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I have a best practice question
I have to sync up and sync down data and I have some rules regarding syncing before adding the data to the necessary tables in my db.
The best way to handle the rules... would it be to create a static helper class to add the rules/checks and then use them where I need them in my code?
@Euridice01 Why not put the rules in rule-classes and then use instances of those classes where needed?
What would that be better than a static helper class?
Well non-static class or classes
When calling SaveChanges multiple times, but no added records after first call, will the subsequent SaveChanges take the same time as the first call..?
I try to avoid static when I can, especially in public classes & interfaces
static is useful to put helper methods in
such as
public static string NewGuid(int length)
    return Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").Substring(0, length);
yeah I was hoping to do a static helper method
but why is it bad Viktor?
public static string MapServerPath(string filePath)
    return filePath.StartsWith("~/") ? HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(filePath) : filePath;
@Euridice01 its not bad
I mean why/when would I use instance vs static for helper classes?
but can be better
In one line: abstraction is the elimination of the irrelevant and the amplification of the essential. In software engineering and computer science, abstraction is a technique for arranging complexity of computer systems. It works by establishing a level of complexity on which a person interacts with the system, suppressing the more complex details below the current level. The programmer works with an idealized interface (usually well defined) and can add additional levels of functionality that would otherwise be too complex to handle. For an example, a programmer writing code that involves numerical...
@Euridice01 If it is static it is close to a singleton
And singletons are bad
@ViktorSeifert that still doesnt explain why static is bad
@Wietlol give me a sec
I read an article about singletons somewhere that explains that
Can't find it right now
let me guess... abstractation
"All right, we can have logging," says my boss. "But can we do it completely through the database? It's easier to get the prod administrators to create a new table or two, than to get them to create a new file directory and grant us write access to it"
@ViktorSeifert also Principles > Patterns
Question: how practical is it to implement a logging system that writes only to the DB?
@Wietlol Yup
My first guess is "reasonably so" but I figured I'd seek a second opinion before making a hard-to-change design decision
there are always drawbacks from patterns
independent of which one you choose
@Kevin That's fine, until you want to logs to help you figure out what happened to the database.
even a potato visitor
still, I sometimes do use singletons
or rather... I use them quite a lot
@KendallFrey One benefit to the tight security restrictions at my workplace is: if the database melts, it's almost certainly not my fault and not my problem :-)
We use ETW which is a logging provider. You can use it to log to a database, a file, a debugger, or whatever, all at once.
but I dont use them as themselves
@kevin, I'm actually doing that now. I will let you know if I succeed. I'm using log4net and ADO.NET Appender to log to db
I use them using an interface they implement
@Kevin Take a look at kibana
singletons just mean that there is only one instance of it
which is not like static classes
It's almost always a good idea to have some kind of logging provider, so you can log events from the code without having to worry about where they go.
@ViktorSeifert Ok, sure
Then you can read the logs and send them anywhere.
@Wietlol Only one instance may also be bad
@ViktorSeifert depends on the class
mostly they are immutable
very simple implementation, a VoidLogger
or w/e you want to name it
@KendallFrey what do you mean by logging provider?
We use log4net for logging in other projects but I've more or less got carte blanche to use whatever here
logging calls should be used almost everywhere
but, you dont want to do a null check all the time hoping you never forgot one
@Euridice01 Some object or interface that a listener can connect to to receive logged events.
simply avoiding nulls by providing an instance of an implementation that does nothing is much easier
then... why do you need multiple instances of something that never changes?
For example, one part of your code handles logging the events, and a completely independent part takes those events and copies them to the database.
@KendallFrey is that similar to the configuration that log4net has?
Probably? I haven't used it.
ah ok just want to make sure I did all the proper setup
I'm guessing log4net doesn't provide cross-process logging though. ETW is tightly integrated into Windows.
@Kevin I've worked with some systems that used the ELK stack for logging, which means you don't really log into a file any more (but you can). So its totally reasoable to log to a DB / index only.
Ok, cool.
Seems like for once I get to do things the right-ish way
@Euridice01 You can use ETW to receive log events from other processes.
hmm ok
I think log4net is just log for everything contained in my project
I have a question, this is crazy but my client also wants me to log sql transaction statements in my db table.
Would I be able to log when an insert is done?
Hey guys! I am getting below error, done with all steps mentioned on stack overflow but none worked for me. Can anyone who already faced same issue, resolved it help on this?
Issue: System.Web.Mvc.HttpAntiForgeryException: The anti-forgery token could not be decrypted. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that all machines are running the same version of ASP.NET Web Pages and that the <machineKey> configuration specifies explicit encryption and validation keys. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.
and log the raw sql into one of my db fields?
Hmm, cross-process logging may become important at some point, since there is a feature on this project's todo list that involves spinning off a long-lived process that will do some lengthy work independent of the main program
@Euridice01 Are you using an ORM, or just manual SQL commands?
We are using Dapper
@Kevin To be clear, I'm not particularly recommending ETW. It's fairly low-level and not very coder-friendly.
@Euridice01 Check to see if it supports logging of SQL commands
@KendallFrey Ok, got it
ok I will, thanks
Looks like no but there might be a work around to output it to a file (but in my case, I would like to put it in db): stackoverflow.com/questions/18529965/…
@Kieran I didnt solve it:(
Weird as if I remove <ASP Textbox> and change it to a regular textbox it does work
what is different about those?/
@Euridice01 That should work just as well to send it to the DB
ok cool
System.Web.Mvc.HttpAntiForgeryException: The anti-forgery token could not be decrypted. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that all machines are running the same version of ASP.NET Web Pages and that the <machineKey> configuration specifies explicit encryption and validation keys. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.
@Kevin ELK can cope with many processed logging into it. But take care, you need something to identify logging statements that belong to same execution but not to the same process
i know that as a correlation
The spun-off process exists, ultimately, to create a large-ish file, so that's one unique identifier: the filename.
@kevin in ETL you can create a simple ETL_log.xml file and refer it from File Connection Manager
well you have your correlation then :)
depends, I am doing same, so far so good
Lotus Script: Mighty Weird!

Checking if an Array contains a value:
ArrayGetIndex(some parameters) -> Returns a variant (~object) of type long.
-> Array does not contain the value it returns NULL.

Now bool b = ArrayGetIndex(some parameters) = null does not throw a compile time error but a runtime error because you can't use nulls like that.

bool b = IsNull(ArrayGetIndex(some parameters)) is the way to go
Nice, teaches you not to go == null but always use string.IsNullOrEmpty()
^the == in c# is = in lotus script
And for that matter it would be
Dim b as Boolean
b = arrayGetIn[...]
Hi all
anyone familiar with asp.net web api?
or attributes?
Sorry I am not... I have seen people type about web api... but I dont know what it even is but I am sure some one here will drop in and be able to help
ussually, that'd be me
@Wietlol I'm working on a project that's using asp.net core web api
I've also worked with asp.net web api a little
no one responded on my issue, am i on wrong ship?
@ViktorSeifert I wanted to have some authentication on the web requests
someone told me to make an attribute that extends "ActionFilterAttribute"
then provide the authentication in there
but, I want to get the result from the authentication method (aka, the user who is authenticated) in the handler of the web request
im not sure how to extract that data
hmm, in asp.net core there is a 'Authorize' attribute as well. but i don't think it does what you want to
what does it do?
marks the handler so that it needs authorization
auth is set up in the start-up of the app
but if you are creating your own attribute, can you not use that to "inject" that into say a method param
the param would have an attribute like [FromAuth]
i think i've seen an example of how to set params of handlers somewhere
@Wietlol seems ok at first glance
maybe you can extend that so that it resolves a param of your handler
but "var user = ...;" at the handler is something I want to get from the authentication method
@ViktorSeifert how would that work?
your handler-method would have param "[FromAuth] string user"
and you would resolve that in your BasicAuthenticationAttribute
check the article i posted above
[FromAuth] doesnt exist
i know
you would create that yourself
to mark params you would like to resolve in the authorization
it's not strictly needed
you might be able to identfy params by their name and/or type
im not quite sure how to implement that though
but we will see
@Катерина honestly, i have no idea why it wouldn't work
@Катерина you'd be best off waiting to see if anyone can answer your question
No worries @Kieran tnx for trying
@Wietlol i think you can implement a IValueProvider
the microsoft article explains how
is it possible to store some custom values in a HttpActionContext ?
maybe you can pass the username via the context to the value-provider
like kek
thats actually quite good
@ViktorSeifert im now trying with the ActionContext.ActionArguments
Time to go home, goodbye sharperinos!
cya snitch
Guyss can i have an example of mysql connection using using statement? I only know howvto do it in vb.net
using MySql;
Don't be shitty. That's not what he meant and you know it.
Block statement maybe?
Is that the correct word
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
@mikeTheLiar i cant help it that both namespace imports and dispose wrappers are using statements
this is bad
maybe we should create a new language that makes a difference between the two
cuz nothing is left outside the using
lets make C#++ great again
c# is the best language boi
it beat java a long time ago
is that sarcasm? x2
Im still in the process of learning of csharp
Private Sub displayParameter()
Using connection As New MySqlConnection(connectionstring)
SQL = "Select * from IPQC_modelParameter where full_model='" & cbmodel.Text & "'"
Using da As New MySqlDataAdapter(SQL, connection)
Dim dt As New DataTable

cbparameter.DataSource = dt
cbparameter.DisplayMember = "parameter"

End Using
End Using
End Sub
I have this in vb.net
C-Pound is far superior.
!!tell earvin format
@earvin Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
Im using mobile, how can i do that
> where full_model='" & cbmodel.Text & "'
ow shit
iz the best language on earth
@Wietlol should i put it inside variable?
de basi
no you should learn c#
In database management systems, a prepared statement or parameterized statement is a feature used to execute the same or similar database statements repeatedly with high efficiency. Typically used with SQL statements such as queries or updates, the prepared statement takes the form of a template into which certain constant values are substituted during each execution. The typical workflow of using a prepared statement is as follows: Prepare: The statement template is created by the application and sent to the database management system (DBMS). Certain values are left unspecified, called parameters...
@EarvinNillCastillo you should be using parameterized statements or an ORM like a well-adjusted person living in the 21st century
Are those for sql inject?
    using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionstring))
        using (SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())
            command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM IPQC_modelParameter WHERE full_model = @value";
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("value", cbmodel.Text);

            using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                if (reader.HasRows)
i think that would cover most of it
ofcourse you cannot google this yourself though
google is evil and it will steal your ideas
use duckduckgo instead :P
Ah yes that is not available in google that is why im asking a favor for converting my code to c# thanksss
But why does your code seems broken or the txtarea is broke in mobile
my code is nevah broken
@GeorgeSarcasmGod on a side note, can you elaborate?
@GeorgeSarcasmGod also, that was the basic intention of C#... but they still messed most things up
first of all naming
then variance and contravariance
also ToString()
you don't post the whole snipped before
wait now ToString() is broken?
If I write string someString = stringArray[0]; I'm getting just the reference, right? (And not a copy)
@milleniumbug i just find it really useless
only on stuff like int bool float etc
and on exception
everything else just has the default implementation
which is like... literally useless
@PichiWuana you get the reference
@Wietlol Thanks
@milleniumbug don't get him started
if it were a struct, you would get a copy
@milleniumbug don't get me started
He's been bitching about how C#'s ToString doesn't work like Java's for, like, months now.
@mikeTheLiar thats not true
I only have bitched about it 3 times (including this one)
(at least, in SO chat)
well, Java's .toString() IME is just as useless
Jul 25 at 14:10, by Wietlol
@Metallkiller i find ToString() utterly useless
literally months
array.toString() -> builtin impl, use Arrays.toString(array) instead
to string is like
Every time the topic comes up the same conversation repeats
@mikeTheLiar I bitched about it a few months ago
the bestg thing after sliced bread
that is not the same as bitching about it for months
Sep 28 at 14:40, by mikeTheLiar
So subclass it and write a non-shitty ToString
you can ever override it
to control the output
tostring is bae
tostring is lyf
to string or not to string
@GeorgeSarcasmGod but I cannot override all the sealed classes from every single thing in the System namespace
or any other namespace
I don't play with sealed stuff
and I cannot provide the implementations of the overridden classes that all those libraries provide
if they are sealed they are sealed for a reason
public sealed class PandoraBox :P
@milleniumbug java has a few classes on which toString doesnt work well
but most of them provide at least some information about it
If all you need is a special to string, couldn't you just write an extension function instead of trying to override the class?
@mikeTheLiar my code compiles
@Sidney could be
but then I must access all values using reflection
and then I will probably get some serious stack overflow exceptions because I want to do toString on those values as well
using ⛧.Reflection
As long as your calling the correct functions you should be fine.
If you just call your extension function from itself you're boned, but if you're tostringing on other things your fine.
if I toString the values using value.ToString() then im not much better
I guess I'm failing to see what you're wanting. You have object Foo, which contains private reference to Bar and Baz. You want Foo.ToString() to return some composite string representation of Bar and Baz. Would something like the below code not work?

public static string ToFooString(this Foo foo)
var Bar = <Get bar from foo using reflection>
var Baz = <Get baz from foo using reflection>
return $"{Bar} -- {Baz}";
How can I check if a record I'm about to insert with Dapper already exists in db?
I'm not familiar wtih Dapper, but do you have some flavor of InsertOrUpdate?
Q: Dapper insert or Update?

CavermanI haven't started using Dapper just yet but just stumbled across it today as I was researching about bulk insert/updates. Currently I'm using EF6 but I would like to look at using Dapper in the future of my bulk stuff. For this app there could be ~15k records but I have other apps that could be ~...

Q: Dapper insert, check for existence of record

CSharpNewBeeSo i have been using this method to insert records into my database: TransactionBlock.Connection.Execute( "INSERT Table(Item,Id)VALUES(@Item, @Id); new {Item,Id = id }, TransactionBlock.Transaction); I now need to modify this, to first ch...

Q: Trying to get an UPSERT working on a set of data using dapper

someguy0005I'm trying to get an upsert working on a collection of IDs (not the primary key - that's an identity int column) on a table using dapper. This doesn't need to be a dapper function, just including in case that helps. I'm wondering if it's possible (either through straight SQL or using a dapper f...

Well I don't want to use an insert
I want to check for duplicate, then insert
I know how to insert but not check for dups because I don't have a dbcontext to get data from db with or at least I don't know how to do that with Dapper yet
I'm new to dapper as well :S
But umm stupid question but it seems like a lot of the tables I have possess two primary keys
@Euridice01 So what are you planning on doing if a record exists already? Ignore the data you were going to insert? Dump it to the aether?
and I guess with those two keys that is what makes it unique
so I have to check if both ids are duplicates?
If record already exists, log error and do not insert
as well as display error if duplicate
Can you apply a uniquness constraint on your column and then just catch the sql error?
A: Check if record exists with Dapper ORM

Marc Gravellint id = ... var exists = conn.ExecuteScalar<bool>("select count(1) from Table where Id=@id", new {id}); should work...

Q: Checking if record exists using Dapper ORM

webwormI am new to Dapper, so I may be missing something obvious but I don't understand why this query is returning null even though the record exists in the table. queryResult = db.Query<dynamic>(@"SELECT Id FROM Customer WHERE CustomerId = @CustomerId", new { CustomerId = theCustomer...

Q: How to check if record exists before reading in Dapper ORM

SunnyCan anyone please suggest how to check if there are any records in the resultset using Dapper ORM. Customer objCustomer = null; using (SqlMapper.GridReader multiResult = new DapperRepository().QueryMultiple(sql, new { id = id })) { objCustomer = multiResult.Read<Customer>().Single(); //null ...

Q: Check if a record exists in the database

KamranI am using these lines of code to check if the record exists or not. SqlCommand check_User_Name = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Table WHERE ([user] = '" + txtBox_UserName.Text + "') ", conn); int UserExist = (int)check_User_Name.ExecuteScalar(); But I am getting an error: Object reference no...

@mikeTheLiar I'd think that you'd want this to be atomic, or at least as atomic as sql gets. There's no guarentee if you check for a record then go to insert it, it won't exist.
@mikeTheLiar the first answer you linked... I have two primary keys, do I need to check out for uniquness
like if check fooid = id1 and barid=id2
to prevent dups?
@Sidney I'm not going to bother to check the results on something that I know can be answered in the first page of Google results.
I can only lead to water.
Hmm I wonder, if we follow the TDD programming paradigm to the letter, any "unit" is fully defined by its tests. -- This is turn would also mean that if two units would have the same tests (and results) the units could be interchangeable: and in turn they are considered equivalent.
Now I have a problem with how this works for algorithms (say sorting): many a times there are several different ways to sort (heapsort, timsort or even bubblesort). The only difference is their performance characteristic; and since it does -often- matters which algorithm one chooses, the performance is also part
Worse: Following TDD ("Minimal code to pass the tests is best solution") insertion/bubble sort would always be best!
That seems like it would better be part of a integration/benchmarking test.
This isn't really the same thing but one of our teams has a bunch of automated Selenium tests that simulate mumble number of users hitting the system at the same time and if page response time is sufficiently degraded it sets off an alarm of some description.
oh shit it's nathvi everybody run
@mikeTheLiar Sure from a practical standpoint. - But when looking at what TDD stands for, and strictly following it's paradigms, one would need to put the "algorithmic performance" as part of the API (otherwise insertion sort would be the chosen solution, since less code = less error prone). - And that would mean that testing perfomane is required during unit-tests.
I'm about to go to lunch.
You've been out to lunch for a while, buddy.
@paul23 something something pep 8
Mmmm pep 8, my hero! (and not even sarcastic :P).
"Practicality beats purity"
Oh that's import this :P
Dammit that's pep 20
I'll just kill myself now.
It's been a while since I've written Python.
Anyway, I understand it. Just started wondering today: I often read that performance "shouldn't be (unit-)tested since it isn't part of the public api". - Yet I kind of think in many complex the performance characteristics are part of the API.
Pep8 has: "A Foolish Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Little Minds"
Also a good one.
Anyone ever use Northwoods here before?
@Sidney sorry, I went home,
>Going home with the rest of us are stuck at work
You should be sorry...
in simple terms, Java toString's standard currently is the following:
"{ClassName}{{field1='{field1}', field2='{field2}', field3='{field3}', field4='{field4}'}}"
aka, "Foo{bar='somebar', baz='somebaz'}"
however, that means that bar.toString() follows the same implementation
just like baz
... So if you have several complex objects your tostring is a massive clusterfuck?
the idea behind having it on the class level is allowing you to avoid certain fields that would break the toString behavior
just as well as adding stuff that is not inside a field or property
if you have complex objects as in a massive tree of objects?
then toString will return a massive string
... I don't like it, but I understand the need.
Ok, so here is a thought.
the need is literally just debugging purposes
except on classes such as Integer, Double, Boolean, CharSequence etc
System.Exception also follows this pattern quite nicely (as far as it does)
but it is almost alone in it
I havent seen any other type that implements the toString in such a way
so, I gave up trying to find more
now, I just use a serializer that converts all the objects and their children to a dictionary
then I serialize that to something like json or xml
then that is used in logging
(yet again, im not really a C# hater, but I dont call C# just superior to Java or any other languages
in all of the languages that I have used, there were things that I really dislike
C#'s ToString() is just a minor annoyance though)
Ok. I have an idea for a generic work flow. It still uses an extension function. How does this sound?

Public static string JavaStyleToString(this object object)
   var str = $"{object.getType().ToString}{"
   foreach (var property in object.getType.GetProperties)
       if (<test if property is primitive type>)
           str + = $"{{{property.Name} = property.getValue(object).toString()}}"
           str + = $"{{{property.Name} = property.getValue(object).JavaStyleToString()}}"
sounds bad
needs a StringBuilder
A stringbuilder would definitely be an improvement.
also, $"{{{property.Name} = property.getValue(object).toString()}}"
-> $"{property.Name} = '{property.getValue(object).toString()}' "
the interpolation is kinda messed up
but the idea would be good... mostly
Yeah, the double braces allows for a single brace in an interpolated string. I don't know why they didn't use a "\" to escape that, but now we live with it.
the only drawback here remains that you cannot exclude certain values by overriding the toString
What kind of values would you want to exclude?
the interpolation was messed up because the "property.getValue(object).toString()" wasnt interpolated
it was just the string itself
Every Hex there is
the values I would exclude are the ones that have no relevance to the actual data
or the ones that would break the toString by providing an infinite loop
Without knowing your business requirements, would you be able to apply attributes to properties/fields you want excluded from the java to string method?
also, some classes still dont have an implementation of toString() because they just dont have anything useful to show
@Wietlol everything has ToString()
without being able to edit the System namespace, it wont matter much
it might not be what you want
not everything overrides ToString() in a useful way though
@juanvan i am talking about an overridden ToString
e.g. collections
ohh - you can override string to show the First in the collection

public Foo SomeProperty {get; set;}
or Random #
with something more interesting than {GetType()}#{HashCode()}
What about something with a call signature like this?

Public static string FancyToString(this object object, List<string> PrintedFields = null)

Where if you don't specify any printed strings it prints them all, otherwise it just prints the ones you specify
@juanvan collections ussually do "[" + String.join(", ", this) + "]"

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