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I ask myself everyday, why do people use EF so much while it is 400x times slower than ADO.NET
@misha130 because we love pain :)
truely :^)
@Alex - Context.Employees.Where( e => e.EmployeeStatus.employeeStatusID == 5)
Is that not literally exactly the same code I just posted?
It is indeed not
You started from the EmployeeStatus table
@TravisJ not you, shush
oh, nvm then
@TravisJ sorry for stupid question, but would that work if EmployeeStatus is a different entity?
@TomW sorry posted it again :)
Yes that is the whole point. That is where EF saves a lot of headache. You should familiarize yourself with navigation properties
ok. then, as Gilda Radner used to say on SNL... "Never mind!"
Hi guys
too easy :)
Can anyone help me with some object passing for UWP ?
Q: Passing json object data from a ListView SelectedItem

SkynetI need some help with passing the ListView Tapped Id (which I get from a json). I populate the listView with an API call to a server: private async void searchButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var textFrom = odTextBox.Text; var textTo = doTextBox.Text...

I'm having a hard time, looking into this for 2 days now
@Skynet what's wrong with the answer you have?
Aah. There is an error, I think.
.Select(cs => new { DisplayText = cs.Contact + " " + cs.Time, ID = cs.Id}).ToList(); I think should read new CarItemView { DisplayText = ...
That's returning an anonymous type, as it stands.
nice spot, @TomW
I think you'll probably also have to cast the SelectedItem to CarItemView
Back to my name concatenation exercise, this is the method signature:
public string[] CreateFullNames(IEnumerable<string> clientFirstNames, IEnumerable<string> clientMiddleNames, IEnumerable<string> clientLastNames)
FYI, implementing this method with different Linq methods, looping methods and enumerable types all roughly take the same amount of time.
The recordset passed in consists of one million names.
I'm thinking there may be a meaningful performance gain with a multithreaded approach. To that end, I'm trying the Parallel.For method:
From the example, it looks like you can call this method once on your list of one million names, and it will iterate through them all using multiple threads instead of sequentially one by one.
Trying to decipher the meaning of the parameters is, well, requiring several cups of coffee, and 90% cacoa dark chocolate at the same time. You feel me?
@ChristopherJ.Grace Might want to read reedcopsey.com/2010/01/20/… instead ;)
The first param is fromInclusive. I wonder if that is 0, or if you have to divide the million rows up into multiple calls to Parallel.For.
Parallel.For will partition data by itself.
as I said - you might want to read my series on it ;) or at least hte first couple of articles
@monoh_ I thought so. Wouldn't that be handy.
@KendallFrey "scaled differently" is the key here... from the spec: "The decimal type can represent values ranging from 1.0 × 10−28 to approximately 7.9 × 1028 with 28-29 significant digits"
fyi on my question yesterday with the SQLite DB. My testing device had an old copy of the database stored on it which had a different schema. My app copies a copy of the db to the device the first time it's installed..derp
@ReedCopsey Hi Reed. Big data visualization for Earth Sciences. Cool stuff. Ever see that visualization of the Internet on display in museums?
so it's working now, took a copy of the correct db
If you're pushing around a lot of values which do have exact base-10 representations, and you need calculations using those decimals to remain precise, and you're not dividing/multiplying too much, decimal is your boy.
@ChristopherJ.Grace Yeah - fun stuff
Any know if there is a property on Win Phone 8.1 combo box, that will make it full screen?
I have a combo box but I can only see two of the values, the rest are cut off by my UI
if that makes sense
I'm thinking I should use a list box instead..hrrmmm
anyone here use Visual Studio paste special - paste xml as classes?
@tomw I spotted that and fixed it
But it still doesn't work
the listview is just empty
and if I add this line: listView.ItemsSource = array;
than it's ok
but when I click on an item
just a sec
Anyone know why my github is rejecting xml files?
Define 'rejecting'
@ReedCopsey This is definitely an opportunity for data decomposition. The task is only a simple concatenation.
I get this than: Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs
on the navigated page
rather than Id
@TomW It is doing what it did before, just committing forever in a loop.
Anyone has a clue what's wrong ?
@Skynet what makes you think anything is wrong?
@tomw I mean..I should get the id of the item, when clicked on an item, not "Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs"
ah yes, I see, I think the answerer has made another mistake
I think you want this property msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/…
The code he has, just calls ToString() on the event args
how can I use this ?
I don't understand clearly the example
I wonder if Parellel.For's function delegate parameters are typically lambda expressions.
@ChristopherJ.Grace Yes, almost always
@Skynet e.ExtraData should be the item ID
@ReedCopsey localInit would have to access the index in the collection somehow, so it could retrieve the relevant values for the body.
@ChristopherJ.Grace that sounds about right it's basically the same lambda that linqs for each takes
My guacamole burger had a bit of avocado skin in it
@tomw intellisense doesn't let me pick that
That must have been the thing that totally ruined my day.
Can't have been the legacy cruft, nope.
I don't believe you
I can post you a screenshot
@Skynet depending on the type it may be a dictionary in e.data
aagh ok, this is UWP
@Wardy This method has three incoming arrays though, on for each part of the name, so it is using an index to pick out the same item in each of the arrays.
There is more than one NavigationEventArgs apparently.
@TomW lol intellisense in denial :)
public string[] BuildFullName(IEnumerable<string> clientFirstNames, IEnumerable<string> clientMiddleNames, IEnumerable<string> clientLastNames)
@ChristopherJ.Grace this Ui of yours sounds evil
@Skynet msdn.microsoft.com/library/windows/apps/br243289 apparently this version calls it 'Parameter' instead
I'm doing all this by just googling, by the way. You could do this yourself.
@ChristopherJ.Grace oh jeez why not just a ienumerable<name> with the 3 properties?
@tomw oh god, this is right
I tried content
and 3 other things and options how to do it
Most definitely. It would be preferable to me at least to step back and solve this upstream. Not an option thought. Don't you hate it when that happens?
@Skynet yeah, so documentation exists for a reason
but didn't even try parameter, because I did 2 days ago and it didn't work
I look at it like an opportunity to really dig into how parallel.for works.
@Skynet if at first you don't succeed ... You're fucked until you try again ... Welcome to programming
@ChristopherJ.Grace plinq is awesome :)
@tomw I know, I just started with UWP, and didn't have a clue what's wrong
didn't touch app programmming for a year almost
@Wardy Plinq would probably be time better spent learning. I'm about ready to put this task to bed though, if you know what I mean.
now I will sleep better, thank you guys!:)
It made my day now haha
such a small thing
@ReedCopsey Reed's example looks pretty close to the same thing. reedcopsey.com/2010/01/20/…
What seems strange is that the outer loop is multithreaded, so I would't think the inner loop could safely access the pixelData variable.
I mean, how would it know not to redo the same pixels?
Nah, that's just taking them row by row, and then processing each column sequentially within a row.
In my example, I might be able to parallel.for on the first name, and then just reference the middlenames and lastnames at the same index from with the parallelfor loop. But since those names are not passed into parellel.for, I wonder if they'll be available. One way to find out.
@ChristopherJ.Grace Using IEnumerable as input is limiting for parallelism
you'll likely want/need to zip the collections together, and then use Parallel.ForEach instead
The concatenation can be done as part of the zipping, so the opportunity for parallelism is gone at that point.
You can zip in parallel with plinq
but, in general, there's no random access into an enumerable, which means there really is little opportunity for parallelism in any form when using multiple IEnumerable<T> as input, without buffering and heavy CPU work being done
simple concat isn't really enough work to make parallelism pay off typically, anyways
Hmm, I wonder if there is a way to access the current index of a Parallel.For loop within its body.
Heaven help me. I'm lost in a Parallel.For loop.
wtf is up with the internet today
@ReedCopsey Good points sir.
I can call ToList on the arrays, but when using parallel.foreach, there doesn't appear to me a way to know when middle and last names go with the current first name.
Maybe just dividing the list into eight parts, and manually kicking off threads for each would speed things up.
well, for just concat, Enumerable.zip is going to be the fastest anyways
because there's almost no overhead in the CPU side - so pulling the members is going to be almost all of your cost
if you convert the inputs to arrays, you might be able to get a (small) improvement
but you really need something that requires more "work" per element to see any benefits
sup fam
@ReedCopsey These results show the performance of using zip vs linq vs simple loops through arrays. There isn't one that is consistently faster.
Client List created. Size = 900000
BuildFullNameArrayOriginal Elapsed=1.0071564
BuildFullNameArrayWithProjectingArrays Elapsed=0.7428271
BuildFullNameArrayWithProjectingLists Elapsed=0.7343564
BuildFullNameArrayWithZip Elapsed=0.6386256
BuildFullNameArrayWithProjectingLists seems fastest more often than not.
yes, you're not doing enough work for there to be any real benefit
are you in release, outside VS, and running the test at least once before taking the timings?
because that seems awfully slow, actually, if that's seconds
No, that's just debugging in vs.
might want to use BenchmarkDotNet or similar github.com/PerfDotNet/BenchmarkDotNet
oh, debug timings are useless
Q: IoT using Ninject (C#/.NET), DI design

Matthew TiptonI've started to learn very interesting concept of DI, IoT and related stuff. I have decided to learn it using simple applicaton, very tiny calculator (only basic functions: add, subtract, multiply & divide), because it's very conveniently to learn any new stuff with elementary application. So......

@ReedCopsey Good to know. I'll check em out.
@MatthewTipton IoC?
@JohanLarsson - Inversion of Topic
Not to be confused with Topic Inversion :P
is that when you divide by zero?
no it's when you start talking about butts and stuff like that instead of programming
That is when you answer a different question than the one asked I believe.
> My employer's legal department requires me to declare that every opinion I express on Stack Overflow is also the opinion of the entire company, of every employee, and of the executive management. I am never wrong and am always right.
@JohanLarsson when did you start programming? how long did it take you to learn most of one language? which language did you 'master'?
I started sometime between .net 3.5 and 4, only know a little c#.
Anyone here know R593B
k right chat P:
K gtg shlep
Alright I am heading off too game gets a bit boring after to many rounds .
Not with tracer but k
Slams door

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