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!!learn Kramb <>https://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/38358835#38358835
@Kieran Command kramb learned
@mark333...333...333 we will fight your problem with.... sticks. and fire. and more sticks.
Feb 27 at 16:02, by Kieran
Thank you for confirming im an idiot c:
@Nerdintraining That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: kramb
13 hours ago, by Kramb
Guys...I'm an idiot...
Haha yeah @KamilSolecki haha
@mark333...333...333 i cant even set my time to 12 hour base
this is starting to be a collection
DateTime.UtcNow @KamilSolecki doesn't work but it gives me a wrong time though :(
5 messages moved to Trash can
oops, Moved one of @mark333...333...333's messages by accident. Sorry bro
exercising great pirate power
Can't be a pirate without acceptable losses.
_hour = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("HH"); still gives me 12 hour format though
It's really something weird happening here but I'm not stupid to just simply convert 12 hour to 24 :/
@KamilSolecki thanks man hehe
@Kieran Restarted VS, rebuilt sln?
@Metallkiller I'm restarting now :)
VS ugh
@mark333...333...333 Always a good idea
maybe restart pc
update drivers and os
get a new monitor
Wipe and reinstall windows
move to another timezone
and then try again
Put your keyboard in the dishwasher
then move back from there
Rebuild the house
Hahaha :D I already restarted the VS but still the same. So, I'm going to restart the whole pc now :D
it could be a .net bug
in which case, id recommend you to hit microsoft in their face(s)
Since he's the only one here who has that and there is nothing online about that
but he is special
If this thing still persists, oh man
@mark333...333...333 you are dead, you are restarting pc
dont talk
#def time = "pls only 24h";
Hey, the real spiderman.
yeah nice to see him swing by once in a while
How unique can a UID really be, if we needed to invent GUID and UUID to have really unique IDs?
Q: Is it safe to assume a GUID will always be unique?

Tom SavageI know there is a minute possibility of a clash but if I generated a batch of 1000 GUIDs (for example), would it be safe to assume they're all unique to save testing each one? Bonus question An optimal way to test a GUID for uniqueness? Bloom filter maybe?

@Metallkiller GUID will guarantee practical uniqueness
if you need literal uniqueness, you have to compare it to the existing values
I'm back guys :)
if it doesnt exist yet, then you are free to go
you cannot make a guid generator that guarantees literal uniqueness that can still be used nicely
and without having guids of a 2048 char length
How do we know there are 7x10²² stars in the universe? What about the ones we simply don't see? Also, what's outside the universe quoted here, why not an even bigger ring of universe around it, with even more stars?
hey @mark333...333...333, how's the time flowing on your side of the universe?
Guys, sad to say, it is the same. :/
I also tried in Console App but it's working there properly like a charm
@mark333...333...333 Rememer, you wanted to wipe and reinstall windows for some time now anyway! This is your chance!
@mark333...333...333 why the hell havent you said that ealier :O
@Metallkiller yes man that will be my last option for this strange thing that's happening :)
If its working in the console app
Then obviously its a problem with your project
@KamilSolecki Yeah, after I restarted my laptop, I wonder to try it on console app so it's working
Guess we arent Lost in time anymore
Someone edit Please, im on mobile
@Metallkiller uhm... i dont really get that
Haha yeah now. So it's in the project. Might it be on PCL project? what do you think guys?
I'm using PCL right now.
i mean... i get what you mean with how many stars there are, but not why it is relevant
Oh it's not
Because if it is working on console app, why it is not working on my PCL project that I'm working with.
That's why no matter how we try to use HH if it is A.M, then it's still get me 12 hour format.
Unless the DateTime.Now turn to PM, I think HH will work properly
@Metallkiller why... why would you spit out something that is not relevant
Protip: In the AM, 12h and 24h formats look the same!
what is your design pattern for this?
It's "I wanna learn"
@mark333...333...333 how can a DateTime be pm or am?
@Wietlol MVVM but I'm inside the app.xaml.cs
afaik, those things shouldnt exist in there
In this case: How do we know how many stars there are, and how to we know how big the universe is?
@KendallFrey I summon thee
@Metallkiller you dont
@mark333...333...333 Hold the fuck on.
Are you using DateTime.Now in a string.FOrmat somewhere, without an explicit .ToString()?
thats how
@Wietlol it depends on my current time in my pc. So example, right now it is 05:34 PM here, when I use the DateTime.Now, I got 05:34 AM
@Wietlol Then how can people say there are 7x10²² stars in the universe?
Note: it's in PCL
@Metallkiller how can people say unicorns dont exist?
@mark333...333...333 How exactly do you output DateTIme.Now? Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now)?
how can people say how the laws of nature work?
how can people say their program works?
@Wietlol THey can't, since it's logically imposible to prove a negative
@Metallkiller I'm using .ToString() :) What I'm saying, the full value of the DateTime.Now is set to be AM instead of PM
Laws of nature/program: Here a baseline where everything comes out the same, from this we can build up our remaining logic.
how can people say that there are not more stars than 7x10^22
@Metallkiller it doesnt seem to be regarded to how. He said he tried in a console app, and it worked there. So its something about this specific project Thats messed up
"Then how can people say there are 7x10²² stars in the universe?" this doesnt say that there are more, just that there are that many
@KamilSolecki exactly man so the project itself has the issue
there are 3 apples in a basket that contains 10 apples
@Wietlol No
basketwith10apples.has3apples = true
public bool has3Apples => true;
["universewithmorethan7*10^22stars"].["has7*10^22stars"] = true
@Wietlol Then he's have to say "There are at least 7x10²² stars in the universe"
people are lazy, make mistakes, make assumptions and turn them into facts, make lies, take a shit, tell you that they are always right and then post it on the internet
But I AM always right.
And I PM always right.
@mark333...333...333 i found your problem
stop listening to MetallKiller
@Wietlol it's always am. :)
dont listen to him
you have to listen to me
I PM always right.
Oh sure what is it man
but let me show you guys the screenshot of that simple codes
You'll see that nothing really special with the code.
hold on
hat does UTCNow return?
That's what I'm saying
if UTC, I tried it around 4:00 P.M but I get the time 9:00 A.M using UTCNow
@mark333...333...333 that AM/PM is logical
but it is not in the DateTime instance
it is only in the string
a DateTime cannot be PM or AM
in your ToString(), you do NOT specify a pattern
so, the hours will take the default of your current culture (iirc)
that one could be in 12 hour based stuff
Hover over the .Now, see what's in there
if you do ToString("HH"), then you should get 17
Yeah, I added HH before so let me show you the exact break point result
No I already did that HH thing. let me show you
after that, does this run on your local machine on the machine or on a server?
See @Wietlol ? :(
Could it be something about culture hard-set in the project Settings? Not sure Its even there but worth a Check imo
@mark333...333...333 try DateTime.Now.AddHours(12).ToString("HH");
and, "does this run on your local machine on the machine or on a server?"
It's running locally @Wietlol man
I think addhours(12) would work
This should not need a workaround
This should be fixed
I think it would clarify the problem
yeah it is working now but I wonder why isn't not behaving properly
I suggest you Also post on SO, saying that this is project specific and list the things you tried
I assume it doesnt recognize the AM PM part of your computer so it only reads in the hours part
@Wietlol are you even listening. It worked in another project properly
@mark333...333...333 Also, Try cutting off all extremalnie dependencies to your project
Yeah it's working like a charm. The HH formatting @KamilSolecki :) Let me show you the console app
Nothing special there, just the normal thing to do.
@mark333...333...333 try DateTime.UtcNow
He did already
what is the result?
And you are still not listening @Wietlol
No man. I tried around 4:00 P.M but I get 9:00 A.M
using the UtcNow
@mark333...333...333 now go to your borken project, and temporailrly remove all dependencies.
Slowly narrow it down to a single case thing
Thank you @KamilSolecki for that suggestion. :) I'll try to investigate this thing. If I need to use different laptop for testing, I will.
@mark333...333...333 you should try to get the implementation of DateTime.Now and look where it first goes wrong
then go into that implementation and do the same
until you are at the root of the problem
problematic part is, it is internal
My current time zone is Singapore just to add info.
im suspecting "TimeZoneInfo.GetDateTimeNowUtcOffsetFromUtc(utcNow, out isAmbiguousLocalDst).Ticks"
But I guess there's no problem there or else every developer using the Singapore timezone and PCL will complain haha
not necessarily
it could be the problem, but just with a conditional source
Yeah man. I also notice this weird behavior regarding the time as well since yesterday.
The problem is, it always add 4 hours at my time. So, I just workaround and just add -4 hours
not good
it would hurt more than it would fix
Yeah man really, it's not good
lemme try out some reflection stuff
@mark333...333...333 try that
it is the internal part of DateTime.Now which gets the DateTime.UtcNow (which worked) and adds the offset of your timezone
I assume that doesnt work
but if it does, then we continue from that to the DateTime constructors
Oh let me try that one and I'll let you know what's the result
@Metallkiller gibt es einen chat in denen wir uns privat austauschen können?
@Nerdintraining SMS?
@Metallkiller zu anstrengend
WHatsapp web
@Wietlol it's looking for the method BindingFlags
@mark333...333...333 ?
the bindingflags are correct the way I sent them
(on a side note, what is your .net version?
and C# version?)
@Metallkiller geht nicht wenn handy aus ist
@Metallkiller google drive!
@Wietlol 4.7 man
@Metallkiller einladung versandt
@mark333...333...333 what is the problem you are having with "it's looking for the method BindingFlags"
BindingFlags isnt a method
its an enum
@Metallkiller kommen die nachrichtenan?
@Wietlol here man
using System.Reflection;?
they removed it?
I already added the namespace of System.Reflection for MethodInfo
But for BindingFlags, it's looking for that method
how do get a partial view to only load on a button click? currently it loads on top of the main view i tried this but it still loads on top of the main view
that.... sounds like they removed it
can you set your versions to C# 6.0 and .net 4.5 ?
also, it has a problem on GetMethod first
always work errors away from top to bottom
bottom errors may occur because of upper errors
(same way can be said for the other way around, but those errors are ussualy syntax errors or very obvious errors)
But it will affect my current latest packages I guess. If I change my current c# and .net version
Anyone familiar with C# Interactive in Visual Studio? When I reference an assembly, it is copied to a temporary folder, losing the config file. Is there any way I can turn this off, as you can in Linqpad "Do not shadow assembly references" ?
@mark333...333...333 what is your C# level?
i will try to download .net 4.7
@ColonelPanic .dlls do not use their config file
only .exe
the .exe may then choose to make it load a .config file that happens to be on a pre-defined path
Oh since .Net 4.7, I believe it is C# 7
I have .net 4.5 with C# 6.0
so they are completely unrelated
Oh maybe that's why the BindingFlags can't see
on a side note, I have 4.7 installed but I cannot select it in the properties
Good day!
The room has changed name?
hello all
i want to create a C#, asp.net app
Hello there
which app is gonna use machine learning
do you know what is the best tool for machine learning ? I know there is accord.net for Visual studio
but i dont know if have the same functionality and effiency as other machine learning tools
so do you have any suggestions ?
I'm not sure what you're actually asking myself
Nor if it has anything to do with C#
But perhaps someone else can be more helpful
why you think of that ?
maybe my question in not clear enough ?
Alright, so I jsut googled around a little bit to get a general idea of what you are asking.
While I now understand your question better, I can unfortunately not help.
@Xariez we have a problem
Huh? @Wietlol
new DateTime(2017, 7, 28, 15, 0, 0).ToString("HH") == 3
b..but why
(in simple terms)
but it only occurs on DateTime.Now
but that is because it doesnt read out the PM AM property from the computer
or something
Did you check msdn?
Surely it talks about it. ?
but also
which is odd
C# 7.0, .net 4.7
(not my project/problem though)
why is BindingFlags not valid any more in .net 4.7?
Er, did you add a using?
@dimmik what kind of machine learning?
@KendallFrey looking at that it does recognize "MethodInfo", yes
(on a side note, this is a problem that occurs to @mark333...333...333, not myself)
but I find it rather interesting
Are you in a portable project of some sort? PCL, .NET Core?
i cannot reproduce the issue
but neither can i use C#7 nor .net 4.7
@dimmik If you wanna do machine learning in c#, I'd most likely suggest a C / C++ library with a wrapper.
Or use GA
those are the easy-mode of ML
@KendallFrey I think he said something about being in a PCL project
@KamilSolecki why is that ?
@Wietlol propably classification
from that site accord-framework.net
there is this accord.net which says its a .NET machine learning framework combined with audio and image processing libraries completely written in C#. It is a complete framework for building production-grade computer vision, computer audition, signal processing and statistics applications even for commercial use.
just to let you understand i like the recomend system of youtube
so i want to develop an app with similar logic
"similar logic"
as in... how?
the youtube recommendation is a black box machine learning algorithm
which is initially not what you should want
especcially when you are trying it out
no i meant
not to build youtube learning algorytm
just to show recommendations as youtube in the UI
what is happening in back end is different story
show recommendations in the ui isnt machine learning
wait let me explain again
because my explanation was not clear enough
WOuldn't an AI provide better recommendations? Isn't that why we ask people for recommendations, and not computers?
even determining which recommendation you will show isnt machine learning
machine learning is about taking those recommendations and evaluating the responses from the users (aka if they redirect, turn off the autoplay things, close youtube, etc) and adjust the recommendation algorithm
@Metallkiller that makes... sense?
note that in english, putting a negation in the question doesnt necessarily make it a negated question
@Wietlol Uh yeah. The whole point of recommendations is deciding which ones to show
@Wietlol you kinda explain what i want to do
so what you said is "AI provides better recommendations right? That is why we ask people for recommendations and not computers right?"
@Wietlol Yes.
But I got a hell of a headache son I don't really care
My processor cannot handle it so I do care.
thats good. someone has to.
@Wietlol from what you said can you suggest that is design for machine learning ?
@dimmik im not an expert on it, but I dont think you will have this implemented "in a minute"
well i did not said that
its my bachelor project
that website does
sort of
"Machine learning made in a minute"
of course it is not gonna be in 1 min :P
i assume its not gonna be in 1 month
yeah sure needs a lot of effort
at least... on a production level scale
and behavior
i know
but as I said, I am not an expert on it, maybe someone else who knows many of the AI patterns could help you
that why i thought to ask here
for guidance
Going home, have a nice day everyone!
where should i start etc
just google... i think
well of course :)
but i have a lot of stuff about that
or a shitload of results on google?
hi guys
the second one is easy to solve, just read all of them
the first one is slightly harder
"professional" developers assume that 60+% of their time is going into research
ofcourse this differs between what you do, but this is the ONLY way to get proper code to work with
well i just wanted sort the time
and thought first to ask here
for a quick response
always worth a try
AI is closely related to ML so maybe if you find someone familiar with AI, he could help you as well
If I pass a DataSet to a method as a parameter, and in turn that method fills the DataSet if I return void is that DataSet still filled?
@Wietlol sure thanks
this is nice
writing random code
and pushing random commits to the server so i can test it
@Kramb probably
C# uses pass reference by value
gotcha, I think I saw where I was going wrong
so, if it is a class or a struct, then yes it adjust its data
I'm using VS 2017, though it's asking me to download .NET 4.6.2 !
the right side from Microsoft web page
@MohamedAhmed When did you download VS2017?
@Kramb I get it from a friend, I don't know exactly when did he download it, but I think more that one month
<body OnClientLoad="addBeginEndRequest()" id="body" runat="server">
what the heck is wrong with this?
"what kind of evil sorcery is this"
@MohamedAhmed 4.6.2 is an optional download when you download VS2017 that is not checked by default
@Wietlol WebForms?
@MohamedAhmed Maa Shaa Allah on the name ^_^
I like it!

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