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game development is useless without a solid type developer in charge, someone who's skilled in forging new relationships where none previously existed.
how did your talk went @JakobMillah
@Proxy It was a bit rough, but it went pretty well
In an hour we have our weekly meeting and people will know I am leaving.
Next thing up is to find a new job :P
i'm gathering courage to go out and tell that i'm planning to quit too
but i have only money for 1 month without job
and i feel like a loser for quitting so early
but this way i won't move forward as well so i think it's better i bring it to an end as soon as possible
@JakobMillah WHAT JOB! ugh we at it again? :P
@Proxy don't sweat it. Try to monetize but do what you must for the love of you
@ElieSaad hahahah
Either I am looking for one as project leader/manager or personal assistant for disabled
No no this is the part I know. What are you working rn? :P
@Proxy Just make sure you can afford living. I just had to quit now before thigns get messy. I have money for at least half year if that was the case.
@ElieSaad As system-/web developer
Hello Sweden :D
Indeed :P
Soo what thing do you have .. As swedish .. for me to go :P
Whatya mean? ^^
Russians you go for the low prices of vodka .. something insignificant to just go there .. but u get it ..
Swedish Meatballs at IKEA
!google ikea
ugh caprica, wake up. how to google her? :p
!!google ikea
/me pokes Caprica.
I think she's sleeping.
monday morning
Slacking again .. Can we fire it?
...out of a cannon.
...into the sun.
...burnt to the bones.
...down to the soul.
God dammit. My whole work on SDS wasn't fkin saved. How awesome!
I defined every freaking table in my database with all it's attributes.
how to serialize propreties with values null in xml ? i try to use [XmlElement(IsNullable =true)] , but when i run my wcf i get the following error System.InvalidOperationException: There was an error reflecting type 'WcfService_Demo.Machines
@Kob_24 That exception doesn't say much. What's the inner exception?
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.CheckNullable(Boolean isNullable, TypeDesc typeDesc, TypeMapping mapping)
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportAccessorMapping(MemberMapping accessor, FieldModel model, XmlAttributes a, String ns, Type choiceIdentifierType, Boolean rpc, Boolean openModel, RecursionLimiter limiter)
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportFieldMapping(StructModel parent, FieldModel model, XmlAttributes a, String ns, RecursionLimiter limiter)
(see full text)
There's no inner exception? Only a stack trace?
What's the type of the property you want null?
class Message, this class has 3 different propreties that could be null
...of type...?
Really? A screenshot is easier to post than just typing the name of the type?
easier to explain to u
No, it isn't. It's an annoying way to read code.
man i have a class to type Machine i want to serialize it propreties
and i want to include the null values when its null
Why would you want to waste the space declaring 'Hey, this property is null'
Good morning :-)
Ohayo \o
good morning
Because hey, the property is null
Removed!? Shiet
anyone knows about angularjs here
Who here is insane?
HELL yeaaa new discover weekly :D
Hope they got some good shits for this week for me
@shad0wk is that even a legitimate question?
I wan't to know should I replace explorer.exe with my own explorer.exe?
SHIET, i am not your guy then :P
explorer runs the desktop.
and File Explorer.
Does anybody know the equivalent of X509Certificate2.GetRawCertData in forge.js?
You can't replace explorer.exe with your own. It's too integrated.
Yeah i know buddy, it's just .. what is your explorer.
What my own version did the same desktop/File Explorer/and everything else it does?
I have overwitten explorer.
Of course i saved a backup
RIP explorer </3
The system hasn't errored.
it's running fine actually.
@shad0wk There's a chance SFC will replace it back.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan well that aint good.
although explorer isn't protected anymore.
I took ownership of it.
so what did you change in it?
Well I'm going to restore it for now. Untill I have fully created the program.
It will have a new customized desktop/start/clock/battery/File Explorer.
Each gui update of windows is just explorer being changed. Like windows 7 vs 8
And dwm Desktop Windows Manager.
Nice! your own version of windows.
yeah, that's what my goal is.
Windows : An error has occurred edition
I'll make it that other's can have it as well.
@Proxy no.
@shad0wk make it well documented as well for us juniors :D
@ElieSaad yes i will.
Umm call it WindowsMod or ModWindows.
Something with windows and mod, what do you guys think?
@Proxy Windows : An error has occurred edition would be funny
Leave the naming for the end. IMO it wastes a lot of time in the beginning
that was the windows millennium edition. I had it as a kid and it was crashing constantly
Windows: A nostalgia edition for those of us whom absolutely can't move on.
not to mention it did not support the custom dbz themes i used on windows 98 :'(
@Proxy I feel sorry for you.
Maybe WinMod<version>?
@RoelvanUden Does linux support VS with no VMs?
Like WinMod1 or something.
@ElieSaad Visual Studio 2015? No. Visual Studio Code? Yes.
and then you can code in core
I guess
VS is way much bigger than VSC, need to wait for it to grow up some more.
weird, just found out explorer doesn't have admin privileges.
Also the desktop and taskbar are windows.
that are hidden from task manager.
*or borderless forms.
Well bye guys, cya. :)
Gah, now everyone knows I'm leaving. What a relief.
is a conceptual model an abstract of the storage model? I can't get my head around the terminologies :/
I feel as they are the same
@JakobMillah how much longer do you have to work for them after you gave resignation?
@Proxy Depends on how long you've worked for the company. Under 2 years it's 1 month
@ElieSaad woah mate what the fuck
99% of my development is vsc
i see
Regularly it's 3 motnhs
woah hold on what
its 1 month tops
and even that isnt mandatory
@misha130 hahaha, enlighten us peasants.
(in my country)
I plead the fifth
@misha130 I got curious so I checked.
In Israel, a salaried employee has to give notice a month in advance, or, if he has worked for less than a year, one day for each of the first 6 months and 1.5 day for each subsequent month, up to 21 days.
Sorry, 2.5 days.
My notice period only stretches to 3 months if I've been with the company for >9 years
in the UK it was never more than a month
For shift/daily employees the calculation is a bit different, but it still all boils down to up to a month.
but 3 months is ridicilous
zero-hour contracts notwithstanding
you are kind of this "guy that quit this job already"
for 3 months
@misha130 it depends on the environment.
you could be "guy that we're sad to see leave"
which means 3 months of going-to-the-pub-early-on-Fridays
well you are right
but a small feeling of resentment
I think will still be there
cause in their minds the grass is always greener on the other side
so they are thinking you are leaving for something better
I am dwelling too much in to human psychology and maybe I am projecting but I wouldn't want to be there for 3 months
3 months of preparing for the person replacing
Morning all
@misha130 you're totally projecting :P
yea I think so too to be honest :^)
jeez 3 months notice
It really depends on the circumstances of leaving, though.
I go when they say
how can i write a regex that only accepts numbers 0-9 with maximum range of 2 digits in a textbox
@ARr0w [0-9]{1,2}
Hmm. Is an empty string valid?
private void textBox_AddCustomer_Age_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
if (textBox_AddCustomer_Age.Text != string.Empty)
errorProvider_Age.SetError(textBox_AddCustomer_Age, "");
bValidation_Age = true;
errorProvider_Age.SetError(textBox_AddCustomer_Age, "Fill this field");

private void Validate_Age()
Regex oRAge = new Regex(@"/^[0-9]{0,9}$/", RegexOptions.Compiled);

if (!oRAge.IsMatch(textBox_AddCustomer_Age.Text))
errorProvider_Age.SetError(textBox_AddCustomer_Age, "Only 2 Digits");
(see full text)
but this regex is not working.
@ARr0w If you want to ask about a regex, please don't paste 25 lines of irrelevant code.
irrelevent code? O_O. i pasted so you can see that i have put empty string validation also
{0,9} means 0-9x the preceding tag
So you have empty to 9 digits there
okay. let me change it to {1,2) then.
Anyone know how to serialize a list of base classes?
doesn't seem to be instantiating
		[XmlElement("Range", Type = typeof(ValidationRange))]
		public List<ValidationBase> Validation
			get { return m_Validation; }
			set { Set(ref m_Validation, value); }
You really have to expand on your question here @Asheh
roel, error didn't disappear
Was about to, sorry
	public class ValidationRange : ValidationBase
	public abstract class ValidationBase : ModelBase
							<Range Min="10" Max="20"/>
Looks right, no?
Nothing automatic will work with that, so it's all up to your code.
It wont work automatic?
@Asheh Is there a specific XML schema you want to serialize to, or are you just planning on serializing for storage/transfer and deserializing later in your own code, and don't care about the specific format?
The XmlSerializer should handle it
Im deserializing the class from xml
How is the deserializer supposed to know that <Range is ValidationRange?
[XmlElement("Range", Type = typeof(ValidationRange))]
It can't, thus you need some of your own code to do that translation.
From a given XML, or do you have an XSD for it?
I do not
Q: Using XmlSerializer to serialize derived classes

Andrea NagarI'm using XMLSerializer to serialize an object that contains a generic list List <ChildBase> Children {get;set} The problem is that each element derives from ChildBase which in fact is an abstract class. When I try to deserialize, I get an invalidOperationException Is there a way I can use XML...

Accoridng to this, you can do it?
Oh, well then, follow that.
I have, not working :D
Have I taught you something Roel?
You are welcome
roel, the guide you provided didn't work {1,2}
I've learned from experience that XmlSerializer is way too finicky to try anything remotely complicated so I don't bother with it anymore.
But, sure, thanks.
is it? shrug
XmlArrayItem worked :D
I've gotten XmlSerializer to work with complicated xml documents before. It always required way more work than I expected it to.
@RoelvanUden so what be your work around to avoid it?
@ElieSaad To avoid what?
Oh. Just use Xml.Linq (XElement) with some mapping code to explicitly control how you map documents. If performance requirements require you to process large XML files (>= 100MB) then xml reader with XElement when you reach a reasonable node.
It might be me not wanting to fight a magic black box again. I am so tired of that.
So you take the fight to you. A warrior's way indeed.
Nah. I just feel like I just do not want to spend my time fighting a black box filled with uncertain magic that is "supposed to work" in one way, and when you want a slightly different thing, you have to jump through a thousand hoops to make that thing do what you want. I'd rather spend a few more moments to write explicit and clear code that will be understandable even when I look at it a year later.
Yeah sometimes I fall prey to that, a year later reading some code spit by the devil himself. Why not create your code into libraries and use them over time as simple methods?
That sounds bad .. real bad.
That was NSFW
lol ye.
spam the chat fast...
It's too late for that now ..
How do you move messages?
morning all
what's the problem of the hour today?
you got invited to the friendly bin lucky meh :D
Under the tags, Room -> Move Messages
1 message moved to friendly bin
allright. Nice to know. Thanks @RoelvanUden
Hold shift to select multiple messages at once.
@War I listen to music that triggers the chat
So im using a datagrid, each cell fires off a validation exception if the value is wrong. The problem I have is that if i use a combobox to display the correct inputs. It doesn't show the incorrect value. Anyone got any ideas? (more ideas on how I can work around it)
you want to put incorrect values in a drop down?
that doesn't make sense
I want it to display what the incorrect value actually is
If it doesn't exist in the ItemsSource it wont display the value
You pull loads of data in, and you are told that a box is invalid. You want to know what the value is set to, thats made it invalid.
You dont just want a blank box with red around it.
i have two forms open (on application startup)
I want to disable one form while keeping one active (without hiding any of the form)
i googled and came across, show.dialogue(this) which probably hides the parent form.
showDialog hides the form i want to keep de-activated
and i want the form to hide.
@Asheh then you need to dynamically add the invalid value to the list of options in the drop down so it can be set as the default value when the form loads
ShowDialog doesn't hide the parent, just blocks input on it.
so my point stands ... you want to add invalid values to a drop down
@ARr0w so just call parent.hide() from the dialog surely ???
or some shit like that
or some shit like that in a c# channel.
making asusmptions here ... no idea what kind of app you are building
@War Or better yet, have the code that calls form.ShowDialog() call this.Hide(), and call Show() again after ShowDialog has returned.
possibly ... not sure what the right answer is ... is this always the case whenever this dialog is shown?
if so it might be better for the dialog to do it
dialog can be called up from anywhere
or is this specific to when the dialog is shown from this parent form ?
@ARr0w hey don't complain at me ... ask a vague question get a vague answer
Seems like a crappy solution
i don't know enough to provide a good one
the nature of this room is "i have a very general question about stuff in my very specific scenario so i'll ask something vague as a means to get a feeler out there and hopefully that will provide me a pointer in the right direction"
people then get annoyed because the vague question comes back with answers like "yeh do stuff to fix that"
to help you out so that you don't assume :P
@ARr0w BAD !!! never do that!!! EVER!!!
get that SQL code out your UI code
in the same method you are constructing a SQL query and manipulating your UI ... :facepalm:
"My boss says to do it like this it is requirement"
you guys told me to put up with the 'parameters' and 'procedures' to secure. Now its secured as this is all what i am using.
so why hide the sql :o
@TomW LMAO ... poor you ...
guys i need a little help
@ARr0w :facepalm:
logic part
@TomW is this because you use C ... no design required ?
@ARr0w is that code for a login form or a spell to summon demons?
hands war a rock do the facepalm again.
its for login.
to the 'main form'
@StevenLiekens I would consider the presense of demons a positive outcome of that code
@ARr0w There are three distinct spheres of responsibility here. The first is showing UI. The second is managing login logic. The third is accessing the DB. The three are separate parts of the login process.
now on startup. i want to run 2 forms
loginform and mainform
i want login form to stay on top and disable mainform until unless login is performed.
the parts that probably bothers me the most is SqlParameter("@password", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, ParameterDirection.Output
It helps to reason about your code if you separate them.
plaintext passwords, max length 50, no unicode characters
delivered to the client over a non secure connection
i will be careful next time.
Your current question is about the UI layer, and having login logic and DB access code mixed in with yoiur UI solution makes finding problems harder.
okay let me correct it
In your case, it's pretty simple - you have one main form. On startup, it launches a new form, the login form, using ShowDialog(). ShowDialog shows a form as a modal dialog - the main form cannot be manipulated while it's shown.
MainForm blocks while waiting for loginForm.ShowDialog() to return. When it does, it can see if login was successful or not, and act accordingly - either continue loading the app or quit.
let me try.
steven, i'm learning :(
don't be a rude teacher :(
@StevenLiekens there's no doubt her many laws have been broken ... but lets let @ARr0w and @AvnerShahar-Kashtan work this through
this is what i have added in fromMain()
FormLogin oFormLogin = new FormLogin();
now only one form loads (maybe as a modal).
main form doesn't appear.
@ARr0w given that login is a requirement for your app why not set the login form as the startup form then have that load the main form when it's done?
because, it looks cool when the 'main form behind is visible but the login form blocks' :D
i mean it looks attractive from the way i see it.
Just like when we get into 'sql management system' :D
poor forehead of yours, @war
that's different it's an MDI interface and doesn't show anyhting you aren't already logged in to
that actually shows the login form before opening anything like a query window
i know. I just want 'like wise UI'
of my app
I feel like I am failing to explain the difference here
to enable the 'entire MainForm'
i know you explained it well.
sql login form is only used to access the databases and sql query windows.
This olympics got so much popcorn value that all grossery stores should run empty
A really good TIFU :D
@ARr0w I don't think I did as you didn't understand what I said
in SQL you get the "IDE" / container which loads a login popup, only after filling that in do you get a query window
my bad english.
yes, true.
what you appear to be doing is loading the query window then having that "disable itself" whilst it renders a modal login dialog
what i'm suggesting is that you do it the way SQL management studio does it
present the login first and when the user is logged in load the main form
you could even require the user as a parameter to the main forms ctor that way (depending on your architecture that might fit)
having done that you should then also n-tier the code in your forms correctly as @AvnerShahar-Kashtan was trying to explain
then you can look at protecting sensitive information as @StevenLiekens was trying to explain
@ARr0w Wait, when are you launching the modal dialog? In the main form's constructor? That happens before the main form is even shown.
so you've had around 2 or 3 suggestions from 3 different people about what should happen ot this code
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan in init wasn't it
@War I'm not even sure if this is WPF or WinForms here.
Its WinForms.
But generally, this should be called in the main forms' Loaded event.
i set it to that way the first time. then i didn't like it so i wanted to play with its UI, war.
I'll edit it back that way. No problem. ^^
then i'll look at protecting the info.
@JakobMillah wtf was that ... i can't unread that
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan oh nvm
@JakobMillah hahahaah
@War TL;DR don't joke about potatoes
I love those dating TIFUs :P Amazing
I have user control in WPF. Hosting it in Winform.
Is it possible to implement the event logic in winform?
for example - like the code behind logic of Click event of button (button belongs to wpf control)
war, how to create a form_load event?
in windows forms.
@arpit1611 Why not? Everything is in the same app anyway.
@JakobMillah @War did you guys go through the comments. I am fkin dying over here
@ElieSaad I did haha. Had to stop though since I couldn't stop giggling P:
There comes a section in the comments, like 6-7 comments .. The room taste's strange man :P
@Feeds SLAG
Today, from the people who brought us "Get to work every morning to see how my task priorities changed" comes the new, popular hit: "Sit down after lunch to see how my task priorities changed".
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan How about those TPS reports?
@KendallFrey They've learned better than to even remotely consider the option of trying to ask me to come over on the weekend.
still waiting for those new covers
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan are you still doing the morning priority change as well?
@TomW We'll see tomorrow morning, shall we?

there, avner, i tried as you specified. But, it directly opens the loginform and not the mainform.

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