@wouterdejong You can make it a bit harder using obfuscators. It will discourage a bored user mucking about the DLLs, but not anyone who seriously wants to reverse engineer your code.
Regardless of what you do, code that must run on someones machine must become machine code. And machine code can be translated back. There is literally no way to prevent it. You can use obfucsators, that just mangle names. You can also use protection software (e.g. Themida) and combine assemblies, do native compiles, etc, etc.
All that comes with a financial cost and downsides, such as virus scanners flagging your file as malicious. Because they don't understand it.
Ultimately, as Roel says, any code that the user's machine can read, the user can read as well. If you have code that must never, ever be seen by other people, don't run it on their machine - encapsulate the secret logic in a service on a machine you control and call it.
but: this gives me an error: this.saveHuidigeUpdatesToolStripMenuItem.Click += new System.EventHandler((sender, e) => this.saveHuidigeUpdatesToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender, e, saveFileDialog1.Filter = "txt files (.txt)|.txt|All files (.)|*.*"));
Of course, with multiplayer games, the main value comes from the community of players. You can sell a pirated knock-off of LoL, but without people to play with, it's worthless.
it tells me `Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS0103 The name 'saveFileDialog1' does not exist in the current context WindowsFormsApplication1 C:\Users\Administrator\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\WindowsFormsApplication1\WindowsFormsApplication1\Form1.Designer.cs 187 Active `
You can reverse engineer the client and hack it to cheat, but A) that's cheating, and B) these hacks are constantly being monitored with various anti-cheating measures that change.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Message The designer cannot process the code at line 187:
this.saveHuidigeUpdatesToolStripMenuItem.Click += new System.EventHandler((sender, e) => this.saveHuidigeUpdatesToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender, e, saveFileDialog1.Filter = "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"));
The code within the method 'InitializeComponent' is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified. Please remove any changes and try opening the designer again. C:\Users\Administrator\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\WindowsFormsA…
I think I made it before, but now I forget, any help? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42367502/how-do-i-make-calculations-operations-inside-select-method-in-linq
@Proxy The biggest concern is getting crucial entity information. Where is everything? Where am I? What entities are enemies? How much health does he have? What is attacking me? This is usually one data structure, and once you have it, you can begin.
@Proxy Finding such data is done in reverse order. You start with something you know. Your health, for example. Once you know the memory location of your health (using a memory scanner), trace how it is addressed (tracing opcodes, usually it's pointer + 0x14 or something). Then you know the base address of your entity, and you have to search what references it. Most common data structures are linked lists and hash sets. So you need to map out how things are being linked.
Once you know the data structure, you can quickly build a scanner to the origin of it and see where it's referenced from. You want a 'static pointer', one that doesn't change between process launches. Static variables, if you will, and then a path that is predictable to the data structure.
Then it's just finding more info in said entities, creating attack and defense intelligence, prioritization, mapping mechanics, etc, but none of that truly relies on game data. In Aoin, however, i needed ability data too because you had countermoves that only trigger under specific conditions etc.
@Proxy It's not. You already know how memory works, it's just tracing it back.
Most games don't prevent CheatEngine (it uses ReadProcessMemory if you want it to). Some do, then you want to either create a different memory bridge (annoying) or rebrand CE (because they only detect cheatengine haha)
Haha, thanks. I'm a Junior when we're speaking technicalities of market knowledge. I have less than 3 years job experience. The fact that I've programmed for 14 years doesn't matter to salary.
@TravisJ: Hai, got some feedback for your StackTopReorder chrome app: 1: thanks, it's awesome 😃 2: there's a delay in it re-ordering the topbar, on page load. Is this something you can "fix"?
@wouterdejong Yeah. Some people read news, or check their FaceBook or WhatsApp or whatever, but I don't -- I just keep up with SO chat and Slack chat. I think it balances out. Either way, my bosses know so I guess it's fine.
i'm not mad am i ... I an't just generate a json string then build a javascript that does ... var foo = jsonString to emit a js object assignment statement that works
So they had a JSON file, didn't know how to load it dynamically into a variable, so they prefixed it with a javascript assignment and simply loaded it as code.
var foo = someMethodCall(); <-- i won't have this method, but i will have the result later
I don't want to have all my querybuilding framework on every page I want to build a script I can save in the db then later just drop that on to another page in the system
So if you have JSON-formatted data and you're emitting it as a script - which isn't very different than calling eval - you're effectively translating JSON to JS code.
Is it possible to create an empty array without specifying the size?
For example I created,
String[] a = new String[5];
Can we create the above string array without the size?
@MohamedAhmed I don't know what blob is, but generally speaking, most APIs that expect you to pass them in a buffer to fill, have a facility to tell you how big the buffer should be.
I have been playing with the Azure Blob Storage service to save/recover files in a context of a web page to be hosted in Azure Web Pages.
During the learning process I have come with two solutions; the first basically uses DownloadToStream which does the same but with a FileStream. In this case ...
right ... sorry about that guys ... all I got was "IIS is using 3GB of ram" ... I was like ... uh ok ... what app, what pool, what process? what's running?
so many questions
go answer them all before you say "it's borked"
He's trying to run a csv import ... it's only about 6MB of raw data but he's getting high load on the app box for some reason ... I think i'll get this JSON vs JS stuff sorted first then hit that
I want to display the Second Drop down list (Country List) in same popup window
.After i selecting the language (language drop down list),
The country drop down list is showing the country details ,which are related to the language i have selected in first drop down(language drop down),but its d...
public void MashPotatoes(IVegetable vegetable) { var potato = (Potato)vegetable; // MASHMASH }
Is there any way in c# to cut down having to cast an object to the desired type? I can't have the signature different to what's there because it's conforming to an interface.
I.e. I can't do public void MashPotatoes(Potato vegetable)
i looked at .all, but it says: "If you have four promises which resolve after a timeout, and one rejects immediately, then Promise.all rejects immediately."
i need to wait for all the promises to either fail or succeed, then call a callback
hmm is it possible to detect that "a file has been removed/renamed/changed/added in a directory? - in Windows. My application depends on all files in a directory. - But analysing them all takes a long long time, and they are typically not meant to change during the course of a running program. However if they change, to prevent crashes and enable dynamic runs, I should rerun the file cacher.
yep, that's what I'm actually doing now. I'm turning existing code which is provides functionality to upload files (mvc c#) to the cloud (azure). Making it generic so it supports both cloud and say file storage (sql db) etc.
I recently built an IMailable, implemented in a BaseMailable, which is inherited from in a bunch of entities. Some BaseMailable implementations are overridden on some entities
I have no way near as much practice to be able to pull that stuff off. I can look at it, understand it - use DI to hook it up but if you gave me a task like that.. I'd fudge it up, at least 10 times.
using Core.Data;
using Core.Objects;
using Core.Security.Objects.Entities;
using log4net;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Dynamic;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Security;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Core.Services
/// <summary>
/// Core service implementation
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">service type</typeparam>
public class Service<T, TUser> : IService<T, TUser> where T : class
static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Service<T, TUser>));
protected IDataContext Db { get; private set; }
protected IAuthInfo AuthInfo { get; }
protected User SSOUser
var req = new HttpClient()
return req.Result;
protected TUser User { get; set; }
protected virtual bool UserIsActive { get { return (User != null && (!(User is IAmLogicallyDeleted) || ((IAmLogicallyDeleted)User).IsActive)); } }
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Service{T}" /> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="db">The data store on which this service sits.</param>
public Service(IDataContext db, IAuthInfo authInfo)
Db = db;
AuthInfo = authInfo;
public virtual void Dispose()
if (Db != null)
Db = null;
public virtual T Get(object id)
if (UserIsActive || AuthInfo.SignatureIsValid)
return Db.Get<T>(id);
throw new SecurityException("Access Denied!");
public virtual IQueryable<T> GetAll()
if (UserIsActive || AuthInfo.SignatureIsValid)
return Db.GetAll<T>();
throw new SecurityException("Access Denied!");
public virtual IQueryable<T> GetAll(int[] ids)
//TODO: consider extending dynamic linq to support contains expressions
if (ids != null && ids.Any())
var idName = typeof(T).GetIdProperty().Name;
var expressionBuilder = new StringBuilder(idName + " = " + ids[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < ids.Length; i++)
expressionBuilder.Append(" Or " + idName + " = " + ids[i]);
return GetAll().Where(expressionBuilder.ToString());
return new List<T>().AsQueryable();
public virtual async Task<T> UpdateAsync(T entity)
if (UserIsActive || AuthInfo.SignatureIsValid)
return await Db.UpdateAsync(entity);
throw new SecurityException("Access Denied!");
public virtual Task DeleteAsync(object id)
if (UserIsActive || AuthInfo.SignatureIsValid)
return Db.DeleteAsync(Db.Get<T>(id));
throw new SecurityException("Access Denied!");
public virtual async Task<T> AddAsync(T entity)
if (UserIsActive || AuthInfo.SignatureIsValid)
return await Db.AddAsync(entity);
throw new SecurityException("Access Denied!");
public virtual async Task<ICollection<T>> AddAllAsync(ICollection<T> items)
if (UserIsActive || AuthInfo.SignatureIsValid)
return await Db.AddAllAsync(items);
throw new SecurityException("Access Denied!");
public virtual async Task<ICollection<T>> UpdateAllAsync(ICollection<T> items)
if (UserIsActive || AuthInfo.SignatureIsValid)
return await Db.UpdateAllAsync(items);
throw new SecurityException("Access Denied!");
public virtual async Task<ICollection<T>> DeleteAllAsync(ICollection<T> items)
if (UserIsActive || AuthInfo.SignatureIsValid)
return await Db.DeleteAllAsync(items);
throw new SecurityException("Access Denied!");
dead simple ... so from there I define a new interface IContentManageService<T> say and inherit from IService<T, SomeTypeOfUserForCMS>
Then I implement a base CMSService which doesn't have much code at all
@ntohl He fixed it reading out a previous cell with the same kind of formula, we changed the cell number to which it shall read the product id out of and replaced it with the new cell number, this fixed it.
guys i have a pretty general question but if im streaming 2 videos through udp on my own server and client, how would i know which is which, for when i display them?
@KendallFrey i'm making x number of api calls, some will succeed, some will fail, but i need them all to complete so that i can aggregate the errors of the ones that failed into a modal window
i did that for like 1 image, so i send a request for an image, put the client in recive image mode then display it, but when its 2 videos streaming continuously, i cant really do that
i was thinking i could put a unique character at the start of every packet depending on which it is, and then read it like that but not sure how much slower that will be
What's the "right" way to include .dll files in my web project so they can still be properly resolved when I move the project to a new computer? Up until now I've been keeping them in the project's bin folder, but I've started getting strange errors and this answer says it "just seems wrong" to deploy one's bin folder.
I could make a "dlls" folder and keep them in there... Is that the way I'm supposed to do it?
var promises = [];
var errors = [];
foreach(var id in listOfIds)
promises[i] = doApiCall(id); // pretend like i is a set counter
promise[i].fail(function(error) {
when(promises.resolved) {
crap i was typing too much and forgot to enjoy my egg mcmuffin
@KendallFrey When you say "avoid adding references to DLL files", do you mean "there is a way to use the functions and classes inside a dll without adding a reference to the dll, and that's what you should be doing", or do you mean "avoid dependency on third-party libraries entirely wherever possible", or do you mean something else?
@Kevin I mean "dependencies on third party libraries should not be done with just the path to a DLL file, but with a reference to a project file or package in some package manager"