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@AvnerShahar-Kashtan @TomW @RoelvanUden Good day guys! I was able to fix my problem by deleting the whole webservices proeject, secondly, I pasted the connectionstring and name the context and database name inside. Then I created a new api controller, put the name of dbcontext that I put in the connection string, I rebuild and run the application and when I load the api url, I see, the database in our server was automatically created as well as the migrations. :)
3 hours later…
Good morning all!
Why does my exported CSV data get converted to weird formats?
8008286650 --> 8.01E+09
i am using this code
public static void ExportDataSetToExcel(DataSet ds)
Excel.Application ExcelApp = new Excel.Application();
Excel.Workbook xlWorkbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet);

// Loop over DataTables in DataSet.
DataTableCollection collection = ds.Tables;

for (int i = collection.Count; i > 0; i--)
Excel.Sheets xlSheets = null;
Excel.Worksheet xlWorksheet = null;
//Create Excel Sheets
@parth what's 'weird' about that?
@TomW i want to display number like this "8008286650" not like this 8.01E+09
What is the type of the object being converted?
it's just the display that's showing the abbreviated format, not the underlying data, right?
so the sql channel is dead
Q: How to change format of a column of excel sheet in c#?

danyI am creating an excel sheet dynamically and inserting values in to the same.But value in some cells are getting inserted in the wrong format. Following is my excel sheet value in the selected cell should have been 0002-9343 but it is inserted as Feb-43.This due to some wrong format for that col...

is that the sort of thing you're looking for?
Excel will display values in "default" formats if you don't specify a display format explicitly - so long numbers will be abbreviated like that. Phone numbers will look stupid. etc
also, you're in early Mr. Tom
i want to return a value from along with the select query in my stored procedure.

select count(*) from Users where LoginId = loginId
OUTPUT.UserId where LoginId = @loginId
any suggestions?
@Squiggle mumble
Dont I know it
@ARr0w you want to return multiple result sets?
@TomW oh, do go on?
suiggle, i just want to return the userid of the user which is being searched
so that i can use that userid in businesslogic to do other operations of respective user
@Squiggle just felt awake earlier than usual. It's hot enough by 630 that staying in bed is uncomfortable
using this
// Pull in all the cells of the worksheet
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range cells = xlWorkbook.Worksheets[1].Cells;
// set each cell's format to Text
cells.NumberFormat = "@";
// reset horizontal alignment to the right
cells.HorizontalAlignment = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight;

all else done but that colmn is still remaing
if i want to do specifc then
cells[1, 4].EntireColumn.NumberFormat=?
are rices snacks made completely out of rice?
it says its 99.8 % rice but i don't believe it
I would assume so.
@TomW I hear that, buddy. It's meant to be highs of 35C today here

CREATE PROCEDURE Search_User_With_returning_Id
(@loginId nvarchar(50))
Declare @returnUserId int

Select @returnUserId = UserId, LoginId from Users where LoginId = @loginId

it is giving me an error on the second column.
but i also need another column. second column is a Nvarchar type
Ah, I know why. Yesterday I contemplated driving to work today, to get the benefit of the aircon
I would have to leave pretty early. Thats why Ive subconsciously woken up earlier
@ARr0w Select @returnUserId = UserId <-- what sort of SQL is that? :-/
Q: T-SQL get SELECTed value of stored procedure

DavidIn T-SQL, this is allowed: DECLARE @SelectedValue int SELECT @SelectedValue = MyIntField FROM MyTable WHERE MyPrimaryKeyField = 1 So, it's possible to get the value of a SELECT and stuff it in a variable (provided it's scalar, obviously). If I put the same select logic in a stored procedure: ...

i took it from here.
but it is still not solving my problem.
urgh T-SQL :P
given your example, do you need to use a stored procedure and t-sql variables at all?
@BenjaminGruenbaum You didn't get back to me regarding your question.
Q: Which format does ASP.NET expect when sending array with gaps?

gdoronThis is my HTML: <ul id="limitations" name="limitations" class="dropdown-menu"> <li> <div class="checkbox checkbox-default"> <input type="checkbox" id="limitation-checkbox-0" value="8" name="limitations[0]" data-name="ALS "> <label for="limitation-checkbox-0" style="co...

Does someone know?!
I did this
' SELECT COUNT(*) from Users where LoginId = @loginId'
so that i can match the returned value from COUNT(*) in c# and use it to move further like
int find = convert.ToInt32(execute.scalar())
if (find == 1)
do good shit

this is my code right now
But now i need UserId and i just don't want to overload the server. So I was thinking if it could be brought by using stored procedure?
because, i need UserId so that i can insert the data
in a table TASKS
in which i have these columns
UserId, task1 to task 5
@gdoron It returns an array of the values of the selected checkboxes - but you don't have any values assigned. Are you using index as the value?
ah no you're not. Sorry. agh it's been a long time since I last had that issue.
@Squiggle it's just the raw HTML, even when there're checked checkboxes, if there's a gap, everything after it is ignored.
i know about OUTPUT syntax but i don't know how i can use it
while using
Count(*) as well. So yeah, it will return 2 values
1: count of LoginId against searched loginId
2: UserId of that searched loginId
@Squiggle It's ridiculous. It really shouldn't be that complicated to send an array...
why not @@IDENTITY?
I dont know the question I just know you asked about output..
@ARr0w You want both the LoginID and the count of rows with that loginid?
Oooh how many things are they wrong about.... dev.office.com/blogs/rest-api-design-guidelines
Aha. Trains. Trains are air-conditioned (when it works)
Relief, if briefly.
@gdoron name all of your checkboxes the same ("limitations") and it should bind to a single, usable array. IIRC.
I believe that's what @CheckBoxFor(...) does in Razor
@Squiggle let me check.
but you'll never be able to create or bind an array like [1,4,,,10] if that's what you want
yes, @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
@Squiggle Worked! Thanks a ton! Please write it as an answer.
@gdoron I figured it out on my own, my solution is ugly but it works
@BenjaminGruenbaum hand me the code if you want me to review it.
How is your startup doing BTW?
We have our own analytics system which is much much smaller in scope than what things like GA does - here is the select - it has a problem that it doesn't follow path but generally it's good enough.
SELECT [UserAnalyticID]
    ,ISNULL((SELECT TOP 1 CASE WHEN ua.[First] like '%@%' THEN ua.[First]
           WHEN ua.[Second] like '%@%' THEN ua.[Second]
           ELSE ua.[Second] END as UserIdentifier
        [UserAnalytics].[dbo].UserAlias ua
        ua.[First] = UserIdentifier or ua.[Second] = UserIdentifier
      CASE WHEN ua.[First] like '%@%' THEN (SELECT MAX(AliasID) + 1000 from [UserAnalytics].[dbo].UserAlias)
         WHEN ua.[Second] like '%@%' THEN (SELECT MAX(AliasID) + 1000 from [UserAnalytics].[dbo].UserAlias)
Wow, talk about shitty spacing, lemme convert those to spaces
Anyway, it's slow and unindexed at the moment but an index should speed it up.
weyhey it's the most interesting chap in the room! hey @BenjaminGruenbaum
posted on July 20, 2016 by Scott Hanselman

The new Windows 10 update coming in a few weeks. It's called Windows 10 "Anniversary Edition" (I would have just called it 10.1, because, I dunno, monotonically increasing numbers and all, but whatever) and it has a LOT of really nice refinements. Windows 10 is continuously updated and has been a few times since release, but this most recent one adds a lot of cool stuff like support for Bash

@Squiggle Thanks. done.
@gdoron well, lots of stress - we're moving to new offices which invites a lot of small office politics - also, there are too many people for the facilities at the current office so you have to wait for 10 minutes to use the bathroom sometimes or wait 5 minutes to make your coffee. Financially we're doing really well though.
@Squiggle hey what's up?
@BenjaminGruenbaum expressions like like '%...' can not be indexed.
@gdoron that's not a problem, I can just map it to a bit when I insert (at application level, or if I feel wonky via a trigger) and then index that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum my suggestion exactly.
My problem is more following the path - if I have a aliased to b and b aliased to c and I query a I won't get c results.
Not much is up. Got a new job since I last saw you around. Having fun, enjoying the work, enjoying the summer. glad to be back in a smaller business again.
I don't want recursive stored procedures so I figured I'd just have code run that fixes that once a day or nest the query.
@Squiggle awesome, I love smaller companies.
@gdoron how have you been doing professionally?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm the VP R&D of yooocan now. I'll send you a link to the a presentation if you want.
Should go live today with beta testers. Should.
@BenjaminGruenbaum this doesn't make sense `CASE WHEN ua.[First] like '%@%' THEN ua.[First]
WHEN ua.[Second] like '%@%' THEN ua.[Second]
ELSE ua.[Second] END as UserIdentifier`
You can remove the second case.
not that I understand exactly what it's doing, but if you're writing queries like that my first reaction is to think your database needs fixing.
This is what we do:
@gdoron I mean, remove the second WHEN
Good morning.
ohayo senpai
@gdoron wow so many animations
@Squiggle :)
also - interesting business. I think I fall into your target demographic myself :)
@Squiggle ohh, which limitation do you have?
I've been 50% deaf since birth
never heard in stereo
We are launching very soon.
@Squiggle meaning your hear only with one ear?
@Squiggle but you can do everything, right?
It causes issues in crowded bars when I can't converse with people sat next to me, and headphones can often be useless
@Squiggle my wife works with deaf.
but it's never prevented me from doing anything - it's just a hindrance
@Squiggle you can email me at doron ~~~no-spaming-bots-here~~~ @ yooocan.com and I'll send you a link for a sneak peak if you're interested.
ooh - also I sometimes walk into lamp posts, because I turn my head to hear someone and forget to look where I'm going
fuck lamp posts
@Squiggle I know people hearing in both of their ears that do that, you're doing fine ;)
@gdoron Will do! I'm in .ch btw - are you targeting global audience from day 1?
@Squiggle no, we are targeting US, later we hope we can help others in different countries. BUT... There will be a lot of content which will really empower people no matter where they are (as long as they understand English).
i hit lap posts twice in my life
@Squiggle The content is not relevant to where you leave. But the vendors we are in touch with are mainly in the US, UK and AU, so you won't be able to buy it in .ch for now.
@Proxy I walked into the same lamp post in Scotland on holiday two years in a row.
@Squiggle maybe you can make a business out of it? :)
@Squiggle i hope you unlocked some kind of achievement for that
@Proxy LOL!
@ARr0w But you already have the LoginId, because you're filtering by it.
> @squiggle is being dominated by @LampPost
I cannot reproduce what may be a deadlock or unhandled thread exception. Another reason I hate threading with a passion...
@RoelvanUden Don't dread the thread.
I do.
I have way too much experience with threading to not fear them
Don't thread on me
I want to query data from database and keep it in application so if I want to use them I don't need to query database again. Any keyword could I survey?
... What? Keyword?
I must go guys. @Squiggle I'll send the link very soon, I got your email.
(I believe in a week or two, it's still internally, we haven't shared it with anyone yet)
@gdoron sure, go ahead - what does it do?
@MichaelMao caching.
cursors maybe
oh, will take a look
@gdoron yeah there is more logic in the "real" code for more cases, thanks.
@gdoron no rush. Best of luck!
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan could static do that?
Oh dear lord.
@MichaelMao Yes. As could non-static, strings, HTTP and while loops.
static what
Meaning, that's an entirely irrelevant term.
static class / property
please post a proper problem statement
@MichaelMao Stop. Take a step back. Think logically of caching data in your application. Then think of how to implement that cache. Read up on caching techniques.
Then, don't use a static class.
no love for static :(
of course not, static is a necessity, not a thing to love
Oh, it's a necessity now?
War of the ants ^
Yes. You are right. I forgot I can use caching.
Morn all
I spent a lot of time to think static...:(
Just forgot the cache
@MichaelMao These are not either/or. A cache is a logical construct. It can be built as a static class, or a non-static class, or just a field in your class.
The two are apples and oranges.
Or, perhaps, apples and fructose.
@RoelvanUden I only use it when I have no other choice, so yeah
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I mean I forget cache so I want to solve my problem by storing data in static class
Why would you have no choice?
... That is a cache.
staticness of the class is irrelevant to your problem
Oh......I see
have to ask for help from another developer in company :(
multithreading problem as well
Another reason why we should never ever do multi-threading
i think its necessary here, otherwise the whole ui would be blocked for a period of time
whats wrong with the threading?
@Proxy Then use async/await using a SingleThreadScheduler
@War synchronization :D
I/O and such can run on other threads while guaranteeing your code is single threaded
(You know, like nodejs)
@milleniumbug good code structure can solve that
That was supposed to be a half-joke
but yeah, if you don't share stuff you don't get data races
async/await, even without single-thread schedulers, make non-blocking UI much simpler.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan schedulers and synchronization contexts are hard :(
In general static is better avoided except for things that don't hold any mutable state.
If something holds mutable state, never make it static.
Unless of course it's a shortcut which you acknowledge isn't great design.
@RoelvanUden i don't have experience to change the code neither would i be allowed to do it
@BenjaminGruenbaum note: putting a comment that says ` // I know this sucks but w/e` is not an acceptable mitigation
@TomW in many cases - it is.
In many cases writing the minimal code to make something work is the responsible thing to do - when you acknowledge that you'll have to pay the overhead of making the design good at the next iteration and not this one.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes, but if you're just writing some UI code and want to run a lengthy operation without blocking the UI, all you need to know is to use Task.Run, await, and explictly add ConfigureAwait just to make expectations explicit.
The design of a system is something you evolve - it's fine to start with statics in places and then when the system needs to do more refactor the code into a better pattern.
There's learning involved, but it's not rocket science.
That happens to the best of us. It's sometimes the best decision to take a shortcut and release, rather than making everyone wait just to have the best code design (which nobody except your team cares for). Do make sure to pick it up though, because business people won't care to schedule time for fixing it
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan right, but you'll be writing code where you don't understand a lot of the underlying internals. I totally get things like Dispatcher.BeginInvoke but let's not pretend it's elegant compared to the alternative (not having to write that code).
@BenjaminGruenbaum you know most places don't ever pay that debt, right
@TomW I don't have to work at those places, and the flow where you have to do all the design upfront doesn't work.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ah, sure. That's what a good API just exposes Task-returning *Async operations and doesn't require you to explicitly call threading operations yourself. You still need to know how to await them properly, but that's it.
You typically don't even understand the problem domain very well when you start coding, let alone are capable of a solid architecture.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan well, the problem is synchronization contexts are hard :) For example, the fact EntityFramework can't execute two async queries concurrently on the same context, or that asp.net crashes the request if there are pending async operations when you started and so on. Lots of sharp edges to run into if you don't understand the inner workings IMO. I like async/await but I'd rather have the primitive be a scheduler.
I want to be able to dictate what the scheduler is for some async actions at the function level for example and have that assume awaited internal expressions and that's it. Currently it's very clunky.
Well, the bigger problem is that IO bound and CPU bound functions are used the same way. In retrospect I might have preferred two keywords.
I think you're looking at edge cases. For the 80% of operations, especially the client-side code we were talking about, it's much simpler.
Have an IOTask type and a CPUTask type and have await for IO and compute for CPU.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I completely agree, async/await is generally amazing and works well - I'm just saying there are a lot of subtle hard parts about it.
Which would be very annoying if you had to mix and match.
@RoelvanUden right, but do you really?
C# (and other .net languages) is the only language that needs to do async/await and threading. Other languages only do async/await or threading at the moment.
I wouldn't, because you would just design it to separate the concerns.
I imagine a lot of people would trip over it though.
Honestly, I can't grow to like threading even with 12y of experience with it.
Give me a nodejs-like system any day.
@RoelvanUden right now a lot of people trip over and have Task.Run at all sorts of places, generally I've seen very few justified usages of Task.Run, especially since there are cases (like asp.net, or single apps) where it's a huge footgun.
@RoelvanUden there are a lot of things that require threading, C# aims to solve a much broader problem domain than JS.
Anyone clued up on XPath?
My SelectNodes function returns NULL for a completely valid path
there is no namespace specified
anyone knows how to remove a git rep from a folder in windows?
@Asheh yup, shoot
switching from tfs to git made me make a local git accidently and now i cant tfs
This is my XML
<ParticleLibrary Name="Cinematics" SandboxVersion="" ParticleVersion="26">
 <Particles Name="Atmospheric.Space_Dust">
Xpath: /ParticleLibrary/Particles
returns: null
I assume that was a sample, as by itself that is not valid XML
@Asheh What are you running the xpath on?
Yeah its a sample sorry
The xml itself loads ofc
Is ParticleLibrary the document element?
				XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
Nothingnis jumping out at me
Nothing is jumping out at me
Nope me either
Staring at it like ummm wtf
There has to be something else to it
Loading the right document?
lol yeah well i checked the inner XML too
here is innerXMl from the debugger:
period of silence
Which we can interpret as "Ohhhh that's why"...?
More weird s**t is happening
I parse unnamespaced XML with CsQuery and not LINQ to XML :D
now the xml file im parsing which tells the app how to interpret the data is being weird
"being weird"
yes thats the technical term
now my Deserialize is not correctly deserializing the data
try doc.Load(Path, WeirdingOptions.None);
@Squiggle I always set WeirdingOptions.MoreWeird.
More fun that way.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan more fun, certainly, but then you end up with invalid chestnuts in your XML trance-node.
weirdgood weirdmorning
@Squiggle I have rarely found any non-euclidean attributes in my XML. And when I did, it was totally justified.
I'm just glad the True names of the Elder Gods aren't valid xml tags.
@Squiggle And should never, ever be parsed with regex.
Ok sorry im back
here is inner xml from the debugger
<ParticleLibrary Name="!hi-tech_explo_build" SandboxVersion="" ParticleVersion="26"><Particles Name="deathmask"><Params Count="60" Continuous="true" ...... etc
						XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes(subAssetDef.Path);
						foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
nodes = null. UMM WAT
nevermind, debugger is lying
get this guy a coffee
trust no one, not even your debugger
rebuild all and a reboot of visual studio fixed it
thats an hour gone ill never get back
ok so next issue
inner xml:
<Particles Name="spark">
Surely to select <Particles> I can do this:

@Asheh Why begin with /?
If you're running the query on Childs parent node, you need to start there.
Oh it doesnt need a leading slash?
Why does the root search need leading and child not?
A leading slash, IIRC, is like in paths - goes to root.
No, leading slash means relative to the root node
yeah its not very clear though ntohl
The document element (<bookstore>) of this document.
I assumed it was relative from the current XPathNodeIterator
Now it works pjhew
XML is tedious in its terminology and what it considers to be distinct
@Asheh "document" is the salient term here.
E.g. the document element and the root node are diffeeent concepts
I do hate xml
its the bane of my existance
And like elements don't have a value
They have content. Attributes have values
I kinda like xpath, actually.
XQuery is where it gets wacky
XPath is nice I just dont like xml as a format
Thanks W3C, for that answer to a question no-one asked
its very bloated
Oh, yes. XML is bloated. There's a reason JSON took off like a rocket in recent years.
Sometimes bloat isn't the worst thing, though.
@BenjaminGruenbaum They do, but since I just do web development, I don't particularly like to deal with C#'s broad aim to support every kind of application. I would very happy with a ASP.NET mode that just uses one worker and one thread using a single-threaded synchronization context, but alas, that doesn't happen. For other cases, yeah, it's a necessity, but still one you have to go in fully conscious of the implications.
And too few people are.
can I have scrollbars in html that only allow presets?
scroll to 0%, 30% or 60%
if that makes sense :D
Elaborate the Q
I have 3 divs that each take up 100% width of a container, so that 2 out of 3 are always overflowing
Ok? So make them smaller?
or use flexbox
because <3 css flex
no the point is that only one needs to be shown at a time
so scrolling to 0% shows div 1, scrolling to 33% shows div 2 and scrolling to 66% shows div 3
but I don't know if there's any way to lock a scrollbar to presets like that
I don't understand how you want to have your UI flow be
@StevenLiekens So you want your scrolling to be per-item, not per-pixel, with "item" being one of the three divs?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yes
@RoelvanUden one container (say width 100px) contains 3 divs (say 100px each)
You're talking solutions, I want to know what your intention is
String magicians. string.StartsWith returns if a string starts with "somestring". But can anyone think of a RemoveStartsWith of sorts function?
string myNewStr = myStr.RemoveIfStartsWith("Bacon");
Bacon.Frazzles becomes .Frazzles
note: replace wont work
@Asheh Regex.Replace.
ughh but regex
Regex can specify "^Bacon" to remove Bacon only at the start of the string.
is that it? crazy
check if it starts, get the length n, remove first n characters
get length n? how?
:31803025 Yes, this would be the non-regex way to do it.
if (str.StartsWith(prefix))
   str = str.Remove(0, prefix.Length);
yeah ofc, silly me
@RoelvanUden scrolling to specific intervals
that's kind of how we have it now
except we use buttons and javascript to "scroll" the next content div into view
the container is the view
overflow is hidden
I'd like to remove all the javascript stuff and place a horizontal scrollbar along the bottom of the container
because javascript sucks
@StevenLiekens I'm not sure exactly how it'll work, but how about having the three divs be three <li> items inside a <ul> list? might the scrollbar automatically work per-item that way?
I'm far from a CSS whiz, but that might be a direction to explore.
css-tricks.com/introducing-css-scroll-snap-points seems nice but not fully supported.
the problem I have right now is that a user can scroll halfway between two items
So what you actually want is a Carousel-style control.
yes :)
but without buttons
I hate buttons
You can't remove the JS.
You need to capture the scroll event and set the location of the new scroll yourself.
there's a scroll event?
Without JS, that is not possible.
Of course there is.
Or, consider the trade-off between your hatred of buttons and the work required to write custom scrolling actions vs. using an out-of-the-box carousel widget.
it would have been nice if I could do it in css
Your hate for JavaScript is irrational and misplaced.
actually look what I found w3.org/TR/css-scroll-snap-1

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