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04:00 - 18:0018:00 - 21:00

But it has a Name complex property/class within.
How are they linked to the First, Last, etc. properties?
Any common interface?
class Person
     public Name Name { get; set;}

public Animal
    public Name Name { get; set; }
Wait, so the Name type is known?
That shouldn't be a problem then
TType isn't known. I would like to be able to make the extension more generic than you must know the entity has a name and provide a property expression at some point, but I am more than happy to be explict for now.
What is TType?
Essentially, I have an animal with a name and a person with a name. I want to search then the the way. I don't want to have to copy the function everywhere I wish to search.
@KendallFrey TType is either an Animal or a Person is this example.
But it could be anything with a Name.
How is that relevant? The stuff with the name doesn't change
Only how you get to the name, which is what you insert later
using the recursive find-and-replace
There are many different types with the Name complex property.
How is that relevant?
Not just those two. There will be more in the future.
I guess I could make an interface for anything that has a Name property.
You could, but that's not what I was describing
If it's an option, go for it, I guess
But I would also like the ability to search like a pet's name or something. So like:
class Person
     public Name Name { get; set; }
     public Animal Pet { get; set; }

class Animal
    public Name Name { get; set; }
Then the second parameter would be x => x.Pet.Name
That's still the expression that you'd substitute in later
How could you have a typed placeholder that you'd replace later?
It's the how I don't know.
Which part are you asking about?
So, in your example the "foo" placeholder.
What about it?
How could you just search for and replace it?
Recursively (visitor pattern)
I've seen that before, I just don't understand how it works and it's difficult to code that without understanding how the syntax/visitor operates.
MSDN is light on the subject.
You mean how recursing through an expression tree works?
The whole visitor pattern
Should be as simple as identifying what type of expression you have, and checking all sub-expressions
For expression trees.
For example a function call would have an expression for the function, and an expression for each parameter
I guess I'd only have to replace the parameter?
That has nothing to do with replacing
Just how expression trees are recursive
@KendallFrey <- For this
foo is the parameter to the expression.
the placeholder, sure
The placeholder then needs to access another parameter for a sub function, eg: x
since foo needs to become x.Name
But it could be x.Pet.Name, no problem.
But what happens if you supply y => y.Name for foo?
or, z => z.Name
@TylerStahlhuth The placeholder needs nothing at all. Its only job is to be replaced with the actual Name expression.
Right, but that expression accesses a different parameter.
You're not making sense to me
Let's say the foo provided equals animal => animal.Name
What do you mean? foo is just a placeholder. It's not anything else
Simply replacing the placeholder would lead to:
queryable.Where(x =>
            terms.All(y =>
                (animal.Name.Type == NameType.LegalName
                        ? animal.Name.First + animal.Name.Middle + animal.Name.Last
                        : animal.Name.Mono)
                    .Replace(" ", "").Contains(y)));
Which wouldn't work since animal would need to be x.
What do you mean "animal would need to be x"?
Do you mean that the correct expression to insert would be x.Name?
But, a coder shouldn't need to know that the parameter name must be x for the supplied expression.
That would be an extra step, where you convert y => y.Name into just .Name (i.e. just the MemberExpression)
Well, kinda
you then replace y with x in the result
Can you just rename parameters like that?
You don't rename, you replace, again
Each ParameterExpression is usually linked to a LambdaExpression
Trying it out
Can I ask a question about asking questions
just ask the non-asking questions
@KendallFrey Well, I got it, still pretty sure I don't fully understand it.
the solution, or expressions in general?
@KendallFrey Expressions in general
Do you know what an AST is?
By name? No. Just looked it up and it more or less looks like a way to break down individual actions/intructions. Makes sense from all the methods I've seen that manipulate expression trees.
I think the issue I am running into is more the implementation of the whole thing.
Like, how C# expects you to manipulate them.
I'll read up on AST regardless.
Here's what I mean.
public static Expression Replace(this Expression expression,
            Expression searchEx, Expression replaceEx)
            return new ReplaceVisitor(searchEx, replaceEx).Visit(expression);

        internal class ReplaceVisitor : ExpressionVisitor
            private readonly Expression from, to;
            public ReplaceVisitor(Expression from, Expression to)
                this.from = from;
                this.to = to;
            public override Expression Visit(Expression node)
Then you call it using:
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TFirstParam), "param");

var newFirst = first.Body.Replace(first.Parameters[0], param);
var newSecond = second.Body.Replace(second.Parameters[0], newFirst);

return Expression.Lambda<Func<TFirstParam, TResult>>(newSecond, param);
It just seems awkward to me.
I didn't even know .NET had the visitor pattern built in
I think I understand what is going on, it just seems weird the way it's built out.
Yeah, it's built into their expressions.
@milleniumbug ?
I guess the big thing to remember is that the Visit can do whatever it wants with the node?
the visitor pattern doesn't say anything about what it actually does, just how it does it
Correct me if I am wrong, but the visitor pattern is a way to decoupling an action for an item from the implementation of said item? That way you could swap out how an item behaves by changing the visitor?
@KendallFrey ?
> the visitor design pattern is a way of separating an algorithm from an object structure on which it operates.
In practice this generally means a visitor that steps from object to object within a data structure
@KendallFrey Is it generally more popular with tree structures containing many different node types?
Well, I guess any data structure with different node types.
Yes, I'm guessing mainly because simpler data structures are usually easier to deal with and don't require as coherent a pattern
Anything that becomes to complicated to simply loop through more or less?
I'll have to play with it.
Or if you want to keep a the implementation of a node clean but might have thousands of operations to perform on a node.
I think I'm starting to understand a bit.
It's confusing with Expression trees since the nodes are also operations themselves.
If I have a class, Foo<T> and it contains a property static string bar, is there one bar reference associated with all possible generic types of Foo<T>, or does each generic type created from Foo<T> have it's own bar?
Looking at dotnetfiddle it appears to be the latter.. dotnetfiddle.net/y3eT0g
the latter
04:00 - 18:0018:00 - 21:00

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