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@juanvan , are you there ?
I am having problem from passing string of length 4000 bytes from classic asp to oracle datrabase stored procedure
How can I do that ?
Q: passing a CLOB more than 4000 characters to Stored Procedure from asp.net

Sagor AhmedI have the following procedure in oracle : CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE INSERT_BYTE(pID IN Number,pData IN CLOB ) IS reallybigtextstring CLOB := pData; i INT; BEGIN WHILE Length(reallybigtextstring) <= 60000 LOOP reallybigtextstring := reallybigtextstring ...

Please see this
I see it, but I don't know anything about it
1 hour later…
@bluetoothfx , can you see the problem ?
just stared watching
Please see this
CLOB has a length. are you crossing it?? @SagorAhmed
I am sending just 4509 bytes
I am sending 4509 bytes from classic asp
to stored procedure in oracle
not byte length
i am not oracle expert
The problem is sendiing 4509 bytes from classic asp
If I send less than 4000bytes , then it works fine .
ok on app config. see something fishy which allow you stopped sending over 4000++ bytes
i am just telling you the possibilities
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<requestLimits maxUrl="40096" maxQueryString="20048" />
This is in web.config
Q: A trappable error (C0000005) occurred in an external object

Sagor AhmedI am calling a stored procedure named INSERT_BYTE with a string more than 4000 bytes . The code is a s follows : Dim Conn Set Conn = Server.Createobject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.Open "Driver={Oracle in XE};DBQ=xe;UID=biotpl;PWD=biotpl;" strSQL = "INSERT_BYTE(1,'BQ0DAwA6EhlGd3d3d3d3d...

Please help me
@SagorAhmed: what have you tried? what have you found out?
and that's literal sql string tho :/
i am calling stored prcedure
strSQL = "INSERT_BYTE(1,'BQ0DAwA6EhlGd3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3CgcEADk4NjQyMS93d3d3d3d3DQYDADk3 NTMxMDAwd3d3d3d3DQcCADo3NDIwMC8ud3d3d3cMDQkAOzs2MjEvLi4td3d3d3cNCwYCATo0 MS8uLSwsKSZ3d3cVFA8OCzkyMC8tLCwrKnd3d3coIBcVEDgxLy8vLCsrKnd3d3c2EBgZGTsy Ly8vLSsqLHd3d3cQGB4eIDIzMDAvLi0rLHd3d3ccICQlJSwxMTIxLy4tMHd3d3ckJSkqKSwv MzU0MC8wMzV3d3cpKSwsLS8xNDU1Njc1NTV3dxwuLzAwMTI0ODk6AQQ6O3d3dx4dMjQzNDU3 OgEBAwQAAQR3dxYaNDY1Njk5OwABAQEBAgd3dxQXNjsHNgABAAABOjo7Ind3dw53AAMQEgwJ AQIEBy4tIh93dwkQEAAGEhcSBgMGDhoaIh53dwoMDBo4DRQUCAYOGREKOwd3dxMQCQ4MDRgW CQkYIwkGBHd3d3cLBwkOERAUEQ0QADk1AAp3dwYJCgU3KQsNDwwJBAA0NSJ3d
have you closed the recordset between different DB calls?
I am not using any recordset
I am directly calling the stored procedure
by doing a quick research, i found this stackoverflow.com/questions/4649487/…
I have seen this
But the dll file is sending the right string
I have printed this
Have you tried using a debugger? - sep 16 at 2:50 by mikeTheLiar
I have no compiler
I a m coding via notepad++
But the main error is in this line .
you say what??
strSQL = "INSERT_BYTE(1,'"& str &"') "
Set objExec = Conn.Execute(strSQL)
But the main error is in this line .
If I comment this line , then no error is shown
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan: its your turn to help him
@SagorAhmed: how do you debug other issues then?
What do you mean by others issue ?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan , please help me
how do you do your normal daily bug fixing issues?
I check which line is creating the problem ?
Then I solve that problem
your Conn is not null?
My conn is not null .
When I am calling sp with less than 4000 bytes , then no error is shown
Only error is shown when I am calling sp with more than 4000 bytes
No, it is not "my turn". It's no one's turn. No one owes you help, @SagorAhmed, least of all when you ping me when I'm not even around, at 6:00 in the morning.
Please help me
Its urgent
We are not your help. We don't work for you. And I've lost all incentive I've had for helping.
Why are you not helping me ?
Well, that's your problem. You're being needy, rude and obnoxious, so kindly stop pinging me, since I do not wish to help.
^ yup stop pinging people
if people wanna help, they will help
@SagorAhmed BECAUSE I DON'T WORK FOR YOU. How hard is that to understand?
ok .
Yes I accept it .
wow is it eight-o'clock already?
Good morning
how can I call stored procedure with more than 4000 bytes from classic asp ?
Please help me
Were you asking this same question last week?
Indeed he did :P
@SagorAhmed I'll say it again - you were very rude earlier. You don't demand help here - you should ask for it.
I am very sorry
Yes you are right
thanks for the apology :)
@SagorAhmed having said that, the problem is probably in your stored procedure.
When I execute the stored procedure on toad , it can insert data more than 4000 bytes
The problem is passing data with more than 4000 bytes from classic asp
Which SQL client library are you using?
can you be more specific?
how ?
What do you want to know ?
the name/version of the dll?
32 bit
It is just returning fingerprint data
to asp page
good morning. (slept 3 hours)
From ASP page , I am trying to insert this data to oracle database
Good Morning people
I cannot understand where is the problem to pass data with more than 4000 bytes to stored procedure from classic asp
@SagorAhmed if it works in Toad, and not with the client library you're using in classic ASP, the problem lies with your classic asp library. Are you able to use another type of connection? I know Oracle is very picky...
the problem is that your client library is automatically truncating it. The best solution would be to change clients.
The alternatives are very hacky and probably involve splitting the input up and appending 4000 characters at a time :P
you're using technology that's way over 10 years old
don't expect this to be an easy fix with the stack you're using
Q: Returning varchar(max) Output parameter from stored procedure truncating to 4000 characters

MikeI've got a classic ASP appln with a SQL2012 database. I recently changed a table column from varchar(8000) to varchar(max) as it wasn't big enough to store the required data. I can update the column with all of the data I need to store, but the SP I use to return the column data as an output pa...

What do you mean by clients ?
I am using oracle
"SQL client library" - the library that your code uses to manage connections and execute code
I can't help any further.
Thanks for your help
I am grateful to you
Last day at work
if we spent all of our time fixing broken old libraries, we'd never make any progress with new, better software.
@JakobMillah weeeeyyy!
The best solution would be to change clients.
That means , I have to change oracle client library ?
best solution would be to not use classic asp
but yeah, perhaps updating the library might help - but I'm not sure there'll be any other that you can use
I'm not an Oracle oracle
Are you able to use another type of connection?
What type of connection ?
I am using this code :
Dim Conn
Set Conn = Createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "Driver={Oracle in XE};DBQ=xe;UID=biotpl;PWD=biotpl;"
strSQL = "INSERT_BYTE(1,'"& str &"') "
Set objExec = Conn.Execute(strSQL)
Clean up your own mess cat
If I would have tried to do that with any of my previous cats, it would have ripped my arms off
I wonder if they get it
"This stuff I made is causing me problems now"
it's a young cat. Probably hasn't a clue what's going on.
Well...It's no doggie.
@SagorAhmed just a hunch, but is the actual length of the string in the database 4000 characters? or 3994 or similar?
Morn all
4509 characters
so it's not being truncated at all?
Executing this line gives me error
strSQL = "INSERT_BYTE(1,'"& str &"') "
Set objExec = Conn.Execute(strSQL)
The error is
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0115'

Unexpected error


A trappable error (C0000005) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue running.
so when you said it was truncating... it isn't?
the data is not truncating
o/ Roel :)
@SagorAhmed 0115 looks like an error in the database. Get your profiler up and get debugging! Nothing we can help you with here.
o/ RoelDaMan
'ASP 0115' is not an error to database
yeah, it's a "This error could be anything"
did this code ever work?
which code ?
which code ?
Is there a way to write raw html code in a MVC5 controller? Html.Raw(string) doesn't seem to work anymore, and it doesn't seem to like new HtmlString() either
strSQL = "INSERT_BYTE(1,'"& str &"') "
Set objExec = Conn.Execute(strSQL)
did this code ever work?
so what's changed?
If the str is less than 4000 byte , then the call to sp is successful.
but you just said the content of the database isn't truncated
Protip: When publishing to Azure, make sure your publish profile isn't the one you last used in May.
If the str is less than 4000 byte , then the call to sp is successful.
If the str is more than 4000 byte , then the call to sp gives the following error
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0115'

Unexpected error


A trappable error (C0000005) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue running.
yes, but that ASP 0115 error just means "Something went wrong"
you need to dig deeper
perhaps profile the SQL commands or at least add a try/catch
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Response.write("Process completed successfully...")
Response.write("Error Save ["&strSQL&"] ("&Err.Description&")")
End IF
I have added this
But it can not catch the error
I have also tried with try/catch
But that also can not catch error
VB.NET? Raw SQL? Shit.
yeah I don't know why he's in the C# chat, tbh
this is classic ASP. roel
It's VBScript, isn't it?
Is it? Oh, well, I'm glad I can't point out the difference.
@SagorAhmed how are you authenticating to the oracle db?
One of the many reasons suggested for 0115 is permissions
anyone got any ideas as to why boxing and unboxing would be a good thing to do?
I can't think of any ... my gut feeling is that if you find yourself in that situation it may be an architectural issue you have rather that a code based one
@War Well, parsel post isn't the most trustworthy, so boxing is a good thing to protect the content of the package. Once it arrives at the destination, and it's still sealed, the customer can unbox it and be reasonable sure it wasn't opened and nobody in the process was inclined to steal something of which the content was unknown.
This is why most products you buy are in a box, too.
There is officially no point to this chat room ... it should be renamed "anything but C#"
@War Boxing is useful when you need to keep a reference to various bits of data, regardless of whether they're a value type or reference type.
Naturally, this was essential pre-.NET 2.0, when you didn't have generics, and wanted to have one ArrayList class, rather than ObjectList, IntList, FloatList, etc.
But even post-generics, you can see it in something like string.Format, which receives an object[], which will box value types passed to it.
hmmm that makes sense @AvnerShahar-Kashtan ... i've never quite got why string.format accepts an object array
you'd get odd behaviour
Because anything can be formatted :3
like surely it should just take a bunch of strings
you can't really "format an object"
Hence an object has a ToString :P
yeh i think microsoft messed up there
I think not. It's extremely useful
Anything but c#? I guess I'll find myself out... Bye...
@RoelvanUden it's not though
@War If you see code like string.Format("{0} on {1} with {2}", myObject.ToString() myDate.ToString(), myInt.ToString()), wouldn't you say "dammit, the Format method itself should just call ToString on everything!"?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yeh I would right now as every object has .ToString ... but every object shouldn't have ToString
it doesn't make sense
@War Really? Have you never relied on ToString for logging or debugging purposes? I know I have. I find it extremely useful to declare a ToString that serializes an object for a log/debug, so I don't have to drill down a thousand objects to find out what state something is in -- it just tells me flat out.
@RoelvanUden that's explicit, serialisation works just as well
Nah, it's implicit. The debugger doesn't know my POCOs
just asusming everyhting is a string / can be a string is just plain wrong
It understands ToString though.
Is it? I don't think so.
@War Getting a string representation of a value type or an object is an extremely common operation. Would you have each type implement it's own ToString/ToText/ToLog/ToDebug/GetString/GetName/GetDescription method?
@RoelvanUden Especially when dealing with lists.
So it was decided to have it as part of the standard contract each object implements.
Then you can actually see the important bits (which you have defined) without expanding everything
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan no I wouldn't i'd create for example Log object and pass what I wanted to log to that object
With a default implementation that's perhaps not very interesting, but at least it's useful to know what type is the one misbehaving.
@War And how would that object know how to convert the type to a string?
@scheien if you ToString a list you won't get it's contents
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan that's part of its implementation, it might depend on a serialiser it might use reflection, it might ask for the type name I don't care, i'm just calling "log this"
@War It can if you declare it. ;)
@War But we're talking about a core, core component here. You're saying that every project, even a tiny console application, that wants to output an integer or a date to the screen needs to write a Log object that serializes the int to a string?
If you want to use .ToString to log objects given to a log then you basically have to override it for every object individually, then you get different implementations, the least they could have done was made ToString virtual
@War ...what?
Of course ToString is virtual.
is it ... oh ok ... i've never bothered with it lol
Are you for real? :D
I assumed it wasn't for some reason
@War Well, it's hard to take your criticisms of the design choices made when you haven't actually bothered to use or read them, I have to say.
as I said ... just assuming everything can be a string is dumb ... you won't get what you expect unless all you're interested in is the value if the object is a value type or the type name if its a reference type
That's why I don't use it
I used to ... but hit a lot of problems
@War That depends entirely on your implementation.
ended up writing a lot of pointless code
@War Not everything can be a string. Everything can be converted to a string. It's not serialization - there's no guarantee of fidelity or roundtripping. It's just a way to get a string describing that object.
It can be a full representation - like for int. It can be partial - like "double.ToString("N2")`. It can be culturally aware. It can be entirely customized for your own objects.
But it's a standard interface that the entire framework knows and can call when it needs to show a string for the object.
yeh I get that ... but it doesn't give you anything meaningful so how does it have value
Should i think about anything specific when im dealing with creating xsd's ?
Apart from purple butterflies that is ;)
like what does knowing I have List`1 help me with?
How is 5.ToString => "5" not meaningful?
^ exactly
@War That's cherry-picking the edge cases where it doesn't give you a lot of information.
any reference type gives you my result and value type gives you your result (for the most part unless overridden)
There was talk when designing the collection classes to have ToString iterate the members, but it was decided that it's a much heavier operation than would be expected for something like ToString.
so by default it's useless
@War No, by default it's an extension point for you to override. Overriding ToString is incredibly common.
Naturally, if you never used this functionality, it won't do much for you. But that's due to your not using this tool, not because the tool is unusable.
object is an extension point, so is class
So you never override Equals and GetHashCode either?
You hold some weird opinions, Wadry.
me too
Gooooood god, YouTube's auto-play got stuck in an infinite loop of different versions of the same song.
Hi @war
How are you ?
not too bad
@RoelvanUden what's wierd about wanting a clean implementation of object?
Have yopu recognized me ?
Have you recognized me ?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yes I do but my point is those methods should probably not exist by default
Hey nyyygaaas Im'a BAck!
@JakobMillah how yo doin?
The scrums got back to you yet?
@scheien are you shad0wk?
im back
@Sherlock uhm, no.
@War Why not? They allow for a type system that's more than just the bare bones. They support the concept of customizable equality that's automatically supported by collection classes, serializers and other mechanisms, without having each one have to invent everything from scratch.
They are wheels, pre-invented.
You led into this topic from boxing, so I'm guessing what bothers you is that, because they're implemented on object, you can call Equals between an int and a string, for instance, or between a List and a HttpWebRequest. And you're right, that doesn't make sense, and is a side effect of having it be part of the universal contract.
And I'm sure that if C#'s type system was designed today, it might be designed differently, so that object doesn't expose Equals(object other), but a generically typed Equals<T>(T other) that only supports same-type equality.
(Even though cross-type equality has its uses as well)
And it's unfortunate that some C# 1.0 choices are now baked into the language forever.
But still, having object.Equals be a universally accessible virtual method means that any code in the framework can call Equals between two objects and be assured that it will get a response, without knowing what the types are.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan You could introduce your own extension method for that one.
@Nerdintraining Hello boro! Meeting tomorrow
Last day at work currently. So received flowers and a present...Apparently..
@JakobMillah sheieeeet good luck with that
Thanks bro! I have hopes. Would be THE company to work for tbh.
Haha nice to hear that :)
@JakobMillah May I ask which company it is? It's fine if you don't want to disclose it at the time being.
@scheien Cybercom
They seem to have had an office in Norway but closed it
Seems like a decent company
Yeah, they are growing, doing a lot of fun IoT stuff
Office in Jönköping got about 45~ employees. Nice size
@scheien That would mean I have to write a custom extension method for each type, for equality.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan oh. Didn't really think it through.
@JakobMillah have i told you that it was the first day in kindergarden for my little box :x
@Nerdintraining Wait for it...
Oh oh oh shieeeeeeet blublublub

How did it go? :D
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan That depends, doesn't it? You could call the non-generic equals under the hood. Still just to ensure that you are comparing the equality of the same type. Not sure what benefits it would bring though.
hahahaahaha :D
Well he still prefers to sit next to me then play with the other kids but it will go by :')
I think he will like it there, eversince the neighbours daughter is in the same goup.
@scheien That's already what happens. If you implement IEquatable<T> and have a more specific Equals method, it will use that. If not, it will use the override of object.Equals. If no override, it will use the default base behavior (Reference comparison).
oh shiet.
First love right there
as soon as he can walk i betchaa he gonna ask her out :P
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yeah, I know. Kind of just spun off what you said earlier.
@Nerdintraining Fine parents? Shieeet, I like this kind of stuff :D
Would rag on my son a whole lot about it ^^
"rag on" i don't get that phrase :D
pick on
like "Hey, Emma next door... When are you going to ask her out?" wink wink
ah :D
wink wink nodge nodge now i know what you mean
nodge nodge?
well emma, does look a bit liek an alien still, so it might take a while ^-^
But fine mother?
I'll save that :P I think I remember it as funny
haha :D Monty Python is almost always funny^^
So pArty?
Not yet boro
woah there
:D got that stuck in my head now :D
@Squiggle He looks like the guy from "The IT-Crowd"
@Nerdintraining yeah, a couple of them are.
Yeah i was like "Hang on, that is moss!"
this is what they were doing before that...
Roy is missing!
And Jane, Janett, what ever the womans name was
see also: "Man-to-Man With Dean Learner" and the Christmas musical "AD/BC"
AD/BC is wonderful. It has the Mighty Boosh crowd in it as well
Jen and Roy are good actors, but not the writing talent
Richard Ayoade is fantastic. If you like him, you should read his autobiography.
Roy's actor was good in "Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel", which was a nice movie, though didn't fully live up to its potential.
@JakobMillah time to party hard:
Ylvis reminds me of Basshunters (from the looks)

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