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Anyone? Need help regarding Entity framework
I am calling DBContext.table.Where(cond); and getting Connection error sometimes. Do I need to open connection every time I am calling to DB
1 hour later…
guys i am getting timeout exception when filling 10000 records with sqldataadapter in dataset
@Learning What the problem? too big?
Goooooood morning guys.
@MichaelMao I am getting timeout exceptioon when filling this huge amount of records
in dataser with data adapter
try to use page or do your job in database
can you please elaborate
Dont know about sqldataadapter but I guess its just about the normal insert?
Why you need to get 10000 from dabase
@MichaelMao He said "fill", not "get".
  "status": "error",
  "error": {
    "code": "input_invalid",
    "message": {
      "email": [
        "The email must be a valid email address."
      "phone_number": [
        "The phone number must be a valid phone number. format: 254712345678"
      "password": [
        "The password must be at least 6 characters."
actually i am testing performance on huge amount of records
trying to get the values inside message
that may change
so am looking for a dynamic way to so this
@GotaloveCode Looking for regex or what?
@C4u:I am just trying to get records from database and creating excel file with it
Ah you want to GET them.
OK, the "page" mean if you can't insert 10000 at one time then try to separate them to 1000 and do that 10 times
@C4u no a way to get the string value from the jsonobject
<- != json-knowledge.
closest I have goten is getting the ienumerable of jtoken message
by trying this
   var errorMessages =   from p in Joutput["error"]["message"]
                                      select p.ToArray();
Ok. Try errorMessages["email"] then.
@MichaelMao records size is not fixed.it is just that right now i am testing with 10000 records
then trying to somehow loop and get indivdual message but I still remain with jtokens if i try ding a for loop
problem is this messages may change
records can be more than this
in lakhs too
meaning I may have an error for email only
@GotaloveCode Ah you mean the tags aka names can change?
or for password only
or all
Wait. Ill provide a good link according this.
Q: How to get the list of properties of a class?

SukeshHow do I get a list of all the properties of a class?

totally buffled by this
Or wait no.
They arnt properties.
You need the index.
Try this one:
foreach(var item in errorMessages) { ... }
 foreach (var item in errorMessages)
If it is value yeah, could work.
Can't you just deserialize to a poco?
Although the size not fixed you can separate too
@scheien I kind of failed alittle on that.Am wondering if the fields will not always have values will it still work?
Which fields?
let me try and mock up what I had then you can point out why or where it falls short
for example I may get back an invalid phonenumber so in errors message>phonenumber will be there
10 mins ago, by GotaloveCode
  "status": "error",
  "error": {
    "code": "input_invalid",
    "message": {
      "email": [
        "The email must be a valid email address."
      "phone_number": [
        "The phone number must be a valid phone number. format: 254712345678"
      "password": [
        "The password must be at least 6 characters."
maybe have my class as Message
public class Message
        public string name { get; set; }
        public string phone_number { get; set; }
        public string password { get; set; }
        public string email { get; set; }
You want to, with javascript, get the values from the JSON?
@GotaloveCode: json2csharp.com
Feels like a bit of a dumb question but I am going to ask it anyways, just to try. Is there an "easy" way to get a actual string from "System.Collections.Generic.List"? (So instead of that, for example "Bob 1" if thats what the list contains)
I've only worked with php as API and that is really easy :o, but I probably don't understand what wants to be done
Since right now I am just doing a .Select(x => x.Name).ToString(); and thats not entirely working out
@Xariez list[0]?
Select(x => x == "");?
depends on what type your list contains and whatnot
cool stuff scheien
Also, the LINQ example doesn't match what you said
@Xariez: Can you show some code?
@Xariez You could implement ToString() in the class, which the list contains elements of. Anyway .Select(...).ToString() is not right. Do You want something like .Select(....ToString())?
or just string.Join("", ...Select(...))?
the question is very unclear
good morning
good morning
It is a very vague question so I did expect to also receive a rather vague answer. Which I did. Problem is, I'm not entirely sure how much is confidential of this.
@Xariez how can a rudimentary bit of code to manipulate strings possibly be confidential?
@Xariez just make up an example
small example
@Squiggle neat
That is true, @TomW
Not sure if its entirely what you are out after when you say example @ntohl
Windows Store/Windows Phone question; I'm using MessageDialog.ShowAsync which states that "Beginning in Windows 8.1: Windows suppresses painting while the app is behind the splash screen to reduce wasteful operations.". I don't seem to get the callback until I actually tap the screen to make it focus again. Wut? Why? Or more importantly, how can I avoid this?
ViewData["getZipCodeName"] = _dataService.GetOperatingPoints("sv").Select(x => x.ZipCodeName + " , " + x.Address);
@Xariez what is your expected outcome?
Thats currently what I am using, towards a DB Query that has a bunch of adresses and such in it (as also seen from that line of code9
Expected outcome? First a ZipCodeName, so lets say New York for an example, then the adress, so "ThatOneAlley 12"
Just one?
Well, for now, Yes
The query checks (or should check anyways) that I get the correct adress
You would like to fill the ViewData rows' "getZipCodeName" column with that data?
You're projecting a sequence of OperatingPoint into a sequence of strings
So you just take the first if it exists, or null
What is "sv"?
I guess so, Yes. I got a query in another file, which gets data from the database, whose data I am trying to get in this Select. Then my expectation would be to put it in a ViewData and be able to put it in a view
SV is the language, not doing much now but will soon
Ok well, there's your answer
Trying it now!
I have learnt to be ratehr sceptical about the term "that should work" in coding/progarmming
rather* even
btw with select You can do like

        private string Project(string a)
            return a + "," + ...;
Alright! Fair enough.
in the Project declaration the argument may be of the same type as GetOperatingPoints("sv") returns
if I restart a site in IIS does that also recycle the application pool? and vice versa
so You could also write private string Project(MyClass a)
Oooh Stackoverflow is a wonderful place. It worked! Thank you so much.
Now, I am off to lunch.
hi guys, is there anyway i can get the @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Password) value and send it as a parameter through @Html.ActionLink("Save Changes", "ResetPassword", "Teams", new { password = "EditorFor value" })
@Hanady i guess you could do it if you played with javascript but why can't you just submit the form and take the value from the editor at the controller?
@Proxy because i have another submit button, and in this method, i just need to send the password for another method i mean other than the post method that is called on submit
can't you just submit the password with another submit button to it
just target a different method in controller
In a table, I found a column without data type. Can anyone tell me what is the purpose to keep the column data type empty?
There are many types of table
what sort of table is this?
@Proxy okay and how can i do that? can i add a form inside another form?
@Squiggle Hello, are you there?
@nunofmendes hey!
Just want to say thanks again for the help yesterday.
I am going to test the code with all the parts to confirm that it works properly, but all tests indicated that it will.
@Squiggle It's a table of SQL server.... may be I am not familiar with different types of table... do you mean something like temp table?
@StevenLiekens It does not recycle the applicationpool if you restart a website.
@Hanady i think not but you can create another form outside that one and submit the changed password with that
@Proxy okay thanks
@scheien so I have made progress but for some reason once it has deserialized it just crashes
I am unconvinced that SQL Server allows columns without types
When would you ever want to implement Reset() on an implementation of IEnumerator<T>
@C4u ^^^
Whats up ^^.
Q: When IEnumerator.Reset() method is called?

Farah_onlinelet's have this code : class MyList : IEnumerable, IEnumerator { int[] A = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; int i = -1; #region IEnumerator Members public object Current { get { return A[i]; } } public bool MoveNext() { i++; return i < 5; } ...

So far, I've read that making Reset() a part of the interface was a mistake and that we can throw the NotSupportedException
tl;dr: never.
> Apparently Reset only exists for COM interoperability. Seems to me that it should never have been defined on the interface in the first place. – GiddyUpHorsey Dec 2 '11 at 2:03
Also stated more firmly here:
A: How Can I Use IEnumerator.Reset()?

Marc Gravellnever; ultimately this was a mistake. The correct way to iterate a sequence more than once is to call .GetEnumerator() again - i.e. use foreach again. If your data is non-repeatable (or expensive to repeat), buffer it via .ToList() or similar. It is a formal requirement in the language spec that...

@nunofmendes glad to hear it :)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I can see why Reset() is problematic.
@C4u would a failed deserialisation cause an unhandled exception
@MoonOwl22 It doesn't really mesh well with the forward-only single-pass paradigm.
@KhalidHussain where did you get that screenshot? It appears to be displaying something that I don't think is possible in SQL server; as far as I k ow colum s have to have a type
@KhalidHussain where did you get that screenshot? It appears to be displaying something that I don't think is possible in SQL server; as far as I know columns have to have a type
@TomW I thought it's a column with empty data type... But it's a computed column... may be selecting any computed column takes more time
Ohh ok computed column, no idea.
@TomW I got it from one of the project database of my company
is there a way to catch an error occuring during jsondeserialize to poco class?My code is just exiting with no error
            RootObject root = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject>(outputJson);
@TomW I was also surprised that how data type of a column can be empty...
I guess the UI just doesn't support it? Or because it's computed you wouldn't be allowed to change it, so no point in showing you?
1 hour ago, by scheien
Can't you just deserialize to a poco?
Wasnt me talking about deserializing.
Dont know about it, sorry.
@GotaloveCode Do you mean that your process exits? Or that root is set to null?
who ate all the RAM?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I decided to implement an iterator instead since it's shorter to implement, has no historical mistake that makes my code look dirty and seems like a tighter abstraction
@MoonOwl22 What are you writing that you need to implement your own enumerable?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Classwork
It's for our data structures course
public IEnumerable<int> Numbers() {
   yield return 1;
   yield return 2;
} // done
Note that using a standard IEnumerable will make sure that other .NET mechanisms will work easily with your class, starting with foreach and so on.
The class that contains the iterator implements the IEnumerable<T> interface
process exits @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
@StevenLiekens that's one stuffed edge...
@GotaloveCode Try catching all thrown exceptions (Debug menu -> Exceptions -> check Thrown for .NET errors)
managed debugging assistants? @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
@GotaloveCode Common Language RUntime Exceptions.
@GotaloveCode which VS do You use?
That gurl.
The girl I had the stroll-date with though.. My mind approves her appearance
most likely my 2nd baby will be born next week
or soon
@ntohl congrats!
Mine is still (theoretically) six months away.
So close!? Ohh my!!! Congrats! I hope it goes smoothly!
Did the first come out fast?
the first one was a programmed give birth
if it makes sense.
Not really :o
sec I'm serching the stuff, that they gave to the mother to start the process
Could someone explain that to me?
Im a bit new to wpf. Maybe Im missing something basic?
Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: [. Path 'error.message.email'
@C4u Is that WPF, or UWP?
but i think the json should be ok
What's the "using" there in the namespace declaration?
It should be clr-namespace
@JakobMillah they gave her oxitocin
does jsondeserializer parse json in the same way as JObject.pArse perhaps?
and it was over in 6 hours. With caesarean delivery
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Then it tells me Namespace De.TorstenMandelkow.MetroChart cant be found.
Then you're probably missing a reference.
you might need to reference the assembly too
@ntohl Ohh. How come? Is that common where you live? No side effects?
An old teacher of mine where giving birth for 3 days straight with her first...
...Until they had to do a caesarean
@JakobMillah the heartbeat was not stable. When the pain came, the heartbeat slowed down
it's a torture... letting her struggle for 3 days
I see.. Damn, I will be completely fucked if I ever find a woman who will carry our child...
I hate it
there are lots of caesaren here. We see no problem with it
There usually are complications if you do it more than once
less stress on the head of the baby in my oppinion.
They're pretty common here too. I know people who chose to have one, without any medical indication, simply because they wanted to control the exact time of deliveryt.
My teacher did it once more after that. Then the doctors told her that she should not have another baby
it's a bit risky in our situation also, but most likely it will be caesaren. They told to my wife, that we should wait 2 years before 2nd child after a caesaren, and it's just 1.5 years. But the 2nd baby is BIG.
more than 3.3 kg already, and we both born with less or equal 2750 gramm with my wife
@JakobMillah how long was the 2nd giving birth?
@ntohl We also had a caesarian for the first child, but 10 weeks early and after two weeks in the hospital, so it wasn't really a choice.
now I remember. Your first baby born very small.
@ntohl They did the caesarian instantly, so I don't know how long that took with surgery and such. But the nurses asked her if she was going to try doing it the regular way, but she refused. So they asked the doctor, who was the same doctor as she had before and he recognised her. He instantly said: If she wants to do a caesarian. She gets to do a caesarian :P
@ntohl I hope everything turns out well.... Again.... I don't know how I will be able to handle it. I hate seeing people in pain and my mind will be completely messed up with emotions, thoughts and what not.
We are calm knowing it will be caesarian.
Welcome to C# Chat, for all your childbirth info.
where should we copy paste our babies? Gist? Same place?
any freelance developers here?
I thinking about it
or make a company. 1 level better.
I would like to start one as well eventually.. Pls. Give info
@ntohl Tiny, even, yes. We hope the next one will be more patient. :)
@arun I used to be freelance. It was hard and didn't pay as well as I'd hoped.
how old are you guys, I feel like a kid reading all the chat above
nd im 25, but marriages and babies sounds terrifying to me
@SamyS.Rathore 37
Hi guys, I'm building a chat. How can I add programatically the message sent and the message received in the same listbox ?
@SamyS.Rathore Well some of this guys in here act like being over 50 ^^.
ikr :P
I've created two lObservable COllections.
That already contain the messages but I'm able to put them in a "nice" way for the user
@Antoine webforms or windows??
@SamyS.Rathore windows (WPF + MVVM)
In my ViewModel I already have the info. And using two listboxes all works perfectly. But its ugly :D i want to only use one and put like: sent messages on the right and received on the left.
@Antoine The ObservableCOllection holds a list of strings? It should hold a different object, (say, MessageViewModel) which has a Type field (Sent/Received), and have a different Data Template applied based on it.
hold a collection of type Message and make your own template to bind the data in list
or follow what he said ^
the ObservableCollection is a list of Friends in a listview. I select the listview and in another spot I have the listbox of the message. That works like this:
ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=dataGrid,Path=SelectedItem.msg,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}
the msg is a list of messages. That is increasing programatically.
(ElementName=dataGrid is a reference to a listview that contains my "friends")
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan How do you suggest to work with friends?
In the ObservableCollection<FriendsHandler>. The FriendsHandler to have an ObservableCollection<Messages> ???
@SamyS.Rathore 29
@SamyS.Rathore 23 years old here. Babies will wait :P Still have to find the right one first
@JakobMillah i'm free
@Antoine ObservableCollection<FriendViewModel>, each containing an ObservableCollection<MessageViewModel>.
My future wife should not carry a schlong...
:( had to google to be sure
shieeet :P
@JakobMillah I got married at 32, had my first child at 34. No rush. :)
Nope... But I need love love. To ease my mind
And I need to find find. Someone to call mine
@JakobMillah I hear you. But it will come. Might take time, might come and go, but it will come.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Indeed. After being in relationships all my life; Single for 1 ½ year so far sucks
Really does
I was single for most of my 20's. It has its advantages too.
Keep gadgets and tools in the lounge; fart whenever you like; leave dishes unwashed - whats not to like?
But damn.. Miss the feeling having someone to cook with. Watch movies. Go for walks. Scratch backs before sleepy time
damn son
@TomW We are different... hahhaha :D
@JakobMillah still here
My ex seriously thought during the years we were together that I actually couldn't fart.. Till she one day when getting into bed and I was already there, she asked: Did you just fart?

I couldn't hide it... She was laughing so hard after that xD
@Proxy Don't do dis to me!!
man have i fallen
i'm watching politics
@TomW I am that clean type of person.. Hate having dishes standing (even though I have from time to time), I don't fart.. I do have a bit electronics, but it usually makes things more comfy at home :P Like robot vacuum cleaner, XMBC and what not
@Proxy Politics? ResidentSleeper
@JakobMillah You are a cat.
yeah we have a crisis here... well we have it all the time to be exact
@RoelvanUden Really? :S Damn and I am more of a dog person... shieet
What type of crisis?
@JakobMillah That's okay. Cats can like dogs.\
political crises. Best kind of crisis
Had an exchange student that lvied in Latvia and then moved to Portugal when her mother met a new guy there. Want to go sometime
@RoelvanUden Mjaaaaau
@Proxy Regarding: sudden stop in capital inflows ?
@JakobMillah haha there was almost no inflow to begin with.
but there is a scandal with the wife of the current leader as she was a negotiator in some some shanddy business in selling some proprieties
like the domestic oil company
So why is there no Romney this time if he nearly defeated Obama?
@Proxy I don't know what to say...

@RoelvanUden No idea. Looks like Hillary might take it though
@RoelvanUden he declined to run. Didn't want to, for whatever reason
Probably family
@Proxy What the fuck.
nobody know's i guess
neither do i :P
any one have demo desktop application for Quiz ?
or any open source
you can try to google
i doubt anyone will give you the full code
don't suppose anyone here is looking for a job and happens to be based near Andover (UK) ?
try on git hub or ask if you have some specific question
was that not specific enough ... and how would github help?
he can find quiz app there
Looking for a job, but I am based in Sweden and probably too plebby for you :)
lol "too plebby"
we are also pretty plebby ourselves
I mean building projects then specifying requirements at the moment appears to be standard process
but i'm working on that
@Darth_Wardy my colleague lives in Andover
For me it'd be a fair old way but not out of the question
@Darth_Wardy my colleague lives in Andover
is he / you looking for something new?
Depends what it is and money
30USD a night
@JakobMillah lol
I think this is more meta-related (albeit I haven't found a meta-room), but quick question about SO in general... I see a question has been put on hold for being unclear (not mine), and now it has been edited to be clear... shuld one indicate that it should be opened again?
@Shaamaan Any non-trivial edit will automatically put an on-hold question in the reopen queue.
OK, thanks. So it's awaiting moderation, I guess.
But if you see a question that has been fixed, and you have >3k rep, feel free to vote for reopening.
I'm not that privileged. ;) Anyway, thanks for the answer.
@TomW The plan is to rebuild a global portal that's used to move lots of money about all over europe mostly atm, EU regulations are changing so soon all orgs over a certain size will have to move to electronic invoicing and no-one does what we do
It's not even my question - I was just wondering how the process looks.
@Darth_Wardy sounds reasonably interesting. Big SOA and/or legacy systems integration type stuff?
@TomW I have designed a new web stack and we have pieces in it, but its a constantly evolving thing ... the money is based on skill set of course, hard to say what you are worth without knowing more about your experience
@Darth_Wardy Seen the movie Nightcrawler? :P Saw it last night
@Shaamaan Clunky but generally functional. :)
@TomW it's mostly going to be from scratch stuff
@JakobMillah yup
With my skill set. 30 dollaz a night sounds reasonable
@Darth_Wardy well I've done a few different things, first job was winforms apps but doing simulation and statistical calculations underneath, after that mainly BizTalk and web services development

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