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02:00 - 14:0014:00 - 21:00

Or just wait until a current bug occurs and creates a log file in the bin directory, restarting it for you.
so what I have is something that would look like this: " public string getPrefix() { if (Localization.isCacheValid("personPrefix", value) return value else return value = Localization.getValue("personPrefix");}"
we could as well just wait for the next release...
but meh
in this case... the situation might not be important... but I have no idea with what kind of data your company works with
How do you convert Enum name to string?
enum Food => "Food"
Enum.ToString ?
any body know about beyond verbal api
Wait, Enum.GetName
didnt get response for manual voice record
Enum.GetName translates value in enum to string, if I'm correct
Oh you mean the enum type?
Ahh, thanks! :)
Is it possible to build extension methods for enums?
If I make a filtered copy of a list using linq, and modify objects in new list, will they also be modified in orginal list.
@Metallkiller i find ToString() utterly useless
@Wietlol Use it for Numbers
i mean for literally any class
List being the #1
followed closely by Dictionary
Meh it's fine.
Also, objects that are probably strings
maybe even just the size
You really wan that List of 300 short stories printed out?
Anyone using AD authorization in their ASP/MVC web site?
if I wanted to know its type, I would have done list.GetType().ToString()
@Metallkiller yes i do
not to mention Exceptions
and the people assuming C#'s ToString works like Java's toString()
catch (Exception ex)
What on Earth are you talking about
Exception.ToString() is insanely useful
"log from 25-07-2017 16:17: System.Exception"
it is?
For example
It expands InnerExceptions on an AggregateException
ah wait
Exception does it
Otherwise you get "One or more errors occurred"
I'm coming in at the end of the conversation here but I suspect that you're talking out of your ass.
they dont override the ToString()
Why would they?
their ToString() is just bull shit
What would you want them to do? Iterate over their elements?
for example
and call the ToString() on their elements
They just inherit the default object implementation
append it nicely
So what about when their elements override ToString and do something insane with it?
beyond verbal api anybody?
public string ToString()
    return "Haha, sucker!";
is there any other room for api?
@mikeTheLiar And that's why we enforce purity with monads
@mikeTheLiar do you think that the world wouldnt have been destroyed by the time my list's toString is called?
I come from Java... which does implement the ToString() method for every class
the fuck are you on about
C#'s ToString works essentially the same as Java's
if I do myList.toString() in java, I get "[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]"
Then Java's changed a lot since the last time I used it
Because as far as I remember, you'd just get a memory address
when I do myList.toString() in C#, I get "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]"
so... im sad
If this was Haskell you could override it to whatever you want
only arrays in java do not use this
(at least by default)
> Returns a string representation of this collection. The string representation consists of a list of the collection's elements in the order they are returned by its iterator, enclosed in square brackets ("[]"). Adjacent elements are separated by the characters ", " (comma and space). Elements are converted to strings as by String.valueOf(Object).
You were right. I was wrong.
IntelliJ even warns me if I do not implement toString()
but IntelliJ also uses the toString() method to represent the values of variables in my code while debugging
@HappyCoding That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
anybody help me
"verbal api" ?
talking to people? Nope, we can't do that here.
@MohanSrinivas i think you would have to make a question on SO
beyond verbal api
need to get response? how
@Metallkiller is the translation engine made by you or it's 3rd party plugin?
My manager just walked in to my room today and asked me two questions:
1) Can we add Spanish language to our ASP.NET MVC application
2) Is it possible to have offline data entry and then sync it with the database?

I just said, give me a few days and I will get back to you :)
regarding the first question, I found this, but I haven't tested it yet
@KevinMaxwell 1, Yes, 2 Maybe
@KevinMaxwell 3rd Party plugin that we route to. We encapsulated the actual access to teh 3rd party library. Recommending to remove it pretty much every time somebody asks "why do we have that? Do we need that? That doesn't even exist anymore right? Do we have to use that?"
Of course we can get rid of it. We are prepared. Just give one of us 4 days, and we're free.
"What, 4 days? Gotta think about when to squeeze that in first. Let's not do this too fast, might break something."
any other questions?
@Wietlol that was my impression too, 1.Yes 2.Maybe or even No
@Wietlol Why is the banana bent?
because it is... uhm...
@Wietlol That works better in german, since it rhymes xD
@KevinMaxwell 2 is yes as well as I'm doing that
@HappyCoding really?
@KevinMaxwell yes sir
@KevinMaxwell but the questions your manager had to ask is "How long would you take to add Spanish as a language to out ASP.NET MVC application?"
@Wietlol Yeah that's the real question lol.
(i dont understand the second question so iDunno what the answer is)
Whenever our PM asks "Can you do this and that?" it's just
"Of course we can, just give us 2 weeks!"
@Wietlol he will ask it once I say it's possible :D
if it is the second language (aka, the first new language), then it would take weeks... months... maybe half a year depending on the size of the application
after that, it takes prolly a week to translate the shit, then a week to make it work with the data
@HappyCoding is there any code or example regarding this?
@Metallkiller can you make a trust worthy database engine with better functionality than MySql, more storage and performance efficient and easier to work with?
MetallKiller: "Of course we can, just give us 2 weeks!"
@Wietlol Fine maybe 3
So weather - how does it work?
like meteorology?
!!weather Hamburg
@Metallkiller [object Event]
Doesn't look like an object event outside, more like a bit rain with wind
@Metallkiller Fucking magnets, how do they work?
Ah well, I'm off. Time to go home an play some destiny before carryover stats get frozen. Have a nice evening!
@Metallkiller That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@CapricaSix You're damn right that doesn't make muc hsense.
@Metallkiller btw...
Manager: "Can you make a secure platform account management system?"
are you guys talking about programming or actual meteorological conditions?
back in '78 I was a meteorologist for my area
this one is something you can make...
except if it has to be online
im currently doing ip whitelisting, mfa authentication etc
ussually programmers who understand the business are like "Ofcourse we can, just give us x time."
but programmers who understand the laws of programming are like "Legally, we can't."
or "Physically, we can't."
or "Ofcourse we can, just give us x time."
So Metalkiller did you have a weather question?
@007 I did want to know the output of Capricas weather commands. Or what the output was supposed to be.
How did you end up a developer, from being a meteorologist?
Oh I don;t I have that bot blocked
You can block bots?
I have that bot ignored
I have to because it sometimes show harsh items
like odd photos and sayings
so I had to ignore it
@Metallkiller it used to report the current temperature/weather patterns for a location/ZIP code but it's been broken for a long time
Like, over a year
hi there mike
Hi there 007
Bonjour vieil ami comment sa journée de ce jour
o boi
this story is fucking lit
"This story is absolute, pure gold. Whether it was morally right or wrong is not for me to decide, but the writing was so beautifully executed and the story was so dramatically told that I'm saving this answer as part of my favorites."
I hope I can construct a profound sentences like those someday
@mr5 I love you
I love you
@KendallFrey it's such a sweet vengeance, isn't it?
could become a movie
Hi everyone
i came from Java World, and i have a lot of questions, could somebody tell me the future of .NET? will it be replaced by .Net Core or they will live independently?
Is it possible to do something like forking without any source control? I mean, from within visual studio? I would like to create a side-project from one existing.
@C4u That's called copy and paste
>.< awwww. One of the answers I was afraid of to get. :D
I thought there would be a fast way to do this. Anyway, I'll copy and paste it then.
Is copy-and-paste not fast? Are you running a computer on a tape drive or something?
I have a web api 2 controller. Assuming I have a Get() and a Get(int id) and call this service with GET api/<controller>/null where null is passed as part of the URL, what will happen?
is null treated as a string, or is it treated as an actual null
or what
@Justin Why don't you try it? I have no idea.
talk about micro managing
@KendallFrey in William Shatner's voice "captains log star date 7-25"
Is FILESTREAM supported in EF 7?
@mr5 dang
Is there an example to set use newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/ConditionalProperties.htm to filter some sub item. For example {"item":"1","subitems":[{"subitem1":"1","subitem2":"2"},{"subitem1":"4","subite‌​m2":"3"}] } so our json call doesn't include subitem2 ?
What I've tired : pastebin.com/hDxrkKhU
@MooingRawr Can't you just put an ignore attribute on the property?
I wish. The class objects I can't touch...
I could make a sub class of said class, and override it, but I only want to go that route if it's last option...
Or I guess another option would be, is there a way to drop the IsDirty Property from my object ?
Hey, anyone here with OWIN / SignalR Experience? In my code 2 weeks ago everything works fine, after holiday now I get an AccessViolationException - I have around 300 checkins in this 2 weeks and can't find out what causes it (sitting on it for 4 hours now), anyone who is able to help?
a binary search would only require trying 9 checkouts
I have no idea how to checkout a single checkin from git
9 years experience with subversion , none with git -.-*
I tried "switch to" and "commit" to start trying exactly that
but the code is the same =/
A: Rollback to an old Git commit in a public repo

Alex ReisnerTry this: git checkout [revision] . where [revision] is the commit hash (for example: 12345678901234567890123456789012345678ab). Don't forget the . at the end, very important. This will apply changes to the whole tree. Then commit and you should be good. You can undo this by git reset --ha...

@Kovu just git checkout [commit] I think
how I do this command?
I have tortoisegit
git reset --hard HEAD~150
and this checkins are on another branch
how to handle that
tortoisegit hsa no checkout commit
$ git checkout c2151817df502bea4a676ba8465179d2a2228a1f

Note: checking out 'c2151817df502bea4a676ba8465179d2a2228a1f'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
Files still not changes
Someone here?
hey guys, anyone in here with IRDPSRAPIViewer interface experience ?
I'm really stucked and in search of an expert in this topic.. :(
Q: C# Reverse RDP Connection

r-d-r-b-3I'm trying to setup a reverse RDP Connection, while doing this I ran into some problems and found out about this thread ; RDPSession ConnectToClient Terminating Unexpectedly I added a comment about my problem in this thread but people deleted it and advised me to open a new question. So maybe I...

"Reverse RDP" sounds like something you'd have to pay extra for.
So....the server reaches out to your desktop machine and starts a session with you?
1) Why?
and 2) yeah basically just why
When you connect remotely to the server, the server also connects remotely to you.
@mikeTheLiar hawt
@mikeTheLiar haha sure.. If it was in the mindset of stackoverflow i would have no problems with it.. but i guess thats not what stackoverflow is about :)
@Tom_W good question, it's just to test it on my localhost and in this way i can exchange the invitations files faster
After I got it working I will of course not use it on my own desktop, rofl
As I mentioned in my post, the documentation about it is quite poor..
"Please accept a connection from my botnet remote assistance service"
Wrong guess Tom, look at the server where the demo is hosted..
Coding is my hobby and I would like to have my own rdp server and client to help my users.
Anyway if there was a reverse rdp example anywhere I just would have used that but there is so less to find about this..
Found my problem with your help guys, thanks a lot
you're welcome
@r-d-r-b-3 I'm still not sure what you actually mean
My understanding of RDP doesn't have any room for a notion of 'reversing' it, I wasn't serious, I was guessing
I mean normally its pretty straightforward viewer connects to sharer
now a lot of users are behind firewall / nat
so if you use reverse connection
viewer opens a listener and the sharer connects to it
sharer => viewer outgoing
viewer => sharer incoming and ports need to open (normal method)
do i make sense ?
Oh yeah, OK
I mean my solution to that would be to just configure the firewall correctly
but i can not do that for all the users / clients using it
it would be easier if i open my port and firewall config
and let them connect to me with their screen
that is a reverse connection
besides that it got further.. even if i would find a workaround i now want to solve this problem otherwise i dont have piece of mind :)
02:00 - 14:0014:00 - 21:00

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