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bq guys
They just forget about all the bullshit
nice hardware, low price
not curve screen, no fingerprint reader, no apple
but do you really need those and double or triple the price?
The price makes it for me. Gotta pay the price
It gotta mean something right? That it's the best product available
I dont remember the name now
I'm pushing for using .net on my company for our file parsing software, while some people are pushing for php. I think the main reason we should use .net is interoperability. .net code can run anywhere (Clients, servers, employees machines, inhouse software) and can be used in PHP code via COM if needed. While if we write our code in php. We are limited to our server.
Additionally the tooling is far superior (Unit testing, package management, IDE)
Any ideas on how to convince my team?
but tere is that brand that phones are like 3/5K
@TomasZubiri not being a cancerous piece of shit is a great advantage of .NET
seriously if you can't convince people by presenting them a fractal of bad design you're gonna have a bad time
Personally I love that argument, but I'm not sure it's very diplomatic.
Holy crap
I just got an InvalidProgramException
Holy holy crap
> JIT compiler encountered an internal limitation
anything with hilarious in capital letters on its title is anything but hilarious
That was pretty funny though xD
And anyone commenting with "xD" makes it even more fun!
lmao xddddddddd rofl
I think I'm just gonna go with "It's not web programming, let's not use php."
@KendallFrey you're ready to fly on your own now
The annoying this is, it's consistent
And it happens when I open the menu in our app
so I'm basically fucked
can't trace the debugger down?
next step is log files
2 days
I have short-timer-itize
Hi everyone. Could someone help me understand the following ...
GenerateTwoFactorTokenAsync(TKey userId, string twoFactorProvider);
What is TKey userId?
This is a method in the UserManager class of ASP.NET Identity
I thought I could call it as such ...
var token = AppUserManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(userId);
but I get an exception ..

I am trying to create a Refresh Token using ASP.NET Identity v2.2.1. I am using the following call.

string userId = "sdfkhsfdoiuwehdfsdfsflhwekhsfhsdfi"; // Id in the table
string refreshToken = AppUserManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(userId);
However, an exception is thrown saying

System.ArgumentNullException : Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: request
That exception doesn't appear to be related to anything you've mentioned
For this call ... GenerateTwoFactorTokenAsync(TKey userId, string twoFactorProvider);
What is Tkey?
1/2 way down the page
search for GenerateTwoFactorTokenAsync
@webworm userId
Or do you mean what type is it?
It appears to be a generic type parameter
Is that a Generic method?
It looks to me like the method takes two parameters but when I have seen examples od its usage only one parameter is paeded, the UserId
is the other parameter optional?
@roscoe_casita Thanks! will tKE A LOOK
@webworm hope it helps, you're in unknown territory for me
@roscoe_casita -- Same here :) Thanks again
any idea how I can get the int index value of a FirstOrDefault in Linq?
I know I can get the first instance matching a string like this
var firstInstanceOfAppIndex = escHistory.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Application.Contains("Yop"));
but not sure how to grab the index of that record returned
He will be speaking this afternoon on "Contextual Symmetries in Probabilistic Graphical Models," which is about exploiting symmetries in model structure to do probabilistic inference more efficiently. If this sounds interesting, please come -- the talk is open to all!
who he?
@BrianJ I don't know that you can, thats an interesting problem
@Squiggle a phd student giving a speech today ~ ^ This is why I am going back to school.
@BrianJ what is the index of the default value?
@BrianJ you could implement your own little extension method that combines FirstOrDefault with IndexOf...?
IEnumerable doesn't implement IndexOf
^ yeah that's a problem. You can't treat IEnumerable like an array in this context.
anyhow. Time for a swim. ttfn.
@roscoe_casita the default index should be 0?
@Squiggle yeah I'd try that too if I knew how
@BrianJ why would the index at 0 be the default value?
the start of the List<T>
say I have a string, "HelloWorld".FirstOrDefault( x => false;)
what is the default value of char? 0
oh right..not sure
the default value of char, 0x00, is not contained in the IEnumerable collection, thus it doesn't have an index in the source
so its kind of mixing concepts
it can change as I will be looking for a different string on each iteration
IEnumerable is not IIndexable if you will
also, IEnumerable makes no guarantees about exclusivity in the collection.
in the string "Hello World", what is the index of 'l'
its actually a set of indexes {2,3,9}
because 'l' is repeated multiple times
so you need the index because? removal?
]yes removal
removing all instances after that index matching a criteria
do you have repeats in the collection ^^
Linq is not great for modification
then you will need to iterate from 0 to N
Just use a loop is my recommendation
first iterate / loop / and collect the items to remove, then remove ~ if you don't want to restart the loop.
I'm really confused right now. I am trying to configure routing with both Conventional & Attribute based.

If I just use the default Conventional route included with MVC everything works. but if I add this Route attribute, I get a 404.

Here is the URL for the GET request: http://localhost:52386/Home/SimpleSearch?searchTerms=test&dateRange=0

Here is my RouteAttribute

I don't see what is wrong with this RouteAttribute, but even if something is wrong with it, why doesnt it fall back onto the default Conventional
yes I have duplicates in the list, so I need to remove any after the first occurrence matching that app name that were created on the same day and have the same status type @roscoe_casita
I may be approaching this wrong
what do you do if in iis you cannot recycle an app pool
no matter what i try
is it easy enough to recreate an appPool?
@JoJo yes, and why cant you recycle it?
when i try to stop it, it says the service has not been started
the recycle error is more cryptic
the object identifier does not represent a valid object
this is a sub app
I'm not sure. If you can restart the whole server, that would be something good to try. if not, its super easy to create an app pool.
ugh.. i hate server main.
ok, server restart is q step short of server failure only :)
i will try a new app pool
Erm... Stuck again with the same problem.
Can someone help me?
what is problem?
Super random dynamic question... is it possible to cast/convert a dynamic to a base class or interface?
No idea, I don't know C#:P
public bool Something(dynamic model)
var temp = model as ISomeInterface;
@BrianJ just iterate over the list, and save all the indexes you need to eliminate.
@AlexH No... C# will get really confused to that
If you have a Dynamic object, then you know the properties of it that you want, so cpy those over to the new object
but... let's try it out
@RyanTernier I have a dynamic param in an MVC controller, as the same controller method can be hit by a number of different forms (there's a good reason for this)
ok thanks.. I guess the problem is elsewhere then
You'll see in this version above that it won't work if the dynamic has a method/property that the new type doesn't have
I guess in MVC the dynamic param in a controller method is handled a bit differently?
dotnetfiddle.net/F1N64w - Cleaned up version
hrm, not sure.
it's frustrating - safe casts seem to work if you know the right thing to cast to, casting to a base object does not.
Do you know what is really frustrating? Not having coffee in the coffee machine, and instead you get a cup full of coffee grounds
hey guys, does anyone know how to declare a size? i tried Size y = (50,50); but that doesnt work
Run-time exception (line 27): 'Program.foo' does not contain a definition for 'wtf'
@RachelDockter read the documentation?
i looked on the msdn page and it says it contains width a height properties, if i try y.width = 50; that doesnt work either
Size y = new Size(50,50);
am i rite
first time I ever seen a girl willingly say size 50...
i dont get it lol
How do I make TFS get a previous version of a file which was since deleted?
When I do Get Specific Version it doesn't restore deleted files
Oh, I need to undo the pending change
TFS is total and utter fucking bullshit on a cream cracker
deleted on tfs or locally
@juanvan both
Look at the branch history
You should see checkins to the branch, and then see the one with the delete. Find the previous one with the file edits. You should be able to search via filename
Otherwise, get some rum, coke, ice cream, a possum and a shopping cart and have some fun.
@RyanTernier Interesting combination.
Let's play what survives the shopping cart ride.
@RyanTernier No, I know what changeset I want, I just wanted to test an older version of the code. Problem was that TFS doesn't update files that don't exist when you do a Get
Guys, on Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2015. If I build the project as Release, it builds and runs fine. And if I navigate to the directory and execute the .exe file from the project directory, it runs fine. However, if I copy paste the whole directory Release, and transfer it to another machine, and try to execute, it does not run: Pops an error about not finding some DLLs. What could be the issue if it runs on my machine but not on any other?
@FirstStep Might you be running it with the current directory set to something other than the application directory?
what about .net framework version at target machine?
does it have same or higher version than source?
@FirstStep There could be files in the GAC, does the other system have all necessary 3rd party apps installed, does it have the right .NET Framework installed
It says file not found, yet you have the assembly. I'd go for a missing dependency.
as others already mentioned
@Teomanshipahi I am not sure. Should I install whatever version I have? And how can I include that with my Release so I don't need to do that for each target machine?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ Which I thought it is the case
@FirstStep You can't just copy-paste .NET to a machine. You need an installer if you're depending on a version which isn't guaranteed to exist.
@RyanTernier I am using opencv, emgucv, devexpress, and yes a lot more. But all are being included on each build
@KendallFrey Unless you compile to .net native, which in turn pulls in the necessary libraries.
@KendallFrey For most small projects you can literally zip up the bin folder and it should work
What's .NET native? I've never heard of that.
the problem comes in if the computer you're running it on doesn't have the necessary frameworks installed
@RyanTernier ...That's what I was talking about -_-
@KendallFrey Eariler, a customer asked for formatting his machine, I did, and copy pasted the Release -> worked fine. It is an old project and been a while, I might be missing something. I don't know from where to start though
@KendallFrey successor of ngen
So I start by installing .Net framework?
I will do that manually first and test
Thanks !
So .Net Framework was installed: Did not allow me to install again
and I reinstalled redistributable 2013 package (repair because also was installed)
Restarted the whole machine
Same error
What should I do next? @scheien @KendallFrey @RyanTernier
17 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
@FirstStep Might you be running it with the current directory set to something other than the application directory?
What does it mean? @KendallFrey How can I check that
Do you know what the current directory means?
well, if I know, I know that you mean bin -> Release
The technical term "current directory"
Okay let me look it up
It refers to a directory that a program is conceptually "running in"
How did you start the program when the error occurred?
Was it with a command prompt?
I copied my Release folder from bin (project directoy - the directory where I save the whole project)
Then I paste it on the desktop of the target machine. I open the folder and double click the .exe file
No, not from the command prompt
right click and run as admin (throwing ideas)
Then the current directory should be what you expect
Did you make use an installer? ClickOnce or other
@juanvan No, the whole folder as is,
and it runs ok On your pc from Release?
The Dll need to be registered with the GAC?
it seems like your problem is not ezmetrodoloyg or whatever
If I build from within VS, it builds, if I run from within VS, it runs, if I got to the directory then bin -> Release and double click -> it runs. But it does not run on any other machine
@juanvan what is GAC?
Because they don't have VS installed, or your dev tools
it cannot load dependency of WPF
ya because it know nothing about them
a dll on a machine does not mean the machine knows how to use it
or what it's used for
What is my next step?
I was under the assumption that everything is being linked (created) when I buid
Create a ClickOnce installer, it will register whats needed(or should)
then I transfer the folder, and should work fine (it is what I used to do) until today
Well then you point them to a folder where the installer will be 'Home'
then give users that 'Home' link or path
"I point them" them who? @juanvan
they install - it can check back home for updates as needed when you do a release (have to set that up in the project properties)
umm network path?
or url?
is not that a long way to do? Maybe I should check something in configure manager or project properties first?
Umm Magic the Gathering uses Clickonce Dell did too
think Dell still does, have not installed a software package for them in a few months
I am saying this because it used to work
This use to work on this other person's machine
he reported a bug (he always does - validation team)
I fixed it, and sent him a new "Release" which is the folder
usually what we do when there is a bug
today, he said he can't execute it
so I am debugging it, I see that it is not working on any other machine except mine
each time I build, it just works on mine
is this a WPF application?
^ yes
Check the link I sent you.
You have some other computer that never ran it to test this code on?
I am on it @Teomanshipahi actually -> looking at the windows installer thing
@juanvan let me check
ya find it strange to have the Exe run from the Release, I guess you could
@juanvan Is it strange? I thought it is how it actually works with everyone (beside a setup installer thing)
It does and it don't - and that is what we think is missing the DLL would register with the GAC on install
@FirstStep did you update or change any references?
@juanvan I might have done actually, when debugging (because tried to add the dlls again) - At some point I started to get the same error, and then I fixed it by just adding the opencv dlls by copy paste to the Release = Fixed on my machine but still not others (even if I copy paste the opencv dlls in their folder)
Trying to build an installer now using Inno Setup (a work colleague used to use it)
Check the Build process, see if there is anything in there that might point you to that dll being registered.
@juanvan like .. read the output of Visual studio you mean?
I should check what @Teomanshipahi pointed me to, it might be the best way
I think it is the case
Could be the problem, the version is off
what version? I meant that it could be the case the the dlls exist correct, but the app is trying to load them from somewhere else @juanvan
Simple but interesting question: stackoverflow.com/q/39398364
If you're using Enitity Framework 6 tables in Local mode and you do an .Add(), does the local entity object you added get its IDENTITY column set or does that happen only after you do a db.SaveChanges()?
@Teomanshipahi so I read the whole thing. It speaks about the ways and technologies. Should I expect some instructions or like a wizard to follow and "Prepare the deployment"?
How do I get the value of a selected item in a drop down in MVC?

In my controller:
    o.pizzaSizes = new List<SelectListItem>();
                foreach(PizzaSize ps in PizzaDatabase.Instance.PizzaSizes)
                    o.pizzaSizes.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = ps.Size, Value = ps.id.ToString() });

and then in view:

Then back in my controller for the httppost, how do I get the selected item's value? order.pizzaSizes has no ".selected" value Like i thought a type "List<SelectListItem>" might've had. Anyone?
That'll be a ton of changes at this point (Because I have a lot of other code I'd have to change completely). I already have a drop down list that displays the value and text of each item in a list. I can select the item. All I want is to be able to get the value of the selected item when it's posted back.
Think Alex has the right link, you want to grab that value but it does not have a proper forum name
At this point it should have a selected value that's of type string (converted from an int). When it's submitted, I want the value again of which ever was selected. How Do I get that?
@Teomanshipahi We did build an installer. It completes and shows that it included Everything: i.sstatic.net/6ql3z.png, yet the installer pops the same error on any machine
you are publishing pdb
those are the debug hooks
@juanvan okay I have no idea what that means lol What does it mean? I think I added them today to the project.. when I was debugging the app. I added everything as RightClick -> Add -> Reference
They are created when the do the debug session
So it is not related to the original problem, the problem was their before even I added them..
no but it is bad to have them out in the wild
poor pdbs .. do I just delete from the folder?
Should I remove them from references?
Hu if you run it from the release it make the pdbs in the release folder
well they should not be shipped all over
I think this is the problem i.sstatic.net/YqS2r.png
the files exists physically
but I am not able to reference them to my project
(I removed all references + dlls and added them in portions) - The open cvs were not within References
but they were actually there
I don;t know I am confused, but if I physically remove them from the Release Folder, I get the exact error like the target machines
@juanvan what do you think
? you get the same error if you launch the program exe outside the release folder?
on your machine?
The joys of looking at a VERY non-normalized DB (ie one table has 120 columns that repeat based on a subject - ManFirstName, WomanFirstName, KidFirstName, SpouseFirstName, ManLastName, WomanLastName...... yea) and then trying to add more complexity to it
@RyanTernier I am not into db but, what is the best solution for that? To have ManFullName, WomanFullName, KidsFullNamee etc?
better then the orders table that holds the line items and the totals
@juanvan what do you mean? take copy of the exe and paste it outside?
if you take the exe out of the release folder on your machine it does not run?
@juanvan cut paste or copy paste?
copy paste
I get the error
well different error
ya same error so it is calling that dll in the release folder
same error but different dll no?
ya one is Can't find the DLL the other is can't find the ref to the dll that is in the app.config(?) I could be wrong on that just that it says the version and the culture
I see
no now what to do :(
f* it
well take 15 and come back to it
or 2hrs
I leave in 15 min
it is good to leave it a little bit
I go
Thanks @juanvan \o
o/ @FirstStep
@FirstStep i'd split them out into multiple tables
are they in a family table or something?
It's a table called KnowYourCustomer.
So it has Customer, Spouse, Kid1-5, etc. all in one table and about 15 fields for each person
it should have been KnowYourCustomer and then a "persON' table that links to the KYC Table
The reason they most likely did this is they used NHibernate (Code first) to do it all so they didn't care how the data looked, only the code
Can someone give me a very simple example on UWP SemanticZoom? Every example I find is full of styling stuff or overly complicated things that makes it hard for me to understand the core things.
Hello everyone, sorry to interrupt your discussions but I would use some guidance with finding articles about "designing my own hierarchical gui library". What I have in mind is that I can put controls inside other controls and the drawing order would be preserved (see eg. "XAML" but much, much simpler and without markup language). I managed to create something like that already but many with many flaws I would like to address and dont really have clue where to start.
Pharses like "hierarchical guis" in google redirect me to designing the web gui (or similar) but what i want is like.. creating my own GUI library for personal use (simple one ofcourse). I would use it with XNA mainly.
@RyanTernier - Strange. I wonder why they didn't just make a table for each customer at that point, naturally with a built in guid suffix for name collisions.
@TravisJ No idea. I have a lot of forms that I need to parse and have info like this. I'm just saving the form data to XML and then populating a single column in the DB. Becuase I'll NEVER need to query this data, only present it on the web, this is the best way :)
Guys, i really wants advice from you guys experience. Is spending a lot of time studying algorithm worth it after few years of work experience? Or is it better to study framework, c#, participating projects?

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