select,,items.buyprice,items.saleprice,items.code,items.quantity,items.smallestamount,,items.storeid,items.moreinfo FROM itemcategories inner join items ON GROUP BY,,items.buyprice,items.saleprice,items.code,items.quantity,items.smallestamount,,items.storeid,items.moreinfo
What's used to create an installer than places files into various folders? Example; Program.exe > ProgramFiles/Folder1 settings.ini > ProgramFiles/Folder2
@HamreenAhmad select,,items.buyprice,items.saleprice,items.code,items.quantity,items.smallestamount,,items.storeid,items.moreinfo FROM items inner join itemcategories ON GROUP BY,,items.buyprice,items.saleprice,items.code,items.quantity,items.smallestamount,,items.storeid,items.moreinfo Try This :)
@ProAmgad @MichaelEdenfield IDK how express it i need two combine the result of the following two statements in the same table
....FROM items inner join itemcategories ON GROUP BY.....
....FROM items inner join itemStores ON GROUP BY.....
Anyone know if it's possible to use a Portable class library in a Core and .Net 4.5 project? The Portable class targets seem to suggest it's possible but when adding it as a reference VS throws an error
Can anybody explain why the STAThread attribute documentation says that: "Indicates that the COM threading model for an application is single-threaded apartment (STA)." yet, the AttributeUsage is for methods only, not applications....
Can anybody explain why I would want to use STAThread attribute? I know it's used in forms and such...
I think the existing one is automatically in scope or something, but eh its not a huge deal its just a code cleanliness kind of thing. I have the method I need it just extends a different class. The fact that the extensions only work on IConvertible messes things up since my implementation uses GUID
Actually there's not much point now that I think about it, I put the extension on IPrincipal, which is a level above IIdentity already.
hi guys, is there any way to get Profiling turned off in VS2013? I tried uninstalling ReSharper but that did not help: .NET Runtime version 4.0.30319.0 - Loading profiler failed during CoCreateInstance. Profiler CLSID: '{45777def-bda6-431b-a953-e888780fa511}'. HRESULT: 0x80040154. Process ID (decimal): 8748. Message ID: [0x2504].
If you try-catch everything in the entire app and your app has events, eventually they'll weasel out of try-catch and thrown exceptions will crash the app. Any idea why? Disclaimer: I don't try-catch everything, of course!