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I'm wondering how I can test small bits of code in visual studio for C# rather than always keep creating a new project. Something similar to the ones found in MATLAB and visual basic editor
@MarcSantos dotnetfiddle.net linqpad.net or just reuse an old project
5 hours later…
Good morning
good mornin
@Kendall the bot is broken again, what did you do to her
I have a basic question to ask
@Euridice01 It depends on your model really... but if you are in doubt, then do it server-side.
what is the basic difference between an instance of a class and an object of a class
@Breathing the former exists, the latter doesn't
Goood morning sharperinos!
you can create an instance of your FooClass, but you create objects of type FooClass
I only distinct between them by:
object = physical (as far as that is possible in an environment made of transistors holding charge or not)
instance = logical instance of a class
But usually, I use them interchangably, although I only use instance when talking about instantiating classes or not and singletons. Most of the time I throw objects around.
if you look at it from a different stand, an object of a class might be an actual definition of an object within that class
e.g. MyCar.Wheel --> Wheel is an object of the class MyCar
Is there a way to get a process's size other than "WorkingSet64"? I know there is "MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION", in "VirtualQueryEx", but it always returns 0, dunno why.
Wheel may be a field or property of that class - but not necessarily an object
Question on Communication
It's when you exchange information
I have HttpRequestMessage(Mixed/Multipart), it has multiple HttpRequestMessage in it, from child request how can I get the base/parent request?
@HéctorÁlvarez So object is for Type?
An object is a representation of a thing. You can have a Car object, or a Dog object, or a Unicorn object. A Car object will be an object of type Car.
At the same time, the Car object is of type Car, of type Object, and of type everything-in-between-those
e.g. if Car extends Vehicle, and Vehicle extends Object (Everything extends Object in .NET at least) your Car instance will be an object of type Car, which by extension will also be of type Vehicle and Object
can anyone explain out keyoword in short
it marks a parameter as an output and passes it by reference
Also, an out parameter MUST be set inside the method, or it can't return.
Thank you! :)
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos squirrelerinos pleberinos!
@RoelvanUden o7
@Squirrelintraining 07
If you want a method to modify a ProgressBar (min, max, val, etc.) do you need to put ref? e.g. public void IncrementBar(ref ProgressBar progress) or can you just do public void IncrementBar(ProgressBar progress)?
Update: the method is not part of the form app which has the progress bar, its part of a dll.
You don't need ref here, since you want to manipulate the progressbar itself.
oh, ok. Thanks.
You would need ref, if you wanted to build a new progressbar and put that into the callers field.
Morning Squirrelbro
lol just had a server question and tho to go to Server fault's chat section .... but it's so lonely, only 1 chat room named common room and last message from 2 day ago :P
@Pedram kek
Sysadmins don't chat
they reddit
I got a dedicated server since 5 years ago, 160$ a month, it does its stuff but i always tho of Making it possible to use it as a VPN Server too, so i can login to it using VPN and use it's Net w'o Remote controling ! but i tried 3 time in past 5 years, each time 1 to 5 day trying, never got it to work
no idea why, i check tuturial on net, but it wont work :|
i get so far as connecting to it with vpn connection made in my laptop, but then there is no net on it :|
Good god, $160 a month?! Do you have money to burn for no reason?
Or is it, like, a Bitcoin mining machine?
Hey sensai it's...
that was fast! :O
i had, but no longer, tbh i am ready to drop the server for a year now, but there is another guy paying for it right now lol he is my friend, i made him a account to use my server, at first i was paying for server, then we share, then he is paying right now lol
dunno what he is doing with it, hope its worth him lol
Anything about $10 per month I deem overexpensive
unless it's not a dedicated server, but some sort of cloud workstation
i had a big Shop site which i was using to earn money, and use it as a way to use Paypal plus buy some stuff from america which i could not otherwise lol
but i stop doing that work 1 years ago so its useless now
Damn parser errors
        private LoginService _loginService;

        protected LoginService loginService { get => _loginService; set => _loginService = value; }
that compiles correctly, but Intellisense pops a lot of errors
Using VS2015 and .NET Framework 4.7
I don't have a license
company won't invest in productivity tools
dump bosses
Good morning :)
@HéctorÁlvarez Get VS17?
you guys don't contemplate about life?
like how things used to be and stuff?
I meditate at least daily, contemplating my own plane of existence, focusing my chakras and aura to self-healing and sustained mental improvement. I tend to do this standing on my head, overlooking the city from the mountains.
@RoelvanUden I asked for it, but no answer from the boss
apparently "VS2015 is fire because it can run the project"
@RoelvanUden do you know if there's a way to download the VS2017 parser for C# and plug it in VS2015?
I could also try to open the project in VS Code, but....
Hm. Okay, so, this isn't exactly reliable information, BUT we have had a project where we included Roslyn packages.
Another colleague that didn't switch to VS17 yet could SUDDENLY build and edit without issues.
Using all the new language features. It seems like VS15 DOES have some Roslyn integration, but it must be enabled on a per-project basis.
You could look into that. Unfortunately, I have no more information than that.
@RoelvanUden aaaaaand vodka
or whiskey thats also fine
@SebastianL That sounds like a better plan. Even if I don't drink Alcohol (serious), it still beats meditation and contemplating my own existence! :D
google code jam registration time
@ntohl i'm too dumb for this :D
and this year they excluded, that all of the exotic languages :(
no Nemerle or F# :(
Bash, C, C++, C# (mono), Go, Haskell (ghc), Java 8, Javascript (nodejs), Python2, Python3, PHP, and Ruby only
no Scala ffs
just go for haskell then
but I might need some non-pure hacking, just for quick coding's sake
I have a question
Supposed I have this:
Task.Run(() => {

	while (!isDone) {
		await Task.Delay(100);


Task.Run(async () => {
	while (!messageList.IsEmpty) {
		isDone = false;
		await Task.Delay(1000 * 5);
		isDone = true;
@ntohl but but .. but HASKELL is beautiful :P
the isDone is declared as static volatile bool
why isn't the value from the while loop not being updated?
is reading a bool value atomic in c#?
@mr5 so it just runs forever?
@SebastianL yes
and the Scope of isDone in those two Tasks is the same?
Who let the squirrels out?
yes. they share the same class, which is a singleton
hi any one can help me regarding this question stackoverflow.com/questions/49178136/…
Hey sql gurus, is it possible to have a "Method" in a SQL Querey?
By that I mean not store a Fucntion on the server but have a "querey local function" that only exists as long as the querey exists and only for the querey?
i think that highly depends on the used technology, since there are some SQL servers that allow arbitrary code execution
@mr5 for me it works
i just tried it
Any squirrels here using Jenkins or another CI/CD toolkit?
@RoelvanUden thanks a lot sensei
I still don't know what this means in lambdas: () =>
is it like void parameters?
looks like x => but doesn't let you use x as reference for anything
@HéctorÁlvarez it's parameterless. stackoverflow.com/questions/424775/…
@HéctorÁlvarez You need to use it because Func<T> doesn't accept a parameter
@SebastianHofmann Oh right... And what's the difference with _ =>, same indicator?
@SebastianL TSQL
@HéctorÁlvarez No, it would count as an argument, because "_" is an valid identifier in
@Squirrelintraining and temporary procedures don't work?
@SebastianHofmann I knew _foo was valid naming, but the character _ doesn't make much sense
what does _ stand for?
@HéctorÁlvarez nothing?
@KendallFrey according to @SebastianHofmann it does. So I'm still wondering if it's an actual reference or if it just is a valid identifier. But apparently you can name something with just underscores
int _ = 3; --> Compiler approves
It's just a completely ordinary name
int ____________ = "go guess";
By convention, used for parameters that are never used
hahahaha, okay
so what's the big idea
who does actually define a parameter that they aren't going to use on purpose
like on your own volition, you go ahead like bool _ = false; huh so pretty.
@HéctorÁlvarez You can't pass a lambda with no parameters to a function that expects one with
.Select(() => random.Next()) isn't valid, .Select(_ => random.Next()) is
Oh you mean they aren't being used in the expression scope. I was thinking about this naming being valid as a convention for actually coding... you know, classes.
Dude you know so much but make such short sentences
I've never really worked with methods(functions) in SQL.

Can a stored procedure work as a Function --> Take in parameters and return a scalar value?
I'm off, like Guantanamo bay should be
Say whaaat :o
Q: Function vs. Stored Procedure in SQL Server

TarikI've been learning Functions and Stored Procedure for quite a while but I don't know why and when I should use a function or a stored procedure. They look same to me, maybe because I am kinda newbie about that. Can some one tell me why?

@KendallFrey much oblidged
!!tell harry zoidberg meme
@harry The meme is bad and you should feel bad
Don't you find it strange that the only way to fill an ObservableCollection with data from a List is to use a loop?
If you have a List with 2000 objects the only way to copy that data into an ObservableCollection is by using a loop.
...and then that takes a while.
@LogicDev that's because every .Add on an ObservableCollection fires an event for notification (INotifyPropertyChanged), and if You could bulk insert, You would need bulk event firing.
Ahhh Okay
SQL is a bitch!
It's worth noting, for ObservableCollections, you probably want to fill them before you expose them for their events to be hooked up. Then, raising CollectionChanged isn't expensive. If you're doing bulk-insert operations, you probably want to buffer that in a new OC and then swap the one being displayed with the new list.
Somebody please tell me why the SQL query I copied from our code to test the results makes SSMS output a .rpt file!?
I didn't know SSMS could do that
Im new to the world of rx but trying to understand observables as a collection with a lid on it that other objects see a shadow copy of and some how get notified when onNext is called
Then you will have to change all methods hooked on the CollectionChanged event to the new ObservableCollection and you might not have access to objects using the ObservableCollection to give them the new object
@Squirrelkiller it's a SSMS setting I'm pretty sure
Hey guy I a gotta question How bad is it using HttpContext or any of the http libs throught your codebase without disposing then via using statements?
That's true, sometimes. If it's in the normal situation, then the OC is wrapped in a property which will raise OnPropertyChanged when the collection is swapped out, which the observers can react to (by binding against the new OC, and dropping the old one)
If they don't/can't do this, how did you get them to bind to one in the first place?
How the fuck did you reply to a message without an @ tag?
It's not even edited.
multi line message
Test message.
Please ignore.
Well I'll be damned.
Now the question is, is this a feature or a bug?
It popped in the @ tag initially, and then removed in when it figured out it was multiline.... must be a feature? XD
feature I guess, comes in handy when using a blockquote with a multi line message
@Zarenor The OnPropertyChanged might work but then you will have to subscribe twice; to the new ObservableCollection change and the items in the ObservableCollection. If a method in another class replaces the ObservableCollection with a new ObservableCollection then methods in other classes will become detached.
The point is it feels a bit ridiculous calling the .Clear() and then doing a foreach loop and calling the .Add() method for each item in the list.
Assigning a new ObservableCollection to a property breaks any observer watching the old ObservableCollection on the same property.
      <blink>Night Of The Living Dead</blink>
@LogicDev I see what you're saying about the resubscribing, but if you're iterating the items to subscribe to their changed events, then an ObservableCollection isn't the collection - you should probably be using a BindingList. As for needing to clear and reiterate to add - yeah, it's a huge PITA.
oh pointy birds
It's in the source but it doesn't work in Chrome. I think it works in FF.
Oh, nope. Nor IE.
Edge just crashes when I attempt to launch it so
yesterday, by MikeTheLiar
Seriously though, I have drugs. Who needs some?
I would like to take up your offer fine sir.
@MikeTheLiar That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
We lost skooma? This is a sad day.
!!giphy skooma not even once
this is so primary school
there's something going wrong with this loop
if (playerName.Length != 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Thank you. Your name is: {0}. Are you happy with this? Please enter Y or N", playerName);
                string confirmName = Console.ReadLine();

                if (confirmName == "N")
                    nameAccepted = false;

                    if (nameAccepted == false)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter your new name.");
                        string newName = Console.ReadLine();
if i type N, it runs the nameAccepted == false loop once and the program then exits, it should run until the user types "Y"
@Harry I would chacnge the Console.ReadLine() to Console.Read().
are you for real?
There is no friggen loop anywhere
i did say it was primary school
This is not primary school
this is kevin school
what do i need to do to make it loop
this always stresses me out cause i can never remember
using while causes another issue in that it loops the writeline that thanks the user for their name input
choose one
while(/*condition*/) { /*logic*/ }
do { /*logic*/ }while(/*condition*/);
Aswell drop the ReadLine() for a Read()
is read() an int??
it comes back with cannot convert type int to string
if (nameAccepted == false) hiss
Also you're checking the condition immediately after assigning it
@Harry protip, if you're comparing a variable against a boolean literal don't
Oh harry you really are nub, i thought you where trolling my bad :y
Harry's barely out of diapers.
nah im only just getting into code rly
@MikeTheLiar literally im 18
AKA barely out of diapers.
i know i was agreeing with u
@Harry Mybad, it's console.ReadKey()
Returns you a ConsoleKeyInfo, in wich you can get the key
Still: where are ma drugs mike?
Meh. I don't mind readline.
I Can't handle thsi TSQL crud anymore
while(Console.Readline() != "Y")
@Squirrelintraining the drugs were inside you all along
@MikeTheLiar That explains allot.
!!define allot
^ that explains allot.
And this explains allot.
But this explains alot.
Yaya i get it, but why isn't there a friday link hidden?
Finally some sanity
im out boys
see yas next week
Mmm, out boys.

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