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anyone here?
I have a question for you, in this stackoverflow.com/questions/8513850/… question, Firo's response was to use: public override bool IsId(Member member)
sorry for my ignorance, but Member is part of?
6 hours later…
@Guillermo Shouldn't it be in the same namespace as DefaultAutomappingConfiguration?
@Patrick hi there @christianstuder @SPFiredrake
Good mornning.
1 hour later…
morning :)
4 hours later…
Hi @yas4891
4 hours later…
haha, my Expression tree knowledge is at least able to help someone out :P
A: How to convert PropertyInfo to property expression and use it to invoke generic method?

SPFiredrakeProperty expressions require the property access to be on a specific object. There's a few options you can take here. First, if this is being done within one of your entity objects, you can simple use a ConstantExpression to build the property expression: // Already have PropertyInfo in propInfo...

3 hours later…
I really have a question to ask
why my question Up-Voted till I choose an answer then lots of Down-Votes are made on it
Not sure. Maybe a lot of people didn't like it.
1 hour later…
I made it to chat!
hi peter
i wish to say something of value, witty or stupid to eventually earn a starred message.
I don't think this chat room has enough activity. Are C# programmers antisocial or what?
or help someone
All the C# problems were solved hundreds of years ago
This room remains a testament to those days
So that's why Lounge<C++> gets so much activity.
well, im into and love mvc. I am currently working on a project to move all javascript to js files. The challenge i had was some js was intermingled with @Url.Action.
@walkingTarget: Except I have lots of unsolved problems floating around on SO.
@KendallFrey Java room suffers the same predicament
Actually quite a lot on tonight
well, im drinking java since it is morning here. Friday morning!
One hour to quitting time here, but it's still Thursday. =(
8hrs or so till morning ha
(sing) java-bean into the java-grinder, java-grind into the java-dripfilter, java-juice into the java-mug into my mooooooooouth.....
after work and i'm bored
@Valamas: Are you one of those IV guys?
that deserved a star? i tryed hard for it.
IV as in intravenous?
well, i do start the day with 4 cups of coffeee
lol i drink it once in a while
Yay, its roll up the rim time.
Tim Horton's that is
no idea what you speak of
All the non-Canadians are missing out
You can win stuff by buying a coffee at TimHorton's
every spring they run the promotion
Autumn over here. Australia has had almost the coldest/wettest summer on record. The first day of spring was hotter than any other day in summer!
i guess we stole you heat cuz winter was really warm...
@yas4891 omg, worst day ever
stupid bug I couldn't track down anywhere
out of desperation i TRIED SCIENCE
which didn't work either
i think you should blow up the world
science be praised
also, /agree with @KendallFrey cuz it hasn't got below freezing once
Some guys experience with NHibernate here?
None. =(
Okay, np C.
I'm kinda stuck, but i think my question isn't really a question that stackoverflow want in their list
Thought this chat might help me
@Guan23 Well why don't you ask anyway and see if you get a hit
Perhaps I've been furiously researching NHibernate in the past few minutes.
i think it's to subjective / discussion
(I have not been furiously researching NHibernate in the last few minutes.)
Well, i'm researching NHibernate for my essay/bachelor project
i bought some books
but they are all discussing NHibernate 3.2
And the last release is 3.2, with some big changes
so i'm actually wondering what to do as beginner.
It is kinda dumb to use an older version if there is a newer one isn't it?
I kind ask a question like that on Stackoverflow Q&A ;-)
when in doubt, dive in
Yeah, I agree. I would probably just go with the latest/greatest and then study some patch logs.
i doubt much has changed between v3.1 and 3.2. Maybe do a search on the listed differences
Well not that much has changed i mean
in 3.1 you had to use Castle/LinFu
as sessionfactory
3.2 has it's own factory implemented and some new way to map everything
i've read some comments of people having to change a lot of private setters because of 3.2
But, you guys are right
i'll just dive in
Problem is that 3.2 is soo badly documented (even from the start configuration!)
that scares me out a bit ;-)
i think you are scared of starting because there are too many unknowns. Just pick a place to start and go there. As you need, you will work stuff out as you go
yep. I don't want to have to start over within a few weeks because of 3.2
i'll give it a try. Thx guys
i doubt you would have to start again. anyway, if any advice helped, please star it.
@Valamas Never giving up, are you? :D
lol, i am trying hard!
i sang a song above!
maybe i should sing it in the java room. brb.
heres one: 100 buckets of bits on the bus, 100 buckets of bits, take one down, short it to ground, FF buckets of bits on the bus...

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