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I'm looking for a way to check if there is a next line in a text file.
@Donovan Did you google it first?
It doesn't sound like you did
Uhu, the results where to check if a line is empty
but empty is something else
I could not find something for an existing check
Q: Test if there's no more text in text file in c#

GnoskeMy code looks like this: System.IO.StreamReader savednames = new System.IO.StreamReader(@"c:\users\example\text.txt"); while ((line = savednames.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line == null) { Console.WriteL...

Cmon man
string next_word = File
                                        .ReadLines(@"C:\Users\Gebruiker\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Lingo 1.0\Lingo 1.0\Resources\Woorden\nl_5.txt")
                                        .Skip(word_number - 1)
Is this coursework? :-]
This is the way I'm getting the text file.
Just for fun
the file is a series of words, one per line?
did you look at the MSDN documentation for File.ReadLines?
read that, and reconsider what you're actually trying to do
get 1 line of the text file. Not all.
I don't want to loop through the file and read all of the text. Just 1 line
But which line do you want?
and some of the lines might be blank?
first the first
and there are no blank lines
did you try .ReadLines(path).Take(1)
sorry I still don't understand your problem :-/
I'm using a static int as the line
string next_word = File
.ReadLines(@"C:\Users\Gebruiker\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Lingo 1.0\Lingo 1.0\Resources\Woorden\nl_5.txt")
.Skip(word_number - 1)
Pick the first line. If the first line is done, check if there is a second line.
What does 'done' mean?
LINQ is querying, it doesn't deal that well with branching logic. Use a loop instead
done is game is done
I"m creating a simple word game
use a while loop
most common way to loop through lines in a text file
hi guys
how to change that font
thanks in advance
The question is so vague as to be meaningless.
its not wtf
i just spit out my coffee
Okay that was clever, I'll give you that
iam kidding its Winfows Forms app
rip you
How is this chart generated? Is that just a Label?
can I submit to SO a CR to auto hide the notification bar
Post on meta.
me? @RoelvanUden
Not you. You.
@RoelvanUden Eh....Maybe i'll pass
Smart move bruh.
@mikeTheLiar i should've starred those in reverse
It's where the dictator overlords hang out. Better not kick the hornets nest.
so they would come up on the sidebar in the correct order
meh, good enough
good attitude
What sort of operation do you think we're running here, anyway?
whatever it is it's probably bannable
when were you when wpf is kill
We may or may not hurt someones feelings thus triggering the safe space guard.
Be very very careful out there, it's a touchy 2016.
party mode on
party mode off (reason: timeout)
how to change that font guys
just like change font
فمرّ حاملات المتساقطة، أم الى. دون ليركز بالحرب سنغافورة إذ, أعمال ارتكبها أن لان. بال مسرح الستار ليتسنّى بل, ومن ثم العصبة الأرواح. ما ضرب أواخر أوزار الأوضاع. كان دارت وقامت مع. و تعد إستعمل العمليات. غضون والمانيا لان قد, دأبوا واُسدل المؤلّفة ٣٠ الى, وبعد مسارح الهجوم ثم تلك.
@misha130 how
i dunno :(
iam seriously speaking
yea but you dont give any information
are you writing in asm?
what is asm?
its win forms app
click the label, change font family
click f4 to bring up properties and change font family
its dont have font property
iam not an idiot i know a few things :)
why did you change noob to idiot?
So I inherited the maintenance of a software program that tracks Event, Tickets to the Events, Ticket Orders, and Ticket Payments.

There was no Refund system set up in the software and now there is a case where someone was refunded and I think I need to implement a refund system.

I'm thinking I can approach this in 1 of 2 ways; I could define a "Refund" as simply a type of Payment.. such that a refund is still a payment that just goes from the organization to the refund receiver. This way I dont need to create a Refund table in the database, but I do need to create a new "Transaction Type
make a refund table
you'll get to handle data easier in the future
a refund is a transaction
so much work with a system im unfamiliar with and gross code :/ lol
if you have a transaction table it should go in there
There is no Transaction table
a refund will have additional things
like reason
original transaction
an RMA number
The current Payment entity has those fields sort of.
There is a Notes section.
there should be a new table for the rma specific information
@juanvan is RMA different from a refund?
same thing
Return Merchandise Authorization
okay, I see.
well.. great.
use to hate when people just sent back parts with no reason why they were returning them of who was
Yeah, the thing is with this system is that refunds are an extremely rare anomaly
Don't want be annoying but i came to this solution, can you tell me if its ok?
i have EmployeeRepository(FindByID, Save) & EmployeeQuery(GetEmployeesBy(...) etc) and i have 1 Service EmployeeService(CreateEmployee,ChangeEmlpoyeeContactInfo, GetEmployeesBy ...)
IEmployeeRepository and IEmployeeQuery are injected to this service.
Sounds like something is over lapping
Segregate your aggregate roots!
Should have 1 repo to do all the things you need to do with an Employee
I've got a question regarding variance in C#
Would it be okay to ask it here?
I would ask it on the main site, but I'm sure it's already been asked, but I can't seem to find it.
@overactor Please ask it, it sounds like fun
I've got a variable of type T (generic parameter of a class, no constraints)
I want to check if I can treat this type as an IEnumerable<SomeInterface>
but given: class SomeClass: SomeInterface
value is IEnumerable<SomeInterface> returns false if T is List<SomeClass>
Can you write up a dotnetfiddle? It seems like that should work.
just a second
Yeah I don't see why that wouldn't work.
It seems to be working now...
I had something set up on ideone.com, I changed it to match the class names I mentioned here so it'd be easier to follow
And now it works
I wonder what I got wrong before
I seriously cannot for shit remember which is contra and which is covariance
Is there a mnemonic? At all? Guise pls
Collections are co
Functions are contra
it's not a mnemonic, but I can figure it out from there
co is marked with out, contra with in
@TomW there's a quite good pluralsight course on C# generics
COllection and contrACTION could help remember...
CObwebs and CONTRAception
@TomW I remember that the shorter name is the "normal" or "intuitive" one, i.e. a Thing<Derived> is a Thing<Base>.
@KendallFrey That makes sense, the less specific the type parameter, the less specific the whole type.
@overactor I just saw Contra, and was excited.... :(
It's so anoying C# can't serialize an interface
Because it's managed, .NET knows what object type, and properties are used in that interface.
I want to return an empty list<object>()... What's the syntax for it?
But there's no way you could deserialize an interface.
If you have IFoo, and it's derived type is Foocicle, it would not be that hard in DataContract/Binary Serialization for .NET to include that information in the serialization output
You are able to serialize an abstract class, with properties that exist on the derived type, but not an interface
It's entirely possible to write that yourself :P
@KalaJ return new List<object>();
that would not return a list with value of null right? Just a list with count of 0?
of course not
return null; returns a null
ok just checking xD
Thank you guys. I realize this is stupid question haha.
public static List<object> getfoo()
return null; // returns null
return new List<object>(); //returns a pointer to a List<object> that contains no elements.
Remember that the List<Object> is pretty much an array of pointers that point to other objects.
ok got it, thanks
If you return null, then you don't even have a starting object, it's null. If you return a new() List, you have a starting point with 0 elements
@KalaJ blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/ericlippert/2009/05/14/… - Eric Lippert's take on lists and nulls
I'll take a look
I have a question about a MergeSort algorithm implementation in C#. The code is here: rextester.com/live/NIKI12995
Now what confuses me is that first in the MergeSort method the two recursive MergeSort calls don't seem to return anything and I am wondering what's the use for them.
I know this code works. I ran it, but I just don't know why it works. Any help would be much appreciated.
Btw, I am completely new to algorithms so I realise I might be missing something completely obvious, but as I am new I really don't know what that is. :)
sorting algorithms*
they don't need to return anything
they're modifying the contents of an array, which will be by ref
effectively, you're passing a pointer to your array object to the methods. The methods use that pointer to do their work. The pointer itself is never changing, so there's no reason to return the array
or from the horses mouth:
Arrays are mechanisms that allow you to treat several items as a single collection. The Microsoft® .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) supports single-dimensional arrays, multidimensional arrays, and jagged arrays (arrays of arrays). All array types are implicitly derived from System.Array, which itself is derived from System.Object. This means that all arrays are always reference types which are allocated on the managed heap, and your app's variable contains a reference to the array and not the array itself.
Ok, so when I pass in the reference to the array numbers the MergeSort method still keeps the reference to the begining of that array even though that array is now effectively split in two?
So the only thing I am changing is where the array ends in the first call and what element it will begin at in the second call?
So is this effectively creating a new array reference in the second call, since I am showing the method where to start the algorithm at?
No, it's the same array the entire time. You're just establishing new bounds for the processing algorithm.
Step through the code with a debugger. Maybe that will help you understand.
Ok, thanks for clarifying that. :)
2 hours later…
Approximately how much faster is playing audio with mciSendString if I use cueing? Can I expect it to start playing at least a few milliseconds sooner?
I'm going to assume there's some reason that you can't benchmark it because you're smart enough to do that already, in which case IHNFI, sorry.
I think the play command can return before the audio actually starts playing
So benchmarking would be difficult
posted on September 28, 2016 by Scott Hanselman

I've got an Xbox One that I love that is connected to a DirectTV HDTV Receiver that I love somewhat less. The setup is quite simple. Since I can control the DirectTV with the Xbox One and we like to switch between Netflix and Hulu and DirectTV we use the Xbox One to control everything. The basic idea is this, which is quite typical with an Xbox One. In theory, it's amazing. However, this

So basically you can only bench mark how long it takes to issue the command, not the real-world result of when it actually takes effect
So far the best idea I have for detecting timing discrepancies is by ear.
Yeah I can't think of any way to effectively measure that that wouldn't been extremely convoluted
Once I test it again, if I can get a noticeable improvement with cueing, I guess I'll stick with that.
anyone knows if I can recreate dll file from binary (sql assembly)?
@user3662546 A DLL is binary, I don't understand the question.
okay, so I have a binary string, I save it to dll file and that's it?
What is "a binary string"?
What do you mean by "b...
What Kendall said
Is that a series of bytes, or an actual string?
And what does it have to do with "sql assembly"?
I have CLR assembly in sql database, but I need to get it's code - so I use query (SELECT content FROM sys.assembly_files WHERE assembly_id = 65536) to get binary code
So you copied a DLL file into a field in the database?
Follow up question - why on Earth would you do that?
In that case, copying it out of the field and saving it as a file should yield the same thing as you started with.
yy I don't undestand
Neither do I.
someone created clr procedure and put it in database, now I need to edit it, but I don't have it's code
so I'm looking for a way to export this assembly and get it's code
lol thats interesting
is it more understandable now?
@user3662546 Yes, thank you. You're screwed.
why? :/
You pretty much need the code
Well if what you're describing is accurate, it's an insane way to do things.
yea, I thought that if I could get the dll file, I can decompile it with Telerik JustDecompile and get the code?
oh boy lol
is it not possible this way?
Let's all have a moment of silence for user3662546
I have no idea, but it sounds very otherwordly
yea, thanks for those replies, very helpful;p
we provide these replies as opposed to help, because we do not know how to help with that.
@user3662546 Just a question, but how it it stored in the DB? Is it MSIL code? Is it just a binary blob? Actually, I looked up, I'm not sure I want to know.
@user3662546 The assembly might be stored as a file, or you might need to extract it manually. It's a terrible solution, but if you've tried to get the code and can't...
ok thanks
hah I found a way to do it:D
Please elaborate
DECLARE @ObjectToken INT

SELECT @binary = content FROM sys.assembly_files WHERE assembly_id = 1

EXEC sp_OACreate 'ADODB.Stream', @ObjectToken OUTPUT
EXEC sp_OASetProperty @ObjectToken, 'Type', 1
EXEC sp_OAMethod @ObjectToken, 'Open'
EXEC sp_OAMethod @ObjectToken, 'Write', NULL, @binary
EXEC sp_OAMethod @ObjectToken, 'SaveToFile', NULL, 'D:\CLRProcedure.dll', 2
EXEC sp_OAMethod @ObjectToken, 'Close'
EXEC sp_OADestroy @ObjectToken
and after putting created dll file into Telerik JustDecompile I got the source code!
That's.....incredibly impressive actually.
I'd feel bad for you but I was debugging serial port traffic with an arduino for 5 hours last night.
You're gonna need to work harder than that for my sympathy.
@user3662546 Nice solution. But my question is now on the path of everyone elses, why on earth would you need to do that!?
This sounds like a Daily WTF in the making
someone left a clr procedure without source code, I had only 2 options - create entire procedure from start or somehow get the source code
and it's not like the procedure has 10-20 lines of code, it has more than 500
Hi guys, anyone have a sec to look at this?
Q: Microsoft Unity DI with Identity

Matthew FlynnI've trawled through all the questions on SO but can't seem to work out what i'm doing wrong here. I have the following UserService public class UserService : BaseService { private readonly Func<UserManager<ApplicationUser>> _userManagerFactory; private readonly Func<Role...

@user3662546 Those kind of people are the reason we have jobs
I am porting a program down from .NET 4 to 3.5 and am getting a "Default parameter specifiers are not permitted" error.
What's the best approach to refactoring away default parameters?
1) Did you Google the problem? and 2) Why are you porting downward?
@QuestionC Either switch them to overloads (so you don't need to update callers) or pass all the parameters for each call. Your pick.
(Protip the first dozen google results tell you do to the first one)
note that switching from default parameters to overloading may be a breaking change, so make sure you recompile all calling code if you do.
Thanks, but I fortunately don't have to worry about callers; the only caller is itself, which isn't building anyhow.
@mikeTheLiar Liar
A: Default parameter specifiers are not permitted

LarsTechAs per your error message, you can't do that in v3.5. The work around is multiple constructors: bool listUnsubscribe(string apikey, string id, string email_address) { return listUnsubscribe(apikey, id, email_address, false, true, true); } bool list...

A: Compiler error "Default parameter specifiers are not permitted"

Sani HuttunenThe problem is that you cannot have optional parameters in C# version less than 4. You can find more information on this here. You can solve it like this: public class PItem { public String content; public int count; public int fee; public int amount; public String description; // d...

A: Default parameter specifiers are not permitted error on C#

Mohamed Sakher SawanThe mistake is: Exception exception = null You can move to C# 4.0 or later, this code will compile! This question will help you: C# 3.5 Optional and DefaultValue for parameters Or you can make two overrides to solve this on C# 3.0 or earlier: public class TwitterResponse { private re...

Shall I keep going?
But I'm sorry I interrupted your chat with such a bad question.
2 hours later…
Me too.
Here we were, minding our own business, when all of a sudden all of these bad questions started interrupting chat. (movie ref: imdb.com/title/tt1465522/quotes?item=qt1521460)
lol I think I found my latency problem
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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