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Anyone doign entity framework here ?
Anyone here use Unity?
2 hours later…
Anyone here ever processed XML files in bulk using the XSD utility?
I'm having an issue with the XSD utility not freeing up the IO fast enough which causes errors in a multi-threaded application
Lynnstrum, unity is just C# classes. JetBrains' DotPeek utility will let you peek into their libraries as well as the F12 functionality in Visual Studio for linked libraries (If you have it opening a decompiled source). If you need to figure out how to call/use something, your best bet is to crawl the assemblies yourself
I know it's c#, my issue is a function that I'm working with is unique to Unity.
It's giving me some issues that I can't figure out.
1 hour later…
Anyone knows good usage example of MEF?
Good morning.
anyone got kids here whos in kindergardens? I am doing an algorithm for putting the kids in
just wanted to ask if the age groups are always mixed or is it like groups groups
I do.
Last year she was at a private kindergarden, whre the age spread was relatively big (ages 2-4) because some parents wanted to wait before putting the kids in a public kindergarden.
This year she's at a public municipal kindergarden, and the age group is officially "kids born in 2013", January to December.
well I just have some kindergardens that have like 3 4 year olds
and 27 5 year olds
I am just asking if thats too bad
There are always outliers.
Even in my kid's kindergarden there's a huge different between those born in January and those born in December, and they're both outliers compared to the average.
There's a whole book by Malcolm "I Like To Overdramatize Thing" Gladwell about them, about the claim that being smallest (or largest) in your cohort can be a good/bad thing, either pushing you towards success or depressing your ambition.
so its kind of natural
I guess being the oldest leads you to leadership
and being the smallest leads you to overcoming hardships
Mainly, Gladwell likes to take specific cases and generalize from them. I don't know if there's a real, statistical correlation, or whether other factors, behavioral as well as environmental, which have a bigger effect.
well thats literally his job
to take a case and generalize it
plus psychology isn't math you can't probably make 3 different tests with slightly different conditions and have completely different results
its just a theory
Nah, his job is to take theories and turn them into Fascinating Insights Into The Human Condition
It's the intellectual version of sensationalized headlines.
is stackoverflow chat getting css screwed for anyone else?
It's fine here.
Ctrl-F5 usually fixes it when it borks.
@mikeTheLiar Hell, if I had a nickel for every time I googled a problem and found an answer on SO that I had written myself three years before, then I would have, umm, a nickel. But it'd be a nice nickel!
1 hour later…
Hello Friends
Actually StackOverflow has me block me to ask question so can i ask question here
I want some suggestion from u guyx i hope u all ll help
I am movig from WPF to Xamarin, For Freelancing
Is it a good decision?
Does Xamarin really worth it?
@darshandave You can ask, of course.
@Avner thank you
Though if you've earned a question ban on SO, you can expect us to be as critical, if not more.
@Abdullah That's not a question we can answer. Are you asking if there's more work for a Xamarin/mobile developer than in WPF? The answer is "maybe, depending on your local region".
If the question is "Is there more work for a mobile Xamarin dev compared to a mobile Cordova/PhoneGap dev", the answer is the same.
Nup im not banned from asking question...
coz i want suggestio so im here in chat room...
@Abdullah Not you, that comment was directed at @darshandave
I am using MVC Arch. and trying to generating pdf in marathi, i have generated pdf but marathi letter is not compnay for pdf generate i have use PDFSharpe
oh sorry
@Avner so please give me some suggestion regarding how to get Marathi fonts in pdf
My question is does anybody tryout Xamarin after WPF? Does it really a Good framework or contain lot of problems as compared to Native Android and ios? or does i first start android/ios native developement then move to Xamarin CrossPlatform?
@Abdullah Haven't used it myself beyond a test app or two. It's easy enough to transfer WPF concepts to it. It's main advantage is not having to learn Java/ObjC/Swift just to develop for the platform.
Hmm.. i see...
Actually im learning WPF and MVVM and making a small app For Industrial based Clinical Reporting but my main Target is Xamarin Mobile App Development.
marathi fonts in pdf?
custom fonts in itext or something?
@darshandave I haven't used PDFSharp, but I know that PDF supports font embedding. Assuming the machine that generates the PDF has the Marathi fonts installed, there should be an option to embed them in the document.
@Abdullah Xamarin is also MVVM based, so your skills should be transferrable between the two.
Thabks @AvnerShaha
7 hours later…
Hi folks - don't suppose anyone here helps out with vb.net do they?
yeah - soz - amateur weekend coder here
so, have used ShowWithoutActivation on some really complex apps, but got a single form app where it's just not working
Not a clue, never heard of that property before. So you're teaching me something
'not working' in what sense?
in that whenever i've used it in other applications, any forms will show without activating.
in this form, for some reason, it IS activated the form
or should I say, the form is activating despite the property to not activate being set to true
Thinking about why it might be ignored or not recognised
quite - it's doing me nut in
not convinced about the Overloads keyword in that example, it doesn't seem like an overload
good spot - removed it, but still activating :(
Does the form have any child controls?
docs for the property imply that some controls will steal focus, even if the form doesn't
> If your non-activated window needs to use UI controls, you should consider using the ToolStrip controls, such as ToolStripDropDown. These controls are windowless, and will not cause a window to activate when they are selected.
yerp - just read it
i have a solitary picturebox and that's it
i'll try taking the picturebox out
nope :( just set the picture to the form background instead
still no joy :(
well - that was bloody random - i stuck me.hide just below form.load
fixed it
.net is very random sometimes
thanks for your help
1 hour later…
I watch Miguel Castro tutorial and he wrote sth like that
public static IEnumerable<T> ToFullyLoaded<T>(this IQueryable<T> query) {
return query.ToArray().ToList();
what for he invokes ToArray().ToList() ? It is WCF tutorial, what does it change?
ToList() alone isn't good enought?
yes to me that looks pointless
It's plurasight's tutorial the whole class looks like this
I have pluralsight, so I can watch it myself and see what he means
Chapter three Continuing the service operations (14th video)
but he only invokes the method in GeoManager.cs in line 34: stateRepository.Get(primaryOnly);
and this method uses the method: .ToFullyLoaded(); which contains this werid code
weird code
a whole load of nonsense in the course comments...nothing mentioned about it that I can see
Ok, thanks.
I'll watch and see if there is anything that explains why he does that
There isn't it, it was implemented before and he just starts tutorial with the base code prepared earlier
so he doesn't mention it at least in this course
It's not worth your effort : )
OK, no problem
you could ask him, I guess
Good idea.
It's prob just a typo
1 hour later…
I wish constructors in c# didn't care about the order in which you pass parameters
I wish that new Foo(bar, baz) and new Foo(baz, bar) were interchangeable
makes sense?
in the same way that you can choose the order in which you assign properties in object initializers
new Foo
    Bar = baz,
    Baz = bar
new Foo
    Baz = bar,
    Bar = baz
someone stop me if that's stupid
but right now that idea sounds really good in my mind
You can change the order you pass parameters if you name them IIRC
@StevenLiekens how would it know what param you gave to put where
@War first by type and then by count of the same type
first parameter of type Bar goes to the first parameter of type Bar and so on
@StevenLiekens ok what if im constructing say ...
that sentence made so much sense lol
ordering using named parameters
public class Range
     public Range(int min, int max) { }
@StevenLiekens getting those args round the otherway could drastically change how that object behaves
that class wouldn't behave differently under my rules
but imagine the difference between these two
public Range(int min, int max, bool inclusive) { }
public Range(bool inclusive, int min, int max) { }
you're ordering the params differently
so imagine calling code has new Range(1, 10, true)
Too complex to deal with all reasonable permutations and to distinguish what is or is not a reasonable permutation, not worth it
go back to just the two params and figure out a way to bind that correctly 2 ints
What's the point?
the ctor logic would have to switch them
if that's the intention then just have ctors that accept params object[] args
then have the ctor figure it out
well back to two parameters
the only problem would be if you changed the constructor from (int min, int max) to (int max, int min)
you were talking about passing the args in
but that problem already exists today
doesn't matter how it's defined
or what about this one ...
yeah so as long as you don't change the order of min and max, you can add any number of non-int args before min and max
and it should all work out nicely :D
public class Merge<T>
    public Merge(T master, T duplicate) { }
getting those round the wrong way would result in the wrong logic
new Merge(first_T, second_T)
doesn't change under the rules I said
depends what merge does
you're making assumptions
lets assume in my case if the master has something not null and the duplicate does then we don't merge that value in to the master in this class
in that example, first_T will always be bound to master and second_T will always be bound to duplicate
so idk what you mean
it might get more difficult when you have different types that inherit from each other
Merge<T, U>(T master, U duplicate) where U : T
that could get messy
no what I meant was ... you were saying "I wish that new Foo(bar, baz) and new Foo(baz, bar) were interchangeable" ... well that's why they aren't
I meant if they are different types
if they were the same type then order would still matter
just like it does now
yeh in that situation where the types are different I suppose it wouldn't matter
but you don't really want messy "exceptions to the rule" in your compiler code
yeah but that was before I though about what if they are different types in the same inheritance tree
that would be too difficult
I get what you're saying but that's a massive can o worms you wanna open there lol
lol just crawled my inbox scanning for spam from agents trying to pouch me
in the last 6 months I found 103 emails
I now have their email addresses fed in to some code i'm working on
toying with what to do with these contacts
do you use spamcop?
na I just use gmails label rules
filters them out a treat
tbh it's not really "spam" when I need them
but generally day to day it is
so each time a new domain pops up asking me to go apply for a job I just add it to the label
I have a ton recruitment agents to send a templated email to now
got some stuff for sending those in about 3 lines of code
Does anybody know how optimized C# code might move or skip try/catch blocks? C# 4.5 and VS 2015. Debug catches thrown exceptions through events firing and Release does not.
@War wish the tab system in gmail was better thought out
I like classic gmail but then I tried Inbox and it was like learning how to use e-mail all over again
I still have no clue how to make it usable
labels and leaving them unread, linking them to tasks would be really nice
2 hours later…
@juanvan Yeh I know ... Wish it was configurable better ... But on this occasion I just hit the api so it's all code and no ui lol
Hello, Does anyone knows how can build a c# win console to monitor my facebook account ad automatically brings me my new posts ?
Sure. You just need to make RESTful calls to the Graph API.
Evening gentlemen. I have an issue. msdn seems to suggest that System.Numerics contains Vector2 and other vector classes, but that doesnt seem to be the case, after referencing it
Does anybody know if it was taken out or where else to find vector math classes?
@Rugnir Did you add the reference to System.Numerics.Vectors? Or just System.Numerics?
just system.numerics
@Bobson I can't spot a System.Numerics.Vectors anywhere
@Rugnir It's a NuGet package
so it is
I've been burned by that before. You have to look at the "Assembly" line, not the "Namespace" line. Assembly: System.Numerics.Vectors (in System.Numerics.Vectors.dll)

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