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later all
"What is regex" -heinst
4 minutes later
"regex == useless and annoying, not to mention complicated"
useless? outrage!
stupid blocker
cant see
its the xkcd regex comic
o ha
You know how a delegate actually compiles to a class?
so delegate void MyDelegate
MyDelegate is a class
but what happens to the signature?
... MyDelegate is a class?
It compiles to one
Well what happens if you do
delegate string MyDelegate
I don't know a single cast delegate?
But it still compiles to a class
I guess that makes sense.
That's the only way to turn it into a 1st class citizen.
With that I'm going for a walk.
@LewsTherin I don't understand the question
Why the hell would I be contacted for a sales agent job when my resume clearly states I'm a DBA/programmer?
The same reason I'm contacted for java and PHP jobs when my resume explicitly states I'm a C#.NET dev with SharePoint Experience
they don't read your resume, just cold call you
@TonyHarmon Cuz programmers can do anything.
well that's true
I could probably craft some SQL to increase their sales ;P
@KyleTrauberman Ya know, I recently got asked about a Java and PHP job. Funny.
I did get some great news at work today...
I have experience with both from college
but they aren't on my resume
@TonyHarmon What's that?
I started there on a three week contract 4 months ago and just yesterday they went to the board of supervisors to request a new permanent position... for me :)
They are an old mainframe shop that is transitioning to server based environment and are still stuck on the mainframe mindset. And since I can work in both worlds I've kind of opened their eyes on the potential
I had a good feeling about this place. One week into my three week contract the boss walked by and said they were going to chain me to my desk so I could never leave :)
Sometimes a pat on the back feels pretty good
@SpencerRuport Sorry about that. You there?
@KyleGagnet How is the signature stored in the delegate object?
delegate void TestDelegate(int x, int y)
you can think of it as
interface SomeInterface{
   SomeMethod(int x, int y) ;
So if TestDelegate compiles as it does to a class.. how does it describe the method and its signature?
When you say object do you mean instance and when you say class do you mean type?
Maybe it would help to see the IL.
@KyleGagnet Yes
@KendallFrey I can't read IL. Frustrating
.class public auto ansi sealed Func<- T, + TResult>
    extends System.MulticastDelegate
    .custom instance void System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedFromAttribute::.ctor(string) = { string('System.Core, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089') }
    .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor(object 'object', native int 'method') runtime managed

    .method public hidebysig newslot virtual instance class System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(!T arg, class System.AsyncCallback callback, object 'object') runtime managed
That is the definitiion for Func<T, TResult>
@KendallFrey Can you format that?
That is formatted, no? Just long.
its formatted
Yes. Reflector's output.
I don't think that's the IL you want
Ok will paste in np++
@KyleGagnet Oh?
Func<T, TResult> extends System.MulticastDelegate, which I imagine extends System.Delegate, which is likely where the meat and bones exist.
The basic idea is the 3 methods: Invoke, BeginInvoke, EndInvoke.
@KyleGagnet Yes, but this answers the question of how it stores the signature.
.custom instance void System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedFromAttribute::.ctor(string) = { string('System.Core, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089') }
    .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor(object 'object', native int 'method') runtime managed
Interesting.. it seems that the constructor takes an implict object
@KendallFrey was this delegate for an input int with one parameter?
@LewsTherin No, it's the generic Func<T, TResult>
If I do get hired on perm I'm going to ask that I get 64bit windows 7 and a desktop instead of that crap laptop :)
@KendallFrey Which is of type delegate yeah?
@KyleGagnet I think the meat and bones are implemented in the CLR.
I like laptops at work.
Maybe not.. it is just a lamda
@LewsTherin Yep.
That way I can go sit on the comfy couch if I want to.
@KendallFrey mmn ok cool
Let me see if I can find a good example of a non-generic delegate.
@TonyHarmon Laptops are fine for development, assuming you get a powerful enough one.
I wouldn't mind the thing if it was 64bit
@Spencer - I prefer to use a projector when coding. Helps my eyes a lot.
I have a Lenovo T510
Here's one: public delegate Assembly ResolveEventHandler(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args);
I <3 Lenovo
.class public auto ansi serializable sealed ResolveEventHandler
    extends System.MulticastDelegate
    .custom instance void System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute::.ctor(bool) = { bool(true) }
    .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor(object 'object', native int 'method') runtime managed

    .method public hidebysig newslot virtual instance class System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(object sender, class System.ResolveEventArgs args, class System.AsyncCallback callback, object 'object') runtime managed
@KendallFrey Weird, this one seems to take 2 extra parameters
So pretty much the same as the lambda.
We need a diff viewer for chat.
@SpencerRuport Go meta Go
One that actually highlights code?
I'mma post a suggestion on meta
It shows the methods.. but it doesn't show any member variables.
I thought there would be
Is it common practice for you to have a domain and then webUI project in a solution?
define "domain" in this context
do you mean assembly?
or namespace?
@LewsTherin you mind find the discussion here helpful: stackoverflow.com/questions/2443757/…
@KyleGagnet Thanks will read it
@TonyHarmon - I always have a Data and a UI project in my web app solutions.
well this book is using a practice of keeping the model completely seperate from the view so it had me create a domain project for the model and a webUI for the view
In case anyone is interested here's the link to my suggestion that a diff viewer would be cool to have in chat: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/133571/diff-view-for-chat
@SpencerRuport Cool! It makes sense to me, but a lot of stupid shit makes sense to me lol
@TonyHarmon so you mean another project
thats pretty common
@TonyHarmon - You should go check out prodinner.codeplex.com . They have all their concerns separated into different projects.
in my current solution, I have 4 different projects
Although that is mvc3, sorry, I wasn't sure which framework you were using
with the MVC project containing only controllers/views
@LewsTherin I would argue that it's not necessary to know what you're seeking in order to fully utilize delegates. But that shouldn't necessarily stop you from wanting to learn it.
I have a UI project, Data project, Testing project and then an event log installer.
I am using areas in my current project only because the scope doesn't require such separation.
@KyleGagnet You are right it isn't necessary. Ok another question
How does delegate relate to events?
I've just read about events
Are you reading C# in Depth?
@SpencerRuport yoda has a good point
Events are pretty much delegate collections.
@KyleGagnet That's where i read it from.. what I could follow anyway
@SpencerRuport Not collections. Just delegates.
Did you just read the free chapter online, or are you reading from cover to cover?
@KyleGagnet The free chapter
Jon Skeet is a pretty cool guy
what we really need is a viewer similar to jsfiddle.net
@KyleGagnet Not sure how the book will help.. isn't it essentially the same thing?
@KendallFrey - Oh my bad.
I'm using MVC 3 & it's Spencer's fault :]
I take full responsibility.
The less ASP.Net Forms apps in the world the better.
And actually I couldn't appreciate it more!
except I have to rewrite an application for work this coming weekend lol... No sleep for me
mvc3 is a lot of fun :)
My impression of every high rep user on Meta
user image
It has been but it's a pretty steep learning curve when you're primarily a DBA
I had to star that
Why thank you.
Is it wrong to copy/paste a paragraph or two out of C# in Depth?
As long as you give credit, no.
Wrong? No. Illegal? Not sure.
don't think it's illegal if you give credit
Credit where credit is due...If you try to take ownership of that paragraph that would be plagiarism.
@LewsTherin It’s helpful to think of events as being similar to properties. To start with, both of them are declared to be of a certain type, which in the case of an event is forced to be a delegate type. When you use properties, it looks like you’re fetching or assigning values directly to fields, but you’re actually calling methods (getters and setters). -Jon Skeet, C# in Depth
BTW if anyone is in the same boat as I am I've found the Pro ASP.NET MVC 3 Framework book from Apress has been great!
The property implementation can do what it likes within those methods—it just happens that most properties are implemented with simple fields backing them, sometimes with some validation in the setter and sometimes with some thread safety thrown in for good measure. -Jon Skeet, C# in Depth
I really like that book too Tony
Likewise, when you subscribe to or unsubscribe from an event, it looks like you’re
using a field whose type is a delegate type, with the += and -= operators. Again,
though, you’re actually calling methods (add and remove). -Jon Skeet, C# in Depth
@TravisJ I'm only on chapter 7 but I love it so far
I also have Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 (with Phil Haack, Brad Wilson and others)
@LewsTherin he goes into much, much more detail in the book than in the "chapter" found on the publishers website on delegates/events
They overlap nicely.
/me is anti book.
Google knows all!
And StackOverflow.
@SpencerRuport I used to be you. I'm now a convert.
I got the books because when mvc3 first came out, there was no google references, and not much SO support
That was over a year ago though
That's when you learn like a real developer. Lots of yelling and smacking your keyboard.
Seriously :(
I need the books... last time I was an 'active' programmer it was either cobol/cics on the mainframe or c/c++ on a unix box. I've never written programs that had a front end other then the mainframe
I had to set up a SQL Server instance yesterday. No matter how many times I do it that still manages to make me rage somehow.
Don't forget threatening your computer (and that does work)
Yeah, SQL Server is a pain...I usually only use MSSQL dbs for authentication
I couldn't get my app to log in. Browser was running, user had owner permissions on the db, named pipes was enabled, sql and windows auth were on.
Turned out Amazon changed the way they set up their instances and SQL server wasn't installed as a named instance.
I just hate the installer for SQL Server. If you want to add/remove components, you basically have to go most of the way through the installer, clicking "install new instance" before you get to the point where you can toggle components (all I wanted to do was add Management Studio)
So I was trying to connect to Localhost\SQLExpress which didn't exist. ;(
uh oh... maybe I won't be very good with MVC cause I can install and configure SQL Server in my sleep :]
Yes. That's also very frustrating.
@TonyHarmon I'm going to just have you do it for me next time.
Except you'd probably make it so the user can only execute sprocs.
@TonyHarmon - But when you try to get MVC to work with MySQL then you will feel much better and should stock at least a few keyboards.
And I'd take forever to turn that off.
I haven't done any mysql I have a VM that runs SQL 2008 R2
because SQL belongs in the DB! 8]
EF does all my SQL for me
Shhh don't say the L word around @TonyHarmon
another damn thing I need to learn...
I used L#@%@ today.. only threw up in my mouth a little bit
@TonyHarmon - Here is an "SQL egregious" tutorial for EF: weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/08/03/…
Better than writing a bubble sort @TonyHarmon
As in, there is no SQL lol
Or a recursive quick sort
L word == linux?
@TravisJ DONT SAY THAT WORD! j/k :)
Ah, you tricked me! I wasn't supposed to say it
See, now Tony is going to DDoS me
He's a dba he thinks linq is sacrilege.
It is an abomination from HELL! (but it does actually seem useful lol)
I'm of the same opinion, though I'm not very good at communicating why
Well I personally like the power of using generics in a repository pattern to interact with my data in only a few lines of code...
Meta is weird. I make a feature request and Yoda's response is "There are other websites that do this."... yes? I'm talking about improving this one.
@TravisJ I learned some of that today so it is making it more tolerable
@TonyHarmon - For sorting it's a godsend.
And projections.
That's mostly what I use it for.
yeah Linq to Objects is excellent
just stay out of my SQL
I had to laugh when you said bubble sort, I haven't done a bubble sort in probably 15 years
@ChukwuemekaGeraldUgwuanyi hi
I just wanted to tag your really long name :)
Has a nice generic one in there
        public JsonResult GetMessages()
            IList<Data.Messages.Message> messages = Data.Messages.Message.GetByMember(Login.User.Member);

            return Message(true, true, false, new
                Messages = from m in messages
                           select new
                               Text = m.Text,
                               CreatedBy = m.CreatedBy.Lastname + ", " + m.CreatedBy.Firstname,
                               Sent = m.Created.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
So much easier than a foreach loop.
I like foreach loops :(
Except in javascript, where they apparently don't guarantee order..
Yeah I never use them in javascript.
I have good reason though. Most of my code base was written in .NET 2, so there's the whole "uniformity" reason. Though we've mostly switched to targeting 3.5 or 4 so it doesn't hold up much anymore.
psh "uniformity" is another word for "I did it wrong so now you have to also."
I still can't believe the response to a feature request is "There are alternatives"
Well it wasn't "wrong" that we used .NET 2.0, because we still had to support Windows 98. Though it was very wrong that we still had to support Windows 98.
What if Microsoft did that?
"Hey it'd be cool if I could use this peripheral called a printer on Windows"
"Why don't you try Linux?"
"... well okay then."
That does seem very wrong @KendallFrey.
I am apparently missing something... speak SQL damnit
Well, I was thinking I was using foreach in one of my projects, but it was a for over an array.
I use it for method calls once linq has done it's job.
That's why I was asking how to run a void method with linq the other day.
@TonyHarmon: Why are you never in the SQL room? It needs a guru to answer people's questions.
Cause everytime I join that room all I hear is crickets and I've answered more SQL related questions in here then anywhere else
Well, I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me out there. Right now I am the only person active there, and I am a SQL n00b.
You can be in both rooms at once, you know.
I had to do some SQL today tony
I used lots of subqueries ;)
I'll try to do that. I've had this MVC hat on so much lately that I'm not sure I'd say 'guru'
Triple nested sub-queries!
Yes. yes! Let the fear take hold of you!
triple nested in linq is a lot easier than SQL: exp.Add(first => first.second.Select(s => s.Third));
I had a list of items.
I did have a funny thing happen today though... A DBA, that is pretty damn good, was having problem understanding null and I just had to shake my head lol
And I needed the latest status applied to each item.
null can mean many different things.
Especially if null is in a timestamp which is supposed to indicate status
yeah @KendallFrey but damn a DBA should know that
I agree, DBA should not have issues with null
Yes, if the null is in a DB. JavaScript is another issue.
He was too busy telling developers their database changes are dumb.
It should be a null point :P
void point.
@SpencerRuport They are :) developers should only have read-only access
read-only? poor developers
Psh. My database designs are super sweet.
why not just take away their coffee while you are at it
My data damnit! lol
My application!
I do appreciate DBAs ability to manage backups and all that.
I would die from stress.
I'd wake up in the middle of the night wondering if the backups have been uploaded offsite.
Yeah, since I am the DBA I made a superadmin access point to automate the backup process
LOL I would NEVER allow a developer to design tables etc. backups and that stuff are for interns
With nightmares that a power surge hit the server and an earth quake hit the offsite backups at the same time.
@TonyHarmon - That's silly. That's one more step away from the customer.
Much of database design is derived from application functionality.
interns? what a great idea
Yeah, database design can get a little misconstrued with over normalization.
BAH! Performance and 9's reliablity are my responsibility. I design the tables
never need more then 3rd normal form
above that is just academic
Yeah I never use anything above 3rd either.
I do store JSON as state data sometimes.
I tried 5 once, it was aweful.
A good developer should know how to design a database, much in the sense that a good developer should know about the hardware that runs the developer's software, but I think knowing the database side is actually more important of an abstraction to peek behind.
Most sytems 3rd is even cumbersome sometimes... depends really if you want application or database validation
5 is for university, real world is a show stopper
What do 9s have to do with database design?
lol Tony, many industries are like that
If a database goes offline it never has anything to do with the design.
How about this though, when you do need validation and referential integrity, do you implement a soft delete?
If the data is reliable it effects the 9s trying to fix it
RI, even as a DBA should be handled at the application level'ish because rules change
Sorry, what do you mean by 9s? Programmers (9-5s)?
9's are availability
or uptime like Spencer says
But if the schema doesn't properly reflect the application functionality you're going to run into that anyway @TonyHarmon
And developers know app functionality better than anyone.
true but that is why developers and DBAs should be partners in crime
developers should be responsible for the logical design, DBAs responsible for the physical
"LOL I would NEVER allow a developer to design tables" Doesn't sound like a partnership. ;)
That's with a caveat like I said above, developers logical, DBA physical
For example?
To a developer a table or a view is no different. If I find that I can have better performance by designing the physical a different way and create views that the developer uses I achieve my result
as well as function/stored procedure
Oh and @SpencerRuport users know functionality better then anyone, they just don't share that knowledge :)
They don't count. ;)
@SpencerRuport They are truly the ones that should only have read-only access if not no-only access
In a perfect world the user should be told what he wants and like it and have read-only access.
Schrodinger's Program: I don't have access to use the app but all the functionality is there! It's bugless!
I actually like users.
It's always cool when I see a user doing something with my app I didn't do on purpose / never thought of.
Can I have an array of nullable ints?
The compiler seems to think so but I was unsure
Well to tell the truth it should be a partnership. If all parties involved, DBA, developer, and user, participate as a team; things end up well. It's when users think that we (DBA, developer) can't possibly understand is when it goes to shit
@TravisJ int?[] yesYouCan = new int?[5];

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