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tupleList.Add(new Tuple<string, decimal, decimal>("ba", badmg, baat));
'badmg' = 50, 'baat' = 10, and so forth
tupleList.Sum(s => s.Item1 + s.Item2)
how do i add all the values in tuplelist[].item2?
(I forget what tuple items are actually called)
dude I know I'm not helping but working with tuples in c# gives you cancer.
.Item2, ...
what's a tuple?
!!google c# tuple
i was just kidding @mikeTheLiar!
@mikeTheLiar is that adding items1 with item2? i dont want that, i want to add all the values in item2 together
I'll give you a dollar today for a tuple on Tuesday.
@Bardicer you made my day xD
i have an idea of what they are... just avoid 'em like the plague
@Arian Just curious, why are tuples "bad"? They seem like straightforward data types.
@Adan well do that instead then
@Tom lol
you shouldn't use Tuples in public interfaces.
@Adan tupleList.Sum(s => s.Item2);
only internal usage. Item1 Item2 are not descriptive at all
@TomW just checking, something like this? tupleList.Sum(s => s.Item1)
nevermind don't answer that
kk, thanks
im not that dumb :D
I've come to the conclusion, I still have a lot to learn about C#.
hey kids
@Bardicer haha, I was a bit confused for a second there
The inner workings.
They're in the framework for F# IIRC. More useful in languages with structural equality
there are kids here?
gets the net out
@Sidney Tuples are good, c# has no pattern matching yet which hurts my soul, also makes working with tuples a pain in the wrist
<--- Toys 'R' Us kid
im 6 years old
my wife always asked if i was 5, i responded 'with 28 years of experience!'
hangs head in shame
huh, why no formatting
> Throws a .NET on @Adan
Super Fail
super effective
is that pokemon? i really like the show
What's an optimal way of capitalizing vowels in a string?
I got sticky darts for my Nerf gun at work
dad says it's too violent for me to watch so i get to sneak it at my friends house
ima turn 7 in a month
optimal? one letter at a time
@codeman, they're not sticky enough for whiteboard?
@KalaJ haven't tried that, but not sticky enough for plate glass windows
I wish I had the interwebs at the age of 6 to learn shit
Huh, I found a bug in google. Do a search for ".net run time engine", and find googles answer to the question "What is the purpose of the .NET Framework runtime CLR?". It starts explaining CLR the cleaning product.
All I had was a box with green text that played pacman sometimes
@Adan assuming you're telling the truth be careful spreading that around. You'll get banned if you're under 13.
How old are you Michael? I had a computer when I was six :O
@Codeman some e6000 will help
@mikeTheLiar my dad is the CEO of stackoverflow.com, i get unlimited access :D
our whiteboard wall worked :D
obvious troll is obvious
@Codeman I expect a 300% increase in Arnold Schwarzenegger style "stick around" type puns.
omg I feel spoiled :( I'm older
he's also a help vampire
does each stack site have a CEO lol?
I hope people don't think I'm a help vampire.
@KalaJ I actually dont remember at what age I had a computer with good internet access
yay for whiteboards
ohhh if the key word was "good" then nooo nevermind haha
@Michael I remember, it wasn't until middle school. Up until then I was rocking a 56K.
I had AOL and I was running Windows 95
@mikeTheLiar ...thank you for that
@KalaJ me too, it was a Gateway 2000
Windows 95 was good times.
I do remember we had a desktop at some point, where I could play lego racers on a CD-rom, and used JUNO dial up for internet
I had an IBM
@KalaJ I didn't get a computer till I was ~12 and that was a Tandy from the 80's that only ran on floppies.... in 2002.
I don't know what model number I forgot
I had Windows 95, it was special.
yeah I believe that was windows 95
Shit, I remember using WordStar
Y'all are a bunch of whippersnappers
I remember Mr. Clippy
mr clippy wasnt in 95
@KalaJ you mean He Who Must Not Be Named?
Our first computer was a BBC Micro
or it might have been a Master
ok windows 95, I had a sonic game... 3d blaster
My family got a gateway 2000. Stunts by Broderbund was freaking awesome.
HA! i remember using Encarta encyclopedia from a CD to look up infromation, instead of using the Internet
umm I thin Journeyman was on win 95 too
Yes Encarta!!
huh, my team lead is moving teams... now I'll be the 2nd/3rd most experienced person on the team, lol
Ohh ya Encarta!!
journeyman and encarta came with our first computer ever... 1995
that encarta quiz master game, so good
Yeah I had my computer in 1996 I believe
i remember Encarta.
I was in the 4th grade when dad got me my first computer, an IBM PS2 that ran their customized DOS
ah, great times. when the world was more simple
who kicked me?
it wasn't simple... it's just you don't see it
that was rude, way to abuse your powers
it had 256KiB of RAM. my uncle didn't believe me when i told him. "no one will ever need that much memory"
I feel young when people talk about their first commputer as Commodore :O
@Adan you are being a troll and a help vampire. Improve yourself or prepare to be disengaged from the conversation
@Amy, when did you get that computer? I think that might have been the one I had
I know I had an IBM but I can't remember the model
@Codeman aren't we all help vampires at some point?
rip adan
@Amy <3
thank you
@Bardicer he's basically asking for code without learning
orbital defenses are locking onto his location.
hmm maybe I had an ibm aptiva.. oh wells... I can't remember too young
@Adan you had to see my mom turning of the Router when she needed us to know what real power abuse is...
how do i sum a list of decimal -> how do sum decimal in tuples -> how do i sum 2nd decimal in tuples
@Arian your mom knows what a router is?
my grandma had a Tandy with a sweet tank war game
@Michael she figured out we'd come to the living room to turn it back on I guess.
@Codeman my tandy had some awesome games
Tandy was the glory days of Radio Shack
Ah Desktop notifications! how useful
Hi, quick question: Is there away to make this code a bit smaller/optimized? The input is always going to be one however: pastebin.com/8WMDuAQ9
There's such a big difference in attitudes in these rooms towards their language
the ternary operator
C#: "C# is a nice language"
@Link don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO don't use GOTO
Lounge: "C++ is a terrible language"
oh shit, no you can't use goto with the ternary operator
Javascript: "shut up shut up shut uuuuuuuup"
10 don't use
20 goto 10
Iave never actually used goto
I used goto in asm class... that was it
!!XKCD goto
...goto is still around?
i remembering using it in QBasic
Then how do I refactor it to not use goto? It's simply just used to break out of a switch statment.
Where does it go to?
The start of the program.
lol a raptor attacks?
@Link why?
So Blade & Soul just had a patch this morning and apparently it broke all chat
@Link use a while statement instead
How does this even happen from a software perspective
whats actually the problem with it?
@Jeremy good, all chat was full of goldbots anyways.
@CuddleBunny but it's party chat and clan chat too
@Michael Raptor Attacks.
why not do a while(input == 1) { // do stuff }?
@Jeremy oh, ALL chat, not just all chat... ouch
raptors lurk in many office buildings but most people are unaware of them.
@Jeremy jesus christ, do NOT google image search Blade and Soul at work
(I would actually like to know as well... I don't think I've ever used a goto and have had no reason to memorize why it was bad)
spaghetti code. It makes code impossible to maintain
@Jeremy it took them so long to localize it I wouldn't be surprised if this happened all the time. I bet the game is spaghetti code anways.
@CuddleBunny Basically my program is structured like: Start: //All the code (mostly switches for text based menus) And then in the end if they click one, they can go to start, else they exit program
you're chasing line numbers all over the place instead of following a line by line (logical) order
Obviously it's a horrible way to do it, but it was working.
Ahhh, that makes sense.
> it was working
and you have to micromanage line numbers too
@Codeman boobies?
@Link I see. It is fine for now, but don't start to depend on it because once you learn more oop you'll never use goto again. Even if it is bad practice it is not bad to have a good understanding of how goto works.
@Jeremy serious T&A
@Codeman :^)
a few years ago i worked on some classic ASP code. the developer didn't believe in using functions and such. everything was goto. need to call "showTheMemes()"? nope. instead he assigned a return label and then went goto showTheMemes
@Bardicer If you compile with optimization does it transliterate the line numbers, or do you have to worry about the compiler screwing it up?
@Amy did you cockslap him?
he was fired. i was his replacement.
@Sidney i don't know. the last time i used goto was in 1996 in high school
@Amy all of our existing backend production code is classic ASP /wrists
the only reason to use goto is if your language doesn't have for/while loops
I'm in the process porting it all to MVC6, it's like a new day.
@Codeman I play a female lyn, which is a race that looks like young children. Naturally, the costumes that are all hypersexualized for the females have a very different version for the lyn. I'm thankful for that, but it's quite amusing.
i guess Adin gave up on us.
are you a moderator @Amy?
@CuddleBunny which server do you play on?
I guess Adan got kicked-muted-banhammered.
I guess I did use Goto in assembly class
@Michael yeah
@Jeremy I'm on Hajoon
@CuddleBunny oh, i'm on Jiwan
no, not a moderator, sorry.
i'm a room owner.
@Jeremy they're like... little twisted fox demon children
I see
i had a brain fart.
@CuddleBunny If you ever want to do xserver dailies, let me know
@Jeremy at least the Lyn aren't as hypersexualized as the Elin in Tera.
@Amy that was the 3rd kickmute, it was for 30 minutes
i misread it, thought it was 30 seconds again
@CuddleBunny Never played Tera
I think I was playing PSO2 when everyone was into that
I liked Tera more than BnS as a whole but I hit level cap while my buddies were still only 1/3 of the way there and gave up waiting for them D:
@Jeremy yeah the elin in Tera are basically furries wearing boyshorts
@CuddleBunny Honestly there's way too much end-game content in B&S for me to get bored of it
And PvP is just so good
Is there a better practice. Overriding ToString(); vs creating dedicated "ForDisplay" properties?
@Michael I usually override ToString
i reserve ToString for things i want to appear in my watch window.
but ToString has to make a string to describe the entire object.
@Jeremy PvP is very good, very different. I like the focus on counterplay over raw CC or damage.
@CuddleBunny Me too. Though I kind of get the best of both worlds there with blade dancer
I've just learned not to bother making clans with friends it never works. I'll just join a good medium sized one.
if someone messes up, I can get a aerial combo + stun + draw = 60% of their health lol
sorry, what game is this?
hmmm.. so if I have a Contact Object, I was thinking about overriding the ToString() to display a concatenation of FirstName and LastName. A contact has much more info than just a name.

So is that not enough to use the To string?
@CuddleBunny I think I like my current one ok, I just wish people were better geared/knew a bit more
you can put whatever you want in ToString
@Amy Blade and soul
then no, don't override tostring in that case
yeah, the reactionary skills aren't on the screen for very long... it will take some time to get used to it. Having only played LoL for the last 3 years has killed my reaction time. I'm playing a Force Master.
@CuddleBunny Same, lol. Drinking coffee is basically cheating during PvP
I get those reactions a lot faster
@Michael why not use a ToString(Func<String> hof)?
@CuddleBunny I was going to make a force master character, since I couldn't decide between that and kfm... but then I heard about Qi Master/Soul Master
Now I almost want to wait for official word on that, and just make a warlock on release early feb
@Jeremy I was going to make a summoner, but I wanted more than one different pet.
I need to relearn func :/ gone from memory
excuse me, Func<Contact, String>. so you can then say contact.Tostring(c=> $"{c.FirstName} {c.LastName})
@Amy, is there a better way to do this? pastebin.com/DPrM1ctp
@Michael it's just a lambda with explicit syntax.
capitalizing the vowels in a string
Can I get some feedback on an answer I posted?
Yeah, I learned it all once, from a pluralsight series, I just dont retain stuff well at alllll :/
A: What is the correct way to put multiple controls inside update panel?

GregHonestly, the UpdatePanel I find is more trouble than it is worth. UpdatePanel controls are a central part of Ajax functionality in ASP.NET. They are used with the ScriptManager control to enable partial-page rendering. Partial-page rendering reduces the need for synchronous postbacks...

Barely touching web forms in my last project but it seems okay to me
VS needs like a special ToDo list feature, where I can put a little tag that reminds me that I still need to implement something
My modal z index is behind the modal backdrop
@KalaJ Based on the code and answer I couldn't give detail, I had to stay fairly high level.
@KalaJ Mostly because I think his issue comes from another reason.
@mikeTheLiar reading it now
Basically you can create comments that VS will track for you in the Task List panel
So // TODO - VS will know what that means
I love how they also include HACK in their trigger keywords.
@mikeTheLiar Yeah.
// Todo:
// ToDo
// tODO

It understands any comment with the word Todo.
You can break it if you do To Do though.
do you guys actually use them often?
@Michael Yes, because you can open the Task List window and see them all.
the task list
wow, I wish I new!
I remember first time commenting TODO and it turning blue, best feeling ever
you should comment your code more xD
I do. actually I used to kinda use TODO on my own and then ctrl + F to find any
Huh, it doesn't do that in my theme.
Hahahaha, I just looked in the task list for our repo:
// Sort the list
// TODO: This does not seem to be working...

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