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but that was rather complicated then?
<TextBox Text="{Binding TheStringProperty}" />
Similar for the CheckBox
but... then comes the question if I instead had two string properties? would it just take the first one first and then the second one?
or ahaa should I create a DataSet instead of the struct and name two fields to list text and boolValue and use something like {Binding text} and {Binding boolValue}?
You can't bind to fields, only properties.
But you just give it the name of the property you want to bind to.
but.. what is the difference of a field and a property? (compare the string with the struct)
so a struct with properties would be ok
string myField;
string MyProperty { get; set; }
WPF only binds to properties.
yes but in the list<string> I don't have any properties...
list<MyProperty> ?
This stuff you guys are discussing is way beyond me but fasinating! keep it up!!
You are binding to the DataContext itself. If the DataContext object had a List<string> property called TheList, you would bind to it like so:
ItemsSource="{Binding MyList}"
But when I set the DataContext = myList; then that isn't a property?
DataContext is a property of the ListBox.
Sorry this is very confusing :)
DataContext is a property of the type object?
but how can the DataContext object have a List<string> property then?
It doesn't. It is a List<string>
wouldn't it have to be a class/struct with a property List<strings> in it?
@Markus you have to use an ObservableCollection<T> in WPF rather than a list, if you intend to databind it
No you don't, unless you want to change the list at runtime.
List<T> won't provide the update mechanism
well I don't really have to? It works, but I'm just trying to figure out how it works
that's ok though
{Binding} doesn't bind to a property, it binds to the DataContext object itself.
now I think I'm getting somewhere here!
so if I had a struct with a prop bool boolValue {get;set;}; then to bind it I would use "{Binding boolValue}"
The struct would go into the DataContext.
Do you understand the ItemTemplate binding stuff?
binding in WPF lets you recieve updates automatically if done properly
you need to read up on MVVM, INotifyPropertyChanged, INotifyCollectionChanged
@KendallFrey I think so :)
I'll try it out
of course, now comes the question, If i have a checkbox (as I was talking about) and I don't have the ObservableCollection<T>, then do I get the updates in the List when I check the box?
that's where you need to read up
@Markus ObservableCollection allows updates from the data to the GUI.
Updates from the GUI to the data happen automatically, I think.
Not entirely true, only Add/Remove on an ObservableCollection will update the UI
Right. INotifyPropertyChanged is the other half.
what is a VisualTree and why can't it be used more than twice in a DataTemplate?
Do I need some sort of container to hold two controls in a template?
you need a Layout control
Yes. Any content needs a panel to layout more than one control.
WTF??? I am a local admin on my box but I can't create a database in sqlexpress? can't enable sa, and can't add myself to the sysadmin group
@Markus ObservableCollection only looks at add/remove I believe. BindingList/BindingSource actually listens to property changes (assuming object implements INotifyPropertyChanged)
@SPFiredrake And it's not even that simple either
nested complex objects, for example, are poorly handled by a bindinglist
and it's never really ideal
@Baboon Oh yeah?
you end up having to subscribe to events in your POCOs
it's one of the few things i think the WPF team messed up a bit
Are you talking about properties > gui now? or gui > properties
ohh nooo
So by standard the struct that I have just made won't get updated when I press the checkbox?
absolutely not
wait, you use a struct?
why do you hate yourself so much =(
what does it matter? what would you prefere? class? dataset?
can someone help with Oledb Query?
hey kendall
ok ok, so i'll use a class then...
anyway, the regular way of making a variable accessible to WPF binding both ways is
I don't see any difference but the reference / value types
private Int64 m_BreakID;
public Int64 BreakID
    get { return m_BreakID; }
        if (m_BreakID != value)
            m_BreakID = value;
that's pretty much the simplest form
wasn't this (the checkedListBox) a little more easy in winForms?
maybe it was "easier" but it was much less flexible
seems like a lot less code at least
and didn't support MVVM design
but it was done in an hour and I would have time to do about 8 different version on the thing before I have managed to make one in wpf :) but that maybe says more about me then it does about c#
it only means you're new to WPF
I'm sure I can do it pretty fast in WPF ;)
well the only thing that remains is to do the connection between the "checking the checkbox" and the update my list<myClass>
that's the thing, there is no other mechanism to put in place than INotifyPropertyChanged on your class
and then implementing your boolean property as i advised before
(the BreakID example)
ok, i'll have a try on that as well then :)
also, bindings have more properties than just the path
for example, Mode
for a CheckBox I believe it's implicitely TwoWay
I don't even know what the path is...
so the binding goes to and from UI
Path to the element you bind, it's taken from the object you set as DataContext
The property name.
for example if you have an object like
public class ViewModel
public bool MyBool {get;set;}
and you set that object as datacontext of a view
you need to bind like:
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding MyBool}" />
which is equivalent to
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Path=MyBool}" />
the "Path" attribute of a binding is implicit
much like you can do
<Button>My own button</Button>
@Baboon ahaa I had seen that and was just starting to connect it when you started talking about path
that translates into
<Button Content="My own button" />
side question: when getting an answer on stacktrace we mark it as an accepted answer (if it is) an maybe give some up on the answer. is there anything similar on the chat, there is the star, but it's hard to specify one row as a good answer...
there is nothing on the chat that I know of
noo, my Binding doesn't work :(
if I have understood it correct it should work though...
I have made a class myClass with two properties myBool and byString, and filled a List<myClass> and in the template I have Text="{Binding myString}" and IsChecked="{Binding myBool}"
show the class myClass plz
copy/paste it here with fixed font
or on PasteBin if it's too big
    public class FilePair
        string fileName { get; set; }
        bool isChecked { get; set; }

        public FilePair(string s, bool b)
            this.fileName = s; this.isChecked = b;
you did it wrong
the class does not implement INotifyPropertyChanged
public properties, plz
the properties arent public
and they don't raise proeprtychanged on their setter
havn't gotten to that yet :)
see the example i gave earlier on
don't stress me here :)
intuitively it feels to me that that rather is to notify the gui when the actual data is changed. But I might be wrong?
Well, can you suggest any other way for the gui to find out?
But I'm only interested in the other way around
In that case, you probably don't have to worry about notifying the GUI.
hehe no I wouldn't think so either. but does the gui worry about notifying me?
That's the whole purpose of a GUI. Notifying the user of everything. ;)
... I'm talking about me as a programmer :)
I think you're talking about you as a model.
Not a clothing model, but a data model.
A class.
ok maybe model then
maybe clothing...
YES it works!
These bindings, when are they evaluated? at runtime?
The bindings are first established during initialization (unless you programmatically change them).
It seem a little strange not to have it checked at compile time, I mean even programmatically change them you could have them checked at compile time (at least type checked or something)
But what if you change the binding to an externally supplied value? Can't check that at compile time.
well maybe not...
I need a little help... I tested my app and it worked fine. I made a change tried to run it and got an exception. Removed the change and am still getting the excpetion "Could not load file or assembly 'EntityFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)"
I have no Idea... But have you tried reloading the solution?
Sorry then...
I added the EntityFramework reference to the webUI project from the domain project and now it's working. Don't know why it worked the first time without it
in c# isn't there any (...) parameters as in c?
maybe you're referring to the params keyword
not sure what you mean though
I haven't done any C is a while :p
I'm thinking about the System.IO.Path.Combine() function which has several overloads (string[]; string1, string2; string1, string2, string3... and so on)
@TonyHarmon Maybe clean the project? I usually run into issues with .dll and memory ones when I don't clean it
it could be Combine(params string[] args)
@AmmarAhmed I'll keep that in mind. It's working now... /shrug
c's printf function takes all (or <255 i think) parameters
printf("Hello %s, it's %d degrees outside", stringWorld, intTemp);
for example
you can achieve that with the example i gave you
params must be the last parameter of a method's signature, for obvious reasons ;)
same as in c then
what is the best way to implement an "email priority" feature? Radio button or a checkbox?
3 options. Normal, low priority and high
can only have one at the time
I've always hated radiobuttons, they look so ugly
radio it is
"Radio buttons were named after the physical buttons used on older car radios to select preset stations – when one of the buttons was pressed, other buttons would pop out, leaving the pressed button the only button in the "pushed in" position." TIL
@Tony Got a situation over in the SQL room.
yeah very bad sql
I have a rather large file that I wan't to move, could I get any sort of events or something during the moving process?
Ops time to go home for today. Special thanks to Kendall and Baboon for all the help!
@Baboon But you can see all the options, that's what I like about them...
@Markus threading? idk what you are working with exactly
and have a good weekend
is there is a way to clear the radio button in html?
e.g. [x]option1 []option2 and clicking on option1 again to remove the selection
I'm guessing you need Javascript.
@christianstuder so can you in a ListView on single selection mode
@Baboon I hate them too. I just want to get something working and then ill find a better way to display the front end
@Baboon True. I thought compared to a dropdown menu. (Which is the common choice in webdevelopment...)
@Baboon I have no idea what that looks like. isn't that a drop down list?
ah, you web guys... dunno I mainly do WPF, and never touched web dev
What's the terminology of something in a class that has a get; set;?
how can I get javascript function " function fnLookupEIN(){ " to be called on txtBox onblur event ? onblur="Javascript:fnLookupEIN" ???
or onlbur="fnLookupEIN" ?
the latter I think
@TonyHarmon it's a Property
stupid Javascript room - they said that's ASP problem " we don't do asp"
it was onblur="fnLookupEIN();" - thanks
I'm still confused on the terminology like properties, what's a constructor, etc...
javascript is so hard to look at and understand when youre used to c++ , c# , but it is really really easy when I start messing with it
a constructor is a method with no return value -- its called when you instantiate a class.
So this would be a constructor?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using SportsStore.Domain.Entities;
namespace SportsStore.WebUI.Models
    public class ProductsListViewModel
        IEnumerable<Product> Products { get; set; }
        public PageInfo PagingInfo { get; set; }
a constructor in this class would be:
no, that's a class with 2 properties
public ProductListViewModel()
    // code to init the class here
notice how there is no return type
and its named the same as the class
when you do ProductListViewModel x = new ProductListViewModel()
public class NinjectControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
        private IKernel ninjectKernel;
        public NinjectControllerFactory()
            ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();
the CLR calls this for you
so like that?
and by default every class has an implicit no-parameter constructor if no other constructor is defined.
oh crap... just learned something :P
ok, driving to work now
@TonyHarmon ok wait a second, you got that class in your project, and you don't even know what's a constructor? that looks like dependency injection rofl
@ScottSelby yeah .. I went there to ask a question on how to use a razor variable in jquery and pretty much got kicked out lol
@AmmarAhmed its rough over there
just the first thing you gotta say is Microsoft sucks
@Baboon sort of... I'm a DBA trying to learn MVC and C#
using a razor variable in jQuery is kinda nonsensical... it's like .... how do I use the BFG9000 in Tetris...
@JayC Yeah it didn't work out and I used another approach
@JayC lol BFG.. I had a forloop with buttons in it. I had to use the jquery to find which button was clicked or something like that.
If you want to pass information into a view (without resorting to cookies or secondary ajax requests or whatever) that can be utilized by javascript, either you encode it into the html somehow (maybe as part of the html or a hidden input) or you have to encode your thing as JSON and render/assign it to a variable in a script block.
If you need to get items from the view, well, there's even more options, and I don't think I could even describe those generically
and of course my list isn't even exhaustive, as, of course, you could dynamically generate whole script blocks of functions/invocations/whatever...
i keep getting this error Access to the path 'D:\hosting\8729880\html\app\Images\8fab7d9b-beb1-4a67-8c54-e2067f2d4652.jpg' is denied.
on godaddy
are those nudies of danica?! lol
no guid names for profile pictures of users which i store in the database
but nice try
How can I correct this warning MSB3247: Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assembly. I know it's EF
nevermind, figured it out.
@Baboon, how u holding up in Paris? i had a brief stop over yesterday and had probs with the heat
hey @SpencerRuport hows things?
I'm goood. How about yourself?
cool cool, yeah not bad thanks. what u been upto today?
Eh hospital stuff. Nothing serious but just annoying.

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