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So far I have been doing it like this
You don't need event handlers at all. Not even for propagation
Damn that is not been taught in class
learn the way
I am doing research besides homework and I work two jobs but I cant keep this up
I have been doing it like this so far
@MwBakker 90% of things won't be. That's just how programming is.
View > Event handler > Method been called executed
Yeah that's not very MVVM like
@KamilSolecki so nobody will ever be 'right' its all assumptions??
View -> binding to command -> command handling in VM
But didn't winForms already bind event handlers to the view?
^ we both say the same
with @KamilSolecki
* to the control
How does this differ from what I do?
.design.cs is not a control
@MwBakker no. but MVVM is a coding pattern. You choose to use it or not, your call. But it is strongly suggested to do so, since it enforces a proper, standardized pattern on your code.
it's the view
View -> bound to event -> event execution, method called -> method execution
Ugh I think I am confusing view with what was UIView in Xamarin.IOS which was a control
With view you mean the general UI form?
If you are wondering why use MVVM at all, here is a few:
- Good decoupling. Helps with testing
I am not saying I am wondering why, I am trying to see how to get to this standard
Easy bug tracking
general UI form is the view. Code behind too.
designer.cs + .cs is the view
Then Im sorry I got confused with the View term from xamarin.IOS
in MVVM, You will not write code there
3. Standardized code.
Cause WPF is new and in winforms I never mentioned a view
*new to me
in Android, Oct 26 at 13:55, by milleniumbug
@TimCastelijns which is why some frameworks introduce something they call a "ViewModel" which interacts between your models and views. Basically: untestable GUI shit (views) <-> testable GUI-independent data observables (viewmodels) <-> rest of your application (models)
I'll just repost this
Yeah, what he said
So I will keep track on MVVM
Thing about MVVM is you will probably hate it until it clicks and you understand it
Then you will love it.
back at the WPF room, we have a list of resources which may help you in the starboard
Jenkins dead but pid file exists. Anyone know the solution for this
TIL there is a WPF room
I would love to have an example of MVVM in WPF
there's also this series of blog posts which is targetted to former Windows Forms users: reedcopsey.com/series/windows-forms-to-mvvm
Great, thanks
There is two on my github
MVVM was not possible in Winforms at all then?
I thought I was already seperating quite well
Although on another thought they are missing some and are not perfect, but rather quick mock ups that I made for people that wanted to see a certain solution
Are all programmers maintaining MVVM or am I
So as a beginner maybe not take them word for word
* or am I preparing for more fights in hte future with this
@MwBakker almost all the good ones in the WPF zone st least
@MwBakker Don't be afraid to visit the WPF room and ask questions there in the future if you will have any
I would like to see the exact difference of what I was used to doing and what MVVM makes a difference to now in what I did
Hi all
Does anyone knows about difference between messagebus and eventbus ?
Going for lunch now
Just one last question
Was MVVM not do-able in WinForms at all, or have I just missed the spot not doing so?
I think You don't have the ability to bind commands in WinForms
nor have the ability to choose between the same detail of UpdateSourceTriggers
UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged" in WinForms doesn't fire for each button pressed in a textbox
in WPF it does
Fody is the king of propchanged
Did they fix the decorators already? I havent done any c# in a while @ntohl
@KamilSolecki You don't need so much decorators anymore. They changed that
if it's IPropertyChanged implementation, than it's weaved into fire PropertyChanged
for all it's properties
@SebastianL , In Compare Two, three fields and update the records in mongo
You can ofc. [AlsoNotifyFor]
This is used for getting views for database
this query working for sap hana studio but in C# Not Working.
any idea about this
@Saravanakumar Maybe the database is scared that you scream at it
I will report you on the second kick and get all my frieds to do the same
you kick me cuz ur trigger happy f
Or you are being kicked for a reason
48 mins ago, by milleniumbug
get a hint
Guys plz anyone tell me how to fix this issue stackoverflow.com/questions/47220117/…
So Im converting to WPF with MVVM type of regulating GUI and business
I really hope I am doing this well, so I am finally relieved to be "on the right side" of it all
Gonna be some nights midnight oil but its for the greater good
Thank you all for the help guys
@MwBakker Feel free to ask me about anything regarding mvvm unless that guy sgs out on me again
a good thing to know is that typing 'propdp' brings up a dp property tamplate
dependency property is rarely needed tho. Give us some feedback before converting the whole program bad way
some example code, what is the output of converting winforms into wpf
what do ya mean ?, how you gon access a controls internals without dp ?
I mean you can do some fancy stuff and bind things to the tag but that's just lazy implementation
@GeorgeSarcasmGod DPs have nothing to do with "accessing internals"
most of the internals are bindable
like Text of the TextBlock
Hey, you got two textboxes in a grid that is in a control, if you use that control the properties of the said textboxes won't be visible
Unless you use a dp
That's what I know
most of the time, these textboxes values will be used inside that control's DataContext.
so You just bind it
tho I have used dp for propagate up property just like You said.
Did anyone ever worked with MassTransit and RabbitMq here ?
Yeah you can do that
But you kill loose coupling between the view and the model
@GeorgeSarcasmGod download the propg template, propdp is usually overkill
you just turn the last argument null and then compile solution once
so XAML can see it
Just a random question about var
2 hours later…
@GeorgeSarcasmGod quite a hack to do instead of actually rebuilding the project, amirite?
What does the word "dereference" mean?
It has been mentioned a lot here blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dotnet/2017/11/15/…
Is it just fetching its members by the dot operator?
@MohamedAhmed Normally it means to access the value pointed to by a pointer
In this case probably just accessing a value
That feeling when you get to the end of a carefully made bug report MVCE, and realize that it probably doesn't affect enough of your library vendors' customers for them to bother fixing it, but you don't want necessarily blindly bake the hacky workaround into the codebase.
@jrh I get that all the time
If I were the vendor, I'd still want to know about it, so I figure it's worth reporting for at least that reason.
You think It would be lazy to put the interface and its implementations on the same file ?
I've read this question at least five times and I have no idea what you're trying to ask.
Why don't you just learn to type like a normal human
I'm not used to type on phone plus I'm dyslexic
Plus English is my third language
I think Itype decently for my condition tho
Yes it is lazy, but if it's not too big it's not a catastrophe
@GeorgeSarcasmGod How does that work, if you're canadian?
is he really canadian? I didn't see any apologies in between sentences
I'm multinational with French as first language
@GeorgeSarcasmGod so what's your second language?
But tbh my Greek are no better than my English
better now
Does anyone know the best way to traverse through n Lists where it's structures like Object-List-Object-List
I'm not sure I understand the question.
Say I have two objects, A and B.
"I have two objects, A and B."
A is created and contains a List of B's. B can create a single instance of A. This continues the cycle. This newly created A can create a another list of B.
This cycle is random and can be N deep. I am wondering how to access all elements from the start of the first A all the way to the end.
class A
    public List<B> { get; set; }

class B
    public A { get; set; }
Mhm, have that.
I mean, that's what we're talking about, right? I'm trying to confirm that I understand the situation.
Thanks got it
Guys, anyone here using both Azure and Linux by any chance?
is there a way to direct users trying to go to [ChildActionOnly] pages to the 404 page?
I'm trying to figure out a way to deploy files (frontend files) from a linux machine to Azure.
The options I see in the documentation are FTP (which is painfully slow), Git (which means I need to commit compiled outputs to deploy them), or WebDeploy (Windows only).
Is there an implementation of WebDeploy for Linux or a different way I'm missing?
@Skullomania what is happening right now if they try to call the ChildActionOnly?
@juanvan its still local, it says The action 'actionName' is accessible only by a child request.
If your child requests aren't working try calling Roy Moore.
@mikeTheLiar he not home
they work as expected, I just want to be fancy
Change the ActionResult to Private?
then it would be a 404 error
but then I cannot use RenderAction
@Skullomania how is the project setup to handle errors
Calling my ChildActionOnly sends me to my custom 404 oage
I in the web.config
<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Error/PageNotFound" redirectMode="ResponseRedirect">
  <error statusCode="404" redirect="~/" />
does your child action still work in the main view
ya it is called fine - it's still public tho
Well not my 404 page - whoops
it should go to your error page
Ya it does go to the defaultRedirect="~/Error/PageNotFound"
I am thinking that I have to figure a way to create a Helper
but if the page does not exist 404 it takes them to the home page
mine is like this

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Error">
      <error redirect="~/Error/NotFound" statusCode="404" />
But you are still seeing the Debug Error
It shows it as a 500 error in the Diagnostic run
Might be a 500.XXX
no...not when I turn them on. It goes to the custom
I turn them off and on to see if what is happening is what I expect. It is still local and not in production
So adding a customError's error element with the childaction error code would allow you to redirect to another page
I did not see a way to do it in the controller if it was an outside call
And ChildActionOnly is in a sealed class, so you can't override it
Well this is Dumb
@juanvan are you doing that within the controller itself or in a helper class?
@Skullomania - If you remove the ChildActionOnlyAttribute
Inside the offending ActionResult
but if you remove it from the ActionResult how would you test for IsChildAction?
I don't mean to be a novice, I am trying to understand what you are saying
[ChildActionOnly] Changes the controller's specific action context to a child action correct?
so If I remove it I dont understand how IsChildAction would not return false all of the time
Removing the [ChildAction] and using the if(controllerContext.IsChildAction) it would act like it had the [ChildAction]
And in the else you could do redirect if it was called directly
im going to test it out
haha, tricky!
Thanks @juanvan
np hope it works out
That is gonna sound asinine, but is there a data structure that is basically an int except with a different compiler enforced max value? Like if I wanted a numerical data type between 0 and 10 I could have the compiler enforce that requirement? I seem to remember hearing about that some time in the distant past, thinking "Hey that's really useful", but haven't ever used it so I don't know if I'm remembering accurately or just schizophrenic.
Hi, can anybody tell me the main role of c# in many fields and popular field it's used? I recently came to know that UNITY uses C# for game development, not to mention it's set foot in mobile development, wil c# alone be sufficient for me to survive in the industry. I worked as VB.net developer for 2 years, mainly I worked with ado and controlling the program flow, how easy is it for me to get into c#
@steve_Starts_Coding How easy it is to learn C# is entirely up to your aptitude. From what I've seen it's used entirely in very enterprisey domains, Finance and what not, in addition to web hosting and some gamedev. I would say it's never sufficient to know one language alone.
Hi All
hi there
Hi Chat
is there a difference between importing a namespace
and just using a specific part of it ?


using System.io;

File file1;


System.io.File file1;
saves loading, iirc
is importing the whole lib more consuming ?
using System.io; loads the hold lib - calling the System.io.File only loads that block
Guess it does not, use to be that way with c++ but that was in 99
can check
I guess it has something to do with the dynamic part
of d l l
link lib
well using are in the scope of where they are called
maybe in 99 u had static lybs
cpp.h files
In computing, a dynamic linker is the part of an operating system that loads and links the shared libraries needed by an executable when it is executed (at "run time"),
In computer science, a static library or statically-linked library is a set of routines, external functions and variables which are resolved in a caller at compile-time and copied into a target application by a compiler
I never knew slb existed
nope did not change anything in my heap size between using or inline
thanks for testing
Glad to help
1 hour later…
I have an ASP.NET site that is processing OPTIONS requests as though they are a POST. This previously worked. The only thing that I have changed (to my recollection) is that both the requesting site and the requestee site are now both only using https...
Since the OPTIONS request doesn't have the payload for the request, all of these requests are failing.
I currently have the following in my web.config:

<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Methods" value="*" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="content-type" />
no other CORS setup or configuration in the MVC project.
Request and response headers: gist.github.com/CodeWarrior-Hawaii/…
Found it. I don't know where this came from, but this was in the web.config in the <handlers> section:
<remove name="OPTIONSVerbHandler" />
@GeorgeSarcasmGod There is no difference
using works on a syntactic level
It allows you to use the names in the namespace unqualified
well, it also allows you to use extension methods in that namespace
but it in no way affects the generated bytecode
(which is a problem because extension method abstraction leaks when the receiver type is dynamic)
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