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04:00 - 18:0018:00 - 21:00

Supposedly I have an event handler which will be fired asynchronously(user event) from other class. The result of a method depends on this. How can I make this two methods synchronize with each other?
List<User> GetContacts()
    RequestPermission((sender, e) => {
        if (e.AccessGranted) {
            foreach(var user in contacts.ReadNext()) {
    return userList;
Hello very Good Morning everyOne i am R developer i want to ingrate r with Asp.net application , any guidance with this !
1 hour later…
A: Efficient paging in SQLite with millions of records

CL.Please note that you always have to use an ORDER BY clause; otherwise, you get just some random order. To do efficient paging, save the first/last displayed values of the ordered field(s), and continue just after them when displaying the next page: SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE SomeColumn > LastV...

As explained from the answer above, even if you use LIMIT offset,size in SQLite, it still starts reading from 0 to offset and just stripping out the result. Is this correct?
Hello world
damn, you were having fun secretly during the weekend huh
i was not
If I was paginating from a source beyond its size, is it logical to just return an empty list rather than null?
yes, at least it won't blow up when you try to do myList.Count > 0
wish me luck today
need to tell my team that out product is really bad
who knows how will it go :)
Oh boi
Good luck then
yeah i will need it i guess
oh damn
may'st thou thine luck discovereth
good morning :)
hmmm why using this Give me Error ? O.o

Customer newCustomer = new Customer { CustomerID = message.Chat.Id, FirstName = message.Chat.FirstName, LastName = message.Chat.LastName, UserName = message.Chat.Username, PhoneNumber = Ad.MobileNumber };
if (!DB.Customers.Contains(newCustomer))
Gives weird error on if (!DB.Customers.Contains(newCustomer))
well i guess i can use LinQ to check if record exist then make a new one or not, but i tho this way is easier lol
o senpai i did not recognize you. Looking fresh @RoelvanUden
Dandy eh.
@Pedram Is Customers null when you call Contains?
@HéctorÁlvarez should not be, there is 2 record in my customers in my database already
Doesn't have anything to do, please check if it's null when you call Contains
@HéctorÁlvarez it is not null
copy value gives : {SELECT
[Extent1].[CustomerID] AS [CustomerID],
[Extent1].[FirstName] AS [FirstName],
[Extent1].[LastName] AS [LastName],
[Extent1].[UserName] AS [UserName],
[Extent1].[PhoneNumber] AS [PhoneNumber]
FROM [dbo].[Customers] AS [Extent1]}
What error is thrown exactly?
An unhandled exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException' occurred in mscorlib.dll

Additional information: Unable to create a constant value of type 'PedramTelegramBot.Customer'. Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context.
good morning
What the hell haha
Never heard/seen that
so you are a sea furry
A sea furry.
What the actual fuck dude
You know what.
I have one of those days where you just don't want to program.
Too bad it's my job ;D
you can always slack with us here :P
im waiting for a meeting later on, so i will see how things go
Yo ho.
if i am using dynamic too often
i feel a little dirty
but for runtime generated types its just so convenient
Hi Friends
basically i am dotnet devloper but i want to create some apps in android but i have some problem in user interface can anyone guide me..
2 days back i have started learning android and created basic app
but i am not getting ui properly
well this is not the android room, neither is it a ui design room. and you have even not posted your question
sorry i don't have enough reputation go ask in android chat room
must be an elite room :P
that room is locked
so i don't have any options
ya elite group
what is the basic pay for 2 years exp in dotnet
These are really incoherent questions.
Android UIs in C# can be done in native/Xamarin, Xamarin.Forms, or web. Pick your poison.
Pay depends on how good you are and where you're located. No, we're not google.
google is always not correct
interacting with people like you is different
and searching is different
Yes, I am different. And not in a good way.
Or so my doctors tell me.
ohh good
i think your doctor is different it seems
There's a reason they locked me up in a padded room. Cushions everywhere.
Anyone know a good JSON Patch library for .NET?
I may be going off track with my BS too much here
please don't use too much hard words
in english
i know very little english
ha ha ha
otherwise i need to google it
can we exclude any column in sql query
ex : select * from dbo.Employee
i have tried so much but i am not getting the correct answer for this.
there's no direct way to exclude columns in SQL afaik. You need to explicitly tell which columns you need
thank you for the info mr5
damn. where them peoples at
Roel van where are you
you need to guide us
Probably working
ohh god
Should I Close an Android.Database.ICursor or wrapping it inside using is enough?
@mr5 you were calling? :D
@DotNetLover anyway You should specify column directly. In stored procedures, if You change the ordering of columns, the SP will use the outdated column ordering in case of select *
@DotNetLover no need for honorifics, just god is fine :P
anyone know how to disable this in VS 2017: (when hovering over a type + pressing Ctrl) it turns to underlined blue text that goes to the definition
@SebastianL The problem isn't the use of dynamic. The problem is too many runtime generated types. :)
@mr5 I don't know the class, but general .NET style guides and conventions say that Dispose should be enough.
@MohamedAhmed Don't hold down Ctrl when you hover a type? :P
@WilliamMariager I do so to select the word
Double-click selects the whole word.
hoveing +ctrl+click : select by word, faster than double-click
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan got rid of all dynamics with Interfaces
@SebastianL Ah, if your runtime generated types all have a specific interface, than there's really no need for dynamic.
That makes sense.
still not pretty, since the types are generated from the customers database (Default: Table => Type) and there are a lot shitty db i've never even dreamed of
@Pedram Seems like your "Customers" list is not an actual customers list, more like a list of customer IDs maybe?
{ "a":1, "b":2 } == { "b":2, "a":1 }
Is the above true? The only different is the order.
I know the order matters for arrays, but does it for objects?
In JSON? JSON objects are unordered
Yeah, JSON. And alright. Arrays are still ordered though, right?
Good good, just making sure the exact requirements for two objects being equal.
I guess I could've just tested it.
JToken.DeepEquals from Newtonsoft.Json confirms the behavior.
I really miss C#
how did VB6 appear in this conversation
I know what @HéctorÁlvarez has been up to
I feel it in my bones.
foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
AcornLinkNYCBusinessObjects.InspectionSearch item = new AcornLinkNYCBusinessObjects.InspectionSearch
InspectionType = Guid.Parse(row["InspectionType"].ToString()),} Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes getting this error
yeah don't scare me
whats is the problem
does the guid contain 32 digits with 4 dashes
!!tell mohan format
@mohan Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
"InspectionType": "C2E4424F-EE55-4E24-B353-4C9CB9C584FF" this is the guid i passed
@RoelvanUden Oh the nightmares... It's been a long while since I was THIS bored
But I still have Stackoverflow to do some .NET and SQL stuff for fun
For fun heh.
@MohanSrinivas Did you generate this manually? Was it the database? Did you do it in code?
What's the type of InspectionCode?
Did they announce EF 6.2 along ago?
well we are on ef7 so yea
ef u Failsafe
Hi all
why do they keep changing the frame work?
is something not working??
or like most things... are they making changes because they can?
It's called improvements.
This was you: "Man, a horse can get you from A to B, why do they continue making cars, and then faster and better?"
generic runtime types drive me crazy, but dynamic Linq on these drives me fucking insane... any recommendations?
@RoelvanUden yeah how dare they
@SebastianL Never use "var" to declare an objet, ever!
Lazy convention, bad practise, poor maintenance ensues
thats not what i meant
@HéctorÁlvarez wat
var genericTypedIEnumerable = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(type);
dynamic unfilteredData = Activator.CreateInstance(genericTypedIEnumerable);
var expressionParameter = Expression.Parameter(genericTypedIEnumerable, paramName);
var expression = DynamicLinq.DynamicExpression.ParseLambda(new[] { expressionParameter }, null, where);
unfilteredData = dataModel.GetAll<object>(name);
values = expression.Compile().DynamicInvoke(unfilteredData) as IEnumerable<object>;
this is fucking insane
That's what I meant
But is it better Roel? it seems to work ok.. I guess that is the nature of the open source... but I notice they cancel things that work that seems so silly like renaming functions just because they want to which is nonsense
go guess what's what, at least they have significant-enough names instead of "c" or "exp" or "list1"
hopefully you will not be forced to upgrade as it will have the option to break items that are currently working
@007 I hardly doubt someone would rename a function in a new framework version. If anything they'd mark a definition as deprecated because there's a different one that does what the previous one did more efficiently
oh as someone that use to ride competition horses back in '77.. I would argue the case that horse may be better as they can travel on unprepared surfaces without much damage.
I think it has happened before Héctor
Hi guys!
Hi all!.
Are there any users who use postsharp with visual studio 2017.
@007 Can you please quote one of those cases?
I was asked by our system admin to investigate on different NoSQL databases. Which one are you using? I keep find the MongoDB and Cosmos DB, however I don't know how to bring them into our current project in Visual Studio as I have always used SQL Server.
it not that important
@007 but for reference! I have a broad range of... unattractive facts... related to microsoft, wouldn't hurt to add a random framework refactoring that breaks compatibility.
Ahh I see.
yeah Back when I first started working with EF
there was a command that changed names... it was describe in write up.
I will have to search for it.
I'm looking forward to seeing it
I used to be a internet troll. I mean, I still am, but I used to, to.
@mikeTheLiar you should do standup and then die
Way ahead of you, buddy.
why do you say that Mike?
s/do standup and then/ /
ilu mike
why do people instantly label users trolling?
!!giphy guess ill die
I did not even know what was meant by that until I started visting here
Alright I want you to tell me where's the cheatsheet for those commands like giphy
List<AcornLinkNYCBusinessObjects.InspectionSearch> list = new List<AcornLinkNYCBusinessObjects.InspectionSearch>(); AcornLinkNYCBusinessObjects.InspectionSearch item = new AcornLinkNYCBusinessObjects.InspectionSearch
Id = Guid.Parse(row["Id"].ToString()),
InspectionId = row["InspectionId"].ToString(), };

list.Add(item); in item all model values are coming how to get Id,and inspection id only
at first I was called a vampire which I assumed was related to blood sucking..
I don;t think you are a troll by the way
!!tell HéctorÁlvarez help
@HéctorÁlvarez Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@milleniumbug Input not matching /A/. Help: User-taught command: fractal [PHP:
@War Heeyyy
where you host Web API
and what you use for security, like authentication, authorization etc.. :)
Wait, did he finally release his dynamic component godlike platform?
@J.Doe 80 days to go
Actually when that Caprica Six bot talked I thought it was actually trolling, but it REALLY is a bot... I guess it wasn't developed in C#.NET?
What will his first words be?
@HéctorÁlvarez It's a JS bot
need help executing a log in stored procedure
@WhatsThePoint I'm listening in SQL, but go ahead
my stored procedure takes varbinary(200) as the password, using this cmd.Parameters.Add("@Password",SqlDbType.VarBinary,200).Value returns incorrect password when i know its not
to specify the length of the varbinary
how do you store it? I've never seen anything like that before
but why are you defining that in your Parameters.Add
@Kieran its the way our senior guy made us do it
Right, well your senior guy is clearly stuck in his old ways
password is stored with this
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", yourpasswordstringhere);
public static byte[] SHA512Hash(string input)
    Byte[] inputBytes = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input);
    SHA512 shaM = new SHA512Managed();
    Byte[] hashedBytes = shaM.ComputeHash(inputBytes);
    return hashedBytes;
That is how you should be passing your password to your procedure
you'll need to decrypt it using the same algorythm
oh good luck with that
@HéctorÁlvarez you can't decrypt? isnt that the point?
we hash it on website, then hash again when saving into db, so the stored value is never passed through the network
Oh so it's one-way encryption
makes sense since those are passwords, I'm stupid
alright, so the question is what's wrong with it, you only need to send the same password for the same hash to come out
SHA-512 for passwords :facepalm:
@WhatsThePoint That's a lot of lines for a one-liner
the stored procedure works when executing in sqlserver
but when executing in c# it doesnt
Theoretically speaking, the same string will always output the same output for any form of deterministic cryptography
so my first guess would be... you might be using 2 different algorythms?
sha512 for both
mmmh we could run a birthday attack marathon and whoever decrypts your whole database gets a free chewcat
@HéctorÁlvarez You can't decrypt the whole database with a birthday attack
well if it's all stored as sha512, it would take 256 tries to decrypt a password 8 characters long...
ehm wat
r u fukn hi
That's not how that works
enlighten me please
@HéctorÁlvarez it would take about a million trillion trillion trillion trillion googol tries
6.63 quadrillion
It's also not called one-way encryption, it's called hashing.
also I'll comment this one more time: lol unsalted SHA-512
lol for passwords? lmaoroflmao I'm gonna cry in a corner than someone still does this in 2017
SHA-512 has 2^512 ~ 1.3e+154 possible hashes. To reverse a password, you'd need to try on average half that many trials
Sha-1 only took 1 try.. only one time and hackers were hooked!
If you know the password is exactly 8 characters, you'll be able to check only 8 character strings, but that still gets you 95^8 ~ 6.6e+15 possible hashes
any suggestions on why i cant log in?
In general birthday attacks don't affect individual passwords
Right, I knew something was wrong when I read about that last year
is sha512 different on c# to sql?
it's the digest
@WhatsThePoint Are you doing the same hash in C# and in SQL? If so, why?
@KendallFrey im using sha512 on both
the password that i save is hashed then salted then hashed again
It should be the same, but still, theres no reason to duplicate it
@WhatsThePoint wat.
what's the point of hashing twice
Argon2, scrypt, bcrypt, or PBKDF2
its hashed twice because it includes salt so the stored password isnt sent over the network and all the values are unique
I don't know what that means
If you mean you're hashing on the client, well, that hash is useless for security
Why wouldn't you just salt the password directly?
its salted on the database
and what does "unique values" have to do with anything?
@WhatsThePoint That doesn't answer the question. That is the question.
so if two users have the same password then its not displayed the same
WhatsThePoint is such a well chosen username.
@WhatsThePoint ah, right. But still, why multiple hashes with a salt in between?
increasing the time needed to hash, badly
@WhatsThePoint Also I hope "display" doesn't actually mean display there
There is no added value in hashing with a different hash...
5 mins ago, by milleniumbug
Argon2, scrypt, bcrypt, or PBKDF2
Double hashing because if someone has the same password would be pretty easy to decipher what the password was
Back when I first checked this, I was sooooo bored to read it, you guys just sparked some intrigue in me
we were told to do it that way
is that an uni exercise or sth
one of the other seniors told us to do it this way
@WhatsThePoint Well I think he's a tosser
Especially if he said to use SHA instead of bcrypt
let your seniors know that bruteforcing SHA is way easier than any of the
13 mins ago, by milleniumbug
Argon2, scrypt, bcrypt, or PBKDF2
back to web api after 6 months, could anyone help me figuring out what the url for this method:

public bool AddNewUser(UserModel newUser)
this doesn't work: `http:// localhost:57615/api/AddNewUser?`
calling it like so: var response = client.PostAsync(uri, content);
Don't you have a UI stating all the exposed API functions and their specific URL?
I mean if you are in ASP.NET there's such a place for RestAPI
@Mathematics I use microsofts Identity framework
I'm calling it from Xamarin project
@MohamedAhmed is there a route in the class containing the method?
@ViktorSeifert RouteAttribute ?
yup, you can also set the route in your api config file
@MohamedAhmed might be worth using [Route]
@MohamedAhmed yes
                name: "DefaultApi",
                routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
                defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
that's it
@ViktorSeifert No
use api/UserController/1 or whatever, I always overwrite the default and put it the way I like
ah, then your URL is missing the controller name
usually the word 'controller' is not part of the path
but it may be in your case
I still suggest you edit the route template, poke around and see what parameters you can add or remove and build your own particular URL
the class name: UsersApiController
this doesn't work: http:// localhost:57615/api/Users/AddNewUser
yes, forget the function name unless you add it to the template
@HéctorÁlvarez nah that was not the problem ! anyway Thanks :D i didn't figure out what's wrong but it's unworthy of solving :D i just used LinQ Db.Customer.Any to see if a record is there or not :P
BTW the id is optional, careful when adding CRUD, you don't want to delete when you are about to create
this :
[HttpPost, Route("AddUser")]
public bool AddNewUser(UserModel newUser)
with this:
http:// localhost:57615/api/Users/AddUser
doesn't work! :(
laughs at "Java frontend no longer runs"
@MohamedAhmed remove Route from the attributes, remove "/Adduser" from the URL
and use Postman to debug your API
BRB tomorrow, see you guys
fixed the hashing issue...
Its an issue with a cast
Hey, has anybody setup their own private NuGet server? Trying to figure out why my owners field is not showing the value I put in.
I've just been using MyGet.
we use ProGet at work
Meh, easier to just not have it. Would have to go through a lot of hoops to use something external.
Anyone have good experience with expressions + Entity Framework? I am trying to create a custom IQueryable extension that takes a member expression and builds a more complex query using that expression. Trying to reduce the amount of times I have to use a certain pattern over and over again.
Let me get an example
Ya get an example - you may want to create a worker class that takes a class type of T and a Context do to the same process
string[] terms = {"a", "tr"};
Context.People.Where(x => terms.All(y =>
     (x.NameType == "FML" ? x.First + x.Last : x.Mononym).Contains(y)));
Actually, even better.
string[] terms = {"a", "tr"};
Context.People.Where(x => terms.All(y =>
     (x.Name.Type == "FML" ? x.Name.First + x.Name.Last : x.Name.Mononym).Contains(y)));
smells like x.Name needs a computed property with the full name
So, essentially, I want a extension function for IQueryable<TModel> that takes Expression<Func<TModel, Name>> and inserts the expression in the correct places.
Chiefly, x.Name.
@KendallFrey You can't search computed properties with linq IIRC.
This needs to translate to SQL.
Otherwise I'd have to pull the whole table into memory.
@TylerStahlhuth You mean like x.Name is a parameter?
Here's the whole function:
public static IQueryable<TType> SearchName<TType>(
            this IQueryable<TType> queryable,
            Func<TType, Name> name,
            string search)
            var terms = search.BreakdownTerms();
            return queryable.Where(x =>
                terms.All(y =>
                    (name(x).Type == NameType.LegalName
                            ? name(x).First + name(x).Middle + name(x).Last
                            : name(x).Mono)
                        .Replace(" ", "").Contains(y)));
I can't use Func there because Invoke doesn't translate
FYI, name is a complex property used in multiple entities.
The first thing that comes to mind is using a placeholder expression, then recursively looking for it and replacing every occurrence with the proper expression.
How could I use a place holder without knowing the type?
I don't understand the premise of the question
I don't know the type of x.
name(x) is basically the placeholder.
Is that a problem?
I don't know how to replace it since it's an invoke method.
I think I might understand what you're saying.
Just not sure how to do it
It doesn't matter what the placeholder expression is, since it gets swapped out anyway
The most obvious choice to me is a ParameterExpression
Jess Pardue on October 30, 2017

Welcome to The Stack Overflow Podcast episode #120 recorded Thursday, October 26, 2017 at our Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. As a special treat (or is it a trick?) your hosts today include Fog Creek CEO Anil Slash, self-described Glitch-Witch Jenn Schiffer, podcast Executive Producer Kaitlin (head-on-a) Pike, SO Engineering Manager Matt Sherman Munster, and News Editor Ill-ana Yitzhaki.

Special thanks to this week’s sponsors: Oracle and Digital Ocean.

Stack Overflow appreciates Oracle’s support for this podcast and for our community. Learn more about all the ways Oracle supports open source, java, and developers like you at oracle.com/developers. …

@KendallFrey How do you trick the compiler that the placeholder is a specific type? Otherwise I can't access the properties as I do in the example.
foo => queryable.Where(x =>
            terms.All(y =>
                (foo.Type == NameType.LegalName
                        ? foo.First + foo.Middle + foo.Last
                        : foo.Mono)
                    .Replace(" ", "").Contains(y)));
or somesuch
@TylerStahlhuth dynamic maybe?
I think expression trees end up dynamic anyway
So, foo would need to be the Name type
hmm, there still appears to be some form of type information
Yeah, that's the main issue.
But what you're describing is still dynamic, right?
Type info is supplied at runtime
Well, that was a misspeak.
No, the TType is know at compile.
But it can be any class.
04:00 - 18:0018:00 - 21:00

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