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If there was another universe then a very large alien would play marbles with that one and ours.
how do you know, that our known/visible universe, came from the same big bang of another 'visible universe', that we don't know about, ^ that many light years away
:)) there is not a good place for internet fights, we all think too alike
there were theories popping up about time not beginning at the big bang, but existing before. theguardian.com/science/2006/may/05/spaceexploration.universe
@SteveG I don't know that. I don't even know what that means.
i think the idea of one big bang is silly, just as silly as the sun revolving around the world
how big is the universe? infinite, then why do we think so small, that we're special enough to be in the one and only
If there was another universe spawning in our universe they would collide.
In the one and only everything?
I don't think it's that special
okay, let me put it this way, how do you know our visible universe, isn't just like the milky way, one small piece in a larger pie
I don't
and those small pieces, each form, by localized big bangs
It's perfectly plausible to imagine physics outside what we currently have observed
Our universe is the only thing we have to go on.
im having fun
if i were wanting to do local machine IPC, stick with WCF? or?
A bigger question would be, when was time = 0?
I believe the big bang has some valid possibilities.
our visible universe*
And what did time - 1 look like at that point?
i don't believe time ever = 0
So the universe has just always existed?
I tend to believe that time is emergent
Only exists for those who perceive it?
or seem to perceive it?
What do you mean by emergent?
Only exists as a high-level pattern in the fundamental stuff of reality
there have been a lot of stories about people claiming everything is emergent
The Cambridge 4 thought that the universe only exists because thought exists.
Einstein, Planck, and two others I can't remember off the top of my head
isn't more simple to assume that God created it and get back to C# ? :D
what created god?
when was god time = 0?
:)) you can't undestand because you're a nonbeliver
What is God?
just ask John Titor
The Big Bang is more akin to God than anything else we have found
"Let there be light" = BLAM!
also universe-farting pixies
I've been watching Matt Dillahunty recently...
is it possible the universe is still accelerating it's expansion because we're still in the midst of the explosion, and eventually, the rate of expansion will decrease and eventually reverse?
but there is a big maybe
Without absolute knowledge, everything is possible.
@SteveG We know we're not currently in the process of the big bang
anything is possible
at zombocom
what if it keeps expanding until the point where gravity can no longer suck it back in, and there is 1 planet every trillionsbillilionquadrillion^trillionsbillilionquadrillion^trillionsbillilionqu‌​adrillion light years, won't that be a lonely day
It was always beyond the point where gravity can no longer suck it back in
we know or we think we know
Is there a point at which gravitational pull on something is completely nullified?
@SteveG We know by definition
The big bang isn't even a process
you know this?
@Meloviz the limit as distance goes to infinity
@SteveG Know what?
unix system
So there isn't actually a finite distance at which gravity = 0.
that we are not in the process of the big bang, and that the big bang isn't a process..... with absolute certainty?
That means that at some point, it's quite possible that it could all come back in.
@SteveG Yes, by definition
Unless, of course, there's something else pushing outward that is currently unseen/unknown.
so the definition could not be wrong
@Meloviz not according to our current theories
@SteveG Wrong about what? It's not asserting some statement.
which are far from complete and absolute, hence 'theories' and not 'theorums'.
man, you're really smart
reality is hilarious.
@Meloviz No, that's not true either, even without dark energy.
@Meloviz There is, it's called dark energy
Well, in the absence of all else, if only gravity exists as a force to pull celestial bodies to one another, then over and infinite amount of time, it's distinctly possible that they could reach an ultimate distance and begin retracting.
time has existed forever, there was no beginning and no end
i like more the other posibility
that it will expand forever
and just getting boring and more boring
@KendallFrey what caused the big bang?
"Let there be light" = BLAM!
@SteveG That's a false statement
But if it keeps expanding, what about the law that matter cannot be created or destroyed? What happens when all matter is too far apart to connect to anything? Then it will eventually dissipate into near-nothingness.
@SteveG Nothing
@KendallFrey so it was magical?
It was physical
something caused it or it wouldn't have happened
Could it have caused itself?
@Meloviz That doesn't mean matter (energy actually) is getting destroyed, it's getting farther apart.
something within itself caused it then
The Kalām cosmological argument (KCA) is a modern formulation of the cosmological argument for the existence of God rooted in the Ilm al-Kalam heritage in medieval Islamic scholasticism. An outspoken defender of the argument is William Lane Craig, who first defended it in his book The Kalām Cosmological Argument in 1979. Since then the Kalam cosmological argument has elicited public debate between Craig and Graham Oppy, Adolf Grünbaum, J. L. Mackie and Quentin Smith, and has been used in Christian apologetics. According to Michael Martin, Craig's revised argument is "among the most sophisticated...
@SteveG That's not a sound axiom
That's why I said near-nothingness. Matter is held together by energy, and those two things are all that make up our universe as far as we know.
so, you say it just magically happened, it was what? god? angels? the devil? voodoo?
@Meloviz It's also distinctly possible that that's impossible.
Indeed it is :)
@SteveG Of course I don't say it magically happened
every action has an equal and opposite reaction, the reaction was the expansion of the universe, what was the action?
what factors played a part in that action taking place in the first place?
There was no reaction
therefore no action
So things can happen without happening?
thats funny, because scientists say the universe is accelerating and expanding, that sure sounds like a reaction to me
@SteveG physics
@SteveG That means you don't understand the big bang
lol yeah, it's me
I'll be the first to readily admit I don't know. And I can say that with absolute confusion.
oh i don't know either
i just like picking on people who claim they do :p
My thing is, can you honestly say that you know anything if you don't know everything? Or do you simply believe it?
Are you claiming I claim to know things that I don't claim to know?
I believe I can't know anything, but I sure believe a lot of stuff :)
I claim nothing regarding anyone else's understanding.
@Meloviz If your definition of "know" is "100% confidence" then I don't know anything, and I'm glad I don't, because if I did, I'd have no way to determine what's actually true.
Well, that's not entirely accurate. I may know some things, but I don't know that I know them because I don't believe I know everything.
True :) which is why reality is hilarious.
@KendallFrey you read studies from scientists who won't claim as much confidence themselves as you do just from reading their work
@SteveG Can you give an example?
Most of what I've expressed confidence about is the falsehood of your ideas
my brother is a theoretical physicist
he works for caltech
What's his name?
working in string theory
sheldon cooper
I only know basic things. I can tell you with 100% certainty that I am sitting down right now.
@SteveG bahahaha
@TravisJ I sincerely hope you don't believe that
I can't say with 100% confidence that I am sitting down
@KendallFrey ???
I do believe that I am sitting
I wouldn't be able to verify it anyway since it is you.
What would you be doing if not sitting
down is relative, usually to oneself, so yes, i am 100% certain i am sitting down
Hallucinating is one of the more likely alternatives
I know one thing for absolute certain!
@KendallFrey you don't know if my idea's are true or false, you suspect they're false based on your understanding of the universe, which could realistically be 100% wrong
I have to get back to work. :P
Not really that likely though, and it is so out there that it is the only possible alternate to suggest.
@SteveG Is there a kind of logical wrong that isn't 100% wrong? Can a fact be partially true?
trump has a large penis. well, his actual penis may be small, but maybe he has a strapon
That's just a matter of perspective/context.
A strapon the size of the CN tower doesn't make it even 1% true that someone has a large penis
(i'm back!)
@KendallFrey my point is, we've really only started to understand the universe in the last 100 years, we can't even tie together quantum mechanics and special relativity
or general, whatever it is
what happened ?
so to claim, that we know for certain, that you know for certain... how the universe works, and can for certain claim that others do not, it's absurd
Good thing I never claimed that
"It's most likely, given our current understanding, that..."
completely derailed off topic, physics, universe, someone threw in a trump penis thing for good measure (wonder why it came up?) and here we are having a pissing contest between two people about what they really "know"
is really the best we can d.
nobody is having a pissing contest
we're having a friendly discussion
like I said, @TheC4Fox, hilarious :P
i do this all the time with kendall, usually just on steam
@TheC4Fox Don't mention Trump and pissing in the same sentence ever again :D
I'd even go so far as to call it an academic discussion.
Sorry it leaked out
@Meloviz Neither of us are academics, so...
@TheC4Fox >:(
i normally debate him until he says something wrong, then i focus on that wrong thing for an hour until he gets mad and leaves
the concepts are, though.
@SteveG I don't get mad, I get sad
im jk
I went to bed sad last night
because there are people who think everything Trump does is good
waits for the mom joke
Great, now I'm going to go to bed sad
for sure
travis marked my trump message for spam didn't you :(
Trump appointed as head of cybersecurity during the transition someone whose own company has a disgustingly insecure website.
At least he appointed someone.
it's okay, i forgive you <3
Nope, didn't do anything like that
Please let my code check in
I think I fixed it
I still don't know what was wrong
But if it works, I sure as hell ain't wasting more time asking why
Then how did you know what to fix?
I found some potentially broken code and fixed it
I feel like that is what mechanics do to my car when I take it in
I don't know what could have caused the code to break
Sometimes there has to be a compromise between programming by coincidence and programming securely.
but if I remove the possibility of breakage, who cares?
I'm gonna get throttled soon
Too many changes?
Too many chat messages
can you tell the difference between somebody who is chatting and somebody who is programming, based solely on their key stroke sounds
are you reaaally complaining about trump cybersecurity and not seeing the irony here
In a controlled environment, probably
fox you a trump supporter?
good for you
i should not have asked
I hope he does well, but I definitely have my doubts.
i hope he does well too
no because it didnt really matter to what i said
i like some things about the guy, i just fear he isn't intelligent enough
but who knows, maybe he's really smart
because of his verbosity?
or lack there of
I think he will get one crazy thing done, and then everyone will get really strict, congress will flip control in 2019, and he will quit.
@TheC4Fox thats one thing
but a lot of his policies didn't make sense either, i'm not sure if he knew they didn't make sense and was trying to get elected, or if he believed what he said
I have a feeling he is not smart
I think he's pretty intelligent, just maybe not in political matters. He has potential, but I think his lack of regard for other people kind of hampers his ability to make a good diplomat, which I think every potus should be considering they're the face of our country.
but is a do-er
@Meloviz true
when you have enough money to fail, and only win once out of 3 times you are always ahead
i think he knows when to delegate and the checks in gov will handle the rest
i think he follows instinct too much, and doesn't put in the time to think and research
So long as there is no war and no federal agencies are abolished we should limp along.
ask others who have more experience than him
thats backwards from what he was promising. "Hiring the best and brightest and trusting them"
there was a guy that predicted that trump would win and he also is predicting hes gonna get impeached
also defcon dropped so theres that
Well, we've been sticklers for firsts lately, lol.
im gonna miss michelle, she was hot
im gonna miss the biden memes
Her lazy eye really got to me. Other than that, I liked her for the most part.
oh i didn't realize she had a lazy eye
thats a turn off
@KendallFrey i can control time with my mind
I can control my mind with my mind.
Chronostasis (from Greek χρόνος, chrónos, "time" and στάσις, stásis, "standing") is a type of temporal illusion in which the first impression following the introduction of a new event or task demand to the brain appears to be extended in time. For example, chronostasis temporarily occurs when fixating on a target stimulus, immediately following a saccade (i.e., quick eye movement). This elicits an overestimation in the temporal duration for which that target stimulus (i.e., postsaccadic stimulus) was perceived. This effect can extend apparent durations by up to 500 ms and is consistent with the...
I can control my whole body with my mind
Are you having a stroke?
@KendallFrey me?
persistent little bugger arncha
No, I was talking to the invisible guy
are you on?
what invisible guy
He is hallucinating
Hawley Griffin
The one you can't see
im not having a stroke until your mother gets out of work
13 going on 30
mom jokes...its current year guy

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