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Has anyone successfully tried NCrunch when using a SQL CE database?
I can't get the references to resolve
2 hours later…
I want my datagridview CellEndEdit to be called on a button click, any ideas?
@jaminator what have you tried?
2 hours later…
Hello! I wanna compare the TimeStamps of 2 files. But I ended up in huge confusions Due to TimeZone and DST even though I converted to UTC and then compared. Can any1 help with the code?
what do they originally look like? (before you convert them)
:2964293. one file before conversion - 02/23/2012 01:38PM
after conversion - 02/23/2012 08:08PM
so how do you know which time zone it is?
@Baboon I dont know how I would do that. In fact, at the end of day, I should take care of time problems, DST everything.
Are you using something like File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc() ?
@walkingTarget Yes. thats correct
Well, hopefully someone knows a little more
I would have thought getting the UTC would skirt the Time Zone/DST issue entirely
anyone about who knows multi thread
@stackpointerisEXTINCT I'm just worried it gets the time wrong.
@HansRudel please be specific, I might be able to help
Hi, This is going to be a bit of a pig to explain but ill give it a shot. The general jist is im creating 1 new thread. this thread then creates a second thread and wait on the 2nd thread so it can handle any exceptions etc
this is all declared in the Form1.cs
I don't see a reason to create a thread that does nothing but wait on another thread. Can you explain why you do this?
A school assignment?
@HansRudel most anyone in this room with a community rep over 5k ;-)
if any exceptions are thrown, i want to be able to call a method that to update the UI
@HansRudel but that doesn't require two additional threads, only one
the UI already runs in it's own thread
@KendallFrey, I wanted to have the GUI thread free to update progress bars
I see, but why can't you handle exceptions on the worker thread?
as i didnt want it to block and wait for any exception
Let the guy finish, where are you stuck? you don't know how to marshal the exception string to the UI ?
@jcolebrand: nah just a little assignment ive been working on. Im studying this by myself
Sounds like something I'd use BackgroundWorker to do
im not sure if i have to do subscriptions to events on the GUI thread or can i subscribe to something within a thread.
@HansRudel so let's assume you already got the exception mechanism working, and you got the error string stored in a variable
to display it in the UI thread, when it is stored in a variable on a separate thread
you need to use the Dispatcher
@KendallFrey: It seemed easier to have one thread wait and then filter through any exceptions whether its cancellation or not.... maybe i was wrong
so that the string can be marshalled to the UI thread
BackgroundWorker is designed with your situation in mind. Use it.
aye, so its the if(control.invokerequired .. pattern?
you'd do this: Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {myControl.Text = myExceptionString;});
@Baboon This is WinForms, BTW.
yeah that kind of thing
winforms has a dispatcher too no? he could also use a BackgroundWorker, and ReportProgress
let me write out a brief example of what i had done and then what i think im trying to do as it will be easier to discuss afterwards
@Baboon I don't think there is a Dispatcher. You are right about BackgroundWorker.
back in 5 mins
@KendallFrey back in my WinForm days, I'd use it all the time for GUI stuff. Nowdays it's all Task and Dispatcher.Invoke
The Dispatcher?
Oh, yeah.
weird time to talk about winforms, I just recieved an email congratulating me because some freeware website now serve the last winform app i made

Decalage Napisy, one of your products, has been added to Softpedia's
database of software programs for the Windows operating system."
""Decalage Napisy" has been tested in the Softpedia labs using several
industry-leading security solutions and found to be completely clean of
adware/spyware components. We are impressed with the quality of your
product and encourage you to keep these high standards in the future."
just lol
that "software" is like a hundred lines long
@jcolebrand haha
and has crappy OOP design
What does it do?
it helps you sync subtitles on a video
it's nothing more than a string parser for SRT files really
not sure i should be proud xD
I wrote a utility once to let me change filetimes on specific files.
I wonder if Softpedia is one of those sites that bundles your software into an installer that includes a toolbar or some garbage
I hope not
ok this is what i have already working.
but will give u an idea of what im trying to do
ive just written thos on the fly so the names/formatting is a bit poor
namespace CSV_Parser
public partial class MyClass:Form
public MyClass()

private void btnCheckData_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
//Create instance of a class i have in my class lib.
DataVerification preDataCheck = new DataVerification();
//Instance of a class i have defined in this namespace.
ProgressBarChanged progBar = new ProgBarChanged(...)
//Method in ProgressBar i use to subscribe to the update progressbar event.
//Calls the dataverification method.
Can you format the code properly with a code block? There is an option to do that if you edit the message.
do i need to offset it by 4 spaces?
Yes, but you can do that automatically by pressing the fixed font button.
:( im assuming thats something on my keyboard?
To the right of that textbox down there vvv. It only appears if you have multiple lines typed in.
namespace CSV_Parser
    public partial class MyClass:Form
        public MyClass()

        private void btnCheckData_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Create instance of a class i have in my class lib.
            DataVerification preDataCheck = new DataVerification();
            //Instance of a class i have defined in this namespace.
            ProgressBarChanged progBar = new ProgBarChanged(...)
            //Method in ProgressBar i use to subscribe to the update progressbar event.
and here is the class lib

namespace Verifier
    public class DataVerification
        //Event declaration are here.

        public void VerifyDataAsync(...)
            Task parentTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>

        public void CreateChildTaskSync(....)
            //Instance of a class used to pass values when an event is raised.
            CompletionEventArgs finalNotification = new CompletionEventArgs();
Now what im trying to do is update a progressbar between the LoadDataTable call and the UploadData which are done in the Child thread.
namespace CSV_Parser
    public partial class MyClass:Form
        public MyClass()

        private void btnUploadData_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Create instance of a class i have in my class lib.
            PopulateDataTable DT = new PopulateDataTable();
            //Create instance of a class i have in my class lib.
            UploadDataTable DataBase = new UploadDataTable(...)

            //Create first task
            Task ParentTask = task.factory.StartNew(() = >
I think you're making it harder than it has to be.
nothing would surprise me.
Is there any way to get a Type object from a Type's Fullname as a string, without knowing what assembly it is from (basically search all assemblies currently loaded)?
@Xaade ask that again?
I bet I can help you with this one
You have a type full name
You know the DLL is loaded.
How do you recover a type object from that string?
From everything I can tell, you have to know the assembly, and use the right assembly object to get the type
but when I look at a type name, I don't have a way to resolve what assembly it is from
Try running Activator.CreateInstance
That is in the reflection namespaces
oh, but you only have the type as a string
I get that much, but I have to create an instance to get its type.... that'll work, but
That'll be slow.... I'll fallback on that if there isn't a better way.
I think you need to search for the Type yourself.
Is there some magical list of all loaded assemblies, that I can search through?
     foreach (Assembly a in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
        Type t = FindInAssembly(a, fullTypeName, false);
        if (t != null) return t;
That looks about right
something like that?
Looks great.
I'm surprised that isn't built in.
fullTypeName is the string
@Xaade I'm not.
@David yeah, that was my next thought, it was a slow churn coming that he had the type ...
@Xaade Lippert wrote a great post a while back that talked about that
@KendallFrey My point being, as dll loaded, it could create a dictionary of all available types...
in one place
Think, there could be two assemblies, and both of them could have a MyNamespace.FromSomeOtherAssemblyICantResolve.MySpecialObject Type.
@KendallFrey I thought that would generate a resolve error?
I mean... activator.createinstance.... wouldn't know what to do?
I don't know, I never tried it.
Well, that'll do
That's why Activator.CreateInstance needs an assembly.
The reason I'm having this problem is that I have a serializer that will spit out documentation for how it serializes objects. I tried expanding, but I end up in places where Exception has member InnerException, which is Exception.... and thus infinite loop and stack overflow
I need some way to generate links, but I don't want formatting in my documentation text...
The result is the documentation is being viewed in a browser, so I can generate links, but to do that I have to parse the type from the description.... and thus no longer have an actual type.
@David Thanks
@KendallFrey Would you be willing to set up a separate chat room like yesterday or are you busy?
What do you need to ask?
more about that threading stuff
What's wrong with here?
blogs.msdn.com/b/ericlippert/archive/2009/05/18/… Found the blog entry. Now to remember it for next time.
@HansRudel ask it here, because more eyes does not mean you are to be embarrassed
it means you are going to get better input because you will have a larger audience
aye ok.
I havent covered Background worker and i just want to get this first application out the door so to speak. I know/think i could recreate what i had done the first time by passing in the for loop variables into the method call and create a class which inherits from EventArgs to pass data between the thread
im just wondering if its possible to do it without messing with the class library code or background worker ( I appreciate the tip regarding background worker and threading in general is something i need to spend some more time on)
@HansRudel that is not necessary, backgroundworker makes all the marshalling for you
just use the ProgressChanged event
Arrgh, threading gives me a headach
Somebody who can help me understand one thing about dependency injection?
@HansRudel Take a BackgroundWorker and it should disappear in half an hour.
When you give the bean factory an configuration file that it reads, does it create the beans with the dependencies then?
@HansRudel If your getting Cross-thread operation exceptions you can use Invoke. I'm not sure what you mean with "messing with class library code", but if you don't want to work with BackgroundWorker, the following construct is usually used:
public void updateGUI(object state) {
  if (InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new Action<object>(updateGUI), state); return; }
  /* update GUI */
If you don't want to wait for the "Invoke" call to complete, you can call BeginInvoke instead.
@Patrick. Yeah i have used that before and it makes sense, i think one of the issues is that threading is such a big topic, i havent found a decent tutorial/book which covers it so im inclinded to stick with what ive managed to get working. Messing with my class library = adding a helper class(think thats the right name, aka a class derived from EventArgs) so i can pass data back.
@HansRudel You don't need a book to learn about threading, albahari.com/threading
Nobody who knows dependency injection?
Already had a look on that.
@HansRudel You didn't find that tutorial decent?
@Patrick, im sure it is, i just found it alittle over my head. Bit like events when i first started using them, a couple different ways of doing the same thing
bit retarded i guess
i just like limiting what needs to be learnt, ie just cover things which allow me to do things but possibly not the best/quickest way hence why i havent learnt LINQ
@HansRudel: What are you trying to do...? In my understanding you "trigger some event" (as in click a button), some long running work kicks off (in a new thread) and lastly you want to update your user interface. Is that a correct assumption?
@Patrick: And a ProgressBar while it's happening.
namespace CSV_Parser
    public partial class MyClass:Form
        public MyClass()

        private void btnUploadData_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Create instance of a class i have in my class lib.
            PopulateDataTable DT = new PopulateDataTable();
            //Create instance of a class i have in my class lib.
            UploadDataTable DataBase = new UploadDataTable(...)

            //Create first task
            Task ParentTask = task.factory.StartNew(() = >
can someone help me with collision detection? im trying to finish this project
@Patrick can you help me out?
@KendallFrey Oh.. If a progress bar is in the game, I recommend using a BW though.. otherwise, if you know your in the thread (as in a invoke is required), you can just invoke directly. bar.Invoke(new Action<int>(i => bar.Value = i), progress);. I think that's correct anyway..
@Javier: Your'e finishing a project and need collision detection?
well i have most of the project done, i just need this paddle hitting a block, and then it'll come back
@Javier: You do know that collision detection is one of the hardest implementations to do?
im really getting frustrated with this
@Javier Your question has some good answers.
kendall i suppose so
Im going to change my class lib for the moment and come back to it with background worker. I wanted to populate the helper class (FinalNotification) with the exception messages and then raise an event but i (think)need an instance.event += .... to subscribe. what would be the instance in this case though?
@Javier Did you try any of them?
wait kendal you gave me code on how to do it?
The basic implementation.
can you show me how via teamviewer?
Can you read my code sample? Do you understand it?
can you show me it on my screen kendall
1 min ago, by Kendall Frey
Can you read my code sample? Do you understand it?
Ok another question, I have made custom controls that show Numer keypads OnClick
I have to diplay them key pad where control is
so i do this
Point location = this.PointToScreen(this.Location);

dlg.Location = new Point(location.X, location.Y + base.Height);
but its showing the numeric key pad to the right and down of the control
kind of kendall but please help me via teamviewer?
please kendall
I think you need someone to teach you how to learn. Your inability to learn seems to be a barrier between you and the rest of the community.
is that a yes or no
It is a no.
@I think you need someone to teach you how to learn. Your inability to learn seems to be a barrier between you and the rest of the community.
jaminator can you help me?
@Javier I can try, I guess
really jaminator
whts the question
its too far back
jaminator can i show you via teamviewer?
im not sure how i can ask a question with this problem
@KendallFrey Sorry.... damn....
cant do that , I am myself at work
Just post on StackOverflow and put a bounty if its that important
I am sure you will get help
I haf idea. Open a remote desktop connection, and I can move your mouse for you.
@jaminator He did.
Q: Whats a good way to do Collision with 2D Rectangles? can someone give me a tip?

Javierusing System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; namespace BreakOut { class Field { public static Field generateField() { List<Block> blocks = new List<Block>(); for (...

2D rectangles in 2d or 3d?
@Xaade Warning: You won't get anywhere with him.
It's a breakout game.
in 2d is so easy my grandma can do it.
Shh. You'll hurt his feelings.
Actually, he did get the collision detection (I think), but it's the bouncing off objects that's confusing him.
If rect1.PointInRect(rect2.TopLeft) || rect1.PointInRect(Rect2.BottomRight) || [[same for topright and bottomleft]])
A bounce is, check side horz or vert. If vert reverse X velocity, If horz reverse Y velocity.
Sorry, got it backwards first time.
"can u show me with teamviewer plz how to do that" would be his response.
Show with teamviewer == write code for me.
You have a box..... box has left/right side and top/bottom. If it hits bottom, object travels in velocity with X and Y components....
@Xaade No, it means "Look at my awesome desktop"
@Patrick Or it means...... "Woot, hacked.... where's credit card number"
But seriously....
If I show in teamviewer.... then I'm on team.... then I'm on paycheck???
Oh, he will pay you.
He's made offers already.
@KendallFrey Haf brain? Will pay!
Never mind that brain no can understand simple codez.
@KendallFrey No.... that's his job offer.
Lol. Chirp!
Of course, that was the mice's job offer in Hitchhiker's..... so YMMV.
Hannibal made the offer too... Yum!
I love Yum!'s awkward Photoshop job. yum.com
@KendallFrey I think it would have held together and you wouldn't have noticed the randomness, if they just bothered spending time making a steel beam look..... like steel (painted steel has texture too).
And the chick in the middle.... looks like the man on the left's slave sex robot.
@KendallFrey Paint, the new photoshop
@Xaade Yeah, except the beam isn't what gets me. The crossed legs looks really wrong.
@Xaade Ha, ya.
@KendallFrey crossed legs?
@KendallFrey Will you demonstrate in TeamViewer?
Lol. The girl has obviously fake shadows behind her crossed legs.
@KendallFrey Hah.... they didn't bother casting the shadow on the shape of the beam.... awesome...
@KendallFrey Another thing is the buildings in the background don't share the same perspective.... especially the domed on the right..... it's pitched up?
Hey, $100 if you can identify the city in the background.
@Xaade I noticed that too.
@KendallFrey We build flat buildings and lean them back, so it makes it easier for photoshoppers to copy our skyline.
Ok one last question (possibly very stupid) If i declare an event in Form1.cs. i just need to write this.EventName += new Delegate(method to be subscribed) and i could then raise the event with a new thread i created in that class?
as long as the delegate doesn't point to another thread away from or towards a gui thread.
Yes, but you need to add that in a method that only gets called once, or you'll keep subscribing it over and over
Let me rephrase.
That would raise the event on the calling thread, so you would still need to Invoke.
Don't cross gui thread boundaries with an event.
@jcolebrand : noted.. cheers
@Xaade: so i just use the If(control.Invokerequired... and then id be sorted
@KendallFrey It's possible to subscribe to a event with a ui object on another gui thread.... and blow up
@HansRudel Also, you don't need the "new Delegate". You can type EventName += method;..
@HansRudel no.... you need to create a separate object that forwards to the gui.... This only matters if the object with the event, and the subscriber are both ui objects on separate gui threads.
@Xaade: you lost me there
Ok, if you start thread A, and put a window on it, then start thread b and put a window on it, the window from B can't subscribe with it's own method an event from the window on thread A.
if you want to do that, you need a bridge object that isn't a gui object to subscribe to the event, and forward the event to the other gui object.
hmm... ok. I dont think i will have that issue but i will keep it in mind. All i want to do is create a separate class derived from EventArgs. Have the Non-gui thread write to it and then raise the event. a method in the same class is subscribed to it. If use if invokerequired to ensure the GUI thread executes the method which displays the data written to the class derived from EventArgs.
does that make sense?
Can you show me in teamviewer?
Where is teamViewer?
+ yeah i have an example code
No but seriously. If the result is a method being called on the GUI object, which is a result of an action in a separate thread, somewhere you'll need to invokerequired check.
namespace CSV_Parser
    public class CompletionEventArgs : EventArgs
       Private string Summary;
       public string SummaryMessage
           get{ return Summary;}
           set{ summary = value;}

    public partial class MyClass:Form

	public event EventHandler<CompletionEventArgs> Completed;

        this.Completed += new EventHandler<CompletionEventArgs>(FireMethod);

        public void FireMethod(Object sender, CompletionEventArgs e)

            Action action = () =>
Yeah, you did it right.
@Xaade.... bit slow today, didnt realise u were taking the piss with the teamviewer lol. Been a s--- day today.
If txtBox1 had subscribed to Completed, you'd have to invoke within the subscribe method on txtBox1 before doing any windows methods.
@HansRudel LOL
At which point, I wasn't sure it wouldn't blow up for simply calling on txtBox1 or not.
Since event handlers don't check for invoke required that I'm aware of.
@Xaade: "you have to invoke within the subscribe method on txtBox1 before doing any windows methods" I understand why but i dont get how you'd do it
do u have an example?
@KendallFrey least im making someones day a little brighter ehh buddy ;)
@HansRudel That's what I'm not sure about.... What I'm saying is, that if subscribing to a gui object event on another thread blows up, and invoke requiring within the subscribe method doesn't work, then you need a third object.
ahh ok
i think i need a little more practice with events
@HansRudel Combining events and multithreading can get quite complicated. I guess you know that. :) Events themselves aren't that bad.
Hammer is fail, it benchmarks so much slower at removing screws than Screwdriver.
The idea behind them is fine, its just a delegate. Its the implementation that i sometimes find tricky. I need to get myself a cheat sheet of all the things i know work
Alright im gonna Foxtrot Oscar. Id like to thank you guys for putting up with my stupidity, especially today. Hope you all have a great weekend + thanks again! :)
2 hours later…
Is the DataSet class still a good way to represent data? Or has it been superseded?
define superceded
do you want a generic container that will hold any number of arbitrary tables of any arbitrary size?
@jcolebrand Arbitrary size, yes. Arbitrary number of tables, not really. I'm thinking of it in the context of a desktop application that uses a SQL database.
are you representing a single well-typed entity?
You'll know all the fields ahead of time, and just not the number of records?
Then use a class and a list
an IEnumerable is less memory intensive than a List but we're talking micro less compared to the memory of a DS
How would that work with reading data from a database? Surely it can't be trivial.
If you use Dapper.net it's five lines of code
otherwise it's a bit longer, but the execution is blindingly fast
What do those 5 lines look like?
Dapper.net is third-party code and I haven't seen anything that says it is .NET 4 compatible. What about purely .NET options?
Sorry, been a tad busy
Take it from me, Dapper is .NET4 compat
I've only used it in MVC3 apps
(which are by their very nature .NET4 apps)
and if you'll give me 30s, I'll show you side-by-side code
something wasn't formatted right
public List<LoadProfileData> ReadInterval_DailyUsageByHour(string meterid, string date) {
    List<LoadProfileData> l = new List<LoadProfileData>();
    SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection( _connectionString );

    SqlCommand cmd = SqlCommandFactory( "ReadInterval_DailyUsageByHour" );
    cmd.Parameters.Add( "@datefirst", SqlDbType.DateTime ).Value = date;
    cmd.Parameters.Add( "@meter", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = meterid;
    cmd.Connection = con;

    try {
        using ( con ) {
the first one is "ADO.NET" code.
The second one is Dapper code
In the Dapper code I introduced a return "DTO" (data transfer object) so I could pass more fields around, instead of just a list.
The class is defined elswhere, but works for both
Notice that I've got a declaration, an assignment, and a loop that adds business rules (which should be moved, my bad, I'm gonna add a note on that too)
Cool. I always used LINQ to SQL, and I never really felt 'in control'. I think I understand better now how to read data.
if I returned just the list instead of the DTO that last bit would just be return l;
And similarly I could've just declared the DTO, initialized the list value internally, and then assigned to that
and I really do need to move the loop out of this method
the reasons these methods look like they do explain why I screwed that up, but this also serves a purpose.
No matter how good you think you do, you always screw something up. Don't beat yourself up over it. :D
@KendallFrey keep in mind you can use either SQL or stored procs, we use stored procs almost religiously
Does that help? Do you have any questions on that?
Not really, except something with System.Data.SqlClient
does SqlDataReader.Item return a SQL data type or is it converted to CLR?
public static ProfiledDbConnection GetOpenConnection() {
    /* This allows us to see in the MvcMiniProfiler what exactly is happening, even down the call stack. This is too handy to not include, at least for testing. */
    var profiler = MiniProfiler.Current;

    var connection = new SqlConnection( connectionString );

    var dbConnection = new ProfiledDbConnection( connection , profiler );

    return dbConnection;

    /* To stop that profiling, instead comment out all the prior lines in this block and uncomment these. */
I use the "DataAccessMaster.GetOpenConnection" so I can turn profiling on and off :D
there's better ways to do that, but this is a poor man's version for testing, and it didn't hurt anyone to leave the comments and send it to production
If you start doing MVC3 code, and you're going to use Dapper
and you don't use the MvcMiniProfiler, you're missing out
so easy to turn it on and off
and I've got to connect to a VPN, so I'm about to be out of the chatroom for a few. I'll be back tho.
My database experience is abysmal. Especially considering that my programming career started with programming games in MS Access. >.<
well apparently I'm here after all
yay vpns

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