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anyone knows what causes this error? efcore migration of models. Query returns “The method or operation is not implemented.” error
Good morning everybody
Goooo dmornin vietnam!
Doy ou guys know how I could automatically wrap a class in VS?
Hm, answer seems to be here: stackoverflow.com/questions/2150416/…
Anyone here
I don't know
Possibly not
can you repeat the question
can you repeat the question
Malcom in the middle
those were the days
yeah, before the dad got cancer and started to sell drugs
It gave us one of the best gifs tho
Holy Crud!
Never even realised the father and walter was the same actor :0
lol rly?
Went to the "learn git branching" link on the right. It's interesting and useful, but surely there's a middle ground between "tutorial for total programming beginner" and "dense and inscrutable documentation", right?
Q: c# why my serial port closed is not close the port?

yosafatI have problem in serialport.close. Port opened at 9/21/2016 10:58:32 AM Port communication has been closed 9/21/2016 10:58:48 AM Access to the port 'COM3' is denied. At the beginning I click connect button, and the second I click disconnect button which inside button I fill the close.port co...

help meeeee
why serial port not response
serial port close
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Did you find any good resources you want to share?
@scheien Not recently. We're not using git so I haven't dug in deep yet.
We just started using git some time ago, but I feel that we're not utilizing it like we should.
this git merge guide is horrible
it wants me TO DO EXACTLY THIS
we also started using git @scheien and it feels a little like we are using tfs on git
I mean we just merge on master
instead of branch check out commit merge
yeah. My coworkers wont even branch.
and twice a day I sit down with someone and help him merge
so ye, we merge on master as well
it's horrible
and no way they would squash the local commits. WE NEED 3 BILLION COMMITS U KNOW
Exactly my problem. I'm no stranger to source control. I've used TFS and SVN and others. I want a guide that helps me understand how git is different. Instead, I either find guides to total newbies like this one, or guides that assume I can understand what sentences like "Rebasing is the process of moving a branch to a new base commit" mean before I even start reading.
git is different to svn in terms that you get to know which commit you merged from. In svn you can't know which revision the original file were from.
See, that's not a sentence that really helps me. It may be true, but I don't see how much bearing it has on my work.
hehe ye
I'm looking for a good guide that says "With centralized VCS, you're used to working like this: (check out, change, check in, etc). With git, it would be a bit different ("check out branch, change, commit, change, commit, push to origin, whatever") because of (reasons)".
A: Why is Git better than Subversion?

Michael StumGit is not better than Subversion. But is also not worse. It's different. The key difference is that it is decentralized. Imagine you are a developer on the road, you develop on your laptop and you want to have source control so that you can go back 3 hours. With Subversion, you have a Problem:...

The heading is silly, but the accepted answer is good.
Yeah, I've read various lists of pros and cons over the years. But I want a practical guide, not a set of feature bullet points.
In classic asp , I have assigned ) value to a variable
Dim Conn,serial_no="0"
For this line I am seeing an error
Http 5000 internal server error
Why ?
anyone knows why I still got warnings about "System.runtime", you may need to supply runtime policy but I have this code on web.config

<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<assemblyIdentity name="System.Runtime" culture="neutral" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
whats your related dll version
@misha130 where can I see that?
see references in the solution
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan is that a facepalm?
.NetCoreApp, Version=1.0 @misha130
@scheien high-five while standing on your head.
covering your head from the upcoming storm
@EsonRoxas be more specific with your problem
Assuming assembly reference System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=.... used by Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore matches identity System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=..... of System.Runtime, you may need to supply runtime policy.

but I already defined the runtime on web.config file @misha130
Let me just use my ESP to get all the information I need to give you an answer..
@RoelvanUden got green squiggly lines but the program is building.
My ESP is tingling, go on, continue explaining
"Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration": "1.0.1",
"Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore": "1.0.1",

the warning occurs when I add these dependencies.
I want to compare whether the value of serial_no is 10
That is why I have wrriten the following code
But I am getting an error
if serial_no = 10
end if
5000 Internal Server Error
Why ?
Please help me
Why did you just ping me? I didn't give any indication I knew anything about your problem, and certainly didn't converse with you about it. Then it's quite rude to just ping me.
Please see my problem
@RoelvanUden he did the same thing to me yesterday
@War Yeah, me too. Yesterday morning at 6:00am, my time.
I tried to explain that it's rude, but he didn't seem to be listening.
Ok I have understood
I hope so.
Morn all
Morn @Ggalla1779
I believe I asked you not to do that the other day, @SagorAhmed
means ?
@TomW I dont think he cares
You are making quarrel me with others
You can not tolerate me
I think
well frankly no ...
@SagorAhmed No, you are being rude. Any quarrels you have with people are purely your own doing. After we told you that pinging people to get them to help you without them agreeing to it is rude, you simply started doing it to other people.
But why you cannot tolerate me ?
@SagorAhmed you have openly admitted to deliberately circumventing the rules on SO more than once in another chat room, you consistently get told you are doing so and should stop, on top of that you appear to have a habit of being rude when you have been told why people think what you are doing is rude and yet everyone else but you is the problem
Oil your own machine.
@SagorAhmed Because you're rude, you're disrespectful of other people's time and effort, and believe that we're here to work for you.
I have told that I have never done it again
I have told that I will never do it again
@SagorAhmed really how much of the previous 2 conversations me and @AndyK had with you in the SQL chat room do you want me to drag up here to make my point?
@SagorAhmed And after you said that, you went and did it again, to Roel. Literally 13 minutes ago.
13 mins ago, by Sagor Ahmed
Here, in case you forgot.
you just need to post your question, if people wanna help, they will help :)
Thanks for making point clear
and what makes it worse ... when you get caught you then just go and create another account lie that it's your brothers account and start the whole process again
and a mod on here pointed that out to you
Honestly, managing to annoy me with help-vampirism and then turning to Roel for help seems to be a really bad strategy, patience-wise.
help-vampirism <--- gold
Smart man. Listen to that ^^^
@JackyNguyen The problem is that he cant
Q: The Help Vampire problem

Barry KellyWhat is Stack Overflow's long-term solution for the Help Vampire problem? Quote from article follows: Identifying Help Vampires can be tricky, because they look like any ordinary person (or Internet user, whichever is lesser). But by closely observing an individual's behavior using this hand...

@JackyNguyen he has 2 accounts that appear to be permanently on a 3 day ban ... probably because of shit like this
No I am not banned
You are telling lie
then go take peoples advice ... ask your question on SO and post it ... ONCE
stop pinging randoms
and be polite
and stop blaming others when we point these things out
I do not blame others
There, end of discussion. Drop it. Move on with life.
Where do I blame others ?
There, end of discussion. Drop it. Move on with life. (Repeated)
haha. :3
Replace("of discussion. Drop it. Move on with", " ");
Whoaaah there.
But I am not getting my answer
I want to compare whether the value of serial_no is 10
That is why I have wrriten the following code
if serial_no = 10
end if
But I am getting an error
5000 Internal Server Error
Why ?
Please help me
@SagorAhmed Such is life.
that doesn't look like C#
@War It's VBscript in classic ASP
whats a 5000 internal server error?
@War It's 500, of course.
@SagorAhmed You cannot expect getting an answer
1 big reason: this room is C#
Nobody in here gets money for solving other peoples problems, or for explaining you things
Most of the time, people do so as they WANT, but you can not force them to do
anyone wanna help me out with a linq problem? ... this is an odd one ... we sort of started on it late last night ...
public override IQueryable<T> GetAll()
    var result = base.GetAll();

    if (typeof(T).GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IAmRoleSecured<Role>)) && !AuthInfo.SignatureIsValid)
        result = result.Where(i => ((IQueryable<IAmRoleSecured<Role>>)i).Roles.Any(r => User.Roles.Contains(r)));

    return result;
I can't use the cast in the linq where
I get a NotSupportedException
using linq's Cast<> method gives me a IQueryable<IAmRoleSecured<Role>> which I can't return
@War just a dumb guess : Is it trying to call an explicit cast which is not implemented?
I still need an IQueryable<T> at the end of this
@Bechi the if statement checks that
You're checking if T is IAmRoleSecured<Role> then cast T to an IQueryable<...>. You didn't see if it's an IQueryable, so how can you cast on it?
oh hang on ... typo in that code
public override IQueryable<T> GetAll()
    var result = base.GetAll();

    if (typeof(T).GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IAmRoleSecured<Role>)) && !AuthInfo.SignatureIsValid)
        result = result.Where(i => ((IAmRoleSecured<Role>)i).Roles.Any(r => User.Roles.Contains(r)));

    return result;
my bad
Right. And that goes poof because of NotSupportedException?
is this iqueryable though?
yeh apparently linq to entit only supports casting to edm primitive types
Did you try result.Cast<IAmRoleSecured<Role>().Where(i => i....)?
@misha130 is what IQueryable?
the result
@RoelvanUden yeh I did that gives me back an IQueryable<IAmRoleSecured<Role>>
which can't be cast back to a IQueryable<T>
Great, so you can query then
Oh I see
Oh just cast back
IQueryable<IAmRoleSecured<Role>> cant be cast to IQueryable<T>
Right. Is there a reason you're using a generic T here btw? I guess this is a snippet?
Otherwise just change T to include IAmRoleSecured
T is any reference type, IAmRoleSecured<Role> is an object that contains a property called Roles of type ICollection<Role>
public override IQueryable<T> GetAll() where T : IAmRoleSecured<Role>?
Oh, wait, override.
What are you overriding?
I'm overriding the base GetAll()
Which is.. a repository on top of EF..?
that returns an IQueryable<T> (any T) if that T implements IAmRoleSecured<Role> I then need to apply the extra where clause
@RoelvanUden the base is a Service<T> my own type
thank god, I was about to rage
but the IQueryable comes from an EF context
Okay anyway.
sorry lol
I wrapped EF up so I could abstract it away
my code only depends on one of my IDataContext types
Yet you're bubbling up an EF-specific IQueryable, so it's not that abstract, is it? :D
the fact that it's EF is a bit of a good thing and a bad thing (depending n your situation and view point)
Not sure how you can get it back to T honestly, I guess somehow with reflection
I can't use reflection in linq to entities
But tbh I think this is more of a design flaw than anything else
no no on the IQueryable itself
yeh ... can't think how I need to do this
my code only ever sees IQueryable<T>
so I should be able to do anything an IQueryable<T> can do ... in this case EF kicks up though
It's not EF really, EF just cuts apart the expression tree
and as long as your expression tree ain't funky, it's okay
so you can get away with casting the queryable itself
but I'm not sure how to get back to T.
that's why I started by only casting the items insdie the IQueryable
result = result.Where(i => ((IAmRoleSecured<Role>)i).Roles.Any(r => User.Roles.Contains(r)));
that's where EF hates me
Yeah it doesn't get that
yeh ... that's why I ended up asking becaues I was like ... is there a way around this?
maybe the only real answer here is to implement the rule in the explicit implementations above this
So you have to think about it all the time? That's annoying.
at that point T is a known thing so I know I have a Foo and if Foo has Roles then I can apply this without the need for a cast
I presume you have to do something with MakeGenericType on IQueryable while feeding it the result
it's a lot of code duplication though
Anyone here knows any ASP stuff?
@RoelvanUden when constructing the service yeh
it all happens in the service factory
no, no, on the IQueryable result
@Chris asp or asp.net?
asp.net :)
@RoelvanUden I never do that ... I basically just return the ef dbset<T> as a queryable
I did wonder if I should consider going to a LinqToSql based implementation in the data layer
if (complicatedCheckForExistenceInterface) {
var newResult = result.Cast<IAmRoleSecured<Role>().Where(i => i....);
var castBack = IQueryable.MakeGenericType(newResult);
result = castBack;
oh I c
so, no?
I'm a little fuzzy on the castback thingy. It's possible tho
@Chris We all know asp.net ;P
Was looking into taking the MCSD cert. Anyone has any insight on that?
Yeah.. nobody cares.
haha really
I mean, if you're going there and you can learn something, great! You learned something. Admittedly, it will take a good chunk of your money in the process. But in the end, the knowledge is all that matters and I've yet to see any employer value a certification. They all just seek out people that know how to build applications and we can prove that in any number of ways (even just talking about it with the guy).
@Chris just ask man ... i'm sure someone will know something
@Chris these days you probably want to do the newer MCPD
@War isn't that the one step up? as in more advanced?
@Chris no its just based on newer framework pieces
@Chris I just have to ask.. are you a developer right now? Do you know how to program? Do you know ASP.NET?
also MCPD doesn't cover MVC only the older webforms stuff
I think
@RoelvanUden Thanks for that. Yeah my company was like "we'll pay for a course of your choice" so I was like "cool, ill find something" haha
@Chris My experience is similar to Roel's. I've done some certifications, but only when an employer paid for them.
@RoelvanUden yes - yes - no
best way
@War gotcha
I've seen people put it on their CVs, but even when I was on the hiring side, I never paid it much mind. To me, it implies someone sat with a MOC handbook and repeated it to a test.
I mean, all it says is "I studied subject X and passed a test". I've seen people pass tests - hell, pass entire degrees - without it saying anything about their capabilities.
That said I would value someone with an MCPD over someone with a degree
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan how much is such cert approx? Not just the exam, I mean all included?
@Chris Dunno. Employer paid. :)
ah lol
but the MCPD would likely only be relevant if the person in question had little to no experience
I would value someone that knows what I'm talking about over someone with all the degrees in the world.
and I think that degrees have lost touch these days
@RoelvanUden yeah that makes sense.
still valuable just in a different way
If you get the course for free, absolutely, go nuts on it. Also consider other things, like communication courses and whatnot (I know, this sounds so boring, but it's something many of us aren't good at). Learning technology.. as a real developer.. is not that hard. You can easily do it on your own.
I have a friend that has some MS cert in some server stuff (dont know honestly which one) and he told me he's one in just a few dozens in the entire UK that has that qualification and makes good money thanks to that
but I guess that depends greatly on the cert ofc
@RoelvanUden If nothing else, a structured syllabus and an environment where you sit and learn all day for a few days is good, if you're a person that needs that structure to learn effectively.
Yeah, some of that server management stuff is expensive and is highly regarded. Our little developer world is a tad different, though, because we don't really do standard things as much as other fields (where knowing that when X happens, you can do Y to get Z).
Also, around here they're usually held in places with decent restaurants.
@RoelvanUden yeah thats what I suspected
Yeah I'm a developer right now, and ASP.net is something I want to learn. So I might just take courses to learn it and then just take a free exam as the cherry to the cake. Because why not.
But you are right. Certificates in programming nowadays are pretty much of no value.
Yeah indeed, if you go into it like that, great! It's paid for, anyway. Just don't spend your own valuable money on it expecting it will really do something on your CV
@RoelvanUden well yeah not the cert it self, but prob the skills I learn in the progress is what I'm hoping for
...to help my CV
was I mentioned somewhere, somehow?
ok peeps. Thanks. Adiós!
anyone knows why I got this error?

System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. at MySQL.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations.Internal.MySQLHistoryRepository.get_ExistsSql()
at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations.HistoryRepository.Exists()
at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations.HistoryRepository.GetAppliedMigrations()
at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations.Internal.Migrator.Migrate(String targetMigration)
at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design.MigrationsOperations.UpdateDatabase(String targetMigration, String contextType)
The method is not implemented.
@War cool. You were talking about the dude that was hidding. maybe he is looking for a permanent ban ...
what does that mean? but when I use the Microsoft SQL server, the migration is being executed, does this have to do something with MySQL classes? I'm just doing the code first ef core.
@AndyK yeh he just doesn't give up
funny how he does it then moves on to another room and repeats
maybe he is locked in some kind of mental ourobouros and he cannot give up on that specific question ...
Sad but we still need to move on
oh shit ... hide
What @war ?
Do you know how to compare two integers in asp classic ?
int1 == int2
It may be int1=int2
then no i don't ... that question wasn't c#'ey enough for me
ahhhh my eyes
What happened in your eyes ?
@SagorAhmed that did
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan It usually does.
classic asp, mmm yummy
@scheien I'm getting flashbacks to 2001. We installed the original SharePoint server, completely written in ASP and server-side VBScript.
Was fun.
I bet. I'm maintaining a reporting system that runs on classic asp.
I cant understand why this line gives me error .

if serial_no = "10"
' b_nameexist=False
end if
We did a v2 based on MVC, but they never got it in production.
@JakobMillah the next big chillah

Are you now a mastery of scrum?
I have seen this page
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan that's the root of my hate for sharepoint ... even though I know it's nothing like that any more
@SagorAhmed so that's the end of that question then
The page says that to compare two integers use = operator
means ?
I have solved my problem
I have forgot to write then keyword
Thanks everybody for helping me
uh ... yeh ... sure ... glad I could rubber duck that one
TIL: JSON: The JavaScript subset that isn't (timelessrepo.com/json-isnt-a-javascript-subset)
SENSAI! @RoelvanUden
How r u?
Meh. Okay I guess. How are you? :)
Mad at a few german kiddies that spamemd sound in teamspeak yesterday.
Have u any expericnce with ddosing children like that?
You do realize that mounting a DDoS attack is illegal, right?
So, don't do that.
Oh damit sensai, why you have such a white vest :x
But yah you're right.
Technically speaking i would only targer their router and nothing else right?
@Nerdintraining Technically speaking you would be committing computer crimes.
White vest = being a clean guy, not doing anything illegal and being a nice guy all 'round
You would have to get the IP addresses of your victim first. Since they were on TS3, and the TS3 server broadcasts the sound it retrieves from its clients, the only machine knowing the IP addresses of the people in the TS3 channel is the server. So, you have to break into the server first. Then you'll have the IPs and you'll have to see whether or not their ISP has DDoS protection (which is almost certainly does), that you'll have to defeat somehow.
Quite possibly by launching a botnet on their network, since inner-network traffic is rarely monitored. To do that, you'll have to randomly infect a large amount of machines to gain control over a number of machines that can send inner-network traffic to your victims. A virus is a good idea, try to infect the world. Once you've achieved that, you can launch your attack.
Quite a lot of effort for some screaming children you're mad at, no?
Haha that does
Intresting insight Sensai, thanks for that1
I enjoy hacking, but I absolutely hate messing with something that belongs to someone else (unless you've got the permission to do so, of course). You should, too.
And it's not the screaming, it's not even the russian national anthem, i love that anthom.
It's that they almost blasted away my speakers with overplugging or what ever thats called!
as they say, it's not illegal if it's your own stuff or you have a written permission.

and i've never really tried to hack anything, but DDOS can hardly count as hacking.
You can balance the sound in your TS, set a maximum sound, and mute offenders, y'know.
Balance sound is new to me.

And muting is nioce and good
but if he connects with 10 diffrent accounts
It's not as easy anymore.
+ spamming entering and leaving channel
Then the TS3 admin should take action.
not online.
But the server pw will be changed soon anyways
Emotions of anger are rarely the best indicators to take a certain action.
True to that..
That's how husbands murder their wives and get locked up for 30y and such.
Luckely i have surpassed anger yesterday and switched to revenge!
Does that still counts? :P
I'd say no, especially since you're discussing it in a public chat room.
Don't leave evidence in writing ;o
they might be right among us...
Have you never seen a good police mystery or what :D
Nah, I've stoped watching mysteries back when Tom was wondering who stole the cheese (it was Jerry)
Thats the answer to a bell isn't it?
@Nerdintraining "Hacking" is a very context-dependent word. In common parlance, "hackers" are both people who gain entry into closed systems to retrieve information, and those that use tools to crash, deny service or otherwise take down services.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Still i think DDOS shouldn't count as hack. Its to simple and doesn't need any brain to preform a simple DDOS attack.
@Nerdintraining Neither of these are requirements for "hacking".
Hey, guys, do you think you could take a look at my question?
Most "hackers" activities don't require much brain activity.
@RoelvanUden guten appetit
Only requirements for the glorified, fictitious world of "hacking" that doesn't really exist.
Hackers aren't, as a group, noble rebels fighting against oppressive systems, just like thieves, as a group, aren't.
There are people who do these things for good cause. The majority of hackers are probably involved in setting up phishing scams to get people's credit card numbers, or exploiting backdoors in crappy Wordpress installations to install ransomware on people's PCs.
@RoelvanUden back on topic, my first try for Linq:
I have an array of a class that i implemented myself
So that i can use Linq, do i have to Implement the "IEnumerable" interface on the Class?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan utilizing Metasploit and other security related tools for their own suspicious activities.
hi guys
i have a question
how can i select more than one items simultaneously in c# document outline
How do i instantiate Bar with Dependency Injection instead?

  public class Foo : IFoo

        private readonly IBar bar;

        public Foo()
            if (bar == null)
                bar = new Bar();

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