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@mikeTheLiar Agreed.
Yeah, I wasn't very good at that. Something else always got em first I guess
You need to be twice as smart as the person who wrote the code in order to debug it. So if you write code to the best of your abilities, you won't be able to debug it.
^ Famous quote.
Which I'm sure I mangled but the spirit is there.
Or to sum it up: Complex is bad, m'kay.
my biggest tank killoffs were (in order) - heater broke and cooked a tank - light stand 'broke' (read: fucking cat) and fell into the tank, killing most of the fish - pump broke on one of my reef tanks once and took down half the reef - and the last great killoff where everything in my last reef tank died in the course of two days. water levels checked out so I suspect toxins from a cuc
Cuc = cucumber right?
I've read more than one horror story about them getting sucked into impellers and pureed
@rlemon a friend of mine stuck his fish in a garbage bag while he cleaned the tank. He didn't realize until too late that the garbage back was "pine scented". There were no survivors.
@TomW :( that happened to my 10 year old GSP
I work in a place that does hosting and web design. Our main product is a custom CMS for site building and it's a mess of code built over the course of 4 years by as many developers.
swam up into the filter and died
@mikeTheLiar .. why? no buckets?
@rlemon I'm assuming not. Apartment living.
when my older GSP died his 'friend' who was like 4 years max stopped eating and starved himself to death
GSPs are very social and intelligent :( was sad to watch
It's supposed to be WYSIWYG, sort of, and we have a "CSS Builder" thingy that allows non-technical people to choose CSS attributes from various drop-downs, and there's a CSS generator routine that saves the code to file. It's. A. Mess.
(GSP = Green Spotted Puffer)
Georges St Pierre
I don't have any questions today, I just dropped by to bitch about this code.
Anyone else love Hozier?
@SeventhSon Oh yes boro
You know of Matt Corby?
@SeventhSon When has a WYWIWYG not been a mess?
Listen to him
@JakobMillah Googling MattCorby
@RoelvanUden I don't have that much experience with CMS. I've used NopCommerce pretty extensively and with the exception of implementing TinyMCE for page content, there seems to be a good reason they didn't do WYSIWYG.
WYSIWYG sucks ass. Period. And they are usually mega buggy
WYSIWYG is good enough for CMS pages like that
But nothing more
Most of the time.
I helped my boss with a page that he didn't get to work has he wanted... Because his WYSIWYG had nestled like 6-10 tables.
Of course, he was causing this issue to begin with. But still
We're using TinyMCE too. There's a freeware plugin called Roxie Uploader. We implemented it and a week later we were hit with a zero day shell exploit for it. Took me days to clean up...
@SeventhSon youtube.com/watch?v=EtRIz7VocNs best with hozier :P
We upgraded soon after to the premium version from the makers of TinyMCE called Moxie Uploader. Their support sucked but the control seems more functional and secure.
@JakobMillah Yeah, I like all his stuff. Mostly I don't prefer this sort of ballad stuff, I like Zeppelin and Sabbath and heavier stuff but Hozier is great, reminds me a lot of Van Morrison.
But more chill voice :P Van morrison is a bit... sharp?
Anyone here like metal a bit?
@JakobMillah Yeah Morrison is a high register.
<-- not this guy
There's a new pop kind of band, throw-back to the eighties called JoyWave. Check out Destruction, it's pretty fun music.
Singer is not your typical front-man type but anyway...
Anyway about the metal stuff, here's a local band I'm friends with called Exemption, this track is not very metal but it's pretty hot.
@rlemon fesistance is rutile
Anyone here got a SAP setup in the company they work for?
I do
there were a few maples out back the shop so we tapped them a few weeks ago
We have a client telling us SAP can only talk to a "WebService" which we have figured out so far to mean "WCF / WSDL based SOAP service"
I want to give them instructions on how to build a simple HTTP request to us
but I have never used SAP
is there something simple simple built in that I can point at (docs online) to explain this to them?
@rlemon womp womp
* we tapped them a few weeks ago, eh
my last 10 minutes at this office
Wow I know nothing about SAP except, now, that it is garbage help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/en/1f/…
@JakobMillah quick! steal all of the staplers
but leave the staples...
I was thinking about abusing the printer before leaving, but meh
hack the printer and make it add a small image of danny devitos face to every single document
does anyone here have verizon?
heck off hooman dis mah beebees
@TomW yup
@TomW its total shit but they sell a lot to big business because when asked what SAP can do they simply reply "anything you need it to"
but it's basically a half backed middleware platform that makes everything harder than it needs to be with 20 year old practices as a core standard
@Michael I do
trouble is out clients often want to send us data that comes from it
My Stapler!! I have been looking for that
@War yep infuriating, so it becomes up to you to hack an ass-backward solution to cope with SAP's stupidity
@JakobMillah best comment: "this anaconda don't want none"
I need to do something like this in C# and I've trying to convert this java to C#: pastebin.com/QEZQiP61
Is this still the CSV thing?
@War I'm a BizTalk consultant and that's one of the big draws of BizTalk - it comes with adapters that make this BS easy(er)
@juanvan do you know if verizon iphones are unlocked by default?
@KalaJ That's not Java
I don't like when people do enumerable = enumerable.Linq(...)
It's a space station!
@juanvan I kinda googled it, but never got a confirmed answer
chain the methods like you're supposed to
@mikeTheLiar That's no bug. It's a feature!
He's not a feature, he's my brother!
lol it is @KendallFrey. Well it was was until I started to convert some of it
@mikeTheLiar Mike, I am your mother.
I'm getting errors for the Select, Zip and Where
What errors?
@KendallFrey what a coincidence, I think I might be your father.
Might be. Your mom gets around.
@mikeTheLiar nooooooooooooooooooo
@Michael depends on the phone - Iphones are since 6
For Select, it says the argument cannot be inferred from usage
Zip is ambiguous
And cannot resolve where and toDictionary
I can fix the Zip one
@juanvan awesome, do you know where there that is confirmed?
@juanvan like how do you know? is there a page that says it?
@KalaJ Stop using var, silly goose
lol my VS just crashed o.O
Now let's talk about something that's not mundane
@Michael I remember - but here is alink
@juanvan awsome thanks
What's wrong with var? lol
C# is pretty bad at type inference
@Michael here is how to do it support.apple.com/en-us/HT201328
Hot damn I may have just fixed the bug
Nah, just a bug clinic. Bug can no longer reproduce :(
aww still getting the ambiguous zip reference. I just want to use system.linq but it thinks I want to use something else
var items = System.Linq.Enumerable.Zip(values, (key, value) => new {key, value});
Zip has 3 parameters but only invoked with 2?
Actually, I need to do this
hm is there a reason that history.go(-1); and history.back(); are clearing form data but the browser back button is not?
var items = keys.System.Linq.Enumerable.Zip(values, (key, value) => new {key, value});
but the namespace is confusing it
How can I explicitly state the namespace?
Is it possible to generate a known static address to a variable in c#? for example int a = 100; and then I can access it with mylibrary.dll+0x500 offset for example? I know that you can reverse and find that address but I am saying as in creating it in that way on purpose, is that possible in c#?
That sounds like exactly the sort of tomfoolery C# was created to avoid.
@KalaJ Figure out what other Zip it's thinking of. You can probably fix it on that end
fixed it yes
var items = Enumerable.Zip(values, keys, (key, value) => new { key, value });
Not optimal, but if that's what you want, ok
Just have to fix the Select part
ok got it
let me show you how I fixed it lol
var lines = File.ReadLines(url);

            var enumerable = lines as IList<string> ?? lines.ToList();
            var keys = enumerable.First().Split(new char[] { ',' });
            var rows = enumerable.Skip(1).Select(line =>
                var values = line.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                var items = Enumerable.Zip(values, keys, (key, value) => new { key, value });
                items = items.Where(item => columns.Contains(item.key));
                return items.ToDictionary(item => item.key, item => item.value);
This works
Um.. is that bad code?
@KalaJ you can chain those calls to reduce visual noise
oh wait, maybe not
+ linebreaks
@TomW yeah, that's what I said a long time ago
The inside of the Select can be reduced to a single expression
Hmm. LINQ operations still seem kind of noisy, they aren't all that expressive even if you do condense them as far as you go
converting to a list is useless too
@TomW C# is super verbose for LINQ compared to something like Haskell
lambda expressions are the main problem
How can I break this down?
Also I am a bit worried about performance
if I have several rows
For example (key, value) => new { key, value } could be replaced with (,) in Haskell
nice but I'm not using Haskell xD
How can I make the operation above faster?
@KalaJ I would do:
var lines = File.ReadLines(url);
var keys = lines.First().Split(',');
var rows = lines.Skip(1).Select(line => line
	.Zip(keys, (value, key) => new { value, key })
	.Where(item => columns.Contains(item.key))
	.ToDictionary(item => item.key, item => item.value)
What is the point of? public DateTime IssuedAt { get; set; } = DateTime.UtcNow;
@TomW jeez ... SAP want to charge £50k just to talk about the problem and £100k for a plugin to their system that can handle OData
making basic http requests is apparently really hard in this "system that can do anything"
Fuck. That.
I have heard that about them
They literally make their toolset as shit as possible so that they can charge vast fees for consultants
@KendallFrey I'm getting the same errors as I did last time
about the select, zip, etc..
ambigious zip calls
Like I said, figure out why it's ambiguous.
If you can get rid other the other option, do so
gotcha thanks
One more thing, instead of File.ReadLines()... I want to use StreamReader to read lines and return as IEnumerable<string>
Um. Why?
why which part?
Why do you want to do that?
Instead of getting the file locally, I want to get the stream from Httpclient
so I have to use streamreader
and following the approach above, I need an Ienumerable<string>
To parse it
That sounds fairly easy, using yield return
soo haven't used yield return before... what should I know about it? :S I just it's related to async?
I was thinking about doing a foreach and then casting it
It's not related to async
All you need is something like this (give me a minute):
static IEnumerable<string> ToLines(this StreamReader reader) { while(true) { var line =reader.ReadLine(); if(line==null) break; yield return line; }}
something like that
Trivial mistake detected, incoming Kendalldoken
public static IEnumerable<string> ReadLines(this TextReader reader)
	string line = reader.ReadLine();
	while (line != null)
		yield return line;
		line = reader.ReadLine();
For this, I am getting extension method can only be declared in non generic, non-nested static class
OK, so do that. Expected requirement for extension methods
Normally extension methods get their own class
kind of like P/Invoke methods
Got it thanks
I need to expose an enum in a WCF that isn't referenced in any of the methods. I've added [DataContract]/[EnumMember] to the enum definition, and [ServiceKnownType(...)] to the interface, but it still won't show up.
@Hypersapien "expose" in what way?
@Hypersapien yeah that ^
what does "show up" mean?
Let the client see the enum
Still more specific, please
Not sure what you're asking
Neither are we :P
Do you mean you want it to be defined in the service's WSDL?
If you're not exposing the enum through the service, where or how are you exposing it instead?
Manipulating how the service metadata is generated is possible but it's not trivial, this looks like a good starting point msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms730243(v=vs.110).aspx
Never done it, so I don't know details
But the real question is, why do you want to?
I have a set of labels that the webservice uses and needs to get passed back through one of the methods by the client. Thing is, the method can accept other things besides just that enum, so the type is set to "object".
oh lord
It's a search function and it's accepting a dictionary of different kinds of search parameters.
I can set it to a string, but the client still needs the list.
Accept it all with Object
@Hypersapien that is actually...not totally retarded, I kind of see that.
morning all
If I have a generic:

public static T GetExample<T>(string value) where T : class, new()


If T has a constructor, how can I pass via new T(value);?
you need to specify that it has a new (string val) constructor?
Well, T has the constructor.
So I would want:

public static T GetExample<T>(string value) where T : class, new()
     return new T(value);
yes, but if you want T to contain a constructor that takes a string
public static T GetExample<T>(string value) where T : class, new(string val)
return new T(value);
i think*^
Well, maybe it does.
Is there way a to disable some features of resharper but keep others?
I love and hate it at the same time :S
Fine. I created a function that returns a List of the enum values. I don't need to use the function, but at least the Service Reference contains a reference to the enum now.
@Greg C#'s type system is incapable of that. I recommend you switch to Haskell.
@KendallFrey stop trying to make Haskell happen
anyone using automapper? welp! stackoverflow.com/questions/39536596/…
Ever since I learned about typeclasses, C# appears woefully useless
@KendallFrey Okay.
how so @KendallFrey ?
Coming from a C/C++ background, C# type system is decent enough
Wait till you see Haskell!
I've seen haskell
I've also seen a lot of unemployed haskell programmers.
Typeclasses are like interfaces, but you can enforce the type on more than just the this parameter
void Equals(otherObject) can be created so that you can only pass an object of the same type as the this object.
You can't do that in C#
Also, you can't get var to infer the type of a variable based on how you use it later on, only how you assign it.
Haskell can infer a lot about types
if I see var in your program, I assume your a VB# programmer
99% of the time in Haskell, you don't need to specify a type for anything
same with js
parameters, "variables", return values, etc.
types are for suckers anyways
@rlemon Haskell catches your errors before you run it
aye, it makes it basically illegible whats going in and coming out
> basically illegible whats going in and coming out
My last relationship was like that
@Greg did it work?
I was wrong @Greg
Q: Is there a generic constructor with parameter constraint in C#?

Willem Van OnsemIn C# you can put a constraint on a generic method like: public class A { public static void Method<T> (T a) where T : new() { //...do something... } } Where you specify that T should have a constructor that requires no parameters. I'm wondering whether there is a way to add ...

@KendallFrey with the extension method, it looks like it just reads the first line, then return null and does nothing
@KalaJ "looks like" according to what? Your eyes?
Or did you actually try it?
try it
I debugged through it
it goes to first line, then next line from the reader is null
Is there more than one line in the file?
let me show you my full method
select many instead of select?
I wonder if it's not handling multiple enumerations properly
Try var lines = streamReader.ReadLines().ToList();
If that's the case, you wouldn't even really need a yield method
That might be it, it says enumerations yielded not result
just loop through items and add to a list, since there's no point in deferred execution anymore
Are you saying, don't use ReadLines() but instead ReadLine() and loop through the lines?
I think he was saying collect all the dictionaries in a list, then return a new task passing that result in?
instead of relying upon linq / deferred execution... you already have the entire file in memory after calling readlines
no point in delayed execution, just put the results in a return container, and return it
Unfortunately, I only have the first line from ReadLines()
ToList() adds it to a list
but it's still only the first line
what is each line terminated with?
A bullet to the head.
@KalaJ Did you:
11 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
Try var lines = streamReader.ReadLines().ToList();
It adds it to a list
with a count of 1
then stops
I mean it goes through the entire method with just that one line
is the 1 line, the entire file as one line?
No, only the first row in the file
whats in the file?
comma delimited words, urls ,etc
can you try to read the entire file, instead of lines ?
Q: ReadAllLines for a Stream object?

Ryan PeschelThere exists a File.ReadAllLines but not a Stream.ReadAllLines. using (Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Test_Resources.Resources.Accounts.txt")) using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { // Would prefer string[] result = reader.ReadAll...

Yes I can but I have to break it down line into a collection then
sounds like a solution
so ReadAllLines isn't working on your file
It's not a file
don't onebox giant gifs kthx
So I tested it on a local csv file and it works fine
var lines = File.ReadLines(url);
There's something with the extension method that isn't reading all the lines properly
I can probably do ReadLine() and do a foreach then?
23 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
just loop through items and add to a list, since there's no point in deferred execution anymore
Also I'm doing this asynchronously for the stream service call. Bad or good?
That might be conflicting it?
If the stream is getting closed before the enumeration finishes, that would be a problem
1 message moved to Orphan GIFs
@KendallFrey But boro.. It was funny.
@KendallFrey, I was thinking that too and it happened initially, so I removed st.close()
No it wasn't because I couldn't see it
So I think the stream should not be closed but not sure
@Greg - Yeah, I think it will be; although, it is very popular right now.
What do you guys think about Resharper? I like some of the features but it slows down my machine and sometimes does auto insertions I don't want.
Debating if I should turn it off
I used to find it annoying
Did you just get used to it?
yeah I guess
If Resharper has an issue, it is probably legitimate
If it's an issue, I mean a legitimate issue, ReSharper has ways of shutting that whole IDE down.
A member of the MS debug team authored Resharper (Eric Lippert)
lol Mike, that already happened to me. I imported some MoreLinq library earlier accidentally and VS crashed
Then later, I had some breakpoints that were disabled that shouldn't be. I closed VS and opened it and it says, some extension issue is recorded in the log.
idk, just started using Resharper recently and I love the shortcuts but I had the crash issues or auto completes
anybody know a lib for generating sln files from classes? Something like compiler checked sln template...
I hate using t4 templates. It's not the same interface as using c#
Why can't c# be homoiconic
@Nathvi What a strange requirement. Why wouldn't you just create a solution and add a project and add a file to the project?
I suppose. It's just that I want to reuse the structure of slns, as a template.
Yes, I know there are templates, but it just isn't the same interface... One more bs abstraction on top of everything else
You think language designers / framework designers would be a little more resourceful about this
homoiconicity reduces the labor needed to do the same things at higher levels of abstraction
@Nathvi I don't even know what homoiconicity means but have you read this? winestockwebdesign.com/Essays/Lisp_Curse.html
In computer programming, homoiconicity (from the Greek words homo meaning the same and icon meaning representation) is a property of some programming languages in which the program structure is similar to its syntax, and therefore the program's internal representation can be inferred by reading the text's layout. If a language is homoiconic, it means that the language text has the same structure as its abstract syntax tree (i.e. the AST and the syntax are isomorphic). This allows all code in the language to be accessed and transformed as data, using the same representation. In a homoiconic language...
yeah that's where I got the link to the essay
@kush, no I haven't, but I will
@kush, thanks
@Nathvi pretty good read, right? I wasn't around for the ai winter btw
I briefly skimmed over it
I'll look more into it, at work atm
The gist I got from the article, some people are little babies and can't handle power.
Power bubbles up.
I want to make this web/mobile app that will help teachers/caretakers communicate with parents in a better way. Not much apps are around for it. Do you guys think I can make money out of it?\
Specially nannies or day cares can use it to leave notes for parents and share pictures/media to parents
@Obviously Sounds like you want to invent texting/email/facebook/snapchat/hangouts/instagram/twitter/did-i-mention-texting
@KendallFrey daycares are business entities, why would they use social media to communicate with parents? same goes to kindergarten schools.
Why wouldn't they?
also even if daycare is bothered enough to share a pic/video of your kid doing something cute/funny, they might just end up forwarding to mom, not the dad?
this way you can have a timline of your kid
easily accesible
parents can comment
> timeline
> parents can comment
so better communication
> literally facebook
Besides that I'm sure the laws around storing information like that are seriously restrictive
you mean tadpoles.com @Obviously
yes tadpoles
but better
Child info + possible medical info ( Timmy fell down a well so I had to take him to the ER ). Just those restrictions alone are going to be insane
every Uber needs a lyft
Both gets filthy rich
Make Apps Better great again
Eid Mubarak guyz
So, when I move the solution explorer (or any other traditionally dockable) into it's own window, the window acts... Weird. Like, if the main VS window is on top, the dockable window is also on top. Is there a way to make it so that dockable windows are treated as regular windows?
I don't think so.
Even if they look like they're different in the start bar
Bummer. 'cause you know, it's not like windows desktop managers haven't been around since the beginning of time January 1st, 1970
I currently have a function that handles atomic additions of floats in a opencl kernel by using a union. How can I amend this to complex numbers?
is there an equivalent of u32 and f32 for complex numbers?
so i have a lucene index with documents... and let's say one of the fields in the documents is "Foo" and i find a document with "Bar", when i search in Luke, and i use the following search Foo:Bar, I get no results back. Any idea what would cause this?
Hey guys, I have a somewhat obscure question here I'm hoping someone can help me out.
I have a delegate, "delegate string MyDelegate(params string[] args);" I also have a collection where I'm storing metadata about invokers of that delegate, as well as a method reference which satisfies the delegate.
What I'm trying to do is use attributes to mark the methods in my code, and then at start-up analyze the codebase to find and store all the references based on those attributes. I have it all mostly working except for the runtime creation of the delegate which will be invoked at a later point.
When I try calling Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(MyDelegate), mymethodinfo), I get "method argument length mismatch" from the compiler
the method I'm referencing is static, so I'm wondering if it's trying to create a closed delegate, but I'm not sure how to make it open?
1 hour later…
@KendallFrey I will have to convert IEnumerable<Dictionary<string,string>> to IEnumerable<EntityObject> at some point. I'm thinking I can grab the values of Dictionary and map to the entities inside the EntitiyObject? Thanks for your help earlier again btw!
@KalaJ Yeah, sounds about like a .Select and an .Aggregate

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