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@Mr.Noob You have not done a good job at explaining your problem.
:D I tried my best...
1 hour later…
how would I go about doing something like this in C# using only interface?
public interface IPhoneService

	string ParseRecipientNumber(string recipient)
		return recipient.Replace("+", "00");

	void SendForegroundSms(string message, params string[] recipients);
	bool CanSendBackgroundSms { get; }
	// ...
or I can do this as well (but I would go for the first one if possible)
public interface IPhoneService
	void SendForegroundSms(SmsModel model);

public class SmsModel
	public IEnumerable<string> ToRecipients()
		foreach(var recipient in recipientList) {
			yield return recipient.ReplaceAll("+", "00");
5 hours later…
can anyone explain the use of ConfigurationManager.Appsettings ?
The summary says, " Gets the System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection data for the current application's
// default configuration."
based on web.config?
or app.config
@mr5 How can you have method definition in Interface?
5 hours ago, by mr5
or I can do this as well (but I would go for the first one if possible)
@mr5 That looks fine
Not quite production yet.
@Zarenor I eventually found myself developing a theorem for detecting a cycle. It's proof has an equivalence of sorts with the program I ended up writing
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan can you answer my query?
@pluto20010 Your application has a single config file. For ASP.NET apps, it's web.config. For desktop/consoel apps, it's app.config that's then compiled to MyApplication.exe.config.
It has an [appSettings] section. This fetches it.
yup got it
too obvious xD
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Oh My God... I think my knowledge expired...
For the last couple of years I was in a project using C# 5. Now I have a new one and I finally get to use C# 6/7 goodies.
The one I use most is pattern matching to avoid as/is pairs. And the null propagation operator.
This is a nice place to keep up to date with upcoming language features: github.com/dotnet/roslyn/blob/master/docs/…
Yeah. Thanks for sharing
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan When was async/await introduced to C#?
@MadaraUchiha C# 5, 2012.
So yeah, I had that. At least.
I was the only one in the project that willingly used them, but yeah.
Slowly, by dint of code reviews, I got other people to adopt it as well.
Some people.
Personally, I view it as the biggest and most meaningful change to C# since generics.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I feel like the biggest reason people don't use it is because they don't understand it and do not want to learn somehow
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Then why the hell the vast majority of candidates don't know how to use it? :x
2012, seriously?
@MadaraUchiha Hey, in 2013 I was still trying to get people to use Tasks instead of manually managing threads and threadpools.
People resist change. Which is fine. This is why I have the job I do. :)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan 2012 tho?
@MadaraUchiha People don't use LINQ either.
And that's been around since 2008.
Generics do seem to have caught on, though, pretty universally. Which is nice, considering people born when generics were added to C# will be having their Bar Mitzvahs this year.
Morning sharperinos!
Life must have been repetitive before generics, though.
A lot of casting.
Given a choice between inhering/containing ArrayList and adding type-specific Add/Get methods, and simply using the default ArrayList and casting back and forth, guess what everyone did.
I remember my thought processes in 2005 going from "Generics? So what? It just saves a bunch of casting and runtime checks" to "Generics! It saves casting and runtime checks!"
And then progressing to "Holy shit, the Curiously Repeating Template Pattern is blowing my mind".
In 2005 I have not even heard of C#. At that time, I was sitting in the basement with my pops learning the very basics of Delphi
Was Delphi even still alive then?
I know a person who drives a multi-milion CNC & laser production company, and his coders all work in Delphi to this day :D
there are a lot of Delphi programmers here
Anyone ever tried spanning a UWP app over multiple monitors?
good morning btw
good morning :)
How do I view the ERD in EF? I remember just clicking some edmx file, but I can't find it...
you're doing it code-first now?
@Metallkiller marketplace.visualstudio.com/… perhaps this is what you're looking for?
I mean I actually already did this. It's just, it was a year ago and I don't remember how I did it exactly XD
Morning @Nerd o/
if you have the tools, you should be able to right click on your derived DbContext class and generate a read-only diagram
Ok, that should work too. THanks!
orrr... dunno. I never use the diagrams. It probably maps 1:1 with your actual database, right?
...right? ;)
Yes. Just don't have an ERD right now and need some overview^^
Todays challenge: Build a function to delete an entry from the database.
Meaning, I have to remove all entries from ~8 tables referencing that entry and only that entry. Not too complicated, but easier when I have an overview.
Enforce referential integrity, cascade deletes...?
the database should support that natively, if you're brave enough
cascade is Your friend
Are you telling me I can automatically delete anything referencing a specific entry?
Using SQL Server
Referential integrity.
And yes I'm brave enough
Is that an option I just turn on in the DBs settings and then delete that one entry?
when you defined foreign keys, you should be able to state what should happen if the 'parent' entity is deleted - either 'leave this orphaned record', 'don't allow the deletion' or 'delete me, too'
in theory, yeah. I can't say I've used it much, but it's definitely possible.
However, I'd check what EF suggests.
./google entity framework referential integrity cascade deletes
damn I've spent too much time away from Razor, I can't remember how to do anything!
man, I do not miss relational databases one bit
@Squiggle Do you mean it as in "I hate databases" or "I hate E/R models"?
What are you using now then?
@HéctorÁlvarez I dislike ORMs.
been using CosmosDB for the past 18 months now
and sometimes a bit of SharePoint lists
I work in The Cloud
@Squiggle Disliking ORMs has nothing to do with disliking RDMBS
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
@Metallkiller o7
guys any tips to encrypt a string in my html, and decrypt it using a password?
it doesn't need to be anything super complex and well-optimize, I just need to hide a piece of code from the eyes of some dummies
just in case they know about F12, I want to make sure they don't know what's there without my consent
@HéctorÁlvarez base64 encode it? :P
or something
that's obfuscation. Encryption is more effort than it's worth.
obfuscation would work too
just anything that can stop a script kiddie from glancing on that control
i.e. no "display: none" style
what is it you're trying to hide? data?
and where is that data coming from? is it embedded within the page?
a button that's not supposed to be there
basically, there's this option that we need to be able to access, but the client shouldn't see
like the developer mode in Android
don't need to make it incredibly complex to find, just hide it and show it with some key combination or some crappy trick
char[] string = GetStringToObfuscate();
for(int i = 0;i<string.Length;i++)
but they should also be able to enable it permanently with a key in AppSettings
I'm doing it all from JS
Depending on the flag in AppSettings, you either obfuscate it, or not.
the problem is if I leave the base string in the CSHTML they can read it
with F12
I could store that string in the controller and pass it in the ViewBag... but I really don't like that messy drawer
or I can make a WS and request the control...
dude this is escalating quickly
DevMode cookie!
Depending on the cookie either add that button, or not.
sounds to me like an imperfect situation. My preference would be to just hide the button, but ensure that it doesn't work if the user has no privileges.
@Squiggle That's what I thought, but that involves server-side code
yes, it does - and it should involve server-side code
and the bad infrastructure I'm presented with doesn't let me add server-side code
any other solution is just dumb
the client and the services are all in the same project, because boss won't allow me to detach it
so tell whomever you're working with that it's not possible to create a secure solution to this problem without making changes to the back-end
thus if your boss says "well just do it in the UI"... you can do the insecure approach (just hide the div) with impunity.
easy. Not your problem.
I'll do that then
cover your back first, though ;)
the other solutions aren't really working without server-side code anyway
if you're about to do something you know is wrong, make sure there's a paper trail documenting your concerns
Definitely tell your boss about it being insecure without serverside checks
before you start doing anything clientside
> em.Messages.Aggregate(errormessage, (current, m) => current + m + "<br />");
woot, we have serious code here
such serious
I hope that's in a Razor view
it doesnt matter where it is, it is bad
especially this part: Aggregate(errormessage,
what makes you say that?
@Squiggle you know how aggregates work?
wait, yeah. What is errormessage here?
oh, that's the seed?
e.g. var errormessage = "There were some errors:<br/>";
again, I'm not sure what you dislike about this code
first of all not using a builder is bad enough imho, but still
you know what a seed does in aggregate?
sure, it's used as the initial value.
uhm... not really
its the identity value
which is quite different
the first pass, the seed is used for the value current?
consider the following example: paste.ofcode.org/M3Gnuq2Ueh3zkjyYS4MGMs
aggregates will use an operation to merge 2 values
but for the first value, it doesnt have another value to merge with
so, it uses the seed value
so you specify the seed
but now, what happens if i have a really really really long list?
you're going to tell me "but wait! there's more!
what if i want to do this in parallel?
it's not a parallel operation
because it uses an IEnumerable
everything will still processed in sequence
in Java it is parallel
<checks the channel name>
IEnumerable is parallel
just not by default
for (int i = oPro.Count; i > 0; i--)
OSCReader opro = oPro[i - 1];
if (StartWith(oPro[i - 1].Items["clip"], GetPropertyValue("PrimaryEventString1")))
lastPrimaryEventId = oPro[i - 1].ROWID;
Even .AsParallel forces aggregates to be sequential by default.
what is the use of 'opro'?
what's 'opro'?
I don't find it being used
@Squiggle that would be a really bad thing
see the code
@pluto20010 the o indicates it's an object. I hate that notation :P
I mean I don't see it being used in the code
@KamilSolecki you lost kek
or if suddenly c# has become case insenstive!
no, it's just an array of shit
no idea

I'm trying to do a take on an IQueryable statement. So items.Take(10)..

If say there are only 6 items in total, I still want 4 concated on to the end to make 10.

I've tried a bunch of combinations but not really having any luck
Has anyone else done this ? I must keep it IQueryable and must be able to translate into sql
I can't make a List of 4 nulls and then concat them to the end. That doesn't work
I've tried to find a .TakeOrDefault method, there's only IEnumerable extensions out there, which again can't be translated to the database and therefore fall over
@JARRRRG have You tried DBNull.Value?
@ntohl nope
I don't know if it works
How is it used in a select?
or on a queryable..

Queryable......DBNull.Value() ?
or concat the queryable with the null value?
You said concat. So I imagined like Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(DBNull.Value, n - i))
You can't use Enumberable.Repeat, it doesn't translate to the database
The DBNull does, doesn't it?
well I don't really know too much about DBnull
I want to either .Take(1) or somehow concat or take the DBNull value?
I'm not too clear on how that would be used.
I think i'm in a rabbit hole here now, either something that can't really be solved with the way I'm trying to
or requires some sort of prefilling of the database.
isn't really a trivial expectation of a linq query..
thanks anyway, take care for now!
@MohanSrinivas dic pls
@Nerdintraining'questionmark' what?
I legit can't get to like JS in its basic form
btw I've seen this many times: @someone'questionmark', what does that mean
@HéctorÁlvarez wat, i don't know man i am original
@MohanSrinivas What's with the 'questionmark' in this message? Really, I've seen a lot of people writing it, does it have a meaning?
@HéctorÁlvarez It's part of his name lol
oh my god
Write @Nerd and watch the intellisense or press tab
@MohanSrinivas this is not the first time you post questions across rooms. Please stop doing that. Also, this in not connected to C#.
I already told you twice. Next time it happens, imma go angry mode.
@KamilSolecki pl0x delete the messages
@Metallkiller stop pining meh
@MohanSrinivas That question doesn't even have a C# tag
don't make poland angry, you won't like him when he is angry
prods the Poland ball
FYI The first line of the Poland National Anthem loosly translate into
"Noch stehen wir, noch sind wir nicht untergegangen"
"We are still standing, we havn't gone down yet"
If i am not mistaken
"I'm still standing"
Welp my waifus parents are polnish, she told meh that
Come visit
lol, the spam is real
We where in Poland lika 2,5 years ago
guys, is there some sort of ternary operator implementation for true only?
Or how ever it's written
bloddy sad place
but beautiful
e.g. if I want to add another string in the middle of a List<String> object, and I want to add it only under a certain condition
Visited Poland once. Wroclaw, Krakow, Kudowa-Zdroj. It was a good trip, but a bit weird. It was my first date, with my ex.
the idea would be myBoolean?"hello":<add nothing here, not even null>
her: "Fuck it, I wanna do something."
me: "Me too."
her: "Poland?"
me: "...uh ok?"
@Nerdintraining'questionmark' in hindsight that would probably have been better
var stringToInsert = condition ? "Inserted" : "";
our relationship imploded after 3 years and I fled the country
@Metallkiller that will insert an empty string in my array
if the condition is false, that is
@HéctorÁlvarez i don't think its possible
@Squiggle wat, what happend?
An array makes that complicated
@Nerdintraining'questionmark' meh, it's not as dramatic as I made it sound. We just split, haven't spoken since. I met the girl who was to be my wife shortly afterwards, moved to Switzerland with her later that year.
@HéctorÁlvarez why not just a normal if statement?
do it in one line like this:
if(true) array.inthemiddle(somestring);
@Squiggle bloddy swiss, they are so... neutral :P
ReSharper says @Nerd is full of shit
@Squiggle because I don't want to clutter the List constructor, I want to do it inline
@Metallkiller yo mama is full of resharper
Oh I wouldn't let her anywhere near my code
wait, I can append to the middle that's right
it is in one line!
do sth; if(true) do more;
@HéctorÁlvarez myObj = condition ? mutateMyObject : myObj
would that approach work there?
like obj = condition ? obj + "Inserted" : obj;
  condition ? oneObject, secondObject : oneObject,
Would that work?
that's not valid code
you fail
ah hah hah hah
Not sure how to get the ternary operator into a list constructor
points finger
It works, but for this purpose the if/else block looks better
@Metallkiller how about parsing string to c# code and executing that?
what did you just suggest?
@Nerd now you just wanna hurt me
@Metallkiller baby don't hurt me, no moa
@Squiggle boy, that's a big commitment for a first date :D
It was... interesting.
where can I learn git?
nah jk by using it
how long will it take?
I want to learn it to get started with github
The very barebown basics are here:
It doesn't explain what what means but it sure as a reference
commit = check in changes locally. Do often.
push = check in changes server for evryone. Do only when no errors are thrown and works, so not that often.
clone = copy that reposiroty
repository ~ directory with files
Any one care to correct me?
Also pull and rebase
Gut pull = git fetch + git merge
Pull = get changes from server that (others) made
'clone' is more like 'initialize a local version of that repository, with the remote one as its origin'
Anyone has any idea of how to update Bootstrap in Angular + .Net Core VS Template?
where 'origin' = the remote repository from which your local one came
@pluto20010 hope that helps ya
@Squiggle correctomento, and now we are leaving the basic staff
Also please don't do git add . && git commit -m "wohoo I'm committing everything at the same time cause I don't give a fuck about commit history"
@pluto20010 whats also very helpful are the git tools for visual studio.
@pluto20010 one more thing - work with the command line git, not the GUI (at least when starting out). That way you will actually see what is going on.
Don't listen to KamilSolecki!
Use the vs GUI it's better for begiinners
Don't listen to @Nerdintraining'questionmark'
huh xD
He is in league with the devil and want's you not to have the nice vs gui candy!
It's better for beginners in a sense you will just click two or theee buttons without knowing what are you doing
Aye but you learn liek this.
I only use the commandline when iniating a local git repo on our network drive
you are right! I will listen to Kamil!
When I started with git, I used the GUI. I honestly had no idea what was going on behind the scenes for like a few months
@Nerdintraining'questionmark' I only use the command line + the vscode addon (but 90% for pretty diffs)
@pluto20010 NO DON'T DO THAT!
Oh right one more
Git diff shows you a difference between your current branch and remote branch
will see
@KamilSolecki i only know of diff thanks to vs
Thank you so much!
what is "diff" btw?
"show difference between locals and sever version"
@KamilSolecki nice i liek
Well thanks visual studio
diff is just a shorthand for difference
i bet it's resharper
@Metallkiller tongue whip noice
oh oh
how asax in global.asax is pronounced?
@Squiggle okay! xD
do you pronounce aspx "ass-pecks"?
I just say . " A S P X "
those pronounciations are pretty offensive :D
i blame microsoft
@Squiggle ay ess pee dot en ee tee
@pluto20010 young man, you dont need to feel down
ay, ass-pedo tnet - cor!
Things with "valid" pronouciation like konsonant-vowel-konsonant-vowel etc I usually pronounce like a word (asax), others lettter-by-letter (asp, html), and others by branding (SQL = "sequel", but only when used in a full sentence).
@Squiggle tnetennba
i have no idea how to parse that letter-spooge

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