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Everything runs according to a priority. Anywhere from DispatcherPriority.SystemIdle to DispatcherPriority.Send. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.threading.dispatcherpriority(v=vs.110).aspx should help. You can set the priority manually by calling
Dispatcher.<Invoke or BeginInvoke>( <your code>, DispatcherPriority.<whatever> )
o7 Kamil!
Thanks @Meloviz. :)
Anytime :) Hope it helps!
@WilliamMariager that dispatcher queues up the jobs always. Like a dispatcher at McDonalds. If You want to have VIP serving, use Normal or Send.
Quick sanity check. If two objects return the same hash code but are inequal based on their Equals method, they won't collide in a HashSet, correct?
McDonalds.. horrible foods
if you can call it foods
Or any IDictionary, etc.
Prioritizing makes sense to me. It's mostly where it actually places the code. It creates a dispatcher for a thread it doesn't own or has access to the code for. But I guess some winapi functions allow attaching code to already running threads.
@WilliamMariager You have only one kitchen, where the stuff is made. Same like WPF has only 1 UI thread to work with. No other thread can modify UI.
@ntohl You can still pass certain thread-safe information back and forth between threads, though, even the UI thread. As long as you have a reference to it, you can send it information.
So if he's creating a new dispatcher, he's got the power to interact with the new thread from his current thread.
@ntohl hey man, how you doing
@Mathematics fine thanks
I am good too :P thanks
@ntohl Not true... I've seen places with more than one kitchen. :D
@WilliamMariager I had some experimental stuff with WPF dispatcher in this question. Worth to read> stackoverflow.com/questions/44331978/…
that was a fluffing long problem to solve... that Thread.Sleep part was a long running process, which might show an error dialog, so it couldn't be put to the background thread.
I still can't make it work to show a moving content... I switched the whole stuff to a devex LoadingDecorator
@Mathematics I was in a mid conversation... How are You?
From a background thread, you can just call Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(()=>MessageBox.Show(errorMessage))) That should show your error message on the UI thread, assuming "Dispatcher" is the UI's dispatcher, and keep your application doing what it does without having to wait for the messagebox to close. I've done it tons of times in the desktop app I'm building.
Otherwise, just use Invoke if you need the message to halt the rest of the UI processing.
@Meloviz You have to rewrite a lot of stuff in that long running process... Calling many Invokes, which wasn't necessary before. All the stuff is synchronous in nature, except the loading screen. Why change the working code and be error prone?
Maybe it'll be more efficient? ^_^
Ah, well yeah, running stuff between threads can definitely create some tight constraints, heh. If it ain't broke, don't fix it :) I didn't look over the question in depth. I spent quite a while trying to figure out what was possible and what wasn't in my app, so I understand the feeling.
Anyone here any good with entity framework?
Eh... I've only worked with Entity Framework lightly.
For me, I was able to send off searching through files on separate threads and just WaitAll()'ing the task list.
Sorry v_v
It's okay... thank you
Hi prime not good but I am using it
I've got a weird problem when trying to update
@Meloviz Sounds similar to JavaScript's Promise
an entity that has a linked entity
so I have objects which have drawings
Yeah, I think it is.
object.Drawing in csharp code
when I update for some reason the drawing table link wont update
@Sometowngeek every time when I want to be more efficient by asyncing stuff, I end up with a lot of lock or ManualResetEventSlim code, and make the whole stuff back synchronous to avoid race conditions :(...
I'm using automapper to map to/from domain models
do you have a primary key in the drawing table
@ntohl Bummer. :(
@Meloviz reactive extension is a great tool to handle many async source. With the help of github.com/runceel/ReactiveProperty it is also MVVM friendly
are you saving the data to sql server?
yup via EF
I have a Repo which has an update function
public virtual void Update(long id, TDto dtoModel)
var entity = Mapper.Map<TEntity>(dtoModel);
_repository.Update(id, entity);

if so can you pull up the sql trace tool... I forget what it's called
hmm I think it's something to do with EF
rather than SQL
ok I was thinking you could see if it was making to sql
Imma go get food. Bbl
Q: Enumerate all files with Rx

DanielThis is my attempt for more responsive interface during pupulating listbox with large number of files (or from slow network folders) during file search. IDisposable observer; IObservable<IList<FileInfo>> bufferedFiles; ObservableCollection<object> _fileCollection = new ObservableCollection<object>...

do you have code that write a new record... does that work?
I can write a record yea
at that point I'm not saving the drawing
just the record
Sorry @PrimeByDesign I'm not trying to be rude.

I'm not sure how to help you with your issue. I've only worked with EF lightly because my former company created their own inherited methods and I used the said methods to interact with the database.
just trying to think of some common causes for update not working
@Sometowngeek no offence taken.. I'm researching this myself but not having much luck. I thought I'd quickly ask in here in case it was something obvious.
no no
I know I had an odd issue a while back
the update works
just the link
What is the link?
so I can change other stuff but the link table doesn't work
the link to the drawing
drawing table has ObjectId
to link it to the object
and so entity has a property
Sorry... am I monopolising this chat room?
I was thinking of something like a URL link.
Naw, you're good. :)
you are doing just fine
If you were, we might all just disappear, lock this room, and start a new one :P
these guys talk about wacky stuff here so chat about C# stuff is a welcomed change
Naw I'm kidding...
cool :)
sadly my knowledge of EF is limited to basic crud stuff
I think the fact I'm using auto mapper to link dto objects and that creates the entity for update might be causing some
i know there are advance stuff that can be done...
I'll keep plugging away at this
and I'll let you know if I have any luck
i know your issue is not sql related bout in the sql room there is a guy named alex who is mega smart
ooo I might try him
if you contact him he may be able to help u
good guy... very very helpful
haha our DB guy is called Alex and he's mega smart... I wonder if it's the same Alex!?
he's new!
that would be something
he has help me with EF stuff as well if I recall
He might deny it because he likes the wall :P
Darn... Can't find an useful meme for it. It's full of Trump versions
also there is a guy that visits here named Kramb
if you contact him he is very smart and helpful as well
His name is LAMB
I'm here!
I think I could do it using a special call but I think it wouldn't be generic enough
Ah Kramb
Hey Kramb! :D
I hear your mega smart!
And I only appear smart, I'm really good with BSing my way through lmfao
I can vouch for that :P
But I'll lend a hand, I wasn't paying attention though
sure... so
Anywho... bbl
Thank you @KamilSolecki :) And have a great day in your country :D
I have an n-tier architecture that talks to a DB. I use automapper to turn entities into dto's and dto's into domain models and so on...
everything was going great.. I had all CRUD operations working and life was blissful.
Ah yes, this is usually when things go wrong :P
but then I had this situation where I needed update a linked entity
I have Objects and they can have Drawings
so FixtureObject.Drawing (string)
When I make the call back to perform and update automapper does this domainObj>Dto>entity which goes into Update(id,TDto)
public virtual void Update(long id, TDto dtoModel)
var entity = Mapper.Map<TEntity>(dtoModel);
_repository.Update(id, entity);

the problem I have is that whilst the simple properties all update the drawing path doesn't
actually it's been a while since I tested update.. I'll just make sure that's still true and that it does in fact work with simple properties.
And FixtureObject and Drawing are both separate entities?
yea but FixtureObject has a property Drawing
linked tables
oh crap update doesn't work in general fails in the repository
this is what the repo method looks like:
public void Update(long id, TEntity entity)

if (entity == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("entity was null when trying to update.");
// this doesn't work for deep properties
TEntity existingEntity = _dbContext.Set<TEntity>().Find(id);

_dbContext.Entry(existingEntity).State = EntityState.Modified;

oo look the comment!!
I forgot I'd written that
was going to point that out haha
So the update doesn't work at all? What error is it throwing?
null reference
        TEntity existingEntity = _dbContext.Set<TEntity>().Find(id);
I'll look into that 1st
just checking it out now
I thought it was working
no it just worked
right ill add a drawing now
okay no error just no entry in db
but I think the comment explains this
so the problem I have now is that the repo update method uses _dbContext.Entry(existingEntity).CurrentValues.SetValues(entity);
_dbContext.Entry(existingEntity).State = EntityState.Modified;
which wont work for deep properties but the issue I have is that I need to update all the properties because I'm using automapper
to generate the fixtureObject
from the dto
Yea, I don't think that SetValues sets the linked entities
from what I'm reading it wont
but the repo is generic
so I have no idea now I'm going to update the drawing
oh maybe I can in a custom mapping
can you delete and resave
that's what I'm trying
problem with that alone is that
the id will keep incrementing up
there might be a way around that... just trying it out
can you change the table so that the Pk is just something that you can write and on the save and re save you just copy the PK from the parent table
@PrimeByDesign You can check if the Generic entity contains Navigation Properties
so the PK and the Fk are the same
hang on
Hang on...
Are you hard-coding the relationship by their respective PK?
Well that's why it's not updating.
going in that direction
@Sometowngeek He needs to add FK property to his primary entity to link the two so that EF establishes the connection.
Hrmm... give me a moment.
Like that?
@PrimeByDesign Yo... Check my example. :)
public class Foo
	public int FooId {get;set;}
	public int BarId {get;set;}

	public virtual Bar Bar {get;set;}

public class Bar
	public int BarId {get;set;}
	public int X1 {get;set;}
	public int Y1 {get;set;}
	public int X2 {get;set;}
	public int Y2 {get;set;}
That proposes an issue.
like that
If it is keyed to drawing, doesn't the ObjectID rely on sequential numbers -- like it must begin with 0 (or 1)?
if the id is 0, then it triggers a create event as opposed to an update
Hey @Kramb

Why are you using virtual in this case?
TBH I have no idea. It's how I was taught to handle Navigation Properties. I know it doesn't make sense since all properties are virtual properties
According to Microsoft Document, I don't think it will work in this case
The link isn't working again.
you have to add the protocol
I did.
Originally, that is.
I keep getting the () and [] backwards
All of my navigation properties in the app I'm working on right now are marked as virtual
It allows for them to be overridden
I think it's a good idea if you foresee that happening. But if you want to prevent it from happening, I wouldn't include it.

I guess it depends on @PrimeByDesign 's plan for his code.
It allows the Entity Framework to create a proxy around the virtual property so that the property can support lazy loading and more efficient change tracking.
okay the simple answer was to bring in another repo into my service and do it manually
it's a lot cleaner too
I'm happy with the outcome...
thinking about it I was trying to be too clever
sorry for the delay I tried a few things
thanks for your help! :)
@Kramb Gotcha.
your avatar
makes me want to
no beer and no tv makes homer something something
@Steve'saD I'm not falling for that one
somebody tell me a joke
donald trump
somebody tell me another joke
i bet that was trumps attempt at sounding intelligent -- everybody else uses words/phrases he doesn't understand, such as 'obstruction of justice', so it was his turn to confuse
Hi Kramb, I could not get the Java Scripting code to work that you shared... but it was decided to step down the date value in the C# controller function.. thanks so much for putting us on the right tracks!
Hey man, no problem! @007
hey just want to say thanks all for being so patient and accomodating earlier.
did you get your project to work like you designed it?

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