the @, nobody likes a double-ping.
I have a baisic question to ask
why when I rerun the project from the breakpoint it still holds the data?
Choose one: continue from breakpoint, or rerun. COntinue from breakpoint = break, then continue. Data still there. Rerun = kill applicaiton, restart application.
'rerun the project from the breakpoint' doesn't make much sense.
i think VS is to blame, which uses the same button for 2 entirely different operations
rerun application while not hitting the entry main()
Morning. Bit perplexed by a linq query I've got which is returning something - i.e. it isn't null - but any operation on the return (count() ... toList() ... anything) gives a "object reference not set" error. Don't recall seeing this before?
what's the full error?
Message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
There's no inner exception
The query is fq.Job.SuppressionUses.Where(s => s.SuppressionList.ListName == listName);
SuppressionUses is not null, right?
listName is a valid string, and SuppressionUses has four entries, none of which match listName
so it's likely that s.SuppressionList is null in at least one of the entries
fq.Job.SuppressionUses.Where(s => s.SuppressionList.ListName == listName)
fq.Job.SuppressionUses.Where(s => s?.SuppressionList.ListName == listName)
Ah! That's it - thanks. It must be missing an include when it's pulled back from the db
yep yep
that exact same problem caught me out yesterday afternoon ;)
Thanks for the help :) Figured it had to be something simple that I'd missed
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Developing yesterday's talk about degrees and papers, looks like I can't sign docs if I don't have a paper that says I'm an engineer. I.e. I'm supposed to be unable to understand a system and certify whether it works or not if I don't attend college.
Take a napkin, write "Hector is an engineer" on it
@RoelvanUden Pinned, so everybody can profit!
You can acknowledge a person who's been certified as "Engineer" has some basics on project management, there's nothing to deny on that, but there's a huge line between assuming someone has a degree of proficiency and assuming someone is totally unable to learn without a teacher and tests.
Welcome to the world of "professionals". The place where common sense goes out of the window and everything runs on money and education papers.
I dispise programming skripting in SQL and SSMS
MS Certifications are fairly good, as far as tech certs go.
@Squirrelintraining I hope you aren't using triggers as actual software work flow.
@Squirrelintraining y?
@HéctorÁlvarez Learning to get what the some crazy peps did
Please tell me you aren't using triggers to perform business logic in the background.
This is like a misaligned Label in your fancy UWP UI, it makes me really uncomfortable.
Its tedious, and doesn't support lazyness out of the box.
Ther is no option to "auto caps" keywords or any support from intellisense on keywords.

It would be just like havin Visual Studio and you'd have to type out Console.WriteLine() because it can't autocomplete method names
I auto-generate shit all the time in SSMS. Use the GUI to create tables, constraints etc, then automatically script it all.
but sprocs and views? nah. I don't touch 'em much any more.
@Squiggle GUI... Sounds tedious :P
<shrug> it's more efficient than writing a huge CREATE statement by hand and opening yourself up to human error.
but yeah, it's not ideal. I miss CosmosDB.
@Squirrelintraining What you want is ApexSQL
@HéctorÁlvarez Please go and play in the Sandbox
@HéctorÁlvarez drool
@HéctorÁlvarez I started creating snippets in order not to type that much
I use ApexSQL Refactor a lot. One click and it formats your code according to your own template or anything that complies with Microsoft's standard, or whatever you need really.
It's not perfect though.
@HéctorÁlvarez nice
Guys why y'all so quiet on
@Squirrelintraining That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: funfriday
The bot really shouldn't work on comment edits.
You should actually greet upside down, since your profile pic is upside down too.
I have a big head
@HéctorÁlvarez arms! like! nooooodlessss!
\[T]/ Praise the sun!
!!giphy praise the sun
!!giphy lotus script sucks
!!giphy sokatsui
@CapricaSix WtF Cap, when i click on the image it's a diffrent one than the preview Oo
@CapricaSix Here aswell
Whats going on today?!
@CapricaSix That's totally unrelated.
@Squirrelintraining I get the same results.
@HéctorÁlvarez whats this hackery?
!!summon 11391
@HéctorÁlvarez I will appear in that room after 1 more invocation(s)
can someone lend me a hand please?
!!summon 0x2C7F
@HéctorÁlvarez ok but only in style
!!giphy hand
whippersnapper has arrived
Have you been doing your homework?
ive been doing software-y things
Pff, kids these days, all about learning. When I was your age, I was watching movies and playing games all day as soon as I got home!
When I was 18 I was....well, let's not talk about that.
@Squirrelkiller Looney Toons?
@MikeTheLiar going to furmeets? :3
dw lads im off to gym straight after work and then off to get mortal
"get mortal" - is this young-person speak?
apt get mortal
mortal is teenager for drunk
friday night
beer + jagerbombs
wot's ee say? NURSE!
@Harry yeah that's more like what I was doing when I was 18
what's a jaggerbumble?
@Squiggle energydrink with jägermeister
its pure heaven
if you're tired about 3AM
bam, jagerbomb, awake till 5
dunno, we just drank the jäger without the energy ^^
@Harry 4 jagerbombs in a row
@Squiggle It's a good way of identifying idiot teenagers
tl;dr Half a can of red bull and shot of Jaegarmeister
mate they do jagerbombs for £1 at my local club
im not gonna say no to that im on £3.50 an hour
@SebastianL sakrileg!
@MikeTheLiar +1
£1 for a Jägerbomb? I'd get wasted for sure. I love Jägermeister with everything.
Nobody likes Jeager
said the liar
People drink Jaegar for one reason and one reason only and that's to get lit as fast as possible
nah jager tastes like ass
At my companies team event after the first evening the bartenders knew me because I was the one trying Jägermeister with everything.
FWIW, I do know what a jaegerbomb is. I've been doing 'em since 2001.
i actually like the taste of jägermeister, but i have to admit when i first tried it i didn't like it very much
@Squiggle every drink of the day for 17 years straight
hey, I may be English but I'm not an alcoholic
im english as well and i definitely aspire to be
@Squiggle computation does not resolve
not computer
@Squirrelkiller ever heard of a Fisherman's Loogie?
It's a shot of Jaegar with a dollop of mayo
well that sounds disgusting
@Mike didn't know about that one. I would never get the idea to mix mayo with a drink.
why would you mix mayo with a drink
or even food
careful now harry
You insult mayo like that again and i'll be forced to take action
i got kicked yesterday as well :'(
I mean i was just going to throw harry potter puns at you
but that is also an option
harry potter puns disgust me
well, puns it is
Hi Everyone. Got a question: I see that NuGet packages have a file with extension .Sha512. How do you generate this when creating NuGet package ?
Don't hurt me. No more.
@newprint It's hash SHA 512 to verify integrity package
What is love? baby
Like old and broken SHA1
@Wietlol That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
someone pls teach cap haddaway
Hello, i was in libo about 3-4 weeks
you had to wait 3-4 weeks to limbo?
man that must have been a big line
I would not want to be trapped in Limbo's game world, damn.
I explored InfernoOS with Limbo with was precursor od Go
Limbo is a programming language for writing distributed systems and is the language used to write applications for the Inferno operating system. It was designed at Bell Labs by Sean Dorward, Phil Winterbottom, and Rob Pike. The Limbo compiler generates architecture-independent object code which is then interpreted by the Dis virtual machine or compiled just before runtime to improve performance. Therefore all Limbo applications are completely portable across all Inferno platforms. Limbo's approach to concurrency was inspired by Hoare's communicating sequential processes (CSP), as implemented and...
I can't read gibberish. Just a FYI.
Even bought old Thinkpad to install InfernoOS/Plan9 on hardware
I loved old Bell Labs
They knowed true evil of JS and dont implemented that crap in OSes
I run node.js
>indicating js is evil
So you are a slave of NWO
JS is evil.
Hah, JS is evil. Yes, why not proclaim an entire language is evil.
When u using JS
Hey unrelated but can I kick somebody in here from the JS room
NWO the wrestling team?
New Wold Order
Wake up sheepe
NWO = rap group with Eazy-E, Ice Cube and Dr. Dre
They want controll us
@KamilSolecki thats the NWA
@KamilSolecki that's NWA dummy
the fuck the O stand for? Osteoporosis?
I saw yesterday a lot of chemtrails
And when i saw them i realized they are still better than JS
Is Earth flat, too?
Of course
@RoelvanUden Dont bee fool, earth is elipse
But only for elves
@J.Doe are you slowly losing the ability to spell
I did nothing wrong
Your existence is wrong
thats not entirely true is it
@J.Doe <3 from some javascript people
Anyone encounter with Json.Net when you read a request then deserialize it {{ }} the root?
do you love the pings ? :D
Telling abut flat earth is for ridicule us
that is my love
@J.Doe Who is "us"?
guise i think jdoe is having a stroke
There is an "us". You're part of some kind of new world order organization?
hi roel
Us - PPL who following my rules of Clear Web 0.1
so many weebs in here
Im not weeb, im just chuuni
No shit.
I know that but every evangelist need to be a little chuuni
You consider yourself an evangelist eh...
@J.Doe What do you think about WebAssembly? I sure hope we can use it to deprecate javascript.
@Squirrelkiller "deprecate" when transfering instructons from other languages to JS? No, there is only more JS behind the scenes
I'm doing something stupid, shouldn't dynamic for json.net allow me to do json["Items"].Count and loop through it without an issue?
Why don't you like being spied on? It means someone is listening to you, they care! :)
What if you fall down the stairs and you live by yourself
I like to talk about my day into what looks like a microphone on my TV
if you are being spied on, someone will come and help you!
@CaptainSquirrel Follow rules of Clear Web 0.1 and world will be better
> Dear NSA agent listening through my smart TV. I want a pony and a red rider wagon for Christmas.
I dont need help, wold need it
@J.Doe Not TO javascript. IMO the point of WASM is to get rid of javascript.
@J.Doe what about version 0.01 ?
@J.Doe so javascript in all the places, use cloudflare where possible, make everything opensource
got it
don't worry guize, J.Doe knows the way!
i wish my pencil could write javascript
My pencil was written in javascript
if my pencil writes javascript, is it spying on me?
@KarelG Duz its only draft, not full specs
@CaptainSquirrel You are wrong, about it. WASM using JavaScript API
I thought wasm gets directly executed by the browser, without js in between, and you cna compile from lots of languages to it?
@J.Doe WASM is an IL y'know..
@RoelvanUden with using JS API
@J.Doe You're still as uninformed and ignorant as ever. Please go read up.
my head is aching for the entire day up until now
@RoelvanUden You need to read more
@J.Doe Which part? Am at work, can't just read a whole wiki page
And where does the IL depend on a JS binding of any sort? Spoiler: It doesn't.
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