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Hello everyone!
Does anyone have an example about Localization and Globalization with Asp.Net core that can share with me?
Thanks in advanced!
That seems pretty straight forward in making a multi-language site
Thanks @jaunvan, I'd been following this for a long time. I did some examples but not work. Now I need an example runs as well. I also got source code from MS. But need to add many references. This make mad because I'm a newbie on this.
Ahh ya I could understand why that is troubling to a newbie
4 hours later…
any ideas why my threads get printed out in different orders each time ? pastebin.com/ryG8LmBi
1 hour later…
I thinks I got the main idea of the difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable..
when using IEnumerable.Where(Func<bool,T>) .. it well SELECT ALL data from database and then perform the Func delegate on them.. but when using IQueryable.Where(Expression<Func<bool,T>>) it will convert the expression into the equivalent SQL and only return the filtered data.. so the difference here is about periorities, IEnumerable: get data then filter, IQueryable: filter data, then get the result.. Did I get it right?
anyone here knows asp.net mvc?
@Ahmad what's your question?
getting this error
The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Data.Entity.DynamicProxies.Product_BF8932C063984EEFCBB3E2582812B23C7BA2B‌​4107F8D377049B26862EFD5B1C9', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'MVCOnlineShop.Models.Category'.
i have categories in it products
i am making a partial view details
so when i press on any product it will take me to details page
Jeez I had that error yesterday, I had to use ViewModel instead of POCO classes, you could turn off proxy if you really need the POCO class not a view model (didn't try it before)
my models are in edmx file
all from SQL
Are you using the EF entities as a source for your controls?
just need to fix this , and i will finish my project
2 hours later…
asp.net mvc anyone :P ?
Well that dynamic proxy is presumably a subclass of Product, the clue being the generated name
Obviously it's not a subclass of Category
What dictionary?
i made when i press on categories it goes to products page
then i want to press on product to go to details of this product
Short answer: be careful to match up the arguments correctly when calling RenderPartial
i think this is not the answer i want, but thanks! @TomW
OK but it does seem like the problem is something to do with how you're calling RenderPartial, does that sound right?
That's where that error message is emitted from
i am not calling a render partial
its a partial view , where when i press on any product it will go to
2 hours ago, by Ahmad
i am making a partial view details
yeah but not rendering it
linking to it
so when pressing on product it will take me to this pgae
OK. I didn't know you could do that. I only know one way to use partial views
yeah @TomW, but thanks anyway :D
2 hours later…
Q: How to pass IP value in code behind file?

Vanuston IntelligenceWhen window is loading IP will generate I want to call the IP in Code Behind page load JavaScript <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function () { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.sr...

2 hours later…
is there something wrong with this statement If Im trying to get a value between 0 and 100 (0 to 1 * 100)
            (int) Math.Ceiling((double)
                ((_lastStream + stream.TotalIn)/_srcsize)
_lastStream, stream.TotalIn, and _srcsize are all longs
nvm I had the double cast in the wrong place... Not sure if casting a long to double will cause any issues though...
the little triangle is missing in the last VS update.. sad
btw does anyone here know much about winform controls?... basically I want to change the type thats being added by the designer so it uses my derived type... (so I dont have to continually manually edit the Designer.cs which Im afraid will probably get overwritten)
i got progress bars working in OwlComponent.BetterListView, But it requires a derived betterlistviewColumnHeader. and a Derived BetterListView, Unfortunately when I add a header column in the designer it still uses the base one. Which is fairly annoying...
5 hours later…
2 hours later…
posted on August 19, 2017 by jonskeet

In the last blog post, I investigated why my Noda Time tests on Travis were running much slower than those on AppVeyor. I resolved a lot of the problem just by making sure I was running release builds on Travis. That left a single test which takes up about half of the test time though: … Continue reading Diagnosing a single slow test →

2 hours later…
posted on August 19, 2017 by jonskeet

Unlike the previous tests which have been based on Noda Time, this post is based on some issues I’ve had with my main project at work: the Google Cloud Client Libraries for .NET. Background This is somewhat detailed for those of you who really care about the chain of events. If you don’t, skip to … Continue reading Diagnosing a corner-case tooling bug →

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