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05:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

Im lazy today, only 13
and only 6 apps
4 tabs
(not that I didnt just remove 50, but I have 4 atm :D)
@KendallFrey that like, 160 spaces. Get your indentation under control, man.
Crazy idea: use tabs instead of spaces but set your IDE to render tabs as one space. Indent your code with 4 tabs.
@mikeTheLiar you like indentation?
Is that
Is that a Sabrina the Teenage Witch gif?
@mikeTheLiar I will ram this spacebar so far up you that you'll be farting indentation for a week.
@mikeTheLiar Fuck if I know.
!!tell kendall lenny
@kendall ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
let your eyes feast
!!giphy salem from sabrina the teenage witch
@Wietlol the code is bad and you should feel bad
I feel bad
but I didnt write it
I have to work with it
we had to change the code and add some functionality
I refused
not to mention, the classes with 8k lines methods
or the various cases of "if (1==1)"
xml documents as runtime data
If it makes you feel any better, somewhere in our app is a line that says while(1 != 0) // create an infinite loop
methods with parameters: "object data" where data is only used as "(data as Model).Stuff"
what is the difference between while (1 != 0) and while (true)?
also, half of the configuration files are redundant
where their values are hardcoded in the product
try blocks of 1.226 lines
with a "catch (Exception ex) { Common.LogException(ex.Message); }"
@Wietlol absolutely nothing
I can see the use of "while (true)"
but if you write "while (1 != 0)" I will find you and I will kill you
@Wietlol Bwhahahaha that is terrible.
In my experience if you're writing an infinitely loop you almost certainly need to take a step back and think about what the fuck you're doing.
I'm not saying they're never needed.
But just reevaluate the life choices that brought you to this point.
Eh, I use them regularly. Of course, they have breaks in them :-P
while(0.(9) == 1)
last time I used it, it was a separate thread which had to process stuff in a stack that gets filled by other threads
i think that is one of the few real reasons to have infinite loops
its the simple approach ofcourse
you dont have to use an infinite loop
You still want an dispose check on those processor thingies.
however, sometimes, I use a while(true) with breaks
dispose check?
on the processor or the processable items?
the processor has a Dispose function that blocks incoming items and joins the thread
while(Double.Parse(String.Format("0.{0}", new String('9', 50))) != 1.0)
if that is what you mean
while (true)
    if ((element = enumerator.Next()) == null)
        return builder.ToString();
purrfect use of while (true)
the true is flat
Or you could just do while(element = enumerator.Next()) != null)
> flat
@mikeTheLiar that is redundant
assuming the first element check is done before the loop
No it's not
It's a less retarded way of writing this loop
the loop has to break half way through its operation
7 mins ago, by mikeTheLiar
But just reevaluate the life choices that brought you to this point.
@juanvan /true/earth/s
We all public static float down here.
@mikeTheLiar i dare you to write that loop in a non-retarded way
or at least less retarded than what I did
I'm not even sure what this is trying to do but it looks like something that could be done with one line of String.Join
mostly, yes
except that String.Join does not allow parsers for the elements and just calls "ToString"
which, as we all know, is literally useless on 99% of the classes
So subclass it and write a non-shitty ToString
Or go back to your precious Java
I dont want to write the entire System namespace over
also, im still waiting for your non-retarded implementation of this retarded while loop
10 mins ago, by mikeTheLiar
Or you could just do while(element = enumerator.Next()) != null)
It'd help if you posted some code that, you know, compiled.
Is following c# timer reliable as long time timer (it might run for months)

            var startTimeSpan = TimeSpan.Zero;
            var periodTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);

            var timer = new System.Threading.Timer((e) =>
            }, null, startTimeSpan, periodTimeSpan);
Define "reliable". How much accuracy do you need?
accuracy is not important
but rather, that this timer doesn't die at some point
@mikeTheLiar from the top of my head: paste.ofcode.org/GQAgvwnKF7qAHXXV85Fgvf
the empty check might be wrong
(hmm... also elements should be "this IEnumerable<E> elements"
string.Join(sep, elements.Select(element => YourNonRetardedToString(element)))
@milleniumbug nah, I want him to write the while loop
Oh and MoveNext() has to be called before the first access to .Current
Hi, I've got trobble with the examine searchers in Umbraco. Could anyone answer this Question please: stackoverflow.com/questions/46468063/…
@Wietlol You CAN do while, You know...
that while(true) is just bad.
while ((element = enumerator.Next()) != null)
return builder.ToString();
@mikeTheLiar until we sink
@ntohl then you duplicate the parser call append call thing
oh my... And I win a while(true) remove
@milleniumbug as I said, the check for empty might be wrong
@ntohl i dont see the issue with the while true though
Sorry got interrupted by - ugh - work. But @milleniumbug's solution in what I would do if I were writing it. @ntohl's solution is the non-retarded while loop I would write.
I suppose a do while would be best in this case
But I like millenium's solution a lot more.
no, wait that doesnt fix anything
other places while(true) is just plain ignorance about the processor usage. Write a background thread, which while(true) <poll anything>. These places are eating processor.
@ntohl that is like using a busy wait
while(true) poll something once in 1000000 times is bad
that is why you do "while (true) poll everything and if you polled nothing, sleep for a while"
with a possible awake/invoke when items are added again
but that is really optional
^ that whole concept is the problem
busy wait with some sleep...
but its a separate thread
it should be push notification
it's not a good excuse
then i have no idea what the busy wait's problem is
return elements.Any ? string.Join(sep, elements.Select(e => parser(e)) : defaultValue;untested air code but should work
guess i have to look it up sometime
@Wietlol if You have invoke possibility, than why use wait at all?
prepare a Subject, or event or anything, and don't busy wait (nor with sleep)
that is just fun, but I have removed the duplicate call>
} while (() =>
    return enumerator.MoveNext();
return builder.ToString();
no. It's not correct
} while (() =>
    bool ret = enumerator.MoveNext();
    if (ret)
    return ret;
return builder.ToString();
worse than ever :D
btw en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Busy_waiting states it correctly, that spinning is an antipattern
In a WPF app, is it possible to open a window above all other windows that a user might have open? Or have the app grab OS level focus and bring itself to the front?
Is there something online I can use to convert c# object to json?
@Euridice01 there's an example on this page, knock yourself out
thanks but I meant something like this: csharp2json.azurewebsites.net
I need to generate test json data to test the post request I mentioned yesterday LOL
@Hypersapien All of them? No. Making it with a higher priority so it will cover the ones with a normal priority? Yes.
hi all
Why would EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Database.ExecuteDataSet() call a stored procedure, but not get all of the information returned from the stored procedure? When I execute the sproc on sql server i have all the info, but in the application, it's leaving off the last column of data
Message = "The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted." I got this error message when trying to insert data. Um, where can I find out if there's a trigger and how do I fix this?
Q: Need to list all triggers in SQL Server database with table name and table's schema

Ronnie OverbyI need to list all triggers in SQL Server database with table name and table's schema. I'm almost there with this: SELECT trigger_name = name, trigger_owner = USER_NAME(uid),table_schema = , table_name = OBJECT_NAME(parent_obj), isupdate = OBJECTPROPERTY( id, 'ExecIsUpdateTrigger'), isdelete ...

that should help you find the list of triggers
so just execute that query
what is trigger_owner?
trigger_name is the name of the table that has the trigger?
i don't know anything about triggers except to not use them and what they do
i'd guess that trigger_name would be the name of the trigger
oh nvm, I just ran the script and found some info
I'm in the same boat as you. They put doing db stuff and I have no idea what I'm doing. I've been spending most of my time on front-end development, so I know next to nil about SQL besides the basic queries like joins, selects, group by @_@
2 hours later…
Sup ?
I am at Tempe, Phx, AZ. Anyone near by ?
Do you need a ride?
Because UBER Is a rip off
Uber sucking out my wallet all the way to the leather
Hi all... anyone understand custom error pages well?
what is uber?
back in '90 I visited Phoenix it is a different world
2 hours later…
posted on September 28, 2017 by Scott Hanselman

The culture wars continue. The country is divided with no end in sight. Tabs or spaces? There's even an insane (IMHO) assertion that the spaces people make more money. I'm going with Gina Trapani on this one. I choose working code. @ftrain I choose the 3rd option: working code — Gina Trapani ️‍ (@ginatrapani) December 27, 2015 Teams can fight but the problem of formatting code across tea

05:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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