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Try on Show
yes, in show it opens both. But i want to de-activate the FromMain()
... What do you even want? You're giving conflicting statements.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan currently overhearing a colleague doing a lot of "so why did you say x when you knew it should be y"
After much wrangling and me repeatdly pointing out that what I was asked to do didn't sound right, and being ignored
Hey guys, i worked on the problem that i discussed here few days back about sending data from c# to python. I have found zeromq which works great when i send a int value, but i have a 2d array and that doesn't work.

Any idea what can i do in this scenario?
The one where we recommended you use STDIN/STDOUT, that one?
i want to open two forms at startup.
one: FormLogin()
second: FormMain()
after both forms are opened, i want the FormMain() to show itself but make it un-useable unless FormLogin() closes
@RoelvanUden yes
I'm confused why you are using a message queue if that was the conclusion.
@ARr0w Create FormMain, Show, on show, create FormLogin, showAsDialog
@RoelvanUden i found its pretty fast while handling data.
i might be totally wrong though, sorry!
Sure.. if it works I'm happy for you. It's probably overkill for your scenario but it may be great for the future.
this is what i did, bro, @RoelvanUden


i even tried oLoginForm.ShowDialogue(this)
Wonderful, that's not what I said.
Load and Show events are two entirely different things.
:D thanks. I'll try the show event as well
@RoelvanUden i am not sure, how to send my array via Zmq
any idea?
I have no idea how zeromq works.
@RoelvanUden sorry, i couldn't figure out how to do it with stdin/stdout that's why i went for zmq
do you have any example for stdin/stdout?
hi all, anyone is working on Xamarin for iOS development?
person of the day goes too .. ROEL!
SO needs to start paying you.
Yeah, Roel's right. Show is probably the right event.
It would be nice to be paid for helping others. That's why I don't mind the idea of becoming a teacher either :3
@tourist Not exactly, it's the same principle as any streaming data. You have to decide on a protocol over sockets and implement it. It could be quite as easy sending a serialized JSON with a null terminator and reading it on the other side, but that's entirely up to you.
That said, zeromq might be easier, but I'm not familiar with it.
i got the even form_load by clicking on the form
hi, anyone knows about Xamarin for iOS development?
i googled its not helping. How can i create am 'shown' event.
@ARr0w Go to events on the form and double click show
@iphonedev23 You might want to just ask the question, so that if someone knows, they don't have to extract the information from you
@RoelvanUden would you please take a look at it if i create a small gist here?
I can take a look, but I know nothing about Python
what, you don't speak python?
Sssss. Sss.
I'm not a parseltongue, no. So no, I don't speak python.
I like it because:
1. "Ssssss" sounds like a python
2. "Ssssss" looks like a family of pythons
@RoelvanUden I can handle the the data on python side, it's just a problem while sending 2darraydata from c#. This script sends data successfully when it's a integer value.
didn't work, roel.

private void FormMain_Shown(Object sender, EventArgs e)
FormLogin oFormLogin = new FormLogin();

@ARr0w Did you remove your earlier code for dialog creation?
@tourist That tells me absolutely nothing :3
i replaced it.
it's good the xamarin didn't come yet. You would just abandon the room i think :P
@tourist Yeah but the question is, what is your 2d array and what overload does it use in zmqq
Hello, anyone got some experience with Sagas?
People, just ask your question. If somebody knows something to help you, and feels like it, they will. If you don't ask your question immediately, we first have to go through a huge 'try to extract the actual question' game first.
@RoelvanUden the datatype of 2Darraydata is System.Int32[,]
elie saad, help roel :/
I think we should teach caprica to handle them, like in javascript room, even tho it is sometimes annoying.
Is it okay if i will have two different events, one for domain, second for saga, for example: OrderPlaced : IDomainEvent, OrderPlaced_V2 : ISagaEvent?
@ARr0w meh i am nowhere near roel. If i could i would have helped fo sure.
its okay. you'll get there some day.
.....some day
Just to elaborate, I'm not some kind of genius. I know things about a variety of technologies, but that is just a result of being capable at comprehending documentation and having done so for a significant amount of time. If you just keep your drive to understand things you work with and read you'll be the same in a few years.
roel is yelling.
note that.
@tourist It's quite likely it doesn't like to deal with multi-dimensional arrays. Try an int[] instead.
bad teacher. bad teacher.
U reminded of a friend of mine. He always saw me documenting and doing my casual research. He went on that he just likes to apply code. I gazed at him, wondering from where he would be getting the damned code .. Just apply what you find on SO, he said. bright future i tell you.
so, roel, even with the _shown event, it loads only the login 'form'
@ElieSaad Yeah.. everyone can do that. But then they get into a situation where they need to modify something beyond the scope of an existing question, and they are doomed into posting a very specific new question in the hopes that someone with enough time on his hands comes along to provide the exact answer. Understanding what you're doing always wins on the long run. You make the right choice :-)
@ARr0w If you don't show the login form, does the main form show?
it does show, when the LoginForm() is commented out.
@RoelvanUden It's fun, well, it's awesome to be aware of what you are doing. Writing LoC knowing what they do to the word, capable of explaining them to a lil ducky
@ElieSaad Which is what should happen :3
@ARr0w Oh. Windows Forms, right?
yes, windows forms.
If I recall correctly, the Windows Forms lifecycle does have Shown at the end. But, I think it is STA and ShowDialog is blocking.. so, try putting it on the dispatcher.
BeginInvoke(() => /*your code*/);
It shouldn't be necessary, but try it anyway.
best of luck in the leagues of justice! :P
@RoelvanUden i guess, its the problem while sending arrays. Would you mind suggesting me something to begin with STDIN/STDOUT?
@tourist Open a stream to STDOUT, write the length of the values as an int, then write the values, and do the opposite in python on the sdin (read length of values, then values).
@RoelvanUden using ProcessStartInfo and Process classes?
@tourist Yeah. Then you can GetInputStream on that and write to it
@RoelvanUden i am sorry, but can you point me to some snippet to get started?
i am struggling with this task for a week now :/
Coffee break, roel will be back in a few. Thanks for waiting.
roel, it is giving an error: cannot convert lambda expression to type 'system_delegate' because it is not a delegate type.
BeginInvoke(() => FormLogin oFormLogin = new FormLogin() );
good morning everypony
hello ponyqueen o/
Morning horse lady
@JakobMillah u still breathing? U normally die around this time :P
@ElieSaad this morning's deaths have been deferred due to technical difficulties.
@ElieSaad Well, I just opened the window since I had forgotten how air was
**** the AC at this office..
It's like 28-29 degrees
I have 1 month to go at the office and nothing to do. Here comes another month of nothing to do :P
@JakobMillah learn a new thing, like ReactJS
study physics
or chemistry
you are the man!
find love online
thank you!
@Squiggle Yeah, I actually do that a bit. Currently writing a personal letter for a new jb haha
find ways to hack the system?
and hello, my nemesis, amy. :D
Or that is too mainstream nowadays? :P
Currently dating so ;)
@JakobMillah oooOOOoooo
ew duz that mean u kissed a girl??/
I know how to hack some of the e-commerce stores in this company already..
@Squiggle game's on you, squirrel.
hack them all
@Squiggle And I liked it! I did...many times :P It was the week so it stopped there. Happy about that
@ElieSaad I had sex with my finacée last night.
@Squiggle ..ha! i did too :P
@Squiggle Ohhhhh shieeeet
I enjoyed my night with my lil ducky .. scrubs
He doesn't have a fiancée though :D
HAH take THAT, nerd stereotypes!
@JakobMillah :O :O :O
Are we telling our personal life to each other?
That's usually the case when I'm around ;)
how do you know .. Dude, u are scaring me now.
@ElieSaad I am the best stalker
@Loetn I'm an over-sharer.
Jakob, how do you do that :o
Secret :|
It's what he learned on his free time :P
Tell me everything then, I'm curious. :p
try leaving your company, you will get to it :P
there is no leaving.
I read people and squiggly is not yet the fiancée type ;)
Monday Funday @Amy, stop being so mean.
Once you're in, there's no way out
who's being mean? there's no exit.
jakob .. help
Help me JakobMillah, you're my only hope.
All doors lead back to Start.
You can git checkout but you can never leave.
@Amy i saw your pony in a NSFW human. Beat that.
I don't know what that means.
I'm not sure I want to know what that means.
@mikeTheLiar what if i checkin and crash the whole project? Hmmm
@ARr0w Great! :-)
@tourist I'm sorry, I don't have any snippets at hand. I suggest looking into how streams work, reading and writing binary data over a (network)strea.
@RoelvanUden, Thank you!! Cheers man! ^_^ <3

this is what i did:
var oFormLogin = new FormLogin();

@Squiggle Congrats!
@scheien Thanks! I'll let you know if it happens again.
@Squiggle Allright!
@ARr0w The rationale behind it: the main UI thread that is responsible for paining each window would be locked due to the ShowDialog being blocking, just before it was actually painted. Doing a BeginInvoke essentially puts an action on the UI thread queue to be processed 'after the next frame', thus the window is painted, and that's a good time to start blocking the UI thread.
Any party around for the cause?
cool, Roel.
Hmm, interesting thing going on here. Even although I am assigning PRIMARY KEY to my ID, it still seems to somehow not auto increment.
Since ID always stays at 0, even although it shouldn't
Just google how to auto increment in SQL ..
I have
And, I still am
@Xariez are you doing this in pure SQL? or EF?
EF I'm quite sure? As I am currently just working towards a Local DB
gist.github.com/JohannesSundqvist/… - Thats what the table looks like, with the exception of the CREATE TABLE line.
In "raw" code that is
What I'm personally not getting is that I got a as-good-as identical table just below that works
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Cars] (
    [Id]           INT            IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
    [Registration] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL,
That's the sort of thing my demo project created. You're missing an IDENTITY (1, 1) declaration there somewhere
I am indeed
Gonna try updating the table with it and check, atleast its not throwing any immediate errors
Researching it atm, but going to throw in here that I'm getting Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Guesses' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.
how did you create your mappings?
code-first? or database-first?
Database-first Im quite sure
Or well, where you select the Model contents in EF I selected "EF designer from database" to be specific
should be quite simple to add an auto-incrementing identity on that PK there, no?
Yea that's database first.
@RoelvanUden hi sensai
You'd think so. I just find it odd that I have both deleted and created the table with the same issue, but I also have a identical table (except for field names) that works
Where are you creating your table? On MSSQL?
@MilesA. What is a sensai?
On the VS Server explorer, its a local database.
Does any one here know any one that works with Lotus/IBM Notes?

There is a question here that hasn't been answerd in 3 years!
And I have stumbled apon the same problem

Did you mean senpai or sensei?
@RoelvanUden sensei* forgive him.
@RoelvanUden If i am not very very dumb a teacehr
@RoelvanUden could be the combination of both ? Hmm
aapperently i am illetarte :D
Though shall throw ashes on my head!
Wth just happened
And why did loads of namespaces break in my VS
I cast a hex upon your source code.
@Xariez its called "resharper" ... un install it and all will become clear
like most things, the hex can only be broken with true love.
I cant tell if you're trolling or being serious here, to be honest @War
he never trolls ..
He's not good at trolling.
I think his name says it all.
I seem to have a nack for breaking stuff Microsoft writes
that was a long weekend chat up til 2am chatting with the VSTS dev team
!!urban nack
@mikeTheLiar nack A fake person or someone who claims a special or different background from the real one. A person who claims a certain hood or city that they've never been to.
!!urban twunt
@War twunt n. Useful, satisfying yet inoffensive combination of two very rude words which can safely be spoken in primmest and properest company. Twat and Cunt.
!!urban nackered
@mikeTheLiar nackered British for being fucking tired as hell.
That's what I thought it was as well
see also: "cream-crackered"
!!urban cream-crackered
@mikeTheLiar cream crackered [Knackered] (as in extremely tired). Rhyming slang.
!!urban cream-crackered
@ElieSaad cream crackered [Knackered] (as in extremely tired). Rhyming slang.
you guys are nutty
Dammit, 1 second earlier.
it seems u want to stay illiterate ..
I'm a Goofy Goober
[just googled that word]
i get called a goober every day.
!!wiki List of animals with fraudulent diplomas
This list of animals with fraudulent diplomas includes nonhuman animals who have been submitted as applicants to suspected diploma mills. On occasion, they have been admitted and granted a degree, as reported in reliable sources. Animals are often used as a device to clearly demonstrate the lax standards of the awarding institutions. In one case, a cat's degree helped lead to a successful fraud prosecution against the institution that had issued it. == Cats == === Colby Nolan === Colby Nolan is a housecat who was awarded an MBA in 2004 by Trinity Southern University, a Dallas-based diploma mill,...
Don't ask
!!urban goofy goober
@ElieSaad Goofy Goober Anyone and everyone, we're all Goofy Goobers. You may think you're all sophisticated and cool and have nothing to do with "Goofy Gooberness" but on the inside you're a kid and one of the many Goofy Goobers around the world. Join your fellow Goofy Goobers and ROCK!
that list only contains dogs and cats? no ponies? that's discriminatory.
They are awaiting your commands, mistress.
using windows forms:
in form1.designer.cs:

this.FormClosing += new System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventHandler(this.LoginForm_Closing);
this.FormClosed += new System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventHandler(this.LoginForm_Closed);

... i don't know if i created these events correctly.
and how do i create this event in
Well if you insist on using Winforms just let Visual Studio generate those things for you
You can define event handlers in the IDE and it will generate a method stub and wire it up for you
But you should really stop using Winforms
i will after this project.
^^ This so so much.
@ARr0w yeah and I'm going to start going to the gym tomorrow
Ah my gawd am getting mad at dis D:
don't do that, just bench press your cats.
good luck with that :D
i do go to gym though :P
i'll leave in an hour for gym.
@RoelvanUden i will check, thank you so much for your kind help :)
and there she was talking about discrimination ..
Why is this primary key not updating D::
primary keys generally aren't updated.
I think he means the identity for new records
That, Yes
But it says its the PRIMARY Key so thats probably where I got it from
@Xariez can you do a script to -> create table in SSMS and paste the results here?
As someone who's rather unused to server management and servers in particular, is that alos the part integrated with VS or is it a seperate application on its own?
it comes with sql server
From what i understood, he doesn't have it.
Surprisingly, it does not look like I got it installed.
So nope
Will have to give it 10min + install time
imo its essential for working with sql server. the db tools part of VS only get you so far.
Thing is, its one thing that it doesnt work
Another that my otherwise identical table does
If you're working with MS SQL, SSMS is invaluable
One of the few tools following the patterns of SS?S that isn't complete garbage
what other SS?S tools are there? i can only come up with SSRS
except its autocomplete
intelisense sucks if its a lower version. It sucks anyway really. I downloaded an addin that makes it much better. Like most of MS products...
yeah SSMS has bad autocomplete
If its up to the table in itself, this is what it looks like. Not very different in my eyes, gist.github.com/JohannesSundqvist/…
@Amy sql complete by devart is a freeaddin. Its awesome. Like autocomplete for a columns it will show you the datatype even.
Except for that two extra fields are NULL in the one that doesnt work, but yeah
@JABFreeware yup, i use it
it seriously increased my productivity in sql coding by at least 20%
SSMS is currently installing, can say that much.
@Amy the free or paid version? I wasn't sure the paid is really worth it...
my employer has licenses
@Xariez best of luck to you lol
Thank you :D
@Amy oh my. Advanced employer lol
@mikeTheLiar So once its up, you wanted me to do what? Create a table and paste the results?
the results lol
@Xariez both work...
How am I gonna do anything with the SSM when its a local db?
open your local db in the ssms
It doesnt find any DB in the list of those though
Right click the table, "Script Table As -> Create To -> Clipboard". Paste in chat window, hit Ctrl+K, Enter
@mikeTheLiar i don't think he opened the local host yet ..
That is correct. Since I dont have any server per se up, but just a .mdf database
I didnt think of putting in LocalDB in that field :P
gist: b574a7f1ad654cbd6e38b221b514fe88, 2016-08-22 14:46:01Z

/****** Object:  Table [dbo].[Users]    Script Date: 22-08-2016 17:44:21 ******/


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Users](
	[Id] [int] NOT NULL,
	[Username] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[Password] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[Id] ASC


[Id] [int] NOT NULL, you didn't declare it as an identity
he is declaring it here: PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC)
That's just the key
@ElieSaad that's not identity
I did that before but got another error then so thought it just made it worse, let me do it again and return that other error to you.
That has nothing to do with the column
OH OH, forgive me.
i'll forgive you if you bring me a muffin.
@Xariez it should be something like [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
Its [Id] INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, atm
Also this looks suspiciously like you're planning on storing plain text passwords
Right now I am, because I assumed it doesn't matter a lot when the database is on my PC anyways and not on a actual server
bad habits will die hard
But yes, I am aware thats otherwise a horrible idea.
Alright, well now it works
All of a sudden
I guess black magic is a thing then.
it is, but it has nothing on friendship-based magic
Nontheless though its appreciated, thanks!
@Amy I'll bake them from my heart.
oooh, i've never had heart-flavored muffins.
@Amy what about enemy-based?
i prefer my enemies fried, not baked.
Make sure they're properly battered and a-salted first
trans-fats can make anyone delicious, no matter how evil they were.
i use @mikeTheLiar's recipe book.
The best muffins are baked with moon sugar.
@mikeTheLiar legs or thighs?
thats not an answer

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