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is that "Shuffle"?
@Amy nope
Thumbprint Radio

Music inspired by your 1,504 thumbs from across all your stations.
huh ok
the very first thing it plays is "Final Fantasy VIII: Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec"
@Amy that's good?
i hadn't heard it in a while
ah, ok
yeah that station does that ;)
Today my first song was "We Swarm by The Glitch Mob", was a related song, like it.
@RoelvanUden Yes, so that in turn begs the question 'how much bandwidth does HD cloud gaming require?'
That's not what "begs the question" means
@mikeTheLiar it does not?
@Sippy That depends on the encoding (and the speed of the encoding matters), the resolution, and frame rate.
mike u suk
@SteffenWinkler It does not. He means "raises the question"
@RoelvanUden I'd only consider using 1080p at 60fps
!!google beg the question
@mikeTheLiar yes...and 'begs the question' means exactly that
@Sippy That would be quite a lot of bandwidth.
Mike's right
anyone knows how to deal with checking if the socks proxy is working?
at least according to two dictionary sites @mikeTheLiar
Never knew that
How odd.
@SteffenWinkler no, begging the question is a logical fallacy
Q: C# Test if proxies are working before using them

iamanoobI want to check if the the proxies in my list are working before using them, is it possible? It's easy for HTTP/HTTPS since you only have to use the webclient but for socks? I tought this could work for all public static bool SoketConnect(string addresse) { string[] proxy = addresse.Split...

@mikeTheLiar ? You what now?
@RoelvanUden Right, it doesn't seem overly viable to me
Like obviously possible, but you'd need some monster internet connection to do it
!!wiki begging the question
To beg a question means to assume the conclusion of an argument—a type of circular reasoning. This is an informal fallacy, in which an arguer includes the conclusion to be proven within a premise of the argument, often in an indirect way such that its presence within the premise is hidden or at least not easily apparent. The term "begging the question", as this is usually phrased, originated in the 16th century as a mistranslation of the Latin petitio principii, which actually translates as "assuming the initial point". In modern vernacular usage, "to beg the question" is sometimes used to mean...
@Sippy Quite possibly. You'd have to run tests. I could easily stream 1080p@30 over 8mbps
@mikeTheLiar so by using that phrase you are 'saying' that the following question is rhethorical?
No, it means that something is already assumed in the question
@RoelvanUden This is true, but could you also consistently send instructions back the other way?
For example, "have you stopped beating your wife?"
Like 'that begs the question if a black hole has a higher density than a flower?!'
[of course it is, duh] -> rhethorical question
@Sippy That's so minor it's hardly relevant, but sure, it's going to be a round trip
The question presupposes that you beat your wife
And that you have a wife
Fair, I am just asking questions to understand better cos I know you know things about networking :D
It's an easy mistake to make and very common. I have to make myself not say "begs the question" when I mean "raises the question"
yeah, thank you @mikeTheLiar
@mikeTheLiar Related, JAQing
@Shoe I prefer to keep my JAQing private
Seriously though, what does JAQ stand for?
Just Asking Questions :D
"Is mikeTheLiar a rapist?" I'm just asking questions here
Ooh interesting. I hadn't heard of this one before.
@Shoe wanna find out?
That escalated quickly.
@Shoe if someone actually says the last bit, it should be okay to punch them in the face.
> Any headline which ends in a question mark can be answered by the word "no." The reason why journalists use that style of headline is that they know the story is probably bullshit, and don’t actually have the sources and facts to back it up, but still want to run it.
yup, we learned that in school
one of the few useful things that was taught to us in the school subject 'German'
You were taught that in a language class?
@Shoe yup, 10th class. Was part of writing assignments we had to do.
Writing techniques that are used 'today'
if you ask a question in a headline, the answer has to be the one not implied. The first part of your text will present arguments in favor of the implication of that question, the second part will then debunk it
is the objective to confuse the reader
@Amy no, the objective is to 'shine a light' on something from all sides. Of course, clickbait articles will only have shallow and easily disproved arguments in favor of the question
so that they can then, with relative ease, counter-argument the whole thing
also that you put your strongest argument last
and only use it if your opponent can't be swayed by the 'easier' arguments
also that a real argument always has to have a 'source'. That can either be a fact or a quote from an established person of society.
Bunch of stuff like that
Forgot half of it, but some stuff stuck with me.
most people do these things without consciously being aware of it anyway.
cringe friday
it was so bad Ben Carson was clapping his hands to an entirely different song playing in his head
I'm sorry @JakobMillah I'm sorry, I just can't bring myself to do it. I can't click play. :(
That is awful. Just awful.
@Sidney Click it! Give it a couple of seconds!
Is that the dude @Sippy?
Is he in jail yet?
No it isn't
David Spade?
They look a lot alike though
The dude? Lebowski?
the dude that sings so miserably for trump
@TravisJ Yeah, we get an identifier that we use to call a service to retrieve the user info
I would lose a lot of respect for Spade if he sung in a Trump rally.
@Sidney lol
^-- clearly talking about Baltimore
Does Randall Monroe have an SE user? Can I star him even if he's never visited the room?
When is he going to do another what-if? I'm having withdrawals.
@mikeTheLiar I know right, maybe no one is sending good questions anymore. I still go back and read "Building the periodic table" every now and then.
@Sidney I don't know but he has referenced physics.se posts in his what ifs
"Do not build the seventh row" -R. Munroe
Which one is this? Doesn't sound familiar
It was in the book, which has a few bonus What-if's.
You should Tote's get it.
Hi everyone. Would it be wrong to ask C# programming question here?
my sides
@Latheesan what's your question
@Latheesan Fire away
can i know what indicates your assumption?
I am new to PowerPoint VSTO programming. The online resources are tad bit confusing. Just wanted to ask a basic question; can you add a shape to current slide with a Add-in and tag it? so i can find it later to manipulate it?
Q: PowerPoint VSTO Add-in - add a shape with a tag

LatheesanI would like to programatically add a shape into the current slide of PowerPoint in C# .NET So, I have created a VSTO Add-in with a ribbon which has a button "Add Shape". When this button is clicked, the following code executes: Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide.Shapes.AddSh...

"windows 10 is here, Schedule your free upgrade." .... How about.... No.
@R593B I downgraded to windows 7 the other day after finding out explorer.exe had a permanent connection to Microsoft o.o
@R593B don't worry, it will just install it even you don't schedule it
@tweray If that happens Ill sue them lol.
I never gave permission.
well, that's what happened to me
I actually like 10. Coincidentally, I've long since given up on the hope that I can keep secrets from Microsoft and Google.
(Nor did I give permission to spam me with OFFLINE advertisements.
left computer on before sleep, after wake up, boom, win10 is here
@R593B I eventually just gave in. It's not bad.
@mikeTheLiar No I agree the OS is fine it's the extras they added.
I don't need 50 different settings that simply mean : Send my shit to MS.
Just give me one : Do you want to give us info so we can make moniez on that ? Yes or no.
I would use 10 daily if it wasn't for auto-update reverting settings you made.
And ofc the inability to turn of auto update itself >.>
The thing is, they want to make money off of you by showing you shit that you want to see. They want your data to know what you like so they can give you more of it.
Same thing with Google. Google wants to show you things that you want to buy.
Suddenly OSX is looking great lately for me, along with the Ubuntu desktop.
But I don't want that either. I am not using Adblock for fun...
But they have to figure out what you want to buy first.
Please MS and Google I don't want to buy stuff unless I ACTUALLY search for it.
@mikeTheLiar google don't do that in start menu. doing that in start menu and regular local computer usage is crossing the line
And yeah I get the concept @mikeTheLiar But for someone like me who only buys online when I actually want something myself and then searches it himself it's only annoying.
talking about that, scott hanselman wrote a blog post bashing lenovo having backdoor ad data collector in their ome windows computers last year.
now i wonder if he's going to bash msft doing the same but even more
Youtube is the same thing btw. It recommends stuff based on what you viewed. Which is totally "shitty" in my opinion. If I click a video just to check something that doesn't mean I want to see everything from that Uploader/Category.
So I dunno why but azure load balancers work better when the probes are probing TCP80 instead of trying to access the site root via HTTP
@Squiggle ^ that might be relevant knowledge to you
Cos it took me like 6 hours to figure out why the load balancer wasn't redirecting me to a server.
How to test Rx code with TestScheduler, if it uses FromAsyncPattern()?
I have this:
I cannot make it pass, except with uncomment.
@tweray fair enough. The thing is my home computer is basically just a dual netflix box/gaming machine so there's really not much to get off of it adwerds wise
I like the fast boot. That's about all I've got to say about Windows 10
@mikeTheLiar But I think it's only fair for us other users to draw a line for MS.
'tis a fair cop
Don't get that reference :(
I'll probably upgrade back to Windows 10 after the linux subsystem is production-ready
It's just a saying. It means you're right.
Ah okay.
US saying?
Or UK?
I've heard it in UK stuff
Think it's UK. Possibly archaic
Don't think i've ever heard it used here (i'm in the US)
Hmm cool :) I had not heard it before so was wondering.
Well I'm in the US too and I just used it. Checkmate.
damn you @mikeTheLiar, you've foiled my plans for the last time
@Sippy possibly useful - if I knew anything about it to begin with. Glad that you're learning stuff though! :D
Here's a question for ya:

I have an assembly that uses a dependancy that is not strongly named, I would like to insert that assembly into the GAC which requires giving it a strong name, is there a way to get the assembly to use the updated dependancy?
Good @Amy is here now I can make progress.
yeah, assembly binding looks in the local bin folder, and if it isn't found there, in the GAC
so putting it in the GAC, and removing it from bin, should in theory do it
@mikeTheLiar bu..but, i am afraid that now msft is sharing my porn and know my secret favor now
an assembly binding redirect might be necessary in the config
@tweray that's just so they can show you more porn that you like. I fail to see the problem.
@mikeTheLiar But for those we can google themselves it seems a bit useless tbh
Also most of "googles recommended stuff" is spam or weird sites I'd never buy from.
I dunno, I told my wife early on in our relationship that I'm not going to try to hide any of my internet activity. She's welcome to look through my history whenever she wants, but she doesn't get to judge me for anything she finds there. I feel similarly about MS. I doubt they give a shit what I do on the internet.
i was soooo careful so google will never know what pron i like, and msft just ruined it!
@Amy if the dll can't find the unsigned assembly it crashes (Saying IOException dll could not be found), even if the assembly is in the Gac AND the bin folder
Feels like I'm missing something
@mikeTheLiar Yeah sure wife i'd be fine with too, But I don't really agree on sharing the same things with MS
hm, dunno, try turning on the fusion logger, maybe it'll shed some more light?
@Amy Smart thinking
It's just data points hidden in a sea of noise. I don't really care that much. I know it's a cop out by I really don't have anything to hide. My life is boring. If MS wants to go through my garbage they're welcome to. There's nothing interesting in there anyway.
I don't want any corporation knowing more about me or my browsing habits than they absolutely need to.
It's not so much that I think there is some nasty dude watching everyone browsing and text entry history at MS. It's the fact they just set it all up as default and don't really tell you.
That's the future. There's no way to hide anymore. I mean, I'm not going to try to stop you from trying but it's a losing game.
Nah that's the future they want where they don't deal in software but in people data.
Then again if "I'm a huge douchebag Ted Cruz" gets elected and starts trying to outlaw absurd shit I might have a different opinion.
I do very much believe that not only their software will evolve.
Stuff like Tor will too :)
@Squiggle If I just shout random small facts at you some of them might stick if you ever come to need em haha
@mikeTheLiar Is MS a US based company ? As in do they have to obey those laws?
@Amy No dice with fusion, it's not even showing me a binding failure.
did you try fuzzy dice?
@Sippy only if I can do the same at you
@R593B I mean more like if I end up having something to hide because the laws change
@Sippy when referenced in ng-link, ngComponentRouter non-terminal routes must have the full array of component names defined if there's no single child route identified with useAsDefault: true!
@mikeTheLiar Yeah I was just wondering which laws MS has to obey to. Like so far I understand if for example : those torrents site are based in a non internet law having country, so they are safe to exist.
yeah but I kind of know angular so it's not the same
Actually no, it is the same.
@R593B AFAIK MS has a contract with the US government so probably
To provide what
@Sippy the government used Windows as its OS. So Windows has to abide by certain rules to keep that contract
So if I wanted "my" version of windows (so basically Anonymous except purchase basically.) There needs to be a president in the US who is Pro Internet anonymity?
For example - there are no Easter eggs in MS software, because the US military doesn't allow for "undocumented features".
That's a law?
That's not a law, it's part of their contract
The US government has a contract with MS. They use Windows exclusively and MS agrees to abide by certain requests.
Just imagine some new dev there : oh look at this new cool easter egg I added. Coworker : NO.
@R593B but the government uses Linux as well. I'm guessing the same rules don't apply there?
@mikeTheLiar I guess MS does bring in a good portion of $$$ :P
@Squiggle Hmm that's a good one :o
@Squiggle Maybe Linux founders were just like nope not going to agree.
Okay I need to do some actual work. Later all.
@mikeTheLiar I know for a fact that there are easter eggs in MS software. Perhaps that only applies to software released in the past X years?
@Codeman could tell us if there are easter eggs in VS
@KendallFrey From what he said maybe it only applies to software the military uses since he said it was a contract with the US military?
I'm sure the military uses minesweeper for training exercises
I have removed all copies of the .dll from the system and manually signed the dll and inserted it into the GAC and verified that it is the only copy in the GAC.

Still it asks for a .dll with a null publickey token.
@KendallFrey Shh that's the test you get before you get promoted to Commander (Or whatever high ranks they use there, got no idea)
I'm a whiz at minesweeper, I can play for days.
@KendallFrey One you see my sweet moves youre gonna stay amazed
i can too i just lose a lot :p
@Amy In the IL I see:
.assembly extern xTile
.ver 2:0:4:0

Which I notice is distinctly lacking a public key
i have no idea
this is getting into an area of .net i have little experience with
@Amy That's impossible you know everything :,(
@Tomwa I know a lot of people who think they know everything
@Amy Don't worry I think I'm in an area I can handle - Violently brutalizing prebuilt assemblies using Mono.Cecil
I know everything except what I don't know.
I have approximate knowledge of many things
So a friend of mine had this company closing and just brought a box of harddrives they didn't sell because they had no box for them.
I got like 20 2Tb drives and 30ish 1TB ones lol.
ssd or hdd?
Hdd :p
But their odd ones.
They had this surveillance camera shop thing
So their like "Surveillance Optimized" ones from WD and Seagate mostly.
Wonder what they mean with the "optimized" part though.
@KendallFrey possibly. Wikipedia says "Some of Microsoft's early products included hidden Easter eggs. Microsoft formally stopped including Easter eggs in its programs as part of its Trustworthy Computing Initiative in 2002"
And I suppose it could be an "easter egg" as long as it was documented somewhere
I've never used the old versions of Office with minigames in
But Pinball has one or two
Ah, MS Pinball. Life before the internet was rough.
i played that racing game in excel once
the first program i ever bought was a pinball game
Here's a write up by Larry Osterman: blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/larryosterman/2005/10/21/…
Although I'm not finding anything about it being a US military requirement. Maybe I was wrong about that. Sounds plausible though.
I'm almost TOO good with bastardizing other peoples assemblies to meet my needs.
I hate being too good at something.
I've just written a bunch of XSLT that I am 90% sure that most of my colleagues will complain about
Because XSLT done 'right' is highly counterintuitive
"XSLT done 'right'" involves several gallons of gasoline and a match.
Yeah. Yeah.
Unfortunately this stuff is caked in the metaphorical asbestos we call BizTalk
Too expensive, complicated and toxic to remove.
I am working the the biztalk team for our middleware
Sorry you said BizTalk and instantly triggered some very current emotions
If your BizTalk guys are telling you they can't do stuff, fire them and get better ones
It's pretty much the machinery left over from the construction of the universe, it's the most powerful thing in existence pretty much
But as you might gather that shit is old.
It makes everything difficult, mind you
just wanted to share my excitement at my discovery about the cause of my pdf problems yesterday
I'm a BizTalk consultant btw. And not paid anywhere near enough for it considering the idiots in this business.
now i just gotta figure out how to force IE to be smart feller instead of a fart smeller
what's biztalk?
down that path lies the danger zone
yeah that's a microsoft product
i have enough fun trying to deal with their product flaws
i swear they're hiring $3/hr coders from india
on odesk
OK @Bardicer that's a good one
I've heard what freelancers get for it, and thought "oh yeah I'd like some of that." Then I heard what my company charges for me.
@Bardicer what was it anyway?
yeah if i knew exactly what the company i'm contracting through was making off my work...
i'd probably go ballistic
@Amy LANA!
internet explorer uses edge as a default pdf opener
these pdfs have forms with fields with values
new PBS Space Time!
edge can't read those values
so it's displaying default values
once i downloaded adobe acrobat dc or whatever it is... IE decided to use THAT as the default pdf reader and "magically" it worked
Edge can't pdf. Gotcha.
in a nutshell
internet explorer can't pdf
edge can't pdf
internet explorer can't even
but internet explorer sure can quirk!
hello my "SYSTEM AND COMPRESSED MEMORY" sometimes high Disk usage
It should post a quirking video and get 99999999 likes
Ok here I am.
any idea
any idea about what
Project completion is so close
SYSTEM AND COMPRESSED MEMORY" sometimes high Disk usage @Amy
please say something comprehensible.
I am seeing that on my windows task manager there is a service named SYSTEM AND COMPRESSED MEMORY which is consuming high Disk usage...hogging actually... is there any solve or why it is like that any idea, for that my pc is getting slow sometime @amy
@bluetoothfx sounds like you're on windows 10
@bluetoothfx or 8
That was a little bit more comprehensible.
it is windows 10
@bluetoothfx it does all the lovely swapping of compressed memory pages for those shiny new "apps"
I don't want that :'(
I just want to point out that this is the C# chat room, not Windows tech support.
@Amy sorry :D
@bluetoothfx as a Windows 10 user I feel your pain
I don't understand the windows 10 hate. Can someone explain it to me?
Windows 10 increases the range of empathy?
@Катерина sorry I accidentally pinged you
No problem :3
@Jeremy well, first of all it sucks
@Jeremy well it fucked over my system, so i ended up removing it
^ yeah this
I'm back on 7 now
it installed itself even i don't want it, so no matter how good it is, it sucks
Oh, I heard that something like 1% of the windows 10 installs, especially early, just got fucked mercilessly
@Jeremy It just isn't reliable, none of my programs work. Those that do work won't work with others that still work together on windows. My drivers are a mess, and my display corrupts on idle, all of this happens on a clean Install.

But I'm on bleeding edge hardware so maybe that's the problem.
I reinstall windows 10 on a weekly basis
An update that I couldn't refuse bjorked my winsock configuration, making my ethernet card unable to do TCP
Mine put itself into a crash-restart loop with no hope of recovery
i have some diverse programs and devices on my computer and didn't have these troubles... just a lottery, I guess.
I'd install W7 if I could but after countless attempts I gave up.
Windows 10 driver issues are the biggest problem.. literally all the computer I have with windows 10 have at least one kind of a driver issue
when will windows get away from the idea of having a C:\Windows\Installer folder that takes up a majority of SSD space?
yeah. i think its understandable given that they changed how drivers work in 10
how do they work?
Most drivers are now in userspace.
how can they accomplish the same things as before then??
!!google user mode driver framework
!! google how to google

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