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Q: Could not cast or convert from System.String to Data.Entities.Models.MyModel

Euridice01So, I'm having an issue with serializing my JSON string to my Entity/Model object. I have the following code snippet: var serializedValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Format.ToJson(newRows)); var csvToSave = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyModel>(serializedValue); Where newRows is a List<

4 hours later…
ggoood mornin vietnam!
hi, anyone uses asp.net core here?
@EsonRoxas still evrybody asleep here mate
@Nerdintraining aww. haha. should have thought of it.
G'morning, room.
Back to re-implementing the same giftcard payment integration for the third time, against yet some other service.
Why would someone have 3 different services, that does the same, with different name, but with each one of them lacking key pieces of functionality?
Hello World
Hello from world.
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'FamIdentify'
Please help me
You've got a mismatch in your Identify, Fam.
y'git meh brah?
I have called it as
Its definition is
Public Function FamIdentify(strName As String, strDatabaseTemplate As String, strIdentifyTemplate As String, strIP As String) As Boolean
THen why this error
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'FamIdentify'

/data/2/famverify.asp, line 70
you have a variable called "strVar1"?
that's literally the worst variable name I have ever seen
Its actual name is fingerData
honestly even if I could help you here I'm not sure it would do much good. You're using a framework that should have been replaced 8 years ago.
no, wait. The last stable release of classic asp was 16 years ago.
hmm .
Please try to help
it doesn't have native authentication, it doesn't natively protect from XSS
I can't help, man.
that stuff is cancer
why aren't you using a more modern system?
My fingerprint sdk is in this framework
are you sure? How does that even work?
A fingerprint SDK... that integrates with fingerprint reader hardware?
@SagorAhmed are you sure all of those arguments are strings?
msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms525985(v=vs.90).aspx this doesn't seem to say but I wouldn't assume that the members of Request.Form and Request.ServerVariables are strings
Maybe objects, does vbscript have objects?
Is this the same problem as the oracledb blob issue from yesterday?
I don't get it. How can a fingerprint reader SDK only work with classic asp?
plz explain
Yes , all arguments are string
In fact , the call is to fps.FamIdentify(trim(Request("name")),strVar1,Request.Form("SampleModel"),Reques‌​‌​t.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR"))
I have added strVar1
Before adding , the call is ok
Ok, what were you.passing before?
And its definition is Public Function FamIdentify(strName As String, strIdentifyTemplate As String, strIP As String) As Boolean
Ok, so you changed the function signature too, ok
After strVar1 , The call is to fps.FamIdentify(trim(Request("name")),strVar1,Request.Form("SampleModel"),Reques‌​‌​‌​t.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR"))
And Its definition is
Public Function FamIdentify(strName As String, strDatabaseTemplate As String, strIdentifyTemplate As String, strIP As String) As Boolean
strVar1, where does that come from?
From data base
I have printed this
in my asp page
Data is stored in this
@TomW , are you there ?
@juanvan - I've fixed the error finally But, There is an error: There is no row at position 1
@Mohsen are You sure it's not indexed from 0?
is there 1 row anyway?
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'FamIdentify'
I am getting this error
No, There are three rows like this:
Yes, you've said that already
Debug it and find out where the problem is
What do you guys say: Is it bad coding style not to proxy nested properties ? I currently use link.ReferenceInformation.ReferencedManagedModul.WorkingCopy.DataModel in my code which seems ... lengthy?
Are those three are Rows?
I am getting this error in this line .
@Mohsen no. These are 3 columns
Aha, Damn! my mistake!
The Law of Demeter (LoD) or principle of least knowledge is a design guideline for developing software, particularly object-oriented programs. In its general form, the LoD is a specific case of loose coupling. The guideline was proposed at Northeastern University towards the end of 1987, and can be succinctly summarized in each of the following ways: Each unit should have only limited knowledge about other units: only units "closely" related to the current unit. Each unit should only talk to its friends; don't talk to strangers. Only talk to your immediate friends. The fundamental notion is that...
I am getting this error in this line .
@TomW - Great, it did work :) thanks
if You adhere to law of demeter, than it is bad
With this; [0][1]
the error was pretty explanatory
@SagorAhmed why would you think repeating the question and repeatedly pinging me is going to help, I don't know ok, you're doing something wrong, use google and find out what
Thanks for your help
@ntohl Hm, I see. Which means, generally I should not design my code such that deeply nested properties occur.
@ntohl Is creating proxies a dirty workaround then?
@Bechi I would say link.GetDataModel() which calls ReferencedManagedModul.GetDataModel() ...
Morning all
I read that as Law of Dementor!
@ntohl And ReferencedManagedModul.GetDataModel() returns WorkingCopy.DataModel
@Bechi yes
In the end, everyone only knows his logical child
that is LoD about
Thank you very much
Guys i have an idea, Please tell me if this is possible...
Sep 14 at 8:21, by Avner Shahar-Kashtan
Generally speaking, feel free to ask questions. People here are A) good at ignoring questions they don't want to answer, and B) good at telling people if they're being obnoxious, needy or help-vampires.
A checked. B checked
I have a .doc file which i've written some text on it before, And i need to put some texts on the .doc file with c# on the specific lines actually for print, Is that possible?
@ntohl But when a class has several children (for example, the link has link.ReferenceInformation and link.GeneralInformation) it is okay not to proxy every property, such as link.GeneralInformation.Created, as that would blow up my link class?
@Mohsen sure it is. Have you heard of mailmerge?
Hm,, nope
What's that
@Bechi no. You should have GetGeneralDataModel, and GetReferenceDataModel separately
the automatic addition of names and addresses from a database to letters and envelopes in order to facilitate sending mail, especially advertising, to many addresses. :-?
So in your word doc you can drop in some mergefields - basically placeholders for external context - and use C# to open the doc and populate those fields by name
Great thanks
is that what you're looking for?
Hmm, it seems so, before that, lemme code some for other sections and we'll get to this then...:)
It seems pretty easy since i've worked with android and java, That's why makes this c# better...
Could you please comment on my conclusion:
After googling for "Law of Demeter" and reading on SO, I conclude:
* Following the LoD is STRONGLY recommended
* It's totally okay to increase the size of my link class with a lot of methods and properties that are intended to do nothing more than wrapping the nested methods and properties in all of the links members.
* Using interfaces for each member further reduces coupling and facilitates testing (mocking)
* The performance penalty in wrapping methods is usually neglegible
@Bechi very good.
"* Using interfaces for each member further reduces coupling and facilitates testing (mocking)" is I from SOLID. Check out SOLID principles for more reading
Interfaces <3
Composition over inheritance (or composite reuse principle) in object-oriented programming is the principle that classes should achieve polymorphic behavior and code reuse by their composition (by containing instances of other classes that implement the desired functionality) rather than inheritance from a base or parent class. This is an often-stated principle of OOP, such as in the influential Design Patterns: "Favor 'object composition' over 'class inheritance'." == Basics == An implementation of composition over inheritance typically begins with the creation of various interfaces representing...
check composition over inheritance also
I would add it as a 5th star, because You can use it in LoD
@ntohl Yes, that's what I am actually doing right now - refactoring my code by putting things in members. The inheritance will then extend my classes with new members.
@ntohl Luckily, I did already create interface, I only have to move things around (and include wrappers, obviously)
@Bechi what what? Composition over inheritance just sais don't inherit. Use inner class members.
Yes, I think I got that, correct me if I'm wrong:
* I have a baseClass that shall have the methodA and a PropertyA .
* Besides that I have an derivedClass that shall also have the methodB and properties B1 and B2.
What I have learned is that I should
* put the actual logic of the methods and the properties in subclasses classA and classB,
* define according interfaces IA and IB,
* include interface typed members IA in my baseClass, and IB in my derivedClass
* wrap the methods and properties in the base and derived class
@Bechi I don't get it actually. Sorry I'm a bit confused. You mean derived class as methodA uses B1? I'm asking because we were talking about that in the example
in link.MethodA.B1...
@Bechi The whole point is "Do not use inheritance" and you have base classes? ;-)
No, I have groups of (properties and methods) that logically belong together and enable functionality. These groups do not rely on each other. In my stupid example above, that are (methodA and propertyA), as well as (methodB and properties B1 and B2). Up to now I missed to collect the logic of these groups in their own classes according to the "Single responsibility principle"
My baseClass therefore only enables functionality A, whereas my derivedClass enables functionality A and B
However, in my current code, functionality A is directly implemented in the baseClass. This functionality is extended by functionality B in my derivedClass by inheritance.
In my current code, all methods and proeprties for BOTH functionality A and B are directly implemented in the derivedClass.
Instead, I should put functionality A in a subclass classA, functionalityB in classB, an instance of class A in my baseClass, and instances of classes A and B in my derivedClass. Only the latter one can be achieved by inheritance.
hi guys whats the *best* way of sharing a connection string across multiple projects. Our EF project contains it in an app.config, and the WebApi has it in the Web.Config. So I dont think I can link the App.Config (or can I?)

I know its only 2 places but as each dev is working on a local instance of the db its getting a bit annoying having to comment out and in connection strings all the time?
any ideas>
you can put multiple projects under one solution adn then use the same connection string under the same namespace
@Bechi just don't do it. A and B are unrelated. You have a "base class", which shouldn't be a base class. You have a class, which have classA member in it, and a classB member in it (segregated with an interface IclassA, and IclassB), and someone calls the class, than the functionality will be propagated to classA or classB
@MatthewFlynn you can put multiple projects under one solution adn then use the same connection string under the same namespace
@SomdipDey yes they are all under the same solution, can you expand on what you mean?
Q: Send data to webapi GET Request Ajax call

SagarI have below model class in webapi :- public class SampleClass { public int id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } } Get method in Controller :- public string Get([FromBody]SampleClass sample) { return "value"; } I am calling t...

I am also still thinking about this issue. I fully understand the point of composition over inheritance. But to my mind, my (revised) code will use inheritance just for convenience. It is a special kind of composition, which is suitable only in my special problem:
The (extended/derived?) class that shall have both functionality A and B simply uses the fact that another (base) class already implements functionality A. For that reason, it derives from baseClass and adds a new member that is responsible for functionalityB.
Is it, that the extendedClass should have the (baseClass) as a member that enables functionality A, and classB that enables functionality B?
@Sagar do I read it right you are sending information in the body on a [HttpGet] get doesn't contain a body
But if that was the case, why should I refer to baseClass, which only wraps classA to enable functionalityA ; and not to classA directly?
@Bechi You want to enable user of classB to work differently for the same call which uses classB functionality? Than just extend IclassB with another implementation, and swap out the classB member in the user class
has anyone experience with multi tenancy and push notifications? i need to give consumers of our saas a way to upload apns certificates but i'm using gcm for both iOS and android. any ideas?
@MatthewFlynn yes
@Bechi this kind of scope narrowing, widening should be done with interfaces. Most usage of the classes are called from an interface, which shows You the public methods/properties just what You need.
no need for inheritance
or If You know, that B will extend every member of A, than IB will extend IA.
@Sagar questions been answered :)
@ntohl thank you very much, I'm confused right now, but I think I will get through it soon
Yo uhelped me a lot
@Bechi I'm confused too >D
Wll, maybe one last try:
@Bechi some code example would be nice
@MatthewFlynn thanks
@Sagar you need to thank @War I just commented :)
Hey, guys, does anyone know how I can add multiple CORS origins? Not talking about the "*" but for 3 different web applications.
Weirdly enough I recently quit a job because this type of crap was considered "the new way to do REST api's"
I had to "GET my data TO the Webform that handled my request"
When I suggested that there was this thing called web standards out there I was of course totally wrong
@JoãoPaiva you can comma separate as many as you need in the headers
@War What are you talking about @war?
@scheien the question above
posting data to an API with a http get
@War GET all the things.
Hm, Missed the extended interface type 2... How do I change things?
@scheien I'm sorry hear that ... are you ok, perhaps you should go to hospital or something
@War Probably should. At least they might use the correct verbs.
After I quit so did my whole department so I guess they didn't learn
Operating outside standards might cause some bad side effects.
That was what I said
@Bechi on the first sight
the funny thing is I was told that if I knew a better way I should "prove it"
bool IsTargetRelative { get; set; }
bool IsTargetGlobal { get; set; }
is SRP, LoD violation
so I went to github and downloaded the source to take a look
You just tell the target to do it's job. The target knows himself is a relative, or global
1,000+ lines of request parsing bullshit just to get and validate an object so I emailed submitted a web api version ... total of like 20 lines in the controller all in
I was then told "here's your disciplinary meeting date"
They sound like crazy people
@War holy shit...
they are completely messed up ... turns out though it was all because I knew better than the dev manager who "designed the NEW stack API model"
I was like ... WTF?
You mean ball of mud?
So the disciplnary boiled down to my word vs his on what we should do technically
I lost the argument and basically said I had no interest in working to messed up versions of a made up standard based on tech from 20 years ago
Debating technical matters should never result in a disiplinary meeting.
I mean ... who EVER built an API using webforms?
even when webforms was new
@ntohl Really, If i just proxy the LinkInformation properties there? Well, you might be right. Although the logic is in the LinkInformation instance, this instance could be private... I do not have to define LinkInformation AND IsTargetRelative
surely the done things was asmx ?
I've seen a few generic handlers. I can't say I like them. They're fine for retrieving data.
@War I've seen it done a few times. It never worked well.
Funny thing is, before all this kicked off the company was bought
before all that me and my team at the old job developed a really good web stack
I was told to take it because the company was never going to use it
so I have a 150 project VS solution that does pretty much everything designed by a shit hot team that the company doesn't want
@ntohl And if I decide not to proxy the IsTargetRelative, I would have to access it using LinkInformation.IsTargetRelative, which is a vioation of LoD?
public interface IElement
  IGeneralInformation GeneralInformation { get; }
  string ElementName { get; set; }
  string ElementDescription { get; set; }
I'm rebuilding everything here with it
// base functionality
public interface IGeneralInformation
    string ElementName { get; set; }
    string ElementDescription { get; set; }
are pure duplication
it's dam smart and uses global standards throughout
public interface IElement : IGeneralInformation

^ whats wrong with that?
so why the duplication?
@ntohl I thought that the IGeneralInformation is used in a class to fulfill the Single responsibility principle (each element, regardless if it is of pure leemnt type, whether if it has children or not, has a class that handles the generalInformation properties)
so. There should be Link: IElement, and Collection: IElement. You can have Your tree as Tree<IElement>. The Collection have List<IElement> listOfChildren { get; }
In order to fulfill "composition over inheritance", an Element would have a member of type IGeneralInformation, rather than implement IGeneralInformation itself
Tree class is the main importance here
And a link would have two members: One of type IGeneralInformation and one of type ILinkInformation
I will make a gist
Thank you very much.
I'm out for lunch, back in 35 minutes
ah the composition route
I have a type :
dwSize As Long ' Length of data in bytes.
pData As Long ' Data pointer.
End Type
template As FTR_DATA
When I assign a value in this I am getting a error
Dim length_of_data As Integer
length_of_data = Len(strDatabaseTemplate)
template.dwSize = length_of_data
Why ?
strDatabaseTemplate is a string data
@War Thanks, it worked. I have another question, if I decide to do this in webconfig instead of in the code will it still work? (e.g. "www.1.com,www.2.com")
hmm I have an array of a struct... using it in a method...how do I return a null value.. ie we didnt find any values...its expecting an array returned
What @Ggalla1779 ?
@JoãoPaiva I don't have enough information to answer that ... is this that cors thing because you appear to have just referenced me and i've lost track of the conversation ... if it is, there are nuget packages you can pull in to setup cors in code for webapi they also support config based setting up of cors but you'll have to read their docs
i am returning an array of a structure
what do I return when I dont find any values
ie return nothing / null
return null;
didnt work
code sample please
@Bechi how would You use that tree? root.TryGetChildren(3).TryUpdate(...)? And if the root is collection, and the 3rd children is link it works?
gtg eating
UserActiveDirectoryValues ValidUser = myToolbox.IsExistInAD2("sid");
in class Nullable<UserActiveDirectoryValues> currentUser = new UserActiveDirectoryValues();
if no values
return UserActiveDirectoryValues=null;
need the method sig
public UserActiveDirectoryValues IsExistInAD2(string loginName)
well there's your answer
that's not an array
public UserActiveDirectoryValues[] IsExistInAD2(string loginName)
public UserActiveDirectoryValues? IsExistInAD2(string loginName)
       return null;
that should work
or your version should also allow you return null
anyone here? why am i getting this error on asp.net core app build - "assuming assembly reference you may need to supply runtime policy"
hmm its throwing out the calling code which is fine
but there is a loop its now thorwing in class
foreach (string myKey in myResultPropColl.PropertyNames)
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'DataStructures.UserActiveDirectoryValues?'
@EsonRoxas there's got to be more than that surely?
@Ggalla1779 because as I said before ... you aren't returning an array
you're returning a struct that represents an array of values but its not an array
ok thats confusing
@War Assuming assembly reference 'System.Runtime, Version=, Culture...... used by 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational' matches identity 'System.Runtime, Version=4.1.0, culture.....

this happened when I try to migration.
thanks war..I will not procede with that mental adjustment
@EsonRoxas ah ok in config put an assembly binding redirection
should help
@War, how can I do that? I'm a newbie in asp programming.
@War <runtime>
<assemblyBinding xmlns=”urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1″>
<assemblyIdentity name=”Newtonsoft.Json” culture=”neutral” publicKeyToken=”30ad4fe6b2a6aeed” />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion=”″ newVersion=”″ />
is that right?
still getting the errors.
@ntohl No, it's much different than that. But describing this would take even longer
I have thought about the issue above
I believe I ahve to come back to my first question:
@EsonRoxas latest version of Newtonsoft is v9.0.0.0 I would do something like ...
Assume I don't repeat the properties
string ElementName { get; set; } and
string ElementDescription { get; set; }
in public interface IElement

Then I could still access / bind to IElement.GeneralInformation.ElementName
@War my apologies, this is the code.

<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<assemblyIdentity name="System.Runtime" culture="neutral" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
  <assemblyBinding xmlns=”urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1″>
      <assemblyIdentity name=”Newtonsoft.Json” culture=”neutral” publicKeyToken=”30ad4fe6b2a6aeed” />
      <bindingRedirect oldVersion=”″ newVersion=”″ />
i placed that on web.config file. but still getting the errors.
@EsonRoxas oldversion usually takes a version range "min-max"
what's the error you are getting?
you might be best off just reinstalling the package, trying issuing an update-package command in pmc
a warning on the web.config file. "the element system.webServer has invalid child element aspNetCore"
@War I've tried clearing the nuget cache, then restoring package, still the problem exists.
@War the problem with the System.Runtime versions' been eliminated, would that warning on the web.config file regarding aspNetCore child element give me issues on the later part?
that's not related to references but may be the cause of your problem ... what's this config element it doesn't like?
@EsonRoxas it won't properly restore the package without an update-package command if the issue is not the package but the reference to it
<add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModule" resourceType="Unspecified"/>
<aspNetCore processPath="%LAUNCHER_PATH%" arguments="%LAUNCHER_ARGS%" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" forwardWindowsAuthToken="false"/>

this is the generated configuration by default, now it gives the warning with regards the child element aspnetcore
@EsonRoxas aspNetCore element ... if that's invalid then it could cause all sorts of peculiar behaviour
Hey guys
rip the element out and see what it does
@EsonRoxas never seen that before ... it probably won't hurt to rip it out
@Mohsen oh dear ... hello there
But now, It does not recognize the `Word` in VS : this code: `Word.Range rng = this.Range(ref start, ref end);
rng.Text = "New Text";`
@War - Hi war!
I believe i missed something, Something like an sdk or etc, What is that?
you're prob missing a reference or something
@war, the build succeeded, would that cause me anything in the future?
hard to say without knowing more about your environment
@War - Ohhom, But, What is that reference or something that i'm missing? They didn't mention that on the doc :-?
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word <-- at a guess
from the page you linked to ....
Use the P:Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range.Text property of a Range object to insert text in a document.
saying it exists in ...
Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word (in Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll)
It sounds like i don't have any clue to use that...Lemme search some..
But, Google is always my friend : dtkit.com/…
On that blog they said: Add the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word assembly to your project. Go to Project -> Add Reference...

. which i couldn't find any : `Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word` on VS 2015
Interesting ..
@Bechi I see. I will create a wpf stuff, where the nodes are links or collections
@Mohsen you need to install the office integration part of VS I think
A: Can't locate Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word in Reference List

Varun DoiphodeYou can download the Primary Interop Assemblies from here. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=3508

None of those methods didn't work. Now, i'm modifiying VS to see if adding office development is working or not
Does anyone know how I could add a dropshadow to a label text?
yay its working:)
@Donovan context?
I have an empty winform, with just one label. I want to add a shadow behind the text
no idea ... if it were web ... this is dead easy ... but winforms ... does it even support shadows?
or if that is easier, a line around each letter, like a border.
Q: Drop shadow on text in C# winform

SmartGoatHow to drop shadow on text in winform. Especially, draw text on a bitmap object. I know we can draw that text with a dark color and bring to the right position to make it like a shadow. But this shadow seems so slim and solid. I want it wider and blurred. I found some functions that can blur and ...

awww yeah ... necromancer badge gained :)
A: How do I access Windows Media Player Library programmatically in C#/WPF?

WarThis is a bit of a cop out ... The SDK is a huge subject ... how about a sample ? EDIT : 1 of 2 : This is what im talking about as a starting point: The documentation for the "Windows Media Player SDK" refers you to download the "Windows SDK" and then consume some key interfaces ... Here's ...

I love doing shit like that on here :)
Ah cool, indeed the result what I'm looking for. Could you help me explain how I should use this for a label and how it's working? Quite new, so I want to know every detail.
it's not my area of expertise, that's just something I dug up on here, that said it appears to be using a "brush" to "paint the text" instead of simply drawing it from the font if my interpretation is correct
it draws the text normally at first then offsets by an amount and redraws a shaded background colour
Hmm quite a lott of code for a small result
welcome to winforms
if this was wcf you'd likely just whack an attribute on a xaml element and it would be done
if this was the web it would be 1 line of css
winforms was not built on current technology and lacks in "finesse" what newer tech can do with ease
Uhu okay. I heard about xaml. Maybe is the new challange if my programm is finished, upgrade it to the one with xaml
yeh wpf is really powerful, it basically works like MVC on the web although its more MVVM than MVC but you get elements and bind models to them
it means you separate your view from your model (the rendering from the data)
I think that there is no way that I could convert the program?
when you do that, you get perks like styling as a side effect benefit
you'd likely have to start again if i'm honest but I don't really know
might be worth googling for a project converter for 5 mins
worst case ... its a learning curve
Hmm. yeah
I'm a bit biased though ... my thinking is that you can even build desktop apps in html these days so pretty much no desktop technology ever cuts it for me
I'll finish it first in Winform sometime, and then have a look at the xaml version
that said, i know there are guys on here regularly that praise wpf

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