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That's how I write regular redirects anyway. Relative redirects always get me into trouble. :P
So how do you specifiy the controller and action? return RedirectToAction(HomeController.Index) or something like that?
Use RedirectToRouteResult
Q: Redirect with RedirectToRouteResult does not work from other area

AndersI have this ActionFilter public class AppOfflineFilter : ActionFilterAttribute { public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { if (filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ActionName != "AppOffLine" && filterContext.HttpContext.Request.UserHostName ...

Or you can use RedirectToAction(string,string) and specify the controller name there.
This is probably stupid... but in MVC do you always create the Model, then the View, then the Controller?
The order doesn't matter
but, that's the most common way
in fact, some would say you get a better end result if you do it in that order
because it forces you to think about the data schema and logic
before the UI
if you do the View last, that is
ARGH! Stupid RedirectToAction isn't working again!
What's not working?
I love code golf with regex :)
RedirectToAction Is supposed to go to Index which is in the Home folder but the redirect is only looking in my Contact and Shared folder
Changed return RedirectToAction("Index");
To return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
Glad you got it.
kendall can you help me please?
What's the question?
can you please help me with collision in my game?
@TonyHarmon The first should work if you're redirecting to an action on the same controller. The second is required if the action you want to redirect to is on a different controller.
Glad you figured it out though :)
@Javier I can't help you with a question like that.
I got lucky :
kendall can i show you what is going on?
I noticed there were different ways to use the redirect and actually scrolled through them lol
I gtg sorry.
did you see the tutorial videos on asp.net/mvc?
kyle can you help me out?
@Javier Here are some tips to get your question answered:

1. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/how-to-ask
2. http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2010/10/asking-better-questions/
3. break your mammoth of a question into smaller bite-sized questions.

Then post your questions on the main site (one question per question please). Do this, and you'll have a much better chance of getting a reasonable answer. And remember StackOverflow isn't a place to go to to ask questions like "teach me how to do this". If you're not willing to put in the effort to learn on your own, then we aren't willing to he
i don't know how to ask this in a question, i just need help with collision in my game
Got to bail, we are moving to a new building tomorrow; see you guys in an hour or so... o/
@KyleTrauberman are you any good in XNA?
then find an XNA tutorial that covers it (a simple google search brings up many: google.com/…), go through that and come back with specific questions
no never touched it
i dont need tutorials
then we can't help you
That's the wrong attitude to have if you want to learn something. You obviously need a tutorial, and StackOverflow isn't a tutorial site.
then what is stackoverflow?
A place to ask and answer questions.
StackOverflow is not a school.
I believe this falls under: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/128553/131968
Oh, and please keep in mind: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/128589/131968
We aren't attacking you personally, just trying to help you get your question answered (even if we can't answer it, someone can, but they aren't going to help if they have to write a novel.)
why do you keep going on and on?
i get it
You may get it, but can you actually follow the guidelines?
Every time you go on here you ask the same dumb questions.
i rarely go on here
i only go on here to ask for something that im really stuck on
which is collision mostly
Lots of people get stuck on collision. It's a really tough and complicated concept
Pardon me for stepping in, but is collision a topic for C# chat here or game development chat over at gamedev.stackexchange.com? Seems more appropriate there
ill try out game development chat
@Dan it could be a valid question on both sites, but you're right, its probably better for gamedev
I think it's fine both places. Over there you will get more experience with XNA and gaming stuff. Here you'll get more experience with C#.
I suppose it makes sense to figure out which algorithm to use over there, and get help on specific C# implementation details here
Just trying to help @Javier get his answer :)
thank you i like your answer better than kyles... and kyle folllowed me there haha
just curious about the answer :P
i probally won't get an answer its dead there
most people over there don't use XNA
xna is coded in C# so i just went here
Yeah, fair enough. No specific XNA chat, I'm assuming? Probably too specific
I'd like to complain for a moment about badges
I have answered a question with 30,000 views where a guy was asking when to use $(this) or this for jquery.
The guy has 220 rep and a gold badge for his famous question.
Meanwhile I answered his question and I have 17.5k rep
No gold badge for that answer. :(
How do you tell which answers were viewed?
In fact the only gold badge I have is the fanatic.
And you have a problem with that?
I just want more gold badges :(
A: jQuery $(this) vs this

Spencer RuportYes you only need $() when you're using jQuery. If you want jQuery's help to do DOM things just keep this in mind. $(this)[0] == this Basically every time you get a set of elements back jQuery turns it into an array. If you know you only have one result, it's going to be in the first element. ...

I don't have any :P
ask some famous questions. :P
I have 2 famous question badges
Could you give some tips on asking famous questions?
hell if I know how to do it
I just asked a question
Famous questions are only possible when a new technology is released and someone asks a question that we all wondered at one point.
then a year and a half later, got the badge
or something that is googled often
like in my case
The thing is, most of the simple, common questions have been asked already. The site is heading toward having every question be either a duplicate or too localized.
So basically when C#5 or .Net 5 come out you'll see me spamming all the "noob" questions like crazy.
@KendallFrey - Exactly.
I actually think SO needs to get rid of the "no dupes" rule.
My most viewed question is at 399. It's a real cheeser, too.
@SpencerRuport Why? Then it will become a maze of poorly written questions with varying answers and a googlers nightmare.
I don't think so. We have a voting system so the better formed questions will bubble to the top.
We have a closing system so that unnecessary and poor questions don't clog the site.
And on the flip side
Consider that perhaps a better answer has come about to an old question.
Like say a question that was asked 2 years ago
Do you think it's very likely that someone will go seek that question out and provide the newer better answer?
IMO, let that question be updated. Hopefully, the original poster will acknowledge the answer.
But who would do that? I wouldn't. There's hardly any rep incentive to do so.
That's the problem.
The question is old so even if you give a Jon Skeet level answer you might get one, maybe two upvotes.
More rep is awarded for quick 'n' dirty than complete.
Which is another reason why dupe questions might be a good thing
reminds me of the fastest gun in the west debate from 2008
If you weren't the "fastest gun" the first time the question was asked no worries, you'll have a complete answer ready for next time.
@SpencerRuport Maybe it would be an idea to let dupe questions be answered, but still point out the original question.
You can just post the link to your old answer in any new dupe question that pops up.
That would work I think.
@SpencerRuport Problem is, Jon Skeet types faster than I do.
I like this solution to the problem: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/93/131968
I dunno I was an Experts-Exchange reg back in the day and I feel like they had more "staying power" because they allowed dupes.
One of the haziest dupe boundaries is with all the questions about floating-point arithmetic. No two are the same, but the concept is the same.
There was a question that was asked dozens of times over and over about why a person couldn't send email using CDO and I figured out the definitive answer when nobody else had it and cleaned house with it.
I raked in the points and the internet got a definitive answer over and over.
I'm studying to be a regex guru. Maybe I can do that someday.
haha EE is still going strong
You can get free t-shirts!
I do like the perks here better.
I got the entire telerik library for being a high rep user.
In one of the answers to the FGITW question: "I'm already answering questions more quickly or leaving a short answer to go back and edit later." That's me. That's ME! :_(
@SpencerRuport What? I didn't know you could do that?
Which part?
Sorry I meant you didn't know you could do what?
get the telerik library
Oh. The telerik thing.
Oh yeah. I don't know if they still offer it.
But I got that and a free membership to the careers site.
Man, I asked some bad questions way back when: stackoverflow.com/q/6920300/785745
I just accepted an answer on that question now. Just to make up for me being a n00b when it was asked.
What is the telerik library? I will probably never get a badge higher than copper :-/
There, put my accept rate in the green zone at least.
@TonyHarmon telerik.com. Its a set of controls for .NET (winforms, wpf, asp.net, mvc, silverlight, etc.)
@KendallFrey amateur. I roll with a 100% accept rate at all times. :P
@TonyHarmon Enthusiast and Fanatic are some easier silver and gold badges.
@KyleTrauberman Maybe I ask harder questions. :P
@KendallFrey - =O You accepted his answer but didn't upvote?? YOU MONSTER!
If it was a good answer it would have been accepted long ago. Why should I upvote a mediocre answer?
I dunno it seemed like a good answer to me.
Maybe sometime I should accept/downvote an answer. Maybe not.
haha I hadn't thought of that.
@SpencerRuport Possibly. I didn't understand it at the time, though.
MASM is awesome.
You know what would take guts?
@SpencerRuport No.
What would take guts?
I saw a guy post an answer that said something like this:
300 dollars??? Yikes
This is an experimental answer for a question on meta. Please downvote, but don't go nuts. Sorry for choosing your question.
@SpencerRuport MASM is disgusting. NASM is the way to go.
I've never used NASM. I just have good memories of messing around with assembler in school and we used MASM.
This is my lowest voted answer that I haven't deleted: stackoverflow.com/questions/1126989/…
Why not? Free badge.
So how did you get this telerik stuff for free?
can i have some help?
just seeing if there are people here....
sure, what's your question?
no people, just programmers... and a DBA
@SpencerRuport I only have 3 questions at -1, and none lower. Course I deleted a few -3's
@TonyHarmon lol
anyone there?????
@TonyHarmon Don't humble yourself, you've stepped up to the big leagues now, learning MVC and all. :P
@EliteGamer Yup. We're waiting for the question.
@EliteGamer yes, what's your question?
If by learning you mean stumbling through blindly and tripping over the correct way then yes :P
Isn't that how we all start out learning?
@KyleTrauberman You beat me to say it. :P
Nope SQL was easy Select * from knowledge into Tony Harmon; commit; :)
@TonyHarmon - They gave it to me a little after I hit 10k rep.
It's a good thing I didn't know what SO was back when I was using VBA.
i need to do that
Well shit, I'll never hit 10k
I have a feeling they offer other cool stuff to 20k rep people but I haven't quite made it there yet :P
I'm trying to stumble my way through writing data to a TaxonomyField in SharePoint 2010
@EliteGamer WinForms or WPF?
here is the code i have: private void timer2_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
int percent = progressBar1.Value;
progressBar1.CreateGraphics().DrawString(percent.ToString() + "%", new Font("Arial", (float)8.25, FontStyle.Regular), Brushes.Black, new PointF(progressBar1.Width / 2 - 10, progressBar1.Height / 2 - 7));
if (progressBar1.Value == 100)
progressBar1.Value = 100;
We need @HansRudel. I helped him with that a while back.
for some reason, the text just appears and dissappears a lot....how do i fix it?
He probably remembers better than I do.
does the progress bar update more often than the timer ticks?
i have tried EVERYTHING!!!! i can not figure it out!
hmm do I want to fire up my virtual machine that has my SQL Server 2008 R2 or just use SQLEXPRESS?
@EliteGamer - How long is your timer tick?
@KyleTrauberman i do not know...let me check
@KyleTrauberman Yep, that would do it.
i have no idea
try using the progress bar's Paint Event
@EliteGamer I doubt it, since the timer updates the progressbar.
to draw the percent
@SpencerRuport 100 --- interval
Try setting it to 500
that does not help, that makes it go slower
the progressbar
Move progressBar1.Increment(+1); to before the DrawString call.
@KyleTrauberman how would i do the paint event. I have no idea...i can not find it in the properties
Its probably hidden, the documentation says its not intended for usage outside the framework
I noticed that after I posted the link
I think you should derive from ProgressBar and override OnPaint.
@SpencerRuport that did not help either...i have no idea what is wrong?
you could try using the Invalidated event instead: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/…
@EliteGamer - It's probably something to do with the progress bar being repainted so it clears out your text.
You can either go with some of these suggestions or what might be easier is to put a label on top of the progress bar and just alter the text of that.
repainted...like drawing the text?
everytime you increment the progress bar, it needs to be repainted to the screen
@SpencerRuport WinForms doesn't work with that.
on this website, it shows, but i did not work for me...? : codeproject.com/Articles/31406/…
Work like what?
OMG... don't know if I can do this tutorial... IT USES LINQ /shudders
In WinForms, a control can't show sibling controls underneath it.
@SpencerRuport i need the text background color transparent...that will not work
And it doesn't show parent controls well, either.
@TonyHarmon LINQ doesn't bite. :P
@KyleTrauberman Except in a profiler.
@SpencerRuport well, the website shows that it works perfectly, but mine does not
It is an abomination! Spawn of the Devil I tell you!!!
i event try adding that code...the draw thing into the form load event
@EliteGamer: I think the best way is to derive from ProgressBar, as I said.
@KendallFrey can you help me do that...i am new at this...and this is a little complicated :)
@TonyHarmon You can use Linq To Sql to call sprocs.
It just generates a method on your context to call the sproc
not sure if you can do it with EF
@EliteGamer I think you would create a class derived from ProgressBar, and then override OnPaint, and create your own painting routine.
class MyProgressBar : ProgressBar
    protected override void OnPaint()
        // code here
@KyleTrauberman Right.
I even tried adding this code:
    private void progressbar1_paint(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int percent = progressBar1.Value;
        progressBar1.CreateGraphics().DrawString(percent.ToString() + "%", new Font("Arial", (float)8.25, FontStyle.Regular), Brushes.Black, new PointF(progressBar1.Width / 2 - 10, progressBar1.Height / 2 - 7));
something like that
that did not work
@KendallFrey - I stand corrected :(
I think if you put base.OnPaint() at the start of the OnPaint override, it should draw the progressbar basics. I seem to recall having difficulty with that.
yeah, thats important
Is there an easier way to do this
Use WPF.
@EliteGamer there isn't an easier way if you're using winforms.
@SpencerRuport: Yes, but he may not want to learn a new GUI model.
yes i am
a regular form
It's sooooo easy though!
XAML == spawn of the devil
@EliteGamer: I recommend WPF. It lets you do that kind of thing naturally. When you have time, learn to use it.
@KyleTrauberman Shut up, infidel.
but then again so is ASPX syntax
ok, here is My Whole CODE:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form

public Form1()

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
int x = this.Width / 2 - 100;
int y = this.Height / 2 - 60;
this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
this.Width = 350;
this.Height = 400;
x = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width / 2 - this.Width / 2;
I wish I had edit privlieges in chat
Oh wait I see the problem. You forgot to set ProgressBar1.WorkTheWayIWantYouTo to true.
@EliteGamer Really, derive from ProgressBar. The whole class will probably be about 10 lines of code.
@SpencerRuport Funny.
i wish Ha ha ha ha
lol someone flagged me :(
For what?
My comment.
@SpencerRuport ha ha thats funny
@EliteGamer: Was it you who flagged him?
so, do you see anything wrong in the code?
@EliteGamer we already told you how to fix it, I even posted some code to get you started
try that, and if it doesn't work still, come back
He'll be back. WinForms never works the first time.
@KyleTrauberman where do i put the code you gave me...that is what i do not know!
in a new file
@SpencerRuport What comment?
@EliteGamer In a new class.
The boolean setting comment.
@KendallFrey Yeah, you are right I NEVER works the first time...there is always something lol
@EliteGamer Project Menu > New item > Class > PercentageProgressBar.cs
@KendallFrey so, do i paste his code in between the brackets?
protected override void OnPaint()
That should be a start.

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