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windows defender + common sense
that does not block ad problems
add an ad blocker, doing better but news sites still have bad links, or annoying popups.
@War I work with sales people and lawyers. The lawyers get calls about microsoft has detected a virus on their computer and they go along with it
@RyanTernier forget trying to run a network ... tell them that paper is the way of the future
our support lead just said "can you just print out the network settings for me and drop that at my desk?"
i. cant. even.
@CharlieBrown My dad will get his secratery to print off his text messages.
@RyanTernier I do WHCK/WHLK Certification for our company... I got a call at home from 'microsoft'. I asked how our submission package was doing, they hung up.
@CharlieBrown open notepad write "Managed by Domain Controller", > file > print
I have a very unhappy build right now :(
got left the short straw of tidying up the TFS repo
@War who did you make mad?
deleted loads of folders, moved a few, renamed a few ... now builds are failing all over the place ... great job War ... for 6:30pm
@roscoe_casita it was my own fault ... apparently i'm surrounded by idiots that can't check stuff in to the right places
@War me thinks you did make the internet gods angry.
have you sacrificed a hard drive lately?
or formatted a virus infected computer?
I need to shout at a cloud more me thinks
these things will bring the karma back inline.
check in > gated build kicks off > tf get workspace > BANG!
omfg microsoft
tfs workspaces, same horrible idea that eclipse uses for java
me ...
wtf > get latest > check in > WORK GOD DAMMIT!!
unshelving deletes fails
who thought that was a good idea
you've anger the internet plummer gods
their wrath shall be known in your buildprocess
the linker shall now fail.
time to gandalf this shit !
Play hide the salami with frodo?
get all "you shall not pass" on build demons!
in other words ... be a stubborn git and admin permission my arrogance all over the cloud again
reuslting in another email to Microsoft no doubt
Q: Amazon S3 : List Objects

SherlockI have this code to list objects in the folder. var accessKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AWSAccessKey"]; var secretKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AWSSecretKey"]; using (AmazonS3Client s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(accessKey, secretKey, RegionEndpoint.US...

your debug build will work... while release will fail with non-deterministic errors!
'really need a help
stuck in three hours now
clouds are not my friend this week @Sherlock
@War its OK
ListObjectsResponse response = s3Client.ListObjects(request);
Remember: "the cloud" just means "someone else's computer."
someone elses data center
this is amazon
upload file
yeah ... bitch slapped that build agent and TFS
do my bidding bitches!!!
@War runtime errors will remain undetected
@roscoe_casita got tests for that
build process is quite extensive
testing is never complete. it just stops.
let me motivate you with this story about how everything and everyone you know will some day die.
I am the cheerful rain cloud today, shesh.
get branch > restore packages > build code > deploy to dev server > execute unit tests > execute end to end tests > mark build complete > pray I covered enough of the code that noting massive is still borked
I also gave Micorsoft my deployment code as they said I was doing stuff they were hoping to do "one day"
I'm currently working out the release management side of things so I can 1 click migrate stuff from dev > test > staging > prod ...
one click per environment migration of course not one click for the whole lot
in between theres a ton of manual testing that goes on
Testing is a life jacket. It's always good to have, and usually wearing one isn't going to do anything because most of the time you're safe... in fact wearing one is sometimes a pain in the butt.... but when shit happens you're glad you have that damn thing on
@RyanTernier that is like log files. building logging into you entire system seems like such a massive wasted effort... until you trace down the non-deterministic error on the production systems because logging caught the thread thrashing sequence in just the right order that it exercised the error.
Especially when you are trying to debug Windows Services...
Is there any good documentation to doing your own OAuth Server?
With walk through?
@Greg nothing comprehensive, but I've tinkered with this briefly: github.com/aspnet-contrib/AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server
I'll take a look.
I really, really want to get good with OAuth / Identity.
Not surface level knowledge.
same, I always feel like I spend a lot of time on it whenever I need to add something to it
@Wurd or when all connections are behind multiple levels of firewalls... and you will never actually touch the production system you software is running on, then ALL your have is your precious log files.
well, at least the new dev box runs faster =/
this is still going to take days to come back up online.
@CuddleBunny Yeah, it is really in depth but the documentation is shitty.
@CuddleBunny They basically go, "Idiot, just use our prebuilt implementation all changes are at your own risk."
@Greg pretty much
I hate that middleware stuff
Middleware is love, middleware is life
does anyone know how an app like MS Visio is architected?
love the middleware, hate the bottomware
it's amazing when it works, but getting there is such a bumpy and documentation free ride
@erotavlas like what is it made in?
@CuddleBunny no more curious about the organization of code - like what the data layer (model) might look like and how they handle so many different objects that can be placed on the canvas
@erotavlas there aren't too many architecture details available for the stuff in the office family afaik. I know they're made using a custom UI foundation and C++ and not WPF/MFC
the performance probably is a direct result of everything being so low-level
I imagine the code itself is scary and wouldn't feel very organized to anyone who hasn't worked on it for ages
do you think they use anything like mvc or mvvm patterns in it?
@erotavlas it is possible that there are some vaguely MV*-ish concepts in use, perhaps moreso in the newer features. But I doubt it is all-in
@erotavlas - Definitely not the mvc pattern, that is mostly used in web. Perhaps mvvm.
MVC is mostly used as a result of being stateless, whereas with a desktop application you have state being retained.
@TravisJ What did you invite me to the other day?
you can make a similar ui in javascript or wpf, or anything really
to get the performance you have to use a lot of symbol making, reusing objects in creative ways
very similar to making a text editor in some ways
why did browsers stop supporting silverlight (npapi? or whatever I can't remember)?
@Greg - Nothing. Can you show me where the invite showed up?
@Mozzie - Because it was terribru.
solid answer thanks.
Forced download, failed sandbox, no unique features, slow, worse than a java applet.
does powershell capable to load and execute any .net dll?
Soo creating .mdf files simply by right clicking and adding items in VS isnt a thing in MVC eh?
@Teomanshipahi - I don't see why not.
Or you know, it could be because I've updated to .NET Core 1 and havent checked my nuget packages, but still unsure
@Xariez - That should be a vs tool, not related to mvc. It should be possible.
I just realised that I have probably lost all those kinda things when i updated to .net core 1
So that could simply be it
@TravisJ could not find definitive answer and looks like you can pretty much reference any dll. Then it is great :)
@Teomanshipahi - Powershell has power right in the name, so.. yeah. But really, it should play nicely with an c related language.
@TravisJ Xbox, some Rocket League or something.
hey do you guys know electron, the thing that turns web application into desktop app?
electron has a soul
is it bad that my application is targeting .NET 4.6.1?
apparently visual studio code was made using this tool - anyway my question is how do they get the full desktop functionality in it including the file access on local disk? is that a feature of electron?
sorry visual studio code is a web application packaged by electron to run on desktop
nevermind, I think it has its own modules for giving the app certain desktop features "Electron native modules – Shell which provides APIs for desktop related tasks,"
Hey, Wanna create 225 duplicates of a 0.5 KB Image on Xamarin with a for loop but it's so slow.... Do you have any suggestions ?
@Greg - Ohh, lol my bad. Was that on Saturday? I perhaps less than sober.
@Mozzie - No, but it does mean that you must have that environment setup wherever the application is going to be executing.
hello guys
any idea how to decompile a .bin file ?
@gtzinos - .net reflector?
wasn't using .net
I had to google what a bin file was
seems to say that quite a lot of different stuff uses .bin
So, a .bin of what?
here is the file
with c++
are you trying to infect us with a virus?
what ?
@gtzinos bin usually stands for binary and in order to read it you need the file format.
was it a firmware of some kind?
What would be the name of the creational pattern for creating an object based on a string? For instance, the user enters the word "Dog" and the the system creates a Dog object? A Factory?
Factory would be correct
Parser is an idea, but a parser is something that matches a string to a syntax. Not much of syntax in this case. More like a simple map between a string and a class. I also thought about Lexer, but seems to be a terminology only used in compilers.
Hello everyone
currentGeneration.Add(new double(firstGeneration[i])); this won't work
How can I send a new value to currentGeneration but equal to firstGeneration[i] ?
Like... a dictionary?
ehm.. I see
there is nothing like double x = new double (2);
just double x = 2?
Doubles are value types. They're always copied.
you don't need to use a constructor for primitive values
Travis's thing, too.
You don't need to new up primitives.
it is what I wanted to hear. Thank you guys
@BernardoBotelho A function which takes a string (GUID in my case) and returns an instance of an object class based on the string as parameters in the instance constructor... is a Factory Pattern.
Yes, I would think that's closest one.
Oddly enough, there aren't any class named Factory in the .NET framework that I remember
No, because it is a design pattern
There's no class named Visitor, either.
No Visitors allowed.
Yes, it's a design pattern, but .NET framework was designed right? That means that when MS created it, the Factory pattern never arose.
Or they decided to name it something else.
All factories are custom factories
Just because something was designed does not mean it used a design pattern.
There's a TaskFactory.
It doesn't really make sense to just have a Factory.
generic factory pattern declaration is an interface with a static function declaration~
which isn't even allowed in C#
I'm, like, 90 percent sure you're not allowed to have static methods on an interface.
It wouldn't really make sense.
static interface? mm yeah, sounds like an oxymoron
exactly @GrantHill
Getting an ISomething means you're getting a real object.
but think about it, the factory pattern at its core is a static function: takes a string -> returns an object
I would create a concrete class that's for sure. AnimalFactory or something.
I wouldn't use statics.
sure, if you actually are constructing and destructing lots of these objects on the fly, then thats the way to go
I thought static classes weren't allowed to do inheritance.
Static classes can have inheritance
Ah, they cannot implement interfaces though, hm
Yeah, you were right about the object comment then
Factories can be an alright pattern to use but I usually prefer the mediator pattern for that.
Often when you have a class instantiating objects it also has the opportunity to maintain the set of objects, and if any sort of processing is needed for the entire set then using the mediator pattern works a little better in that scenario.
Windows Update is a terrible piece of software
the only way to inherit with a "static" class is to make a singleton
or forge some new relationships
but for that you need a type developer.
i bet you can do it in haskell.
I bet you can do your mom in Haskell
hi guys
is it possible on windows phone to write memory like using kernel.dll on a computer?
(manipulate RAM)
@mikeTheLiar You can, but only by describing what needs to happen, and letting the runtime figure out the rest.
@KendallFrey hah, as if your mom had a runtime. She's got a walktime and even that's being generous.
I was going to leave it up for a minute but couldn't stand to watch it
2 hours later…
@TravisJ What is a "factory" anyway? I've heard the term, but no idea what it means

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