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am I being triggered?
you bet your ass you're being triggered
I've used Xamarin for Android apps, very neat stuff
There is something with the syntax I don't like... People are like; "Well, it's just a syntax... It should be as easy as any other language?" But really, I don't find it as easy.
@misha130 "iOS cordova build" is on my list of tasks this next week :-/
but developing iOS apps on Xamarin is just messed up
i feel sorry for you son
anyone know any https OData api
I haven't written much Java, and none in Java 8, but my feeling was that Java was like C# before C# decided to have syntactic sugar. Java is bitter C#.
I used to work in Xamarin and now I develop Winforms :(
Java hates fun.
@SamyS.Rathore L O L
I'll stick to Cordova. Why would you learn another skill set if you can use the one you already know? And if that isn't your skill set yet, it applies to regular web pages, desktop applications, etc. Why on earth would you learn some proprietary format that will be replaced at the whim of some idiot anyway?
do you use any platform on cordova @Roel?
@Squiggle I agree, I dislike Java as well. But I also think it has to do with the fact that I really Visual Studio and most of the IDEs I used for Java have been pretty horribele :D
@Mathematics "HTTPS" and "OData" are two unrelated things
@MÃ¥rtenCederholm I agree to some extend, but I believe that even if the IDEs were identical, C# is still the better language.
@RoelvanUden Since Cordova is HTML, does it look like that or is the look and feel the same as native gui elements?
Do you guys do your own Taxes?
@misha130 React. TypeScript. My own architecture.
@RoelvanUden That's the reason why there's still VB6 applications in the world yo
@Squiggle off course they are
@ErwinOkken It looks like HTML. You can just create your own look 'n feel.
oh well you are pretty safe but i am doing ionic(angular)
what I am asking for is a api like this,
@Sippy Except it's irrelevant.
@RoelvanUden Ahh okay, not what I'm looking for. Thanks :)
but using https
@RoelvanUden ur irrelephant
and there are upgrades to ionic2 (angular2)
as I am having trouble otherwise
@Sippy I am :(
I think Ionic is bloated crap. As is Angular.
But that's just me.
good morning, it's creamcheese day again <3
@Mathematics no, they're not. HTTPS is a security layer on HTTP. OData is a series of conventions for serialization and interrogation of HTTP resources.
@Mathematics and what is that link supposed to mean to us? :-/
Loud noises
1. Implement OData endpoint somehow
2. Host on a HTTPS-enabled server
@Squiggle oh man.....
I don't understaaaaaand
This is good,

but I need this,

i'm pretty sure both of them are not good
if a certificate isnt valid, it doesnt mean it doesnt get the data
@tweray here we go
@Mathematics then... host on a HTTPS-enabled server?
@misha130 no webpage would like that
or do you mean you're trying to access an unsecured endpoint?
@Squiggle that's what I am looking for ? it's not my api
https:// not https:/
but You said the first one was good
@Mathematics ask the people hosting the API to enable SSL?
and the first one was with http:/
@Squiggle oh man, I give up
@Mathematics I honestly don't understand what you're asking
I need an OData api hosted on https to do some testing
Can anybody please tell me why jsfiddle.net/5RrGa/1789 is not working for alphanumeric
there are several on http, but I can't use them
http/https has nothing to do with your odata application
just make sure your iis/owin is listening to port 443
@tweray no that's not waht he's asking
he wants a link to any 3rd party OData endpoint that's served over SSL
(not sure why it matters, tho)
then i don't know what he's asking either
grab creamcheese and turn into watcher mode
Can I get Any help
@Squiggle pluncker won't work, problem with loading http over https
anyway I gave up
Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you dooown
@Proxy I want to validate for alphanumeric in jquery validation
this is the fiddle
but its not working
alphanumeric does not exist in default jquery validation library
i'm pretty sure it belongs to some extension libraray
what is creamcheese?
It is what it is
Hi All...
Hi you...
@tweray you're obsessed with cream cheese
I am getting an issue while calling partial view in mvc from controller
Value does not fall within the expected range.
@TomW and rightly so
I love Roule
can Decimal.TryParse check for no of places after and/or before the decimal point??
I can't figure out the format to pass
any one has any idea regarding these issue.so please help
or should I go for regex?
@SamyS.Rathore What's the problem you're trying to solve?
I have a value coming from a service, I need to check if its decimal (12,8) format
autually i am calling view from controller through partail view and while compliler come that line ...it will through "Value does not fall within the expected range." these error.
parentDiv.InnerHtml += Html.Partial("Layout/Tabs", tabs, Html.ViewData).ToString(); issue come in these line
and i am calling these line through event handler...might be because of these it will give error
@KendallFrey The incoming value is a string (like 345345,345,345,34),
but i am not able to find out the correct reason
@tweray is there any way to check for alphanumeric?
just google jquery validation alphanumeric
@SamyS.Rathore cant you just split the string and check then?
@Proxy I thought about it, but doesnt looks like the cleanest option, I think there might be a better option
can't you just do decimal.TryParse?
Is it webformzeroni?
So I got a new laser yesterday
@SamyS.Rathore how is that a decimal? Unless you use european style numeric separators
This one I can see the spot to at least a kilometre
You and your lasers
Explain more clearly what your expected behaviour is
@KendallFrey who are you sniping this time?
@tweray stars
it's green so you can see the beam easily
i'm pretty sure stars are more than a kilometre away sir
its like 35,345 parses to 35,345.00000000
@tweray That's the point of being able to see the beam
How to piss off the local cops
You are thenew "Laser man"
@SpringLearner sorry im having troubles with jquery as well :/
assuming the place you live have cops
@SamyS.Rathore what happens to the rest of the comma-separated numbers?
!!wiki John Ausonius
John Wolfgang Alexander Ausonius (born Wolfgang Alexander Zaugg, 12 July 1953), known in the media as Lasermannen ("the Laser Man"), is a Swedish convicted murderer, bank robber, and attempted serial killer. From August 1991 to January 1992 he shot eleven people in the Stockholm and Uppsala area, most of whom were immigrants, killing one and seriously injuring the others. He first used a rifle equipped with a laser sight (hence, his nickname), and later switched to a revolver. He was arrested in June 1992 and sentenced to life imprisonment in January 1994. == Early life == Ausonius was bo...
@TomW the example I gave didn't have a decimal point
the input i'm getting may or maynot have decimal points
@SamyS.Rathore OK. How does that answer the question?
Are the repeated commas meant to be thousands separators?
the rest numbers stay as it is, I just need to check if the input is a valid decimal (12,8)
otherwise I reject the value
I feel like im unable to explain my problem clearly
You got that right
just split the input
check if lenght of first is 12 second 8
if so its okay
in not reject
@CapricaSix That must be the origin of the red-dot-on-your-forehead trope
@SamyS.Rathore I don't think C# has a notion of fixed decimal formatting
pf im gona lose my mind with jquery and ajax
imma just go with a regex check
@TomW yeah,
@Proxy why?
@TomW it kind of does
decimal always displays with the full precision
@SamyS.Rathore so I guess the process would be, split the input by ., remove all instances of , from the first fragment (which may be the only fragment); if all the characters are digits and there are 12 or less, check the second fragment if it exists that there are 8 characters or less that are all digits
e.g. 1M.ToString() is "1" and 1.00000M is "1.00000" iirc
@RoelvanUden pf im again working with datatables and when submiting an ajax request
it works fine if i have 5 collumns
@TomW (?:\d,?){0,11}\d(?:\.\d{1,8})?
i add another one
Yeah sure, but not in the sense that you can define fixed widths like you can in sql, right?
it worn work
@TomW right
$(document).ready(function () {

"bServerSide": true,
"sAjaxSource": "/TestDb/AjaxHandler",
"bProcessing": true,
"aoColumns": [
"sName": "ID",
"bSearchable": false,
"bSortable": false,
"fnRender": function (oObj) {
return '<a href=\"Details/' +
oObj.aData[0] + '\">View</a>';
{ "sName": "LICENCE_KEY" },
{ "sName": "E-MAIL" },
{ "sName": "COMPANY" },
{ "sName": "VERSION" },
{ "sName": "USED" },
{ "sName": "START" }

so this is my code
but if i remove the last entry
{"sName": "START" }
it works fine
else it does not
it wont hit the controller
and it shows no errors what so ever
Anything in the browser console? Or perhaps in its network tab?
(Use Chrome, don't use crapo-other-browserso)
i am
well i'm lying i get this error
cannot read property style of undefined datatables
So trace it.
@RoelvanUden well i dont know exactly how :P im not good at useing chrome tools... it works now if i add another additional empty collumn
I don't know how it maps data onto columns, but perhaps you're passing down too many columns from the C# side that the JS side hasn't got defined, thus, it's confused and can't map it?
(I never worked with datatables)
dunno but the problem was that is was not even reaching my controller
it already broke down on the ajax call
welp, time to write the third Stream wrapper to cover up this piece of shit class
I hate Streams
I love the concept of Streams
@RoelvanUden They could have been implemented so much better though
I don't know why MemoryStream is not waitable. I had to implement a MemoryStream wrapper to copy SocketStream functionality to be able test network code without actually using sockets
having a stream that you can both read from and write to was a big mistake
@KendallFrey Absolutely.
The streams in node are lovely.
You would have to track closing. It would be painful
So, what's a good name for a stream which keeps track of how much data has been read?
PositionalStream? TrackingStream? MetredStream? ProgressStream?
Tracking the int position of the stream?
@KendallFrey yeah whats wrong with Stream.Position?
@KendallFrey there is a Position property for most of the .NET streams. Are they not good?
Unless dickery with resetting position etc
@TomW It simply throws NotSupportedException
@Feeds haha this is gold
@KendallFrey ReadCounterStream
@Feeds You missed Pangea.
@Squiggle It's got everything, even the day Jimmy Carter was attacked by a giant swimming rabbit.
@KendallFrey which Stream class do You use?
it's returned from WCF
today i made my self to be an ios developer
if anyone wants to shoot me, be my guest I am already dead inside
(just like one of those walking dead xDDDDDddD)
that's like saying you started going to church
well maybe i should
a mosque
whichever has more restrictions
1 message moved to Trash can
that joke is overused more than your mom
this is like a metaphor for life
@KendallFrey very mature answer...
@KendallFrey how would You implement NetworkStream's positioning? Make a buffered stream from it, and position on the stored buffer?
@ntohl No reason to buffer it
I already have a Stream that does that
I'm splitting it up into the position tracking part and the buffering part
with inheritance
I made a stream that adds pushback capabilities to a network stream
is that useful in any way?
@StevenLiekens Your dashboard is empty
cmon man
fill dat dashboard
I'll pay someone $5 to make a complete data model for my app
@KendallFrey makes it so Stream.Write stores data in a buffer
next time you call Stream.Read, data is read from the buffer instead of the underlying stream
pushback :)
isn't it the same as BufferedStream?
I could do it for $3
@Amy Ok it's a 6 month contract so after taxes it's about like 50c
over the course of 6 months
sounds great. i assume there's no health plan?
BufferedStream doesn't support pushing back bytes
as far as I'm aware
We don't cover equestrians
excellent! when can i start?
6 months ago
i mean now
i'm done.
wow good job this looks really great
you'll notice that it generates its own requirements for itself.
unfortunately i spent your salary on coffee
Well at least you spent it on something I respect.
And in the end, that's all that matters.
Hey this data model keeps generating requirements like "make it faster" is this supposed to happen?
buy me a cup of coffee and i will tell you answer.
@StevenLiekens oh that high C# version syntax... So nice
high syntax?
sorry the non compete says i can't hire an ex employee as a consultant for at least 2 years
as opposed to the low syntax
@StevenLiekens high version
C# 6? or 5?
that caption can't be real
@Amy You take me for a foooool!?
@JakobMillah what in gods name is that? ROFL #FuckLogic
It's okay! The child's hearing was unaffected. Due in large to a congenital abnormality which caused him to be born without ears.
i wonder. do we all do one really stupid thing over the course of our lives, and that woman just happened to have her one, single stupid moment with a reporter
There are stupid stuff and there are stupid stuff
Seems like the baby was ok when born too
I don't see why that's so stupid
There's no reason a fetus couldn't be affected by loud noises
...While she is smoking
But ye, I think media in this case found a good title
RIP all unborn babies in my town right now, since there are workers like everywhere right now..
@JakobMillah dammit I missed that
One time in high school my pregnant teacher got a kid to shut up by telling him that her baby will recognize his voice because he talks so much.
when i was in 4th grade my pregnant teacher used her baby as a reason for the class to keep quiet and do their homework
"dont disturb the baby she's sleeping shhhhhhhhh"
at the time it seemed completely reasonable
One teacher in high school never came to class due to her baby always being sick with flue etc.. Every week for a year
Well, apart form like.... 5 times
today she is a pretty big regional politicain, aka good lier
if I know the name of a control can I search all form for it?
hahahahaha amy
IIRC that's Controls.Find(). It might also be FindControl() or some other variation
that teacher new what she was doing
using lies to manipulate students means she knew what she was doing?
had that but its for the 1 form
you have to search on a per-form basis, @Ggalla1779
TextBox textBoxToUpdate = (TextBox)theParentForm.Controls.Find("textBox1");
aha ok
ow thats clever you can loop through open forms
@Amy fairly genius
what a phrase
"fairly genius"
somewhat definitely
I don't want to set the world on fire. I just want start, a flame in your heart

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