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squiggled.co.uk not responding >(
@Squiggle squigglysquiggle fix
@ntohl eh, I haven't hosted anything there for 4 years :D
shows you how much I used linkedin. I should just link to my twitter
^ someone once offered to buy that
offered to buy it? Shieet
they made an app called "Squiggle" and forgot to secure the associated internet media presence
I refused, and now sometimes people tweet at me thinking I'm a mobile app
XD As I did.
Gah... It's so scary making apps... Like the one me and my friend are making... We are a bit unclear if it'll work on Appstore..
Not exactly sure what names are ok on app store etc. Sometimes there are apps with the same name, but they add some text afterwards, like xxx - Organisation or xxx - Social
whats the mobile app about
truely this is the pinnacle of human kind
morning guys
You refused money for nothing
And you say you're a contractor?
You refused money for nothing
I created an EF model home and I brought the project now to work to continue some stuff but obviously it won't work because the connection string is different than the one in the app.config file. my question is, how do I create the EF model without having always to recreate it when I change the project from one place to another?
@Squiggle I know a woman whose twitter handle is the name of a popular sushi restaurant in Tokyo. She gets tweeted a lot. And in Japanese.
And a friend managed to swipe alias @Q by sheer luck, and generally receives a ton of random mentions every day.
@misha130 I think this one was another app for putting hand-written messages inside birthday cards
@misha130 basically the same functionality as, y'know, going to a birthday card shop - but ON YOUR iPHONE.
It bombed, AFAIK
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I know twitter.com/imran
he gets all of the messages. ALL of them.
Imran pls
C++ allows U+200B (zero-width space) in variable names, so this can happen. #programming https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/4on81i/til_c_allows_u200b_zero_width_space_in_identifiers/ https://t.co/V1SRLKfCo7
cute. Javascript doesn't, IIRC
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan WTF? Explain plox
@JakobMillah go to windows' CharMap, search for unicode \u200B, and copy it into your code. It's invisible in the editor - it's a Zero-Width Space - but still a unicode character, so abc and ab​c look the same, but aren't.
Tried it in LinqPad now. Compiler complained that there should be a ; after the ZWS.
So C# should be fine too.
VB parses the same as C#.
Everything is unicode.
You've found the ultimate way to fuck a company up when you decide to quit
πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ :D
Seems I can't use var 🍞 = "panini"; either. :(
I think the C# compiler only accepts unicode characters in the "letter" or "digit" classes.
but a zero-width space is neither
@JanDvorak The C# compiler rejects it. It's C++ that accepts it.
(Not sure which compiler is used in the example above)
CacheFactory.get('🐎'); // is valid in javascript
Why does a unicode for zero-width space even exists? What purpose does it serve
@Squiggle Probably in C# as well.
@Squiggle roflmao
@JakobMillah To introduce linebreaks
I wonder if they'll notice if I rename all my cache keys to animals
39 secs ago, by Squiggle
CacheFactory.get('🐎'); // is valid in javascript
@Amy ^
@JanDvorak I see!
I'm using constants anyway
The zero-width space (ZWSP) is a non-printing character used in computerized typesetting to indicate word boundaries to text processing systems when using scripts that do not use explicit spacing, or after characters (such as the slash) that are not followed by a visible space but after which there may nevertheless be a line break. Normally, it is not a visible separation, but it may expand in passages that are fully justified. == Usage == In HTML pages, the zero-width space can be used as a potential line-break in long words as an alternative to the <wbr> element. However, the zero-width space...
export class ItemCacheKeys {
	public static List: string = '🐑';
	public static InitialPage: string = '🐎';
yep I'm keeping that
> ARR Version 2 includes the following key features:

> Disk-based caching

> In addition to the kernel memory cache in ARR Version 1, Version 2 adds support for > disk-based cache, including support for a secondary network-based drive.
Totally read dick based caching
@Sippy Accepted wisdom is to cache on the fastest thing you've got.
I'd vote but they want me to sign in
use strawpoll
you're not on tweeterer?
I don't social media
Use strawpoll
this is why you're stuck coding VB.
@Squiggle First vote!!!!!1
This reminds me of:
MT: Replace a semicolon (;) with a greek question mark (ΝΎ) in your friend's C# code and watch them pull their hair out over the syntax error
Because I don't tweet or read the status updates of the moronic horde on Facebook? :(
does URL Rewrite use regex for pattern matching
Yes. No. Maybe.
Are you feeling better?
getting error on import excel at this line
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook excelBook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(txtFilePath.Text.ToString(), 0, true, 5, "", "", true, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "\t", false, false, 0, true, 1, 0);
Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC
File doesn't exist.
Ah, gotta love Office Interop methods and their insane number of parameters.
I remember calling Word's Documents.Open with 16 ref missingValue calls before .NET 4.0.
can idea what is the problem...
i only ge this
Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC
I just told you.
And seriously, google the fucking error code.
(Hint: SO has the answer)
file is alredy there..
And google is not giving proper suggetion.
A: Excel error HRESULT: 0x800A03EC while trying to get range with cell's name

Dominic ZukiewiczThe error code 0x800A03EC (or -2146827284) means NAME_NOT_FOUND; in other words, you've asked for something, and Excel can't find it. This is a generic code, which can apply to lots of things it can't find e.g. using properties which aren't valid at that time like PivotItem.SourceNameStandard ...

how can I convert this to LINQ?
foreach (var Employer in CheckEmployerPassword.tbl_Employer)
if (Employer.UserName == Username)
or a lambda expression
I've tried this: var Password = CheckEmployerPassword.tbl_Employer.Where(user => user.UserName)
but it will give me an error
@RoelvanUden Would not work, unless you replace all of them they'll just try to remove it and put it back and it'll be fixed
@Mr.Toxy That shouldn't give you an error.
most ppl would waive it off as a bug in the text editor
@RoelvanUden it says it cannot implicitly convert string to boo..
but there's no bool there
doesn't where expect a condition??
@Mr.Toxy Ah, yeah, you should do an actual check in your Where
is user.UserName a bool?
@RoelvanUden how do I do that?
@SamyS.Rathore nope it's a string
Uhh.. == ? ;-)
then you are missing a condition
oh that xD
 Interview_ManagerEntities CheckEmployerPassword = new Interview_ManagerEntities();
            var Password = CheckEmployerPassword.tbl_Employer.Where(user =>  user = user.UserName)
I've tried a condition
still I get an error
tried that as well
same thing
user is the entity, not the username
the error should be telling you cant compare a user to a fucking string
read the error XD
I was writting the error
yes it says that xD
I want to say to select the password when the username = the username passed to function as parameter
y u hef to b med
It's simple..

var findMe = "roelvanuden";
var potentialUser = Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username == findMe);
Yeah dude I know you're a beginner and all but some of the things you ask about are obvious from facts you already know. Just...think
that inside the where?
oh ok
var findMe = "roelvanuden";
var potentialUsers = Users.Where(x => x.Username == findMe);
If you want multiple.
The errors are very explicitly telling you you're doing something stupid./
Read the errors. Love the errors.
Errors are love. Errors are life.
@TomW first time with EF, never worked with lamba or linq before xD somethings are not that obvious to me
Just see lambda's as shorthand for method signatures that return a thing
I find lambda pretty confusing myself. But havn't worked with it yet
work with delegates and then lambada looks crystal clear
var Password = CheckEmployerPassword.tbl_Employer.Where(x => x.UserName == Username).Select(x => x.Password_Hash);
I think it's liek this?
That looks like a bad idea.
ohh what's wrong?
All of it.
It's probably correct LINQ
But that looks like a dodgy naming convention, it also looks like you're about to populate a bunch of separate vars using separate queries
I just want to get the hash when the user name = the username inputed
that's all
If all you need is the password
do that
Lamba 101:

() is the parameter signature.
=> are the brackets.
whatever follows is the body


public int Hello() { return 12; }

Is exactly the same as

() => 12
ring ring
if you need a bunch of shit, use a higher up query and get the whole object
ring ring ring
@Squiggle banana phone?
ring ring
(answer the damned phone)
@Mr.Toxy Why are you coding your own login btw
Use a provider
srsly calling something "tbl_Employees" is the same as prefixing someone's name with "Man". You don't go around saying "Hello Man Donald! How are you (DAY) today?"
Are you telling me you don't use szUsername?!
whats sz?
n00b spotted
sz~? how old are you, MAN Roel?
It's a string zero-terminated
It's used in C++. Today.
Hell, look at any Windows API and you'll see that shit all over.
what if just prefix instead of using code contracts in C#
ur a dword
If you go lower level you'll see sz instead of windows variants
no. just no.
@Proxy just don't do that
morale of the story
I'd rather not go lower than DWORD. I might be forced to HANDLE your LONG POINTER.
im out
before i fall off chair
@RoelvanUden do what :O
@Proxy He meant Toxy
easy mistake
@Mr.Toxy THAT
@Sippy just wait 'til he gets all Reverse Polish on ur ass
@Squiggle noty
Sippy Roel +
@Mr.Toxy what are you doing now?
already lunched
@Sippy Im not coding my own login xD, Im just checking if the password the user introduced is the same as the one in the db
@Mr.Toxy For what reason
Other than
A login
well yes a login
doot doot
what should I use to check if the password matches than?
doot doot
Identity framework / forms auth frameworks will handle this for you
you just do something like ... var result = userManager.Authenticate(user, pass);
rolling your own authentication mechanism will be complicated, insecure and generally a waste of time.
there are so many potential pitfalls
that way (usually) some form of one way encryption is used to secure the passwords written people much smarter than us
are you guys talking about something liek this asp.net/identity ?
so desu
is this a provider?
but if Im only storing a hash of the password in the DB I still have to get it first to "dehashe" it right?
/ i haven't followed the start of the conversation /
its not a framework
@misha130 not helpful!
indeed I am not!
what provider/framework should use/build
If only you had a search engine which could help you
I honestly dont know they all sort of suck dick
and I meant to be vulgar
How do they
@misha130 it does the job ... its a bit messy though
"The default provider doesn't cover my use case"
I've searched... hence I got that Identity thing
I built a dam good SSO server with it
.net identity
what is the discussion about?
misha is being pedantic
It will work for what you want it for
I am
I often got the impression that microsofts plan with identity framework was security by obscurity since its a bitch to figure out
thats very true
@Proxy well first started with me not knowing how to query a DB using lambda expressions, then went to the naming of my bd, then it went why I authenticating the password on my own instead of using an identity thingy
once I got my head round it though I realised I wrote about 1000 lines of code too much and wrote like 3 to set it up
think about the way you implement security cryptography in asp identity
*a provider
@misha130 i don't ... that's why i have a framework lol
now because of you Im watching some Indian guy tutorial
there is a small detail you do in asp identity that you do
typing in the name of key I think
thats about it
so asp.identity is good?
works for me
@Mr.Toxy how are you log-ing now
@misha130 I put a couple of keys in my config file ... that's about it
hey guys
@Proxy the user passes the username and password, then I search for the password hash that corresponds to that username, I "dehash" it and compare it to the password he introduced, that's it
@Mr.Toxy "dehash" ... the fact that you can do that implies an insecure implementation
what is this dehash
need some assistance figuring out how to bind checkboxes in mvvm
Q: Bind checkboxes in listview MVVM

GotaloveCodeI am trying to bind checkbox as below but when I click on it it doesn't even stay checked.Below is my model that maps to the db.I would like to get selected item using the checked checkboxes so I can eventually grab the cost fields. Model ServiceItem public class ServiceItem { ...

are you a master dehasher?
@Darth_Wardy Bcryp does that o.O
not me, jesus, bcrypt.verify()
does that
we don't hash passwords we one way encrypt them (its good practice)
@Mr.Toxy doesn't look like it was built for this purpose
@Darth_Wardy I don't know I'm using Bcrypt as someone suggested
bcrypt is a data encryption tool
does the b stand for bouncy castle?
from what I can remember it uses a pre shared key to allow people to share encrypted data
@Darth_Wardy ok now Im lost, if bCrypt is not used to store passwords, the correct way is by using something like asp.identity?
Is this the correct approach? (This is for self teaching purposes). What am i missing, not thinking about? pastebin.com/8Us1m4Zn
@Mr.Toxy i see. guys stop playing ping-pong with toxy
@Proxy ping pong? it sabout using the right tool for the job
I found a tutorial on codeproject using Bcryp to hash and store the password in the DB so I used since someone also suggested to use Bcrypt for storing the passwords
I only find asp.Identity info for MVC and web
well i'm also inexperienced
so maybe i'm wrong since i don't know what has he done
I will show
or implemented his solution
just a sec
but since he has a winfrom applicationΕΎ
He's creating a login with ASP.NET
Just use Identity
 public string CreatePassword(string userPassword/*,InterviewManager_SQLconnect SqlConnector*/)
            string hashToStoreInDatabase = BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.HashPassword(userPassword, BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.GenerateSalt());
            return hashToStoreInDatabase;
I've done the hashing like this
then to verify
you do asp net or winforms
to choose the right tool for the job, you must first become the tool
  public bool VerifyUserPassword(string Username, string UserPassword /*InterviewManager_SQLconnect SqlConnection*/)
            bool IsPasswordOk = false;
            Interview_ManagerEntities CheckUserPassword = new Interview_ManagerEntities();
            foreach (var User in CheckUserPassword.tbl_JobSeeker)
                if (User.UserName == Username) IsPasswordOk = BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.Verify(UserPassword, User.Password_Hash);
            return IsPasswordOk;
@Mr.Toxy Unless this is a personal project for learning, you really shouldn't reinvent the wheel when it comes to login, credential management and password storage.
if somene says how do I put stuff in a db with c# they could easily get the answer "open a connection and execute a sql command", if the question then became "how do I store users for my appliction", then the answer might be "Use an ORM like EF".
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Im not trying to do that, I've just asked what was the best way, and someone told me to use something like Bcrypt of Scrypt that's it, that's why I used it
@Proxy ping pong may be happening here, but its up to the user to ask the right question
you know what
I amma go and re invent the wheel
make a library put it on github
just cause I dislike asp.identity so much
auth with sqllite :^)
@Mr.Toxy This is a question of scope. When you're writing an identity framework, it's important to use something like bcrypt instead of something like md5. But when you're writing an application that needs login functionality, the answer is to use neither, but instead use an identity framework.
Just like you shouldn't write your own HTTP stack, your own file system access code or your own graphic library.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan excellent point
I'm trying to see if I can understand asp.identity
But in this case, the price of rolling your own substandard library isn't just bugs or bad performance, it can lead to loss of confidentiality for you, your users and customers.
Well you have some tables in your database users,roles, users to roles and claims @Mr.Toxy
and there is EF in the C#
you have to set up the connection string in the asp.identity and thats about it
supposedly this is the info that needs to be store when using identity:
public virtual string Email { get; set; }

public virtual bool EmailConfirmed { get; set; }

public virtual TKey Id { get; set; }

public virtual bool LockoutEnabled { get; set; }

public virtual DateTime? LockoutEndDateUtc { get; set; }

public virtual ICollection<TLogin> Logins { get; }

public virtual string PasswordHash { get; set; }

public virtual string PhoneNumber { get; set; }

public virtual bool PhoneNumberConfirmed { get; set; }

public virtual ICollection<TRole> Roles { get; }

public virtual string SecurityStamp { get; set; }
is it that all necessary?
Not necessary, no
Its default and its a pain in the butt to edit
The only necessary things are login and password
security stamp what's even that?
thats something you leave be
that requires me to store the password and username in a separate table from the users itself?
it depends how complex your security model is
well it doesn't need to be over the top
to just do auth requests you require very little but asp.identity doesn't just handle auth requests
but better is always BETTER xD
@Mr.Toxy maybe your talking about having your own custom role provider?In my attempt to understand asp identity I asked such a question.Maybe it'll be helpful maybe not but you can check the links suggested on it stackoverflow.com/questions/25548545/…
Man I really need to understand databinding in xaml!mvvm might have been a bad way to deep dive into windows phone apps.
I can only find stuff on MVC
that's not really helpful
@Mr.Toxy I use identity with webapi too
@Darth_Wardy I need it for winForms in my case
@Mr.Toxy but what's the server ?
I'm reading some stuff and it seems kind of complicated to implement and has to many things so it's kinda confusing at first glance
@Darth_Wardy you mean dataBase?
@Mr.Toxy please do not tell me you are talking directly to the db from your winforms app?
@Mr.Toxy are you building a production application right now?
Or testing shit that's never going live
@Darth_Wardy I'm using EF
@Sippy I'm building my final project
for my course
but it better look like it's a production app
so I'm down to learn how to do it properly

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