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yeah found that 'swell
Have you ever been in a situation where you don't know how to explain something but you exactly know what you might need to solve it?
I'm currently at this stage :)
@KevinMaxwell it's called the "No coffe stage" happens to me daily
:), I already had 3 coffee so far but still no luck!
@KevinMaxwell get a duck and explain to the duck
canne remember who it was in here that mentioned that to me
I never thought of that solution :)
but it helps a hell of alot for problem solving
It's a thing:
In software engineering, rubber duck debugging or rubber ducking is a method of debugging code. The name is a reference to a story in the book The Pragmatic Programmer in which a programmer would carry around a rubber duck and debug their code by forcing themselves to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck. Many other terms exist for this technique, often involving different inanimate objects. Many programmers have had the experience of explaining a programming problem to someone else, possibly even to someone who knows nothing about programming, and then hitting upon the solution in the process...
@Kieran canne is the female duck in french XD
my issue is something between MVC ViewModel and jQuery
May have been @AvnerShahar-Kashtan that mentioned it actually
@satibel You are kidding...
Might've been me.
Function Something(pplID as integer, Femal as boolean,server as System.Web.HttpServerUtility)
does some1 know how i can use the server in the function self
instead of using it like this
server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") uses the server
without this i get the systemnull
the solution is at the function parameter server
can i use that in the function itself
@profa You're still using ADO, huh?
dont ask man
i know its because of my team
@Kieran it was avner
no suprise
Is it possible to let jQuery validation to validate each field instead of all at once? I'm currently working on Wizard Steps. Fields are populated via ViewModel with [Required] attributes.
but is there a way to use it in my function
@Kieran got me, it's actually written with one n only fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/cane
oh my god
Anyway, you're passing in the HttpServerUtility as a method parameter, and you can now call CreateObject. What's the problem?
@satibel haha! glad to know im not mixing english with broken french
@KevinMaxwell You could just make your own validation
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi is the only thing you really need to know @Kieran
I want it in the function and not in het parameter
i asked SO and got the answer that using it in parameter is the solution
@Nerdintraining you do know what that means right?
is just a question if its possible
hey bby, want sum fuk?
@profa It's hard to answer because I feel there's a huge gap of knowledge that you're missing.
You are right :)
i just need some hints
its good enough
You're passing an instance of the HttpServerUtility as a function parameter. The function receives it, so from that point onwards, anywhere in the function, you can call the server object.
gist: b8f29c44777930bb60ba5d6c690c1ed7, 2017-01-31 12:48:23Z
searchVisible = 0;
transparent = true;

$(document).ready(function () {
    // Code for the Validator
    var $validator = $("#wizardform, #dynamicform").kendoValidator().data("kendoValidator");

    // Wizard Initialization
        'tabClass': 'navwizard nav-pills-wizard',
        'nextSelector': '.btn-next',
        'previousSelector': '.btn-previous',

        onNext: function (tab, navigation, index) {
            if (!$validator.validate()) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return true;

        onInit: function (tab, navigation, index) {

            //check number of tabs and fill the entire row
            var $total = navigation.find('li').length;
            $width = 100 / $total;

            navigation.find('li').css('width', $width + '%');


        onTabClick: function (tab, navigation, index) {

            var $valid = $('#wizardform, #dynamicform').valid();

            if (!$valid) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return true;


        onTabShow: function (tab, navigation, index) {
            var $total = navigation.find('li').length;
            var $current = index + 1;

            var $wizard = navigation.closest('.wizard-card');

            // If it's the last tab then hide the last button and show the finish instead
            if ($current >= $total) {
            } else {

            //update progress
            var move_distance = 100 / $total;
            move_distance = move_distance * (index) + move_distance / 2;

            $wizard.find($('.progress-bar')).css({ width: move_distance + '%' });
            //e.relatedTarget // previous tab

            $wizard.find($('.wizard-card .nav-pills-wizard li.active a .circle-object')).addClass('checked');


    $('.set-full-height').css('height', 'auto');

The server param can be used like a local variable in your function.
Function Something(pplID as integer, Femal as boolean)
server as System.Web.HttpServerUtility
End function
something like this
@KevinMaxwell ...why did that gist ping me ._.
instead of in parameter
@KevinMaxwell g´how the hell did u do that?
@Nerdintraining SO chat automatically oneboxes gist links.
@Kieran I wanted to show it you how I do the validation. I'm using this code from: demos.creative-tim.com/paper-bootstrap-wizard/…
right right
TBF, this is gunna sound bad and probably isnt what you want to hear
When I click on Next, it validates all other fields as well, which are in other Wizard tabs.
@Kieran $wizard probably :p
but the only experience i have with bootstrapwizard & jquery.validation ended up with me writing an entire validation script because jquery.validation didn't want to work
it validates all at once instead of active tab fields.
I don't suppose #wizardform & #dynamicform are in the same wizard are they
Example: I've got the following tabs:
1)Bio 2)Address
When I'm on Bio tab, it also validates other fields inside Address
#dynamicform is from FORM tag and other one DIV id
this is how the demo was demonstrating.
therefore when Address tab is not valid, I can't go to next step which is Address itself.
the code you linked isn't doing your validation
unless its done within KendoValidator
I don't have any other script for Validation, KendoValidator does the job.
You might wonder if I have all the fields inside the same ViewModel and the answer is no, each tab has it's own ViewModel.
Inside view I call @model PAComboViewModel
public class PAComboViewModel

        public HouseholdCompositionViewModel HouseholdComposition { get; set; }
        public AddPAViewModel MemberPA { get; set; }
        public ArrivalInfoPAViewModel Arrival { get; set; }
        public ReferralWizardViewModel Referral { get; set; }
        public EducationViewModel Education { get; set; }
        public MemberLanguageViewModel Language { get; set; }
        public MemberContactInfoViewModel Contact { get; set; }
        public AddressPAViewModel Address { get; set; }
That's a lot of VMs
but each VM has between 3-6 fields only
I am new to c#, my program needs to read from a xml file on runtime. What is the usual way of installing files to known places and reading them on runtime?
There is no usual way. There are a thousand different ways for a thousand different scenarios.
I installed Installer Project to visual studio, however, I can't figure out how my main program supposed to know where the installer put the files.
So ask yourself this:
1. Do my users need the capability to change the XML file?
2. Why do they need this capability?
Then based on that, infer what's the correct way.
Users dont't need to change it, if there must be a change, I can just ship new version of the program
Then why not compile them into the exe?
Unless they are absurdly large, then I can imagine.
I am calling an external library that expects a filepath
Extract from exe into temp file, hand temp file over to lib, delete temp file?
@yasar In that case, I would bundle it into the EXE as an embedded resource, and at runtime save it to the Temporary Files folder.
:) I have no ide how that works
1. Get the stream to the embedded resource.
2. Get a temporary file path.
3. Extract the stream to said path.
4. Call the external library.
5. ????
6. Profit
Ok, I will go google that
Search for "c# embedded resources".
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Ok, thanks a lot!
Hmm, there seems to be a copy to output file option for resources, wouldn't it also work?
@yasar Yeah, but that would copy the file alongside your EXE, which means you'll have to make sure it's copied along with your program.
Can I get the path to executable at runtime and find my files relative to it
Sure. Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location.
Alright, thanks :)
If they are there. :)
in code first mvc: am I to understand that the migrations act as a stored procedure?
so that when the table is updated or the code is ran it makes sure all the tables and constraints exists?
morning everyone
Its the dead of day here
damn USians.
now now @satibel, the US have enough on their plate without having to deal with using the correct greeting for the time of day
Trump tweets, America burns.
@Kieran at least, they are not at war with russia.
I'm really confused
does the browserLink for mvc projects run on a seperate port to the port the site gets opened on?
nevermind, apparently so
Is leaving debugInfoEnabled a security threat in angularjs ?
Apparently there are parts of angular that rely on that being enabled
@Kieran already read that, but not answering my question :)
click the link again
wait, you already read the bit about $element.scope()?
@Kieran yes
@Skullomania transactions, not sprocs
@Mathematics I can't see anything about it causing a security issue, Official docs or unofficial
Is there a standard practice or pattern to not use a bunch of nested case statements / nested if statements to handle complex state?
@Mathematics Everything in JS on the client-side is inherently 'unsafe'
Don't assume anything in it is closed src.
So debug messsages would be the least of your problems if you've got some crucial info in there
so it would be mostly perf optimization
disclaimer: i dont use angular2 nor read its docs
@RoelvanUden I am having an issue. I created these constraints while making comparisons in the model but, now I want to remove some of the foreign constraints from my tables. I know that I can do this in sql but what I do not know is if it will either be reapplied or cause other elements to break
@Skullomania what this got to do with Angular2 :S
@Mathematics Roel was answering a question from earlier. I am not as advanced yet to be able to help with Angular2
@Mathematics any user can activate it with angular.reloadWithDebugInfo(); so probably not. (at least that would not be the security issue.)
I simply want to understand code first a bit more deeply.
Codefirst is a wonderful thing
tfw your hidden input will have its length set to the length of the value you are trying to pass into it
but the value attribute stays empty
you can disable the safties and then everytime you run it will deploy your changes to database structure
thank fuck
@Ggalla1779 how? all I can find is ways how to delete cascade(which would be really bad) or remove the constraints from sql using SSMS
being the only one in the office is a little creepy...
but at least i can fart without offending anyone
@Bardicer it is a wierd feeling
ngl, i could not have sent that reply at a worse time
when i started, i had 7 coworkers. including hiring 5 more... i now have 2 coworkers
i went from being one of the last ones in the office in the morning, to being the only one here now
others were "optimized" out?
yay people are hjere!
@Bardicer did people leave or get fired or something?
they got let go
one left
so now it's me (dev) the owner and the president
you work with the president?! dun dun dunnnn
if there is only three of you why do you need the president
it's just her title
does seem like a bit of an odd thing though
what is a "let go"?
I believe its like being fired
ahh. Ok
except its done on better terms and doesn't leave a big red 'got fired' on your cv/resume
yeah, they were fired
in the interest of cutting expenses
ummm think of it as a permanent layoff
so redundancy essentially
Don't suppose anyone knows how i can change
%2FAccount%2FOverview to /Account/Overview
where were Your incomes coming from?
oddly enough, doesnt work
basically advertising
doesn't change the string, just returns it
string.Replace("%2F", "/") ?
that is a good point
its for a return path on a login
and it doesn't do it automatically? o_O
that's what im putting in
Its my login script so
so you're trying to redirect to returnUrl, which has the %2F
I can do it in javascript or c#
either way the javascript is gunna end up using it for the redirect
(login form is async)
Q: C# decodes URL containing %2F on path, is there any way to instruct API to send the URL as it is?

avayaI am having a URL in below format abcd.com/xyz/pqr%2Fss/abc I want this to be send to server as it is. When I build Uri using System.Uri it converts it to abcd.com/xyz/pqr/ss/abc and it fails as I don't have a URL with the specified path. When I tried with double encoding (abcd.com/xyz/pqr%252...

does uri require a full path though
lets find out
why yes
yes it does
fuck it
jquery has something to handle it
Do you want to party with the bon the party and the mighty mighty in the wellington?
did that make sense in your head?
what the shit is that ._.
Bonaparte - do you want to party duuuh
very nice message here
Unfortunately, that's not my cup of tea
(anyone who is confused by ^^^^^, it means its not for me)
@Kieran That's a bloody British expressions, mate.
@satibel correct! 10 points to french speaking people
C'est fromage! (i prefer saying fromage over domage because i like cheese)
Omelette du fromage is the only french i need
(Brownie points whoever gets the reference)
Tout avec fromage
is even better
I prefer Candy @Kieran
Okay well i'm going to hit the sack guys
@Kieran U don' wan' o fok with me, pal.
Have a great day today
seing you tomorrow
@Kieran dexter's lab I believe. "how to seduce women"
@satibel did you google that
@Kieran nah, I'm french
I hear that enough to know where it's from.
oh fair enough
@Bardicer oddly enough, this was the javascript that managed to decode it
return unescape(str.replace(/\+/g, " "));
a bit of "french" :
teudjeu, t'a-t-y dont pas fini de t' fout' de ma djeul? j'm'enva t'fout dans la beurouette et te benner dans l'purin.
you don't want to fuck with me pal is in there i think
1/2 translations

Teudjeu, did not you finish me with your djeul? I fuck you in the beurouette and benner you in the manure.
2/2 translations
Teudjeu, are you not finished with your ass? I fuck you in the beurouette and benner you in the manure.
nope, "god, haven't you not finished mocking me? I will put you in the wheelbarrow and throw you in the manure."
@satibel neither of them are correct are they
gotta go bbye
god damn, not even close
the fuck is going on in here
laters o/
@mikeTheLiar french things
ewww regex
@Bardicer hey, it works
if it ain't broke
@Kieran hon hon hon
waves baguette around
wears beret
becomes mime
I have two LINQ queries, getting weird inconsistent results. i.IsEnabled is FALSE for first query, true for second query. ??? Should be true for both.

from r in Tbl_RelatedProducts
join i in View_cart_products_info on r.RelatedProdID equals i.ProdID
where i.SiteID == 116231 && r.ProdID == 635705
select i

from i in View_cart_products_info
where i.SiteID == 116231 && i.ProdID == 635705
select i
I didn't create the tables, views, or queries, FWIW. Just tracking this bug.
@SeventhSon do you have the ability to see the data in the tables through like sql management studio or something?
check in Tbl_RelatedProducts what data is stored for 635705
The data shows TRUE for both when I query directly.
It appears to be the linq. as I said the two LINQ queries I quoted are giving two opposite results for that field.
check your linq calls
I'm no LINQ expert, so I thought it might be something obvious.
@Kieran what?
in the code, where those two statements are called
I'm running the two through LINQpad to troubleshoot.
Both return two rows. In one result set the field is true. In the other, false.
This makes NO sense.
The first one has a join. Does that matter?
I don't know if it matters. That's the Q. But the resulting prod ids are the same, and the returned value for that field is different.
the join shouldn't really have much of a difference
I wouldn't think so.
well you said you ran them in sql and it worked the way it was intended
im stumped tbh
Bad data in the view, poorly constructed. Changed criteria, works fine now.
Thanks for looking at it.
Anybody know of a general way to get away from using nested if statements / nested case statements to handle complicated state?
Refactor it into methods
can you give me an example of how I would do that with just a simple two case switch statement? I think I could generalize from there.
So say you have something like this:
        int i = 0, j = 0;
        if(i == 1)
            if(j == 1)
                // stuff
            else if(j == 2)
                // stuff
        else if(i == 2)
            // etc
You'd change that to something like this:
        if(i == 1)
        else if(i == 2)
Does that make sense?
So basically, it moves the J conditional logic into two separate methods
So you're separating out sections of logic
I just wish there was a cleaner method of doing this
A more generic way of handling N number of states... :p
I only have 8 states, so it's not that bad,
can you give an example of one of ur states?
Has anyone worked with angular 2 before?
you can replace a lot of those nested if's with linq
Inconsistent indentation and casing?
Well it was air code
What's fun is when you come across a lot of code filled with inline nested ifs! I've seen one that went on for about 30 lines. That was a nightmare to figure out.
Well, it was 30 lines after I separated it out.
In my MVC project, I have a table whose contents are obtained by looping through Model.Contacts. I have a Add new contact button. Is there a way where in I press the button and I get a modal popup, i fill that and it gets added to the table without posting it to the DB?
I intend to add everything and then have a final Save button later in the form
I am having this exact save problem
It's a pain
The automatic binding is not doing it for me
Q: MVC Form not able to post List of objects

Sonoilmedicoso I have an MVC Asp.net app that is having issues. Essentially, I have a View that contains a form, and its contents are bound to a list of objects. Within this loop, it loads PartialView's with the items being looped over. Now everything works up till the submittion of the form. When it gets su...

None of these is really fixing the problem i am having.
It's very similar, but not the same
Anyone here do software dev remotely?
@Failsafe I'm hoping to find a remote position to work around my studies while I'm in school
Checking around to see if it's feasable
it is
be prepared to have over the phone meetings
sometimes requirements and responsibilities become misheard or misrepresented over text
be prepared to have and take handy personal notes
be prepared to explain minute details over text
it is hard to convey an idea over email sometimes
it's definitely the future though
so it's good to experience it
@Failsafe Any ideas where to apply or find open positions like this? It needs to be an intern like position. I'm still learning. I figure since I'd be working for 1/3 of a junior devs wage it would be beneficial to employers
I'm comfortable with all that.
IMHO if you have mental capacity to do a 'real' job while in school your course is too easy
As part of like an internship or industry placement sure, go for it
@TomW Yes, I've determined my school is garbage
4.0 and classmates are dropping out left and right (I don't think by choice).
I've resorted to udemy/udacity/pluralsight/youtube, etc etc to learn stuff. I thought I was on a good track and took an interview. I nailed it except my technical experience wasn't as polished as the other top candidates
I've realized I have a lot of work to do and I am fully capable of handling a job because of this. I'm working almost full time while I'm in school full time.
I should add, it's a technical school.

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