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06:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

good morning people who works on sundays
@misha130 good morning indeed.
Although "work" is a rather loose term for how productive I am this morning so far.
Already after two.
well I just went on my tfs to look at the changesets
and noted that I am the only one that writes comments
since 1998
I mean pls guys, its just an input bar, not gonna kill you
@misha130 We added a check-in policy to require comments.
So now we have comments like "fixed bug".
truly amazing
We're improving, actually. People are getting better at commenting their check-in and linking it to the jira issue id.
Its a process
but have to not scare people off
But of course, when tasks are added ad-hoc without even creating a jira issue, people just write "blah" in the Jira issue ID field.
> Working on admin console. Scheduler Tasks. Added new library to External Libraries.
That's an OK check-in comment.
had no net
for few hours
My comment from a week ago: "some more updates"
so I am a criminal too
I have some too, especially for check-ins that are minor, like forgetting to include a file in a changeset.
I actually had an idea
my coworker was working on making some stored procedures in sql
and had bugs from here through to tomorrow
Ideas are dangerous. I suggest you hand yourself over to the nearest deideazation center for cleansing.
cause it was all a huge file consisting 5000 lines
so how about a compiler :^)
for tsql
with oop
You might as well just write .NET stored procedures in C#.
well for dbas
well sadly you are absolutely right and this wont solve any problems
so in to the trash bin this idea goes
There are better IDEs for DBAs for writing T-SQL.
Better code completion and such.
like datagrid?
But it's not a technological issue, at the end. It's code architecture. T-SQL is code, and should be managed like code. Refactored like code, designed like code, architected like code.
Haven't used it much yet.
but its just not
let me scratch that
functional code sometimes doesnt fill in the requirements
Well, that's the fault of the dev manager/VP R&D.
I guess so
If business logic is pushed to sprocs on the DB on one hand, but not given the same amount of thought that the very same logic would have been given if implemented in application code, you're just defining a section of your code that isn't as well written.
Imagine it wasn't sprocs, but just a specific namespace or project in your code where you say "this namespace doesn't need to obey our common code quality rules".
Just because it's written by DBAs doesn't mean it's not part of your app code.
the only problem I really see is its untestability
and this is kind of the fault of it being functional programming
Functional programming should be very easy to test, since it relies on pure functions, immutable data structures and idempotent methods.
I'm guessing the real hassle in testing t-sql is that the runtime environment (i.e. SQL Server) doesn't really support simple testing without touching the real data.
A quick search brought up this: tsqlt.org
> tSQLt is a database unit testing framework for Microsoft SQL Server. tSQLt is compatible with SQL Server 2005 (service pack 2 required) and above on all editions
yes pretty much what I would want to implement
> * Tests are automatically run within transactions – this keeps tests independent and reduces any cleanup work you need
> * Provides the ability to fake tables and views, and to create stored procedure spies – allowing you to isolate the code which you are testing
all results I found were for money though
like thousands a month
Ill check it out
But the first step in making the sprocs more maintainable would probably be to split them into different files instead of a 5kloc .sql file.
yes..very true
2 hours later…
this path is not working for me in c#
path: http:\/\/photo-competition.igts.co.in\/resource\/uploads\/images\/profile-pics\/‌​thumbs\/2760e4df607a082f92dab6119beeb623.png
I am getting this from server response
what I need to do now?
unescape it
this url is working with browser easily
how to do this?
do you mean replace?
Define "not working for me".
the browser is smart and replaces the \/ to /
when I try to load image, I am getting this message
"ERROR: Couldn't resolve host 'http'"
@misha130 you are right about this
put a @ before your string
and remove all of the \'s
@misha130 It's from a server response, so I'm guessing it's not a string literal.
Or is it?
well its only http
not the actual whole string
I have this url in string format
anyway fam, you do what you gotta do
@misha130, placing @ before url work for me?
and removing the extra \
And anyway, forward slashes don't need escaping, so I have no idea why they were.
I amma go back to media querying email templates
@misha130 Oh, joy.
more like futility
In-email HTML is a headache.
I try to replace this but it comes under escape sequences
gmail strips the media queries for some reason and I am trying to cheat
Wait, do I know where you're working? You said in Petah Tiqva, right? The last time I was doing in-email HTML was in PT too.
no, I am in Lod
as like this,
(lol lod)
I was getting nothing change after this replace execution funtion
any other idea to do same process?
@Siddharth That's not how Replace works.
can you elaborate this more?
All string methods in .NET return a new, modified string. They don't replace in-place.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan you are right about this
I got image loaded by this change
really thank you friends for your help
I just changed something like this
AdHocStorage.contestantProfile.ProfilePictureUrl = AdHocStorage.contestantProfile.ProfilePictureUrl.Replace("\\/","/");
and it starts working
1 hour later…
At some point we broke up our system into modular, extensible components, but they're not really modular. No-one really changed their mode of thought to writing modular code.
There are still classes in the system that have a Type property that is an enum, meaning you can't extend it with new types without recompiling the core.
There are still switch-cases that only support the original types originally defined.
It annoys me.
This article got linked to on linkedin
I'd imagine it'll annoy a lot of people.
Yeah, I saw some richochets and responses to it.
A friend of mine, also called Rob, knew him at university. Thought he was a good guy and that the 'ferociously opinionated' tone of his blog was not in any way an anomaly
But really, I went over it for the second time now and I still couldn't find any actual, you know, content in that rant.
Is he saying that "with .NET, there will always be someone stupid holding you back, while other technologies don't"?
Because the only way that rant makes sense is if he's claiming that in a, say, java or ruby or node.js-based software house there will never be stupid people.
Not never, but to a far smaller extent
Makes about as much sense as Bjarne claiming that it's impossible to write robust, performant software in garbage-collected languages when there's plenty of evidence plainly available to the contrary
The source for which I now can't find
Anyway, it's a similar fallacy, that because Rob has been exposed to dumb organisations that use .NET, all .NET-using organisations are dumb
To which I reply "Er, StackExchange?"
There's the classic low-barrier-of-entry fallacy - it's easy to write VB code, so people who aren't good at developing write VB code, so the average quality of VB code is low -> VB programmers write low-quality code.
(PHP suffers from a lot of the same bias)
@TomW I also couldn't find anywhere he backed that claim up. He just accepted it as a given - "well, duh, people who use Windows tend to be bad programmers".
I wouldn't mind the actual click-baity headline itself - sure, it's a jump from "Working with .NET will always hold you back" to "you can't be a good .NET developer", but it's the sort of logical jumps you expect as rhetoric.
The problem is not with the latter, it's with the former.
Similar again to Linus "C++ is a horrible language"
In that mediocre programmers use it to write really bad code, in his view
Even so, even if the 'real' 'problem' is lousy programmers
We've got work to get done. Nobody can afford to wait a decade training a developer to be a wizard before they can ship stuff
@TomW This, this is the real point here. The elitistic, purist POV. "Either you're a perfect programmer or you shouldn't be allowed into my temple".
Viewing programming as an arcane secret society, rather than as a profession.
Having said that if some other professions did their jobs as badly as some programmers do theirs they'd be in jail
That's true. The industry is terrible at accountability.
Incidentally, though, derpy enterprises are usually better at it. :)
but as far as I know nobody dies because I wrote stupid code like

If(same condition)
then // do something
@kush Not everything is life or death.
The point is valid though - C++ written by anyone who lacks even the slightest discipline to follow patterns etc is pretty well unreadable
@Sippy That's the process - you have bad tools, so only a select few can use them. You improve the tools to make them easier to use to more people, and then those of the select few look down at those who use them, because they aren't, well, the select few.
So C++ programmers see the difficulty imposed by their tools not as an unfortunate side-effect of their power, but as a feature in and of themselves, weeding out the undesirables.
c.f. Linux
being difficult makes it desirable
The handicap principle is a hypothesis originally proposed in 1975 by Israeli biologist Amotz Zahavi to explain how evolution may lead to "honest" or reliable signaling between animals which have an obvious motivation to bluff or deceive each other. The handicap principle suggests that reliable signals must be costly to the signaler, costing the signaler something that could not be afforded by an individual with less of a particular trait. For example, in the case of sexual selection, the theory suggests that animals of greater biological fitness signal this status through handicapping behaviour...
I.e. choosing a more difficult operating system makes you more sexually desirable. Evolutionarily speaking. :)
Something has gone horribly wrong in the case of Linux enthusiasts, then
good afternoon
Im trying to use EF for the database management, querying and etc
but I can't find if EF offers parameterization or not.
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName You want to use EF to call stored procedures?
I don't think you're really using it as it's supposed to be used. It's not a replacement for ADO.NET, a DB access library. It's an ORM framework.
that is also an option yes, but I was talking about regular INSERTS and selects and updates, general CRUD operations:31227686
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName Yeah, I figured. That's not what EF is designed for. It's designed to abstract away the CRUD.
yea by making the tables classes
tl;dr you don't need parameterisation.
but it offers the same "functionalities" right? you can still insert, delete, or update a row
how do I deal with sql injection @Sippy
EF does that by itself
You don't need to
If you must, yes. A DbContext has a Database property, which exposes the ExecuteSqlCommand method, which receives a string containing hte SQL and an array of parameters.
don't use that
oh that's awesome, so EF already prevents SQL injection?
that's a big plus without having to do queries or having to write down extensive sprocs
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName Since you're not constructing SQL queries yourself, but rather have them automatically generated based on the entities you're working with, there's a lot less risk of user-supplied strings getting into your SQL.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan One of the apps where I worked previously was built using ExecuteSqlCommandT_T
"That's not what EF is for!"
Using EF just as a way to call ExecuteSqlCommand is like using a hammer to hammer in screws.
wow I just took a look at EF yesterday, saw some tutorials and so on
but I never would've guessed that prevent's sql injection on it's own that's amazing
Erm. Is it? OK then
You're easily amazed
it is for me since I'm only used to use SqlCommand and parameters
and also running sprocs
Hmm. Is there any way to get EF to automatically compress a field (say, gzip) before saving, and extract when retrieving?
Implies saving bulk data in the database in which case Boooo ssss
We have a field in our main table which is basically a big blob of JSON which is simply persisted in the DB (not queried) and parsed on the client-side.
It can grow up to 1-2MB per row, and is slowing down our queries. Naturally.
that's not good
Until we find a better architectural solution, they want us to keep it compressed in the DB. The simplest way is to change it from nvarchar to varbinary and store it gzipped, compressing in the AddOrUpdate methods and extracting in, well, every query method. It's ugly, but will work.
well yeah if you haven't got a better solution it has to work until you get one
what's the real difference between ADD UNIQUE userID and ADD CONSTRAINT userID_unique userID ?
Maybe some transport-level compression in SQL Server a-la web server's HTTP traffic compression.
anyone knows how to stop visual studio from building a website
cause it copies everything everywhere
@misha130 My Visual Studio is not building a website at this very minute.
Anyway, it's 5 o'clock. I'm off.
off you are
!!afk Kidnapping goblins
oh damn now I get why EF is so amazing
so easy to use
Quite easy to use badly as well
hmm yeah I've never used it but I looking at an example and following the steps
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName A good way to start is to just make stuff - but don't be fooled into thinking that EF will automatically optimise your queries.
Yeah I'm making so functions to create new users, get passwords and so on:31228186
I will be testing now the create new user part
let's see how it goes
I'm having a problem with the connection string
    <add name="Interview.manager.UserHandling.Properties.Settings.InterviewManagerConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=DESKTOP-TPJ9VE8\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=InterviewManager;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
    <add name="InterviewManagerEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/JobSeekersAndEmployers.csdl|res://*/JobSeekersAndEmployers.ssdl|res://*/JobSeekersAndEmployers.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string=&quot;data source=DESKTOP-TPJ9VE8\SQLEXPRESS;initial catalog=InterviewManager;integrated
that's the config file
and when I create a user I do this:
CreateNewUsersEntities CreateUser = new CreateNewUsersEntities(); tbl_JobSeeker NewJobSeeker = new tbl_JobSeeker();
NewJobSeeker.Anos_Experiencia = NewUserInfo.Anos_Exp;
NewJobSeeker.Contacto = NewUserInfo.Contacto;
but it gives an exception saying that the connection string "CreateNewUsersEntities" couldn't be found in the app.config file
Hi, I'm using MVVM and I am sending messages using MVVMLight Messenger. The thing is when I change ViewModel the Constructor run again (the constructors are running twice) and my message that was previously sent is lost in the mist... How can you prevent this?
I've tried to create a private variable aux (equal from the one I received from the message) and I add the values there
then when the code runs the constructor use the variable but it appears empty. I think its because it resets all the variables
I totally screwed.
Why would you change ViewModel?
Wait, do you mean, create a new ViewModel and set it as the window context?
Scenario: two viewmodels (one is a map) the other is a friendsList. In the friendlist I received something called usercheckins that are positions (with lat and lng) since I want to keep my code DRYist as possible I don't want to repeat the JSONrequest. I'm passing this list through messaging to the map
In the map I'm iterating the friends and add it to a PushpinList. But in that PushpinList I also have my own position that is obtained using device.location, I'm adding to the list but for some reason in the end only my position is saved.
I can't visualise what you're describing. Can you post some code?
yeah I can post.
public OverViewViewModel()
        au = AuthSingleton.Instance.getAuthUser(); // Singleton that works like a session in the desktop App.
        if (AuthSingleton.Instance.IsAuth == true)
            actionHelper = new ObservableCollection<FriendObs>();
            MyCurrentPos = "0,0";
            Messenger.Default.Register<ObservableCollection<FriendObs>>(this, (action) => addFriends(action));
This is the Map ViewModel
     public void getLocation()
            watcher.PositionChanged += Watcher_PositionChanged;
            watcher.TryStart(false, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100)); // try start

        private void Watcher_PositionChanged(object sender, GeoPositionChangedEventArgs<GeoCoordinate> e)
            GeoCoordinate geo = new GeoCoordinate(e.Position.Location.Latitude, e.Position.Location.Longitude);
            PushPinHelper ppx = new PushPinHelper(geo.ToString());
 public void addFriends(ObservableCollection<FriendObs> action)
        //var auxPush = PushpinList;
        /*foreach (var p in auxPush)
        if (action != null)
            actionHelper = action;
            foreach (var f in action)
                /*if (p.idUser.ToString() == f.idUser)
                    GeoCoordinate aux = new GeoCoordinate(f.loc.lat, f.loc.lng);
                    PushPinHelper geo = new PushPinHelper(aux.ToString());
can someone take a look at this please: stackoverflow.com/questions/37908920/…
i can't find the answer
its all in the map. So I want to find my location -> it's working. The map is binding correctly all is nice.
and no one seems to be able to help me
The problem is with the addFriends. The addFriends receives a List from otherviewmodel
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName never used EF :x sorry man
np, thx anyways
hope someone has the answer
@LikeIfYouCaredAboutMyName your solution has two projects, what's the other project, the one that isn't shown?
the other one is jsut a test unit:31228483
and I'm calling that function via the unit test
I will show you
OK, that's why
The connection string has to be in the config file for the project that is calling the code
but the unit test doesn't even have a config file
You have to create one
it didn't create it
hmmm ok do I just copy paste everything that is on the other project config file or just the connection?
I would copy everything, although there will probably be bits you don't need
ok I did that
but now it gives me yet another exception
@TomW can you help me?
@Antoine I can only do one thing at once
"The Entity Framework provider type 'System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer' registered in the application config file for the ADO.NET provider with invariant name 'System.Data.SqlClient' could not be loaded. Make sure that the assembly-qualified name is used and that the assembly is available to the running application."
that's the exception
I expect the entity framework binaries aren't added as references by that project
Take a look at the nuget packages for the forms application, there should be an entity framework package included. Make sure that's added to the unit test project as well
yes it was that
that is something I will never understand
why referencing something doesn't just use the needed assemblies that are on the referenced project
@Antoine what does "only my position is saved" mean?
I still don't really understand what the problem is
I'm getting my position using the getLocation() and in the end it is the only one that is showing
Which is different to what you were expecting how?
the problem is that even I'm receiving my friends they are not appearing in the PushPinList.
I want to add me + my friends
` Messenger.Default.Register<ObservableCollection<FriendObs>>(this, (action) => addFriends(action));` << what does this do?
Is addFriends ever called?
this receives a message triggered by other view model
action is the list that contains the friends + their location
is called everytime the message is sent.
OK, I don't know the framework
(I've debugged, and its called. But when I click in the tab to go to the map. the program goes to getLocation() again and to addMyself
and the List is empty without my friends.
Is like a reboot -.-'
but since the message was already received the data is lost.
@TomW Do you have a possible diagnosis ?
No, I'm afraid I have no idea
I can't see why you'd be getting a new viewmodel
which is presumably what is happening if the constructor is called again
I guess the framework is doing that
it seems that way right?
do you have any thought
of how to make this work? Knowing that the constructor will be called 2 times?
That'd be something you'd need the framework docs for, I guess
They must have a way they expect you to use it
how does one perform a cascade delete in sql?
I believe it's a condition you set on the foreign key when you create it
I've found it but I have a question, I have a junction table that had UserID and InterviewID both primary keys
can a primary key also be a foreign key?
I didn't know you could have more than one primary key
oh, if they're compound keys
yes you can have multiple pk's
For a question like that I would refer to the language specification - if there is one
I have no idea
oh boy I need to reference the above keys that I mentioned, but they are from different tables
the examples I found are only for one foreign key that belongs to one table
what to do now?
Read the language spec
ALTER TABLE tbl_Interview_JobSeeker
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_InterviewJobSeeker
I think it's like that
well it executed without any errors
I have literally no idea
why not create a view model instead of a foreign key, till you fix the problem at least?
well I've created all the foreign keys now I will test it later and see if it works
guys if anyone can check this question, if he/she can help i would really appreciate:
Hey all. Anyone know a good site with a good tutorial or into on hash algorithms? Like every site I try get a list of them, but I notice it always leaves out HMAC, which is apparently the most important one that I only know of by chance. Is there anywhere that actually all the proper necessary information on this topic?
Because I dont want to find out that I'm missing out on super important information like I would have if I had never hear about HMAC specifically
@MatthiasHerrmann Checking it, thanks for the reply :)
@betarunex I've worked with a system that used an HMAC before but didn't have any involvement in writing it
and I have in fact cast eyes upon the code that generates one, but that was years ago
has anyone used bcrypt?
@TomW It's necessary for my MCSD certificate. But I'm finding it near impossible to find any useful information on the topic unless I know specifically what I want. But I dont...
@betarunex well I guess the starting point would be tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2104
@TomW Thanks, But that's only specifically HMAC. I want an overview of all hash function algorithms. Which ones are outdated/not in use. which ones are specific for which cases etc
Oh, I saw HMAC and assumed you were asking about that
I only have received wisdom about MD5
@TomW For a brilliant example, I want an introduction or explanation like this video has about encryption.
where it's generally thought to be OK, in that when used to verify files a meaningful malware is unlikely to be able to coincidentally produce a hash collision
@betarunex I use HMAC for verification purposes too..
Honestly cryptography doesn't have nor can have any "if this use that"
It's a carefully balanced choice you make depending on your goal, availabilities, requirements, etc.
@RoelvanUden But there's still vulnerability issues. Such as DES being broken, 3DES was a temporary solution until AES came out. That's the kind of info I want.
Then continue reading.
So I know what's useless these days and can keep an eye out for new tech.
@RoelvanUden Keep reading from where is my problem... Where would i find this info?
No, really. Read papers.
I got a short question: I got a List<DependencObject>, but I can only Access the Name property if I cast a DependencyObject e.g. to a Grid - but how can I Access the Name property without knowing the exactly type?
@RoelvanUden Read up ^. I already mentioned the problem with that.
var current = (T)item;
                    if (current.Name == "Go")
where Type is a dependancy object
@betarunex What problem specifically?
@RoelvanUden " Like every site I try get a list of them, but I notice it always leaves out HMAC, which is apparently the most important one that I only know of by chance. Is there anywhere that actually all the proper necessary information on this topic?"
why is there a cast to T
with a var
@betarunex Don't use sites to get lists then.
Read papers.
The actual white papers.
What specifically do you want to know? If HMACSHA256 is good? Yes.
@RoelvanUden What papers?
@misha130 it should be T current = (T)item;
@RoelvanUden "Because I dont want to find out that I'm missing out on super important information like I would have if I had never heared about HMAC specifically"
@MatthiasHerrmann that doesn't matter, I just sense a bad design if you are casting like that
Read the things published by the guys that came up with the algorithm
@misha130 that's perfectly valid. The (T) statement tells the compiler that var current is of type T
I just want to see where the item came from
@misha130 and if it is throwing an exception, I know that it is not of the type I want.... My method Definition is looking like this private List<T> getAllWithName<T>(string childName) where T: DependencyObject
What exception?
@TomW System.InvalidCastException
casting exception
@RoelvanUden so stuff published in 1997 is up to date?
huh, OK. Would expect it to not compile
@betarunex Quite possibly. The key principle that lies at the foundation of our current day SSL encryption was devised in 1987.
So, yeah, it's a deep rabbit hole to get into.
Hell, many of the principles we use pre-date the computer era.
@TomW Im doing a try catch around that, but I can't Access current.Name` without knowing the type - that is my issue ...
@MatthiasHerrmann so is the type you're working against a DependencyObject or a List<DependencyObject>?
How would a try block help?
It's telling you you're doing something wrong
@RoelvanUden Yet DES was broken in 1999. and 3DES was a temporary solution until AES came out. I have a hard time trusting "updated security papers" published in 1997...
And that's why it's a deep rabbit hole. Nobody said cryptography was going to be easy. This is why there are very smart people that specifically have jobs consulting in cryptographic appliance. Moreover, using a secure algorithm slightly wrong leaves everything wide open. Enjoy now.
@MatthiasHerrmann var current = (T)item as DependencyObject;
Ah nvm I got a Workaround...
ty for trying to help
@MatthiasHerrmann What was the work around?
by 'workaround' do you mean you learned how to do it correctly?
@betarunex I am using type as a Parameter now, and doing a type comperision
@TomW I hope so :)
oh my god, my president just decided to side with trump and denounce obama
I am now a trump supporter, fight me
I wonder if my president even knows who trump is...
Israeli president is an imbecile, to the surprise of no-one
12 years of idiocy
Cant be worse than our president. I bet yours can at least count. Ours cant even say a number. No he didn't fumble, he seriously has no idea how to read large figures.
oh that President
which is that
And yes... he is a real president.
just give it up mate
just like stand down
if you cant read a number just pass the ticket to the person next to you
I know a few SAers, who've emigrated to Britain because they've decided that Mandela's principles did good for a while but it won't last
i.e. as white South Africans they're screwed
Well actually it's mainly just the ANC political party that's screwing it all up. If only DA was in, then this place would flourish. But if EFF get in, then this place will become zimbabwe 2.0. Not even exaggerating. The EFF leader idolises Mugabe and wants to do exactly what he did.
too many acronyms
wheres the labor party
If you want an idea of what the EFF are like, Just youtube "South african parlaiment". Guarantee you'll see EFF making a scene as usual.
My brother knew/knows a white Zimbabwean family who were pretty much told there was a truckful of gunmen on the way and they should leave right now. Again, emigrated to Britain
We dont exactly have left/right wing parties.
I still have family in Zimbabwe. They refuse to leave the place.
06:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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