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i guess thats true. in the application i dont need any special permissions so as to require needing an elevated process
To do that, you can use the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement namesapce.
Oh, even simpler, you can access the WindowsPrincipal for the currently running user.
if i did want to run the executable as an elevated process
how would i do that?
System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal.Current.IsInRole("domain\domain admins")
@pingOfDoom Add an app.manifest file in your app (WPF? That's what we use) specifying that the app requires elevated administrator privileges.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<assembly manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
  <assemblyIdentity version="" name="MyApplication.app"/>
  <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2">
      <requestedPrivileges xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
        <requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />
Now it won't run without it.
what is the uiaccess=false parameter?
I'm not sure. The docs say it's about allowing the app to access the UI, but it only worked when I set it to false.
Ah, apparently it's for accessibility apps, meaning it requires privileges to access other UI elements on the desktop and read/write to them. Irrelevant.
Or, perhaps, it allows non-elevated processes to access this process.
ohh k
thanks guy!
I'm running the exact same python script - once from the command line, once from my code, via Process.Start("python.exe").
Shahar: Do you know how to read a section in ASP Core config ?
Works from cmd, hangs in code.
section from configuration
Shahar is me, right?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan is it starting with the correct credentials to do what it needs to?
@Kieran Should be, yes. Currently running the code from a console app.
It worked before.
You'll reach the "it works now, why was that happening" stage soon enough
on the topic of application manifests
how do I bind one of those files to a desktop app?
how do i bind xml to vb.net code?
You put it in your project, and the compiler picks up on it and embeds it in your exe
All your base belongs to us°!
All your base ARE belong to us
hi all
Heyyo again
So more of a term question but I feel liek this is still the right place for it (or lets hope)
Hello, could someone help me ? I have a really stupid and simple question :
Go ahead. Don't need to ask to ask :) @Sanimys
I got this code :
if ((double)repartition.onglet.get_Range("B" + lastRowRep).Value != (double)1000.00) {

The thing is, the first part IS a double equals to 1000, but "blablabla" still appears :(
If you, for example, in your controller have this:

DataService service = new DataService();
var data = service.GetAllData();

Is it *actually* called that we call DataService and from that "GetAllData()", or what would be the correct term for it?
I tried many things, and at each time the message come
floating point valeues are a bitch.
What do you mean? I didn't understand, sorry ^^ @Xariez
What I wrote was it's own question. So nothing you need to be looking at unless you got the answer :) @Sanimys
Ooohhh sorry ahahah
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Then how should I compare these?
@Sanimys You can always try double.Equals for a easy solution.
Also, put the two numbers in seperate variables. Then output those (or look at them in debug mode)
Q: Comparing double values in C#

stack_pointer is EXTINCTI'm using C#. I've a double variable called x. In the code, x gets assigned a value of 0.1 and I check it in an 'if' statement comparing x and 0.1 if(x==0.1) { ---- } Unfortunately it does not enter the if statement 1) Should I use Double or double??? 2) What's the reason behind this? Can y...

Oh, it works with double.Equals ! Thanks <3
Grrrrrrrrrrrraaaa! Python script finally working.
Been working on that since this morning. :(
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I bet you didn't do anything and it just works now :P
@Metallkiller Nah, I did. I know what went wrong.
When I'm running it in my code, I'm launching it as a process with ShellExecute=false and redirecting the process's STDOUT to a stream so I can read it in. This, apparently, doesn't work well with python's logging module, and specifically the StreamHandler which logs output to STDOUT.
Oh, wait, in fact it doesnt work xD
@Sanimys Try Math.Abs(x - y) <= Double.Epsilon.
Can we go from double to decimal easily? Maybe that's easier
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Beautiful solution
But your solution is beautiful, yes :D
@Xariez Do you mean the "service", the "GetAllDAta", or the "data". Because all of those sounds right to me. Although I'd probably try to name that service more precisely.
Like Downloader, XmlReader, SystemInfoScanner...
Now it works ! Thank you @AvnerShahar-Kashtan :D
They are named more correctly, yeah, but for term-purposes in the documentation im creating @Metallkiller
To quote what I have written (directly translated from Swedish), i got something like this:
When the user decides to show the form data, we make a call to DocumentHandler from MainController which in it's turn return the requested data to the user.
If the user has chosen a Actual Situation, DocumentHandler makes a call to SearchHandler which in it's turn calls "DataService.GetTemplate()". Afterwards, the form is created with the data.
@LasseV.Karlsen, I was able to simulate a bad connection on my device and yeah, so the pdf gets corrupted or file not found(Not sure how the check is in SP) when the user is under a bad connection. So, currently, the record gets added to SP anyway even if the pdf received is bad. On my app, I have a preview pdf button and I just checked the pdf and the pdf generates fine on my ipad. So it's not a pdf generation issue on my ipad but the issue with sending the pdf via bad connection/wifi.
In this scenario, I would have to make both checks on SP right?
Add a check to see if PDF file is corrupt or not. If it's corrupt, do not show the record/discard the record.
.. that moment when you got "1.2.9" in a documentation. Probably highest i've gone so far
TIL, this is "love" in sign language ^
993 words in this documentation so far, and im quite far from done
@satibel rock on
@Nerdintraining I remember the lyrics "na na na na na DotA na na na na na DotA "
@satibel No, it's a mishmash of the letter I, L, and Y, meaning "I love you". "Love" is lifeprint.com/asl101/signjpegs/l/love2.jpg
actually areupload
he took down the original wich haad over 15mil views to put up his own
@satibel "Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar DotA, I feel you man" is what they sing at the start and it would directly translate to "We're sitting here in the Vent and playing Dota, I feel you man". A lot of people was not aware that they are singing "Venten", which was the abbreviation for the old communication software Ventrilo, and instead thought they sung "Väntan" which would mean that they sit waiting and playing Dota.
If you a german and listen to that song it becomes intresting
Vi ~ wir = we
sitter ~ sitzen = sit
här ~ hier = here
i ~ in = in
Venten ~ some wicked ass place i've nerver heard about

och spelar DotA
and playing dota from engish part
@KendallFrey what the fuck
YouTube is blocked at work REEEEEEE
och ~ und ~ and
spelar ~ spielen = play
Lol. I have an azure VM running I can just remote into if I need anything off the radar.
MetallKiller is that VM paid by your employer or yourself ?
It's only kinda paid. We have a VS Enterprise subscription, and I'm using those 130$/month I can burn.
Fortunately, nobody at my company knows how to use azure.
@Nerdintraining Venten ~ Ventrilo as @Xariez said
Hahaha wow you lucky bastard :)
Is ventrilo even used any more today?
Or have everyone gone to either Discord, TS or Mumble?
I actually built one that I can just run 24/7 the whole month, with ~6$ left
So I can have my own Minecraft server running :D
The more products you install on the VM the higher you pay ?
Only if I chose one of those fancy special things that scale with usage.
In my case, it's just a plain old VM, with specific specs.
That sounds better in full length.
My VM has specific specifications.
Alright, version 1 of this documentation finished. Still need to go through it but word count is 1132. Quite decent I feel like.
@Xariez And I thought at 993 you weren't quite done, so I guessed you needed maybe 1500 or so^^
Mentioning VM reminds me of that i'd have to run a VirtualBox one day just to fuck with tech support scammers.
@KendallFrey That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Oh yeah. ALready have a template lined up, that lets me build a scrapable, thin, Win 10 VM in case I need something like that.
how is that not a command
I guess I have to, don't I
!!learn fixit <>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Isjgc0oX0s
@mikeTheLiar Command fixit learned
Still, what would a technical documentation need? I've got the ViewModels and DbModels listed, all the buttons and their functions in a nutshell, and where each piece of data comes from as well as which code "path" we use where
For that last thing, for example, MainController -> DataService.GetFormData() -> DataContext.GetFormData()
Maybe stuff like encoding in the introduction.
balls, now I'm on a basshunter kick
Wow... no sqlite provider for VS 2017 ? shit
And any form of authentcation and encryption
I didn't even realize how many basshunter songs I know
@SteveHémond I bet there's an extension for that
fix it
@KendallFrey I'd join if I had headphones.
Thanks ! I just find that odd that I have to use a third party instead of having the connector out of the box from sqlite.org
I switched from sqlite to sql server compact for some side project
at least i can use EF code first with sql server compact
@mikeTheLiar fixt
Wrote an API and an xamarin forms mobile app. I've tested both locally on my machine. Now that I'm ready to test the app on an android phone and the api over wifi, our network guy/team is out for the whole week ... I haven't googled yet, is there a lot involved in exposing an api over wifi etc?
need some help here please
Q: DropDown Content is not working (MVC)

Ahmad I'm working on my MVCOnlineShop Project. I'm trying to make a drop down list, Categories as the dropdown button and products as the drop down content , I got the categories working , but no drop down content. Am I missing something ? Here is the image and i made a partial view called CategoryLayo...

@Ahmad Try making your page the way you want it to look & then do your fancy code stuff.
@HappyCoding I guess that depends how the API works. As far as my understanding goes, you just access your api via the servers ip and the respective port the api is listening on.
In EF, if I queried entities `AsNoTracking`, Won't I be able to use `ChangeTracker` to track old and new entries?
(* sorry I got to ask beacause I don't hae VS installed right now, and I need to know)
@Kieran , i did that btw , and it was all working , until i entered the code
I'm trying to sort a parent list based on the value in a child list using linq
MyList.OrderBy(r => r.Rooms.OrderBy(p => p.Plans.Min(x => x.TotalRate))).ToList();
But the exception I get is
decimal At least one object must implement IComparable.
@Metallkiller Foo * 👉 = new Foo()
@Ahmad: Add that comment code to the your question
All I'm wanting to do is sort my parent list of objects based on those Plans having the smallest TotalRate...
My property is just
public decimal TotalRate { get; set; }
@satibel THat looks like a quick way to malloc and build an object for a pointer, in case anyone wants to use a language containing emoji.
@Tommassiov What is T of your MyList?
generic type
THen how do you know it has Rooms in it?
I expect something like House
What exactly do you want to order? The rooms? Because right now, you're ordering houses by...something.
So, critical question: Whats <T> of MyList, and what do you want to order?
This is what I have
If im trying to implement security into a web api
public class Availability
    public List<Room> Rooms { get; set; }

public class Room
    public List<Plan> Plans { get; set; }

public class Plan
    public decimal TotalRate { get; set; }
How do i control the allowable ip addresses that the api can be called from?
@satibel That's kind of a shitty class
So I want to order my list of <Availability> based on the lowest Plan first
@Metallkiller but it compiles.
@satibel Unicode is amazing
@Tommassiov So let's do this one by one
found it.
Tell me
var room = currenctRoom;
for(int i = 0;i<room.Plans.Count;i++){
var origPlans = room.Plans;
var newPLans = origPlans.OrderBy(plan => plan.TotalRate);
room. Plans = newPLans;
Put that into another for loop, looping rooms, where you order by the first plan (which should, after this loop, be the cheapest)
edited code, gotta use the ordered plans of course
@satibel I'll just go back to Brainfuck, that's less fucked up.
@Metallkiller I understand that, but can't i just use 1 linq statement to get the desired result ?
@Tommassiov Of course you can, as soon as you know how to build it.
var sorted = availabilities.OrderBy(av => av.Rooms.Min(room => room.Plans.Min(plan => plan.TotalRate)));
Readable? I don't know.
@Metallkiller "Brainfuck is less fucked up than C++" - Metallkiller, 2017
guysss. if i have an api, how do i control the ip addresses that can query it?
@pingOfDoom Depending on what's hosting that API.
If it's under IIS, use IIS's functionality for that.
var sorted = availabilities.OrderBy(
				av => av.Rooms.Min(
							room => room.Plans.Min(
												plan => plan.TotalRate
Apply tabs at will
@Metallkiller Apply Ctrl-K
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan That gives exception of Sequnce contains no elements
@Tommassiov Probably because some of your Rooms have no Plans, or some of your Availabilities have no Rooms.
@Tommassiov You can try one of these solutions:
A: What's the neatest way to achieve "MinOrDefault" in Linq?

Christoffer LetteWhat you want is this: IEnumerable<double> results = ... your query ... double result = results.MinOrDefault(); Well, MinOrDefault() does not exist. But if we were to implement it ourselves it would look something like this: public static class EnumerableExtensions { public static T MinO...

var sorted = availabilities.OrderBy(
                            av => av.Rooms.Min(
                                        room => room.Plans.Min(
                                                            plan => plan.TotalRate
Anyone here? I need some help.
TOtal ghost town
@tika Nobody's home, GO AWAY!
depends what your problem is
@tika For future reference, just ask. Don't ask to ask
Somebody working with ASP .NET Core ?
If someone can help you they will :)
damn kids, always ruining the lawn.
We do card and hand readings
I have a very strange issue with CORS
I was looking to automate migrations in dotnet core (EF). I posted a Question in SO, I am getting no reponses.
Q: dotnet ef migrations automation: Detect changes for migrations

tikaI use the following CLI for DB Migrations: dotnet ef migrations add <Name-of-Migration> dotnet ef database update However, I am looking for a way for this to happen automatically: when a change in the Model is detected. So far, I have been able to eliminate Step 2 by doing the following in ...

I read every tutorial out there on how to enable and use CORS in Asp Core
but everytime I send request I receive: XMLHttpRequest cannot load localhost:56984/api/services. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:5000' is therefore not allowed access.
@Jasper, Are you trying to load resources from :5000 in :56984? Where do you have CORS enabled?
Anyone use Linqpad? Could you try to reproduce a bug for me? If I run Debug.Assert(false, "hey"); as C# statement I see an assertion failure "Fail: hello" as expected, but if I run it as a F# program, nothing happens.
from: localhost:56984/api/services
Perhaps Linqpad builds F# in Release mode?
@ColonelPanic I can confirm that, but I don't know F# enough to give you an answer.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan minOrDefault d xs = fromMaybe d . minMaybe $ xs where minMaybe (x:xs) = Just . maybe x (min x) $ minMaybe xs; minMaybe [] = Nothing
That was fun
@Jasper add the header "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: localhost:56984"; to your response on localhost:5000 or the opposite.
or both, just in case
cya guys
<Blair witch.jpg>
Servus Nerd
I'm off too, have a nice evening!
@satibel thanks I'll email Albahari
if I have a List<string>, how can I reach each string in query syntax? for example>
from List<string> elements in elementsList
from element in elements
select new { ... : element };
that doesn't work
reach each string? how about a foreach
What do you mean "reach each string"?
ignore his mike guy, he lies
ily 2
I mean use the single string in the select
not the List<string>
I'm so confused right now.
so you want to join all list elements into one string?
Only if you're good.
I want n * m new thing. Where n is the count of elementLists m is count of elements, and m varies
what does that have to do with a list of strings
how do you multiply strings
I'm so confused right now.
from List<string> elements in elementsList
from element in elements
select new MyClass(element);
Are you starting with a list of lists of strings?
elementsList is of type IEnumerable<List<string>>
lol no, that's not a list of strings
thats a list of lists
I think you should just use loops. I don't know why you're trying to do this using Linq but I'm pretty sure it's the wrong tool for the job.
An expression of type 'IEnumerable<string>' is not allowed in a subsequent from clause in a query expression with source type 'Gen<<anonymous type: List<string> propNevek, int statusz>>'. Type inference failed in the call to 'SelectMany'
instead of describing your solution
describe your problem
you have a list of lists, what do you expect to be the output
I'm using FsCheck to generate a lot of testcase
and I want it to work like each generated testcase makes a group of MyClass with a finite number of groups, that I want to check
so whenever I call from x in Gen<int>() // this will generate a number for me
I can generate exactly x group of things
failing solution>
        var gen2 = from List<string> propNevek in gen1
                   from statusz in Gen.Choose(0, 4)
                   from string propNev in propNevek //Enumerable.Select(propNevek, _ => Gen.Constant(_))
                       //from string y in x //.SelectMany<IEnumerable<string>, string>((IEnumerable<string> m) => m)
                       //from y in Gen.Apply<List<string>, string>(Gen.Constant<FSharpFunc<List<string>,string>>((List<string> _) => _.Select<List<string>, string>(afaf => afaf)), x)
I have checked, and gen1 generates List<string> properly
but propNevek is just red underlined, with the exception > An expression of type 'IEnumerable<string>' is not allowed in a subsequent from clause in a query expression with source type 'Gen<<anonymous type: List<string> propNevek, int statusz>>'. Type inference failed in the call to 'SelectMany'
I'm pulling my hair out
        var teszt = from List<string> things in new List<string> { "foo", "bar" }
                    from thing in things
                    select thing;
works... It have to be related to FsCheck
I have done it other way around....
luke dies in season 7 of game of thrones btw
Steve's a D has been banned for -1 days
Dude! Spoilers! You can't go around just telling everyone how Cersei was actually Kaiser Soze
I haven't been here in a good while
@mmf1102 or when cersei put brad pitt's wife's head in a box
I know! It was crazy
Or when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell
I don't know what you mean ;)
And then Bran was all "say hello to my little friend" and just opens fire on the white walkers with his attack helicopter.
> Yer a Jedi, 'Arry
Oh fuck, don't tell Harry that, he'll end up dead while being trained.
Good afternoon everybody!
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan : Best keyboard ever, and you customized it to perfection.
Hi Kramb
is anyone here
good at chess
I'm not terrible, but I'm far from good
i need someone good
2 improve my level
Ask the question, we have people here that are pretty good
im stuck on a certain level of chess
and i need advance techniques on how to improve my game
i probably play like 1300's 1400s
i want to be a high level
And you chose a C# chat room to hone your skills?
Stay n steps ahead of your opponent. Know every counter-move to every move you may make and have a plan for if your opponent chooses that move.
I think there's a StackExchange site on Chess
That's all I got
i didnt know that
i cant find

 SE Chess

Let's play chess! Everyone is welcome. Winning is only optiona...
Not a very active room though
There are lots of lessons on Chess.com. You can even ask for a tutor if I remember correctly
I am using a kendo grid for my application and the filter icon doesn't show up. If users clicks where the filter image is suppose to be the drop down box shows up for the column to be filter. Any ideas how I should fix this issue.
Is the image for the filter in the project folder AND the default folder?
@SteveHémond What keyboard?
Let me check that. Do you have an idea what the file would be called? @kramb
No idea. Never used Telerik for MVC, only .NET AJAX
I love how it even has the Hebrew
It's darker and it's my first language so it caught my attention first, so I was wondering what I was supposed to be looking at XD
@SteveHémond That has a ps2 plug, doesn't it?
But Unicomp makes the same model with USB plugs
Just figured out how to use a dynamic parameter in a linq expression. My day just got 100 Xs better
I learned how to calculate asin(2) today
Easiest way to rename solution?
!!> Math.asin(2)
@mikeTheLiar "NaN"
@Nathvi Right-click it in Solution Explorer --> Rename
@KendallFrey asin is the inverse of sin?
@Kramb yes
I thought it was asin2/acos2?
as opposed to the number being in the parentheses.
the solution to sin(x) = 2
Ah, carry on Captain Haskell, derive formulas for damsels in distress.
@KendallFrey, I'm learning group theory
group theory, that's the rubik's cube one
idk, but I guess it's useful for understanding things in functional programming
like monoids
that sounds more like category theory
o yeah, lol
not sure why I said group
I still feel accomplished for understanding the runtime complexity of bubble sort....
Group theory gives me PTSD to the class I took
Hearing the phrase, rather
Are you sure it wasn't grope theory?
I was so excited when I saw how to derive logarithms for complex numbers that I was dancing in my chair and I couldn't sit still.
Yes, calculating sin(x) = 2 involves logarithms of complex numbers
@KendallFrey Not a series expansion?
@mmf1102 nope
I love this Chrome extension- ASCIImoji
For all your ༼つಠ益ಠ༽つ ─=≡ΣO)) and (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻) needs
How ironic
anyone have good tc shows
to recommend
like the office
or parks and rec
Those shows are for sinners. I only watch good christian TV like Veggie Tales and Fox News.
@Failsafe Uhm, sorry, but Veggie Tales is completely satanic. Only witchcraft can cause plants to talk like that. Not in my house hold.
@Brogrammer Kimmy Schmidt is pretty good if you've got Netflix
@hilli_micha In case you didn't notice, only witchcraft can cause a box to talk and show pictures.
(I don't know what shape you would call modern TVs)
@Hypersapien I would say a box with minimal extrusion lol
demonic paintings
Are WPF browser applications a viable thing?
Or is there not really support for them?
@Hypersapien XBAP? lol
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