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Thats it!! But "consoles" are now direct meaning to gaming consoles.
Makes sense. Gaming consoles are relevant to a wider audience and have a much larger economic meaning, so it makes sense that are more popular texts that use that meaning, which in turn feed into Google Translate's training data.
consoles are means paradise for new born now a day. :P
but it was "scary and dark place" for my childhood.
gaming or terminal consoles?
Because for me gaming consoles were always awesome
I like using mouse to turn around my views instead of damn analog sticks
How to make new line in XML documentation ///
<para> make a pretty long vertical space
hi everyone
when titanfall came out, I got it on pc. Pretty soon, I connected my xbox360 controller to that pc. That's when I started pwning people there.
Hi @Sankaran
cool @Me
Anybody here know about Entity Framework especially Database first approach
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan ah. Thanks for that bit of knowledge :)
@Metallkiller 42
why are you using DB First?
@Nerdintraining Do you have that with cream?
@Metallkiller vanilla or chokolate
@Taurib It is legacy system
Vanilla of course
Wait what kind of cream has another taste?!
@Metallkiller chocolate
and chocobo
don't forget the infamous jelly cream souce
isnt a chocobo an animal in Final Fantasy?
Why would you process those poor animals into cream!?
I wouldn't i'm vegetarian but some people would
anyone can help me with a very simple issue?
Left is where your thumb is on the right
i have an html file and I want to show it in an asp.net website
@Metallkiller looking at the palm of my hands... that statement can never be true
Look at their back then
da hell?
i have 2 left hands
@Wietlol what exactly stops you?
@Taurib iDunno how that would be easily implemented
you use MVC?
i made a web page without master page
and i got the html as string in the code
Add it to your View folder, in Controller add method for it
@Wietlol kek
If you have Contact page, then make add this to your (home)controller
public async Task<ActionResult> Contact()

            return View();
i somehow have to set the outer html of the website to a string
that includes the header+title, doctype tag, etc
can't you make it cshtml page?
Quick question, I have a string which contains 2.000, now I want to remove the dot and everything after the dot, so I want it to return 2. How could I do such thing? I've been using String.Format but that's not working as expected.
`String.Format("{0:#}", "2.000"`
the html is in a string
loaded from the database
can i make it a cshtml page?
well, you could replace .html -> .cshtml
does it fix my problem?
there is no html file
well, it depends, how you plan to use it
is it like list of pages?
because you might need a controller, if you use import like that
(maybe someone else knows better)
@Катерина String.Format takes non-textual data (number, date, etc) and creates a formatted string from it. It's not what you need. You have pure text - the fact that it's a decimal number in it is irrelevant.
i plan to make a web page that requires an url parameter
that url parameter is then used to look up a html code from the database
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan How should I do it? or is it not possible to do such thing?
You can do one of two things - either parse that string to a number and then use string.Format to reformat it to a string. Or you can just treat it as a string and manipulate it as such.
and that html code must then be shown on the browser
string.Split('.')[0] will take your string, split it into an array divided by dots (resulting in ["2", "000"]), then return the first value, which is the string "2".
html code?
as just code?
that stuff
I mean, do you want to display page or do you want to display HTML Script
just the html
the page
that could work, but that is not what i want
I'm just thinking, that how you could display page from database on the go
im not familiar with ASP.net
but in Jax-Rs, the solution to it is make a web route, then register a listener on it, make that one do the database request and return the string as a stream
then that string will be treated as the actual page
but iDunno how I can do the same approach in ASP.net
well, since MVC ignores static HTML files as default, you would need to add routes.IgnoreRoute(..) for that
and you could generate html files to static folder
but the html is not a file on the server
is my thought
its stored in the database
well, you can generate it
i dont want to generate it
i want a proper approach
and i want to stop using ASP.net... guess we cant always choose what we want
I don't think, that this is impossible, far from it
i didnt say it was impossible
ahh, I think I know
know, you think
explain, you shall
use empty cshtml page as template and add following code to page
@model MVC.SomeViewModel
im not familiar with cshtml pages
then you have proper controller for that, and add data to controller as you need
cshtml page is Razor page, that enables C# code on that page
C# code will be compiled as HTML before* sent to client
are @model and @Html.Raw() supposed to exist?
"Cannot resolve symbol 'Html'."
it should, sometimes the compiler cries
what version of VS you are using?
but im starting it now
Elementalist summon a magical resurrection spells
VS 2015 Professional, V14.0.25431.01
I normally use Rider
VS doesnt know it either
it can take some time to load it, I'm using 2017, this has fixed that issue most of the time
but it happens, that it doesn't understand it
but it works when compiled
and running
it is pretty common google.ee/…
how do I open that page in the browser?
many issue can lead dependencies failed
run it from VS?
if you want to link it
Display name, Controller method, Controller name
i get an error that the browser cannot show it
probably because of .cshtml
maybe its the security settings
did you make method for it (with same name as page) to controller?
i guess
you need to have it there
in HomeController, copy Index method and replace it with pagename
(without extension)
in controllers folder
you should have it
or did you make empty project?
iDunno what the home controlle should have anything to do with this
i dont want to go there by a link in the browser
i want to go there by a link in anywhere
we arent using the MVC pattern though
just the ASP.net MVC framework
(not my choice)
(dont ask)
hmm, to my knowlage, you still have to do it like that
because this is how server knows how to find your pages
and do work with them
since also you give html input from your controller to page
unless you plan to use API and JS frameworks
we just have .aspx pages
which have their codebehind classes with them
well, then you can do it similar
fuck it, ill use an iframe
you give value to some parameter and display it as raw html
and write down another reason to rewrite the entire thing
it's an old project?
not that old... i guess
5 years
but it was originally made by 2 guys who just graduated from not even bachelor degree
uff, okay.. Well good luck with web forms then :D
iDunno what it is called in english
also, neither of those work here any more
yep, sounds fantastic
i have been asking to rewrite this entire project from scratch several times...
per week
... day probably
well, if you get paid enough for that, then just do it as slow as you can
the problem is that there are currently issues with it that needs to be fixed
but the more we fix, the worse it becomes
Sounds like SharePoint
we are in that position that technical dept has taken over
what you going to do.. sometimes you need to swallow it down or go find another one
find another job?
ye, if you have to suffer, then why do it? :D
Are we just not doing phrasing now?
well, they are paying me more than pretty much every other company would do
and on the other hand, we are getting to the point that we will rewrite everything
well it depends, if you find that it is interesting and challenging enough for you
and most probably we will stop using C# alltogether
if you get paid the same but find other better positions, then why not go for other?
well, then all I have to say, is that I feel sorry for you
well, again, i get paid more than other people would do
and we have very good secondary stuff
like food being made for us
fun events now and then
Free food? O.o
yep, free food
soup, baked eggs, fresh good bread, etc
every day
not bad
but see yourself, just my opinion on that is, that if you don't like what you are doing (no matter how much you are paid), then why do it?
because i wont like what i am doing at other companies either
if you wake up in the morning thinking "why do I do this", then something is wrong
change proffesion?
id rather change how people run a company
or position
if i would be IT team manager, then i probably could decide how we build everything
but now, im just a junior
working here not even a full year
learning how not to do stuff
well, your whole project?
i dont need people to tell me how to program or organize my projects :D
i do need them to tell me how to document stuff though
but if you compare my pet projects or my school projects to... literally anything, you can definately see which one is better
you know teachers always have something to complain about?
it appears it wasnt true
on a side note, iframes dont work either
Any xaml wpf gurus in da house`?
prolly because of this: c-sharpcorner.com/forums/…
but anyway, free-lunch time, so ill be back when im fat
ok im back
... still gonna eat though
@Metallkiller when you get your PC?
@Wietlol why free?
@Nerdintraining getting the case this weekend. Optimally I already got the RAM until then.
@Metallkiller i haz ram
old ram
but ram nevertheless
So you could have some for nows
ddr3? cuz my mainboard needs ddr3
maybe ddr0.5
can anyone explain?
@Nerdintraining because the food here is free
that is why it is a free lunch
i assume
@MohamedAhmed Looks like the calling method passes some kind of dynamic object that extends TbArea
@Nerdintraining Ask a question and it shall be answered, but just calling in some gurus doesn't work very well :P
@Metallkiller gurus dont work well?
@Wietlol Not for eating soup, no.
grutgf asdfuig ipasdgfsüan fzion asüh fnüioasdu sdfaüsdioafnü ioasdn füoaweznü riowezfoüsdafzcm iaosasefzifj kyxbhhli i44444444444444444444444444444444444
I am fuming i just can't get the button to be disabled while it is running the command
have a running property, and inversebooleanconvert it to the enabled attribute o' the button
@Metallkiller cant i just bind the IsEnebled prop to that but?
@Nerdintraining Cats running on keybroad?
@nyconing thats what i was doing
@Nerdintraining THat's the one i was talking about.
Also, I'm back from my break now :)
@Metallkiller anyway got it nows
i got a git problem
so i made some changes on my branch, commited them and switched to master
however now i want to switch back to my branch because i forgot to push them
but when i type git checkout #mybranch it says its up to date with master
"Up to date with master" sounds like the title of a gay BDSM novel.
@mikeTheLiar nah, I don't have the talent for writing good erotica.
@KendallFrey Ah, yes. I've heard of Canada's weird fixation with bear porn.
I'm tempted to buy a copy just because
something something chuck tingle
Chuck Tingle is the consummate troll of our generation.
His AMAs are awesome
I know (hope?) he's just playing a character but still, the message that he's sending is one that I can get behind
Be yourself, do what makes you happy, don't be an asshole, love one another, etc, etc.
His reaction the the Rabid Puppy Hugo-award fiascos in the last couple of years have been fantastic.
Chuck Tingle isn't playing a character. He is a character. And that's perfectly fine.
yeah i had # at the start of my branch name, had to put everything under quotes
@Proxy Why would you put a # in front of your branch name?
no idea, never worked much with git, that was the number of the task i had to complete so i automatically named my branch that way as i have seen it
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan whatever. He's awesome. I've never read his books but he's awesome, regardless whether he's playing a character or not.
@mikeTheLiar I've never read his books because I don't have any personal interest in gay supernatural erotica, but I really appreciate his public presence.
I need help with a linq statement.
I have two tables [AllProducts](A) [OrdersMade](B)

Table A has a field called Active to allow me to flag a product as Active or Inactive. Table B is orders.

I want to select all active products that has been ordered in table B.
What do you have so far, and what doesn't work?
well currently it looks like this.
(from o in db.Orders where num == o.OrderNum select o) because I am getting the orders from the current user. I am trying to make sense of the query in my head

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