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and thats why your presindent should have not meesed up the relation with usa
he didn't messed with him
the medias reporting wrong info
but the media need some kind of source material
it can corrupt it, yes, but need something to start with
yes but they reported the opposite
Why is the usa always worried about other countries not their own?
what happened in reallity?
they only report the killings
they didnt report the drug surenderees
Like in ph, obams wanted to go to "sort out stuff". But president of ph said obams is the son of a wh*re.
@shad0wk They need to inflate their "we are saving the world" ego
it counts up to 700 thousnad alread
@shad0wk if they will not take part on other countries, they might eventually fall
yeah, but the "son of a bitch part" is when he lost
i dont know if he literally said that
or was missreaded
@Aimnox but Obama didnt care about it anymore
because he knew that this was only a habit
now sure it dont
@Sherlock I guess their acting like the "big brother" that they are.
Yeah, if they protec all of us from.. all of us, we need them
@Aimnox It wasn't 'son of a bitch' it was 'some of a whore', lol.
and if we need them all praise the big usa
@shad0wk bitch!=whore?
They protect us all, oh, wait their the ones hurting us.
ask middle east lol
@shad0wk well it's partly because when they buy so much stuff from all over the world, they're funding the guys brutalising their own people
how gratefull they are
they acts like a peace maker but with hidden motives
So they are in a sense responsible
if you take a look on the map, our country is a strategic location
so in case of war to china or russia,
@Aimnox bitch == a female dog, whore == a prostitute. They are not synonyms.
we can deploy troops easily
yep, but no one think that son of a bitch means son of a dog
@shad0wk more allies = more power
in case of a WWIII spain will be kinda fucked
We are the eantry to the meditternean sea, and to europe
and we are part of NATO so no "we reamain inpartial"
spain was a powerful country before
great conqueror
Yeah sorry about that :3
@Aimnox when you call a person a bitch you are calling them a female dog. It's not really that bad if the other person knows what it means in the dictionary.
@Sherlock Yep.
@TomW are you from spain also?
And the propblen is that the rigth wing still thinks of the great spanish empire
when we are some poor bastards in the EU
is UK the home of vampires?
isn't that Transylvania?
@Sherlock Where the f*ck did you hear that from?
yeah what
@Squiggle Hooray! Someone knows.
any teen vampire movie/show xD
what if they are real
but maniacs coz they suck the neck
@shad0wk I had a goth phase, innit.
it will explain their queen longevity
*aimnox was banned*
@Aimnox naaah, the Queen is a werewolf
Our king was caught poaching elephants :/
* alien lizard
Well, not poaching, haunting
with one of that pay X milions to the license
@Aimnox he sohould run in wild while we are firing at him
but dude... you are representing a country
@Squiggle Oh, true.
@TomW no, definitely a werewolf.
@Sherlock No problem with that
poaching must be stopped
He was put in charge by Franco....
Queen of NZ and UK, is an old lady, that eats children's flesh, and drinks children's blood.
I've always been of the impression that the Spanish monarchy are like, much more down to earth than the rest. Go about in suits instead of robes, have actual jobs etc
There is a sentence in a spanish song that (paraphrased) sais something like "Our head of state is in charge with no one voting for hiim... Well, one did"
@TomW Not the principal ones, but the brothers, nephews, etc of the king yes
Our actual queen was a TV presenter
Until she and the princep fell in love
our Queen does a TV show as well, once per year
> is does
I think it's called "Queen's Peach" or something
squigl pls
hush you
No no, news reporter like
I cannot focus on work today :(
Well they have to marry in normal people every so often right, otherwise...icky things to do with bloodline
I'm the only one here in my office
UK's queen was in the army.
divorced too
@Squiggle hahahhahha
@shad0wk yeah, she's handy with a rifle for sure!
so there is some dude that can say the she fucked the queen
a lot of times
besides the king
It have to be a nice ice breaker on a party
@Squiggle yeah kinda weird UK Queen could kill ya.
She still likes to drive land rovers like it's an emergency, apparently
@shad0wk that's how she keeps Prince Philip in line
UK queen is also decendant of nazis and vampires.
enough with the goddamn vampires
@Squiggle Probbably.
nazis and vampires or nazi vampires?
@TomW She has draconeiam (somthing like that) blood, or count dracula blood.
Nah, the bloodlines parted ways before things got really Nazi. Was it her uncle who had to abdicate because he was a Nazi sympathiser?
@Aimnox nazi vamps.
and in spain aristocracy is fully alive
Also did you guys know that the illuminati Israel. Get it?
like we have Duchesses and so
With huge power
Like Duquesa de alba
Duchess of Alba
or in the long name
Doña María del Rosario Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart y de Silva, 18th Duchess of Alba de Tormes, Grandee of Spain
or in the longer name
María del Rosario Cayetana Paloma Alfonsa Victoria Eugenia Fernanda Teresa Francisca de Paula Lourdes Antonia Josefa Fausta Rita Castor Dorotea Santa Esperanza Fitz-James Stuart, Silva, Falcó y Gurtubay
illuminati Israel, no, okay.
No kidding
@Aimnox long.
with a net worth of 5 Billion
with a B
is she hot
well bye guys, i gotta go, better finish my work. bye cya.
she was born on 1926
good god
my eyes
ok about the vampires
By the way
that woman is a living meme
her property is 170 times the size of Monaco XD
She has more than 40 aristocratic titles
I would not bang for the wealth
hell no
the person with more titles on the earths
who is that girl
María del Rosario Cayetana Paloma Alfonsa Victoria Eugenia Fernanda Teresa Francisca de Paula Lourdes Antonia Josefa Fausta Rita Castor Dorotea Santa Esperanza Fitz-James Stuart, Silva, Falcó y Gurtubay
in the front page of an erotic paper
opened at work
i wont open that
not crazy nsfw, just her doing topless at the beach
what is her name again?
María del Rosario Cayetana Paloma Alfonsa Victoria Eugenia Fernanda Teresa Francisca de Paula Lourdes Antonia Josefa Fausta Rita Castor Dorotea Santa Esperanza Fitz-James Stuart, Silva, Falcó y Gurtubay
I saw porno a few minutes ago on a thumbnail on youtube.... When I was looking at some sportsman being interviewed due to not standing during US anthem.
She is young and good looking there
Literally dickeroni in pussyroni... On youtube.
there is even zoophilic material on youtube
she already died
now that is not a place I am looking at here.
two years ago, yes
who got z moneyz?
@JakobMillah Double negation, so you are looking at it
I am in shock still
this girl is sexy
are you familiar with dark web?
search her as Duquesa de alba
deep web?
never been there and not going
im quite curious also
but I didn't tried
you have to know what you are doing
its easy
and boring
else you are making those lists you don't want to be part of
not really
@Aimnox have you accessed it?
Depends on what you are doing there
yep, plenty of times some years ago
they said that there is a certain step on how to get there
because it was "cool"
There are software to download
then you see it's usefull if you want something ilegal, if not its boring
setup VPN etc and you are pretty safe
just instal tor
and that's it
really easy
But nothing happens if you just like... Look for litterature or whatever. But child porn and more illegal activities are not really recommended.
the hard part is getting where you want
and no one puts literature on deep web
its really slow
like 5 minutes to lead a page
a simple htm page
i've just what others have written regarding it
i have a song
but you are not going to be on any list
5 minutes to load a page? That doesn't sound too right, but what do I know
sam millah millah eh eh waka waka eh eh
you are trully anonimous there
this time for africa
you jump from computer to computer before reaching the server
but it's slow
samina samina eh eh waka waka eh eh, samina sakareba. This time for africa
so you are anonimous
Is shakira known outside spain? O.o
Not if they track the traffic to the first server
Rofl, she is a world celebrity
@Squiggle made my day :D
By the way
hte think is, to put it simple we have you (A), and intermediate (B) another intermediat (C) and the server (D)
@Aimnox yeah worldwide
A ask B to get to D, B Ask it to C and C finally to D
how old are you hguys
But D only knows C wants it
im 9
@Aimnox That doesn't make you safe at all
2 and a halfish
If adding a VPN before that though, sure. Pretty safe
@JakobMillah you mean that if I access the dark web im putting myself into trouble?
@Sherlock I can't say. I have only read about others experiences. But I mean. It's not like it's a high chance every information is logged
A accesses B at x time, then B again accessed C x+2 time
The think is more complicated, way more than I'm able to undestand
It's the onion protocol
Onion routing is a technique for anonymous communication over a computer network. In an onion network, messages are encapsulated in layers of encryption, analogous to layers of an onion. The encrypted data is transmitted through a series of network nodes called onion routers, each of which "peels" away a single layer, uncovering the data's next destination. When the final layer is decrypted, the message arrives at its destination. The sender remains anonymous because each intermediary knows only the location of the immediately preceding and following nodes. == Development and implementation... ==
but still it is unsafe
even hackers have been traked down
Anonymous communication, yes, but does it hide WHO is communicating?
If they are unable to locate (and close) the servers
they are not able to locate clients
Somewhere on the way, the computers gotta know who wants the information
People have deliberately added compromised nodes IIRC
@TomW yeah, I've seen reports of that. The CIA are certainly running compromised nodes.
but he doesnt know if it wants it for him or for another computer
have you heard this news?
2016 Bangladesh Bank heist
if they succeed they are totally rich
and anonymous (i cringe everytime i use that as if it was someone in particular)
have closed plenty of CP servers
but you will not be in danger for accessing it
$101 million withdrawn successfully by hackers
and target is 900 million plus
@Sherlock having known the sort of people who work in central banking, I'm not at all surprised that happened.
most likely it went like
@Squiggle why?
Erm...if it's known to be a hack
"Hii, this is Jeniffer from accountabilty, can you pls give me the codes for the accounts?"
and both ends of any banking transaction...are banks
@Sherlock In some countries, the central banks are run in much the same way as the rest of bureaucracy. Totally inefficient, totally insecure.
"deutche bank was suspicious and froze a transfer of 20 million dollaz because the transferers couldn't spell foundation, but instead wrote fundation"
Surely those banks are organised enough to be like...this is obviously a fraudulent activity, reverse it
but the money was distributed to foundations
nice hackers
@TomW some people who approve those sorts of transactions would have been elevated well above their competency.
Otherwise the implication is that some banks operating in a global banking system are so uncooperative that they won't even act to stop obvious financial crimes
the money belongs to the people
In which case...why are they allowed to be part of that system
no idea what foundations it was. Could be personal foundations, straight to my pocket
I get an email to approve this trade that looks like it came from a guy I trust. <clicks approve>
The waekest spot in security is always the human
What you mean? So clicking this link where Apple says that I have to change password isn't legit?
@Aimnox Most of the time. Some software does not even have security mechanisms in place.
You can encypt something with a 1024K key
but the human will still write the password on a post it
@Aimnox true
Or download the .zip from googledrive.sadfsdf.tv
It's like that because the individuals haven't got the appropriate training on how to act to these kind of phising/social engineering attacks.
@scheien yeah what I still don't grasp is, when a transaction is proven to be a mistake or fraudulent, why it isn't just undone
Also, what's your opinion on password requirements?
Yes human error or incompetence is one thing but correcting that mistake or bad behaviour should be trivial
@TomW true. I don't know how the inter banking systems work. Not sure if they can just "restore balance" on own accounts, but then be in debt to some X bank.
and forcing password changes every X time
2 step verification is the right way to go
@Aimnox it's a good solution for bad users. Any policy like that should explain why it's being done, though. Otherwise people just get angry.
@Aimnox Then you get the ever incrementing crappy passwords.
But here at work we have to change it every 3 months
@TomW due to the pride of certain organizations
what happen is people tent to use easy passwords
Making me change my password is a sure way of making sure I don't remember them
I just add a random char to my password.
Agreed. 2-step verification is the way forward, but difficult for businesses who manage their own domains.
and things like that
2-step is also vulnerable
its easy for software engineers like us
but hard for normal people
It's an illusion that a password that contains special characters, small and large letters, numbers and so on are more secure than those that dont contain them. It's the length that matters.
to social enginering
@Aimnox but more secure than the alternative, surely?
IMHO, personal certifiecates is the way to go
Until you lose it.
eye scanning for passwords like the one shown in sci fi movies
or some malware picks it up
have a small usb, or anything (Chip under skin :D) and have your certificate there
@Aimnox 666? scary
@Aimnox then someone makes a pretty slick NFC app, that scans and hijacks your certificate.
got an issue. We are handed over a database from our competitor after they lost a contract to us. After we received the database, we were supposed to recover the data from the database. One table consists of documents saved as blob (Data Type - Image T-SQL). I have tried every single method to reconstruct the data but the file is not opening up saying the file content can't be opened.
Any suggestions on what to do?
FYI: I have tried every possible (.NET built in Encoding) encoding as well but with no success
2-step is annoying when changing phones or even more, changing phone number
Im all up for incerting a chip in everyone when born
@Aimnox this is already predicted in the bible
@SomdipDey Maybe they corrupted it on purpouse?
guys, going to work a litle
will be back in some time
@SomdipDey Ask the competitor how to restore the data.
@Sherlock ?
@SomdipDey Encoding is for text so I'm not too surprised that doesn't work
isn't it for images to?
I had to google to T-SQL image type but it looks as though you can read bytes directly from it without any conversion
For video it is for sure, right?
@Aimnox er, not as far as I know
all the diferents codecs
System.Text.Encoding has nothing to do with codecs
are for video
@Aimnox I thought so and I gave my manager the same reason but he insisted that the database are not corrupted because of business ethical reasons.
@scheien The business competitors have denied all further responsibilities of our clients. and the worst part is our clients are asking us to recreate the files anyway
What a dilemma!
of that I am pretty sure
I see
@SomdipDey have you used the .net Image type at all? It doesn't seem to have a .FromBytes method but it does have .FromStream
@TomW whta kind of conversion do you have in mind?
i used the following to read our the blob:
SqlDataReader myReader = CMD.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess);
var blob = new Byte[(myReader.GetBytes(5, 0, null, 0, int.MaxValue))];
I'm asking whether you've tried any methods of feeding that byte array into System.Drawing.Image
to see what happens
It doesn't seem to have any way you're meant to tell it what image format an image represents so I assume it figures it out
.jpg, .png etc
the issue is that document table with datatype image does not just contain images (.jpg,.png,etc.) but also contains other file formats such as pdf, htm, msg, etc.
do you have any way of telling from the other fields on each row which type it's meant to be?
each record does come with the file name (with extension) so i am reconstructing the blob file using the full file name. but it cant be opened.
How are you reconstructing the file?
Just saving the bytes as a new file? Yeah I'm not surprised that doesn't work
example: one of the fileds (column) in the table is Document name such as Example.png and I am feeding the blob to file streamwith that name and constructing the file.
Code example:
using (fs = new FileStream("Example.png", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
fs.Write(FinalDataByte, 0, FinalDataByte.Length);
yep I would be amazed if that works
what would be the alternative?
What I'm suggesting and I don't know whether this will work, but it's worth a try, is using the Image class
something like Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(bytes));
Then that instance has a Save method which I assume creates an image file the way it's meant to be structured. I don't know exactly but I'd assume that image files are meant to have metadata and so on in them, so just taking the bytes of the image itself and saving them is not correct
i will try this one right now and give you guys the feedback. thank you @TomW
good luck
i need that a lot @TomW
Hello, Is there a way to approve Windows service to run in another session than session 0?
Or to bypass session 0?

I want this to execute commands from the User32.dll.
You can specify which credentials the service runs under.
Not English, DansGame
@TomW I tried the following:
Image img = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(blob));


System.Drawing.ImageConverter converter = new System.Drawing.ImageConverter();
Image img = (Image)converter.ConvertFrom(blob);
img.Save(FName, ImageFormat.Jpeg);

but exception is trown while processing the image saying, "Parameter not valid"
Hm, then I have no idea, sorry. I guess you'll have to report back that whatever the author of this code did, you can't retrieve the data without knowing what they did
Thank you @TomW for the suggestions. :)
@SomdipDey do you only have the database and not the code that wrote that data?
@TomW yeah. that is why all this mayhem in my programming life :D
we ded?
perhaps a 3rd party library like ImageProcessor would have better luck loading it?
For all you know they encrypted it
Especially if that column also contains documents
You could try to get the source code / information about how they stored the image/documents, and then try to reverse engineer it. Doing it blindly will just take enormous amount of effort, and it might even be encrypted as @TomW said, or obfuscated in some way.
might be able to help if we had an example blob to test against
unless it's sensitive data
I expect you can apply some measure against a blob to determine whether it's likely to be ciphertext
if it is, game over

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