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@RoelvanUden: Installed it earlier for that same package, should have think about it
@Nerdintraining Yes, I meant something like that.
i need to access my IIS and add new app
but idk where IIS went from my taskbar
@JakobMillah hey, jakob

SHIIIIEEEET blulbulbulbu
inetmgr why u no work !
w10 btw.
Can anyone answer my question? Can Sales bounded context Implement its own StockItemsDao where StockItems are part of Warehouse bounded context?
it will just get stock item info but will not persist them
@Froxer winkey + r -> inetmgr
i did
but it darooded on me
Windows cannot find 'inetmgr'. Make sure you copy pastad well and try again.
Well, maybe you uninstalled IIS.
I want to access my IIS Manager to be more specific.
By F5 I can access my IIS Express.
(Of a WCF app).
(Through VS)
run inetmgr, if you can't find it, IIS is probably not installed on your computer.
add it via windows features
IIS Express is a different beast. It doesn't come with INetMgr.
hold on im retardoo
im trying to do something locally that i need to do on a prod server.
thx guys.
@RoelvanUden: No sell, the namespace is not found, and a assembly is declared missing
So I'm looking through error logs and i see stuff like domain.com/a/b/ and it's a bad request... or a null reference error... because it's supposed to be something like domain.com/a/b?someParameter=someValue
i'm guessing this is a crawler of some sort, or someone trying to brute force some information.
is there a term for this and a way to prevent it?
First off, check your parameters instead of throwing NullReferenceExceptions.
Chances are checking for param existence and returning early is less CPU/RAM intensive on your server.
And if a passing crawler can stress your server merely by passing along bad params, imagine a DDOS attack.
it's not stressing the server... it's stressing me
Public facing servers are just that, public facing. There will be junk.
if i go to the exact same url, i get no error or anything, it's failing gracefully. but it bugs me that these are popping up in new relic
im gonna get fat.
that's awesome!
not you @Froxer... @AvnerShahar-Kashtan 's link
i dont want to get fat. :P
No, my meta is still stronk
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan We experience a lot of noise from both search engine crawlers (which you can tell to not crawl if you update your robots.txt), and a range of different stand alone hosts which tries multiple attack vectors like input and header injections. The latter ones are probably part of a botnet, or just infected with malware or something something.
However, bad search engine crawlers ignore the robots file.
Hello, how to make code json super pure? without nuget and package. Motive need compile just one DLL. Cause package to 2 is bad. Please help me and impossible?
@KingRider you'd have to write your own json serialiser for that and compile it with whatever uses it
you'd still have dependencies on a load of .Net though so I doubt any code is just 1 assembly these days
best thing you could do is use the Newtonsoft library for that
it's pretty lightweight and does the job well
it's also dead easy to use
@War i know Newtonsoft, am unhappy! i need pure really. =( ... how its Newtonsoft to create tools? i try decompile newtonsoft, is what secret.
i wanna see a code json real (pure)
no such thing today ... and I aint going to help you rip off someone elses library
What are you trying to say?
You want to write your own JSON serializer?
If I had a data context, would it be better to have a class that simply opens the database connection and for the life of the class it remains open, or simply use the using and ensure each scope closes, then for the dispose implementation just validate the connection state and dump it?
does everyone here basically use remote debugging with vs to debug remote server web apps hosted in iis?
What? Remote debugging? I develop and debug on production servers.
@Michael nope hardly ever
@KendallFrey so, too serializer and what code secret? no package too, why exist much extension json? no only newtonsoft and twenty more.
I can't understand you
I only speak English
@War what do you do then?
@Michael I log out key information, read the logs and run the code locally to debug the problem
I used to remotely debug servers then realised it was a painful headache so worked out ways I don't have to
where would you log it to?
@RoelvanUden LMAO
@KendallFrey sry.. bad fast!
@Michael anywhere, it doesn't matter ... I set that up in config, depends what it is I need to get (information wise) ... what tends to generally work is a rolling log file though
@KendallFrey: My best guess is "No, too many serializer and the source is alwys secret. No package either, why is there a a JSON extension? Not only newtonsoft and twenty other", but that is still garbage
yes thanks @DrakaSAN .. sry bad english
interesting, I'll have to look into that. Remote debugging seems like it would be great, but i couldnt get it to work for some reason. Followed all instructions but VS couldnt find my remote server, so i've given up for now.
@KingRider: That is still not correct english, and may not even mean what you were trying to say
@KingRider: You want a open source JSON serializer? Or want to make another JSON serializer?
i see.. w8 and i try translate
How to code json without package and without NuGet! Serializer also must work if web api to result with "Console.WriteLine" is impossible?
good or bad? english...
better but still bad
i need source newtonsoft and serializer ... (sample)
Just use Newtonsoft
i know! problem plugin from "Microsfot Dynamic CRM" is not work 2 DLL and just one.
u make compile code to one dll and pacote newtonsoft for 2. its problem.
plugin crm just one dll
who know make 2 dll to 1 dll
all impossible
I think you're trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist
@KingRider ILMerge
How does something not work with 2 DLLs?
solutions already exist
i see about ILMerge is interessant. i go try!
@TomW Thanks
@KendallFrey you know ms dynamic crm? sdk plugin
2 dll not work and only one!
@KendallFrey ok
Everything I've ever done with .NET can do dynamic linking just fine
why, plugin exist one option upload to crm.
not have multiple
I have branches of a project in TFS. There are specific changesets I want to merge from one branch to another. Someone called it "cherry picking" but I'm confused on how to do it.
This is in VS2010
@KendallFrey Look my tools prntscr.com/chjmhu
Tools Name is "Plug-in Registration Tool"
The pages I google tell me to put commands into the command line, but I keep getting 'Command "tf" is not valid'
i think tf is not defined, show code.
@Hypersapien You might need to use the Visual Studio command prompt. Either that or you need to install TFS command-line tools.
I am putting this in the standard VS command window. Is there a TFS command window?
This is for VS2010
Looks like it's installed by default but not in your PATH
You can either run it from its directory, or add it to your PATH
dynamic linkin
what are thooose
I figured out how to do it through the standard windows command prompt, but I can't get it to recognize any branch names
o hey thur
Question... since stringbuilder can do updating of chars in place vs string which makes new copies, why wouldn't people always use string builder?
guess this answers it
Q: String vs. StringBuilder

KuvoI understand the difference between String and StringBuilder (StringBuilder being mutable) but is there a large performance difference between the two? The program I’m working on has a lot of case driven string appends (500+). Is using StringBuilder a better choice?

@Nathvi Because a StringBuilder by default will have a higher memory size limit. So unless the String is large enough, there isn't a point.
@Greg, and also stringbuilder doesn't create new objects when appending
@TomW i try ilmerge 2 dll to 1 dll is not work lol =( ... prntscr.com/chk3gl .. thanks a challenge
@Nathvi Yeah, true. But doesn't matter if the memory consumption can't come near the default StringBuilder size.
@KingRider well ok, what do you want me to do about it?
@TravisJ Is the defect you were speaking about the window.opener defect?
What if I don't want people mutating the strings I give them? You know what people do. Always mutating strings all the time.
2 hours later…
@Greg - yes
@TravisJ Pretty gnarly.
In TFS, is there a way to create a version of a project that is branched directly off of the main branch, but is a clone of one of the children of the main branch? Basically cloning a sibling of a branch instead of a child.
@Hypersapien What are siblings and children?
Protip: Kendalls reproduce by binary fission
They know not of our fornicatory ways
If you look at the branch hierarchy, you can see how the different versions are connected together
@Greg - Yeah, I was kinda shocked.
@TravisJ So trivial, but easily implemented.
I have changesets that were accidentally put into the main branch instead of the development branch. I'm trying to figure out how to get them into the development branch without getting all the other changesets from the main branch.
I'd like to try to put them into a copy of the dev branch to make sure they're correct before merging them into the actual dev branch.
anyone know how to fix formatting on VS so it doesn't do this crap:
oh FFS
how the hell do you format code here?
thank you
so the braces are being indented, anyone know what setting controls that behavior?
It's probably Options -> Language -> Formatting but I'm not positive
@mikeTheLiar yeah that's where Indent open/close braces option is but its turned off...sometimes VS can be a POS
fixed it: uncheck indent case contents
Hello! In some documentation for name(identifier) of class is complete Class Name, but ClassName is the name of the class. So, is this correct?
Space doesn't compile.
Yes I know that :) but is about a text documentation about this function. Is correctly to talk about some class in this manner?
@TravisJ that is a good statement
Hi, friends. I need help with System.Net.FtpClient: stackoverflow.com/questions/39477257/…
shrug, +1 though, at least it is well formed
I think I am about to realize putting in a Thread.Sleep(3000); makes the uploads work most of the time.
Just found this and tried it stackoverflow.com/questions/35558561/…
Putting a thread to sleep, is usually not the answer.
Indeed, not the best way, but the way that's working today.
hi guys, im trying to introduce local db to my project
what kind of tool shall I have?
Entity framework is an easy tool to get started with making the connection from code to database.
It really depends on what type your project is.
Beyond that we would need a lot more information to even make a suggestion.
it has to be simple database, 3 tables
getting data at the beggining of life-cycle
and sending feedback at the end of life
SQL Lite?
@mikeTheLiar - SQL Sprite? It stores all of your db in an image created by hashing the content into hex.
@TravisJ Is SQL Pespi okay?
anyway has anyone been bothered with 'Antimalware Service Executable' ?
cause it drives me mad
@mikeTheLiar - It is fairly popular right now. SQL Coke used to run a lot faster before they removed the optimizations.
@Dartek12 - No? Where is it coming from?
from Windows10 anniversary actualization
part of Windows Defender
taking 100% your CPU usage
really annoying
Strange. Remove ms edge, remove ms ie, remove antimalware. #win
once my ie and edge stuck there appeared a problem with logging to vs
I was actually kidding. I didn't think anyone was using edge or ie.
You should avoid them like the plague.
once I was forced to use edge
It wasn't such a bad one
Sounds like Stockholm Syndrome to me.
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 22:00

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