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I've found that rule to be overly cumbersome and unreadable in some cases when mandated
yeah that sounds good
I've seen developers commit crap like that to comply with naming rules
you guys are too much
no, we're just right.
bool f
there you go
@MikeAsdf Naming rules are almost always a rule of thumb
@OmegaExtern due to your avatar I'm suddenly reminded of this:
@MikeAsdf haha xD
and the Ajax.BeginForm saga has reached a conclusion...
@KendallFrey Not when working with a shitty client that thinks it would be cool to add FxCop and StyleCop rules
I think i got food poisoning :(
@tweray @CharlieBrown - There is an input that is for a non nullable string property that didn't have a value. Instead of validating it and displaying a validation message of some sort, it just wasn't making the ajax call. The other two forms don't have non-nullable properties in them so they were going through just fine
i don't want to use a sick day to take care of me
There are some IDE's that will report errors if you do not respect the language's naming convention
so... moral of the story. if Ajax.BeginForm doesn't submit, check inputs for non nullable properties
moral of the story, make sure your ajax call returns 200 OK in the debugger tools
@MoonOwl22 and then circumvent them on a case by case basis, e.g.: // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
it wasn't returning anything because it wasn't being called
it started off being called, then it quit getting called
but i just assumed that because it WAS calling it that it was still calling it
and it wasn't
@MikeAsdf There should be a rule against turning rules of thumb into rules.
rules of thumb are necessary though
Why are self-signed certificates bad?
@MoonOwl22 "i promise this site is legit lol" - me
"@MoonOwl22 says this site is safe... so I'm going to go there"
@MoonOwl22 The same reason that saying "trust me" is useless
I need a gun, or something..
I'll trust someone if someone I trust trusts them
I don't trust someone just by merit of them trusting themselves
ripping out a wall in the one room, and dust is getting on some routing equipment, the bosses solution put a blanket over them to keep the dust out
keeps em cozy in winter
doiop.com/YummyMoonOwlPics "Totally Safe" - Bardi
How about popularity-based trust
the equipment can cuddle under the sheets :^)
up 5 degrees in 22 mins
(it's really just a link to google)
when one fails I am taking a sick day
@MoonOwl22 what if a popular site is compromised
sick of that shit
Blocked access to the link
@MoonOwl22 wat
No, you're not being clear.
@MoonOwl22 wat
sorry for the complete n00b question (Haven't really worked with build tools). I'm reading the Nant README and it says I need to build Nant using .NET and I need to use make or nmake command
The link is said to be unsafe
Do I run that command inside the IDE or in the command prompt?
@MoonOwl22 said by who, and how do they know?
Is make or nmake an recognized environmental variable?
@MoonOwl22 I don't think you've thought this through, or if you have, you're not expressing it well.
A safe guard we use at home
@KalaJ it's usually on Linux
what if I need to use make or nmake on windows
command prompt?
find a windows version and install it
Kala J, consider running a virtual machine
@MoonOwl22 You can't just not explain yourself. Get back to the other convo.
ah okay, I'll find a windows version then
then I can use that command
The link that was posted is said to be unsafe by the safeguard we use at home
I opened it after I made an exception for it. The word 'yummy' is blacklisted
It's just a link to google
public bool IsReusable
return false;
i had never read a piece of code so honest like this
@MoonOwl22 What does that have to do with compromised sites?
wait, can't I run the command using visual studio tools? I'm reading up something about that
like run nmake inside visual studio?
Well, anything that includes any wors suggestive of inappropriate content is assumed to be a porn site and porn sites are assumed to be compromised and unsafe
@KalaJ nmake? maybe. I've never heard of it until now
@KalaJ you could, but i wouldnt recommend nmake
why not?
should I just use make?
If you have a specific thing your trying to use it for, it would help in tool selection
I need to build nant
using make or nmake
can I do that in visual studio?
@MoonOwl22 Sounds like Facade and the melon "glitch"
there should be docs on what tools to use
You would need to use whatever the project is setup to use, cant use your own
According to the github repo, it requires nmake
And you use nAnt to build nant
Yeah I'm reading the README.txt
and it says I can use make or nmake
There are full instructions
the instructions are confusing
especially that last line
Looks pretty straightforward, just run a command line
nAnt to build nant
isn't that a circular reference?
Thats done often, to prove a tools usefulness
other than that, I was thinking of just running a command line
but make and nmake is not recognized variable, so I have to find a windows version, add the path to environ. variable, etc..
but I was wondering, can't I run the commands inside visual studio?
why woould you want to?
@KendallFrey pretty much
Its just a command line
well run in VS, so I can avoid getting a copy of make and setting the variable lol
since VS should recognize make
lol, dreamer
What is the status of Visual C
vs only recognizes it if you install it and add it to path
So, ultimately its the same steps
Does it conform to the C11 standard?
I want to see if it's worth it installing GCC
@MoonOwl22 for why would you use Visual C?
@CuddleBunny For fun :)
My new interviewing technique I am trying out: Ask a candidate to identify common tools/libs in javascript they have used. Choose one the candidate has NOT previously used and design a test using that lib. They get a laptop with js tools and full internet access, and up to 1hr alone to solve.
Anyone know the answer to this question?
Q: Expressions static method requires null instance non-static method requires non-null instance

jpa7I'm new to using Expressions and am getting the following error: System.ArgumentException : Static method requires null instance, non-static method requires non-null instance. Parameter name: method The code is as follows: int inP = 100; object inParam = inP; Ty...

I would like to use the newer features
I guess that is a decent reason.
@CharlieBrown That's a lot to ask in an interview.
Most candidates finish in 15min. Can you elaborate?
@CharlieBrown why wouldn't you ask them to solve a problem with a library they will be using on the job?
Aren't most employers interested in the experience you do have, rather than the experience you don't?
How fast you use the memory you have to complete a new taste under the same thinking
@Failsafe I ask that as well, but I care more about a candidates ablity to problem-solve and find information
Most employees that we / I have had issues with in the past have problems "solving" problems
@RobertHarvey In the open source world, things change too often so I care more about how good you are at learning new things
@RobertHarvey They are most interested in how correctly and quickly you can solve a problem in a new environment. Experience is a plus in places where there is a lot of legacy stuff and where you have shown to be quite adaptive
@CharlieBrown don't you have maintainability problems?
Its not pass/fail, just another data point.
Charlie, what if you get the general idea but don't finish it?
using the new js library
@Failsafe not really, versioning solves that
@KalaJ Its not pass/fail, but I have had candidates that cant implement a simple jquery validation lib on 2 fields
so...you...remake applications every time with new things?
@Failsafe Don't you? New version of MVC, new version of Web Api, etc... js libs always changing
that's upgrading, not remaking
Charlie Brown, is it your way of ensuring the application is in the best condition it can be in at any given particular point in time?
Sometimes. But the upgrade from MVC 2 to MVC 4/5 requires significant changes
@MikeAsdf thanks for the improvement
We don't rewrite everything every year or anything. Hardly, more like every 7
@CharlieBrown ahh ok
it didn't sound that way at first
But, for example we are converting a large website from JSP to Nodejs/angular. Most of the developers we bring on have barely seen these tools
i thought you were rewriting apps every time lib patches come out
I dont know how many apps we have as a company, my segment is Optum (180k+ employees) and I'm guessing we have ~100ish applications. My team has 10, so rewriting every few years means a full rewrite of at least 1 every year
huh, i'm writing code that integrates with Optum's stuff right now.
small world.
Some of this junk is ancient. Our HSA application doesnt accept spaces in the db...its that old
Health Savings Accounts
> A health savings account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged medical savings account available to taxpayers in the United States who are enrolled in a high-deductible health plan (HDHP). The funds contributed to an account are not subject to federal income tax at the time of deposit.
Think about this, HSA's were created in 2003. At that time we used a db that doesnt accept spaces...and we are still using it
what db?
@TravisJ You still play Destiny?
I recently got Destiny
no time to play :(
Should I?
@CharlieBrown I've noticed, people hate change. They usually go "Ah, this is wrong. I'll just hack around it, rather than fix it."
i've heard Destiny is disappointing
@Amy I wasn't a fan, but a lot of people in here really enjoy it.
random but doesn't seem like I can get a standalone nmake for windows. Apparently, they stopped making it and just ship it with VS?
Q: Where can I get a standalone nmake.exe?

mcandrenmake.exe, a Microsoft Windows port of make, used to be available for download at the Microsoft knowledge base servers. They've since taken the article down, and I don't know where I can reliably get a standalone version of nmake.exe. I would use a copy from one of the Microsoft Visual Studio dev...

i just use msbuild.
yeah, i need a new job
@SteveG ??
thinking of quitting
Why don't you like your job?
i should probably have something lined up
i like my job, the people i work with piss me off
roll back a bunch of my work, without asking, without discussion, and now i have to spend all day doing it again
tired of doing the same work because morons
Yeah, that does suck.
am i being a pussy
moral harassment?
no idea, it was dev, and nobody said a thing, just rolled back my current in progress work on a new solution
help! i've got a circular reference somewhere, but i need a triangle reference!
@SteveG Did you ask them why?
ugh, i hate companies where people don't know how to use source control
(referring to your coworkers, not you, @SteveG)
I have never worked anywhere or for anyone who uses source control... D:
but it isnt the first time
he look be sad because their coworker are Always doing something bad
working on getting my workplace and one freelance client set up with it though
@Jeremy just a bunch of 'well i didnt do it'
@SteveG even though it was rolled back, can't you still retrieve it from source control history?
the roll back should be a new entry in the source control history i would think
which source control do you use? tfs, git, svn...
he can do that, but its their responsibility to merge their code in with his, not erase his code from existence and force him to do the merge.
i completely agree @Amy. I had a similar situation at my last employer
my changes were mysteriously disappearing, coworkers weren't getting latest so when they committed they committed over my changes
is EBS the AWS equivalent of Azure Web Sites?
or, at a bare minimum, at least talk to @SteveG about the problem code. what they're doing is counterproductive for all parties involved.
@CuddleBunny yes
I think it's better too
@SteveG just run ` tf destroy /noprompt /silent` from a command prompt
The best source control according to Kendal Frey is not TFS
That will fix that problem real quick
well now I'm extra hiring for jobs on my team :P haha
extra hiring?
"extra! extra! read all about it!"
lol, just a couple people left. It happens :)
...wait... @Codeman aren't you the M$ guy?
@Bardicer yeah
hiring at least 3 engineers right now
why do you have the Ajax.BeginForm html helper, but you don't include the javascript files in the solution on creation? >.<
Is there a better way of removing rANGE than like this:
i know that's probably not your dept
db.People.RemoveRange(db.People.Where(x => State == "CA"));
dunno, very different team
I work in Cloud Services
db.People.RemoveRange(db.People.Where(x => Id= 3));
why does cloud services not do the thing?!?!? /s
db.People.Where(x => State == "CA").Remove(x => x) ? don't quote me on that @Obviously
Like i am calling db again in the where clause
@Obviously no, I think that's fine, assuming you can't mutate db.People
i can't say anythign snarky about cloud services
>mutate db.People
i never used 'em
it's a pretty great gig so far
my manager actually manages me
in a good way
@SteveG "yes you did" (point to dvcs history) "fix it please, thanks :^)"
yea so does mine
What do you guys mean by mutate
@Obviously Inject with Gamma rad
the only good managers are the ones that say "I want this done... make it happen"
most of my previous teams I was the one that was like "hey so... is everything gonna get done guys?"
and then get out of the way
my manager is also a coder
@Bardicer that's pretty much what he does. I think he asks for status updates maybe once a week?
but still check in once a week, or during standup
so we work together
we check in during standup and he checks in if it looks like we're not gonna get our stuff done
my previous manager is a graphic designer. he liked to try to dictate architecture decisions to me
@Obviously its doesnt call the database in a where() method
Just creates a linq query
i finally said "you can talk to me about making things look pretty, that's your forte. don't talk to me about making them work, that's my forte"
could anyone help me in designing this form
@CharlieBrown yeah, pretty sure you have to do SubmitChanges() after that - that's where the DB hit happens
or SaveChanges()
@Bardicer lol
@karan yea there's some bias here against that
why some people are retard to act like that
@karan this is more... technical. making forms work. there is a design SE that could probably help with formatting and design better than we can
@karan also next time leave the app name and specific info out of the question
@Jeremy history re-written
@SteveG what the fuck
do you know who did it
oh...yeah.. i has a question! i forgot :/
either confront the guy that did it or talk to a manager/HR about it
the victors write the histories
that shit isn't excusable
is there way to throw an error in an ajax call without breaking while debugging?
@SteveG This sounds intentional and targeted
@Failsafe right!!
@karan no, we are not here to be your consultants. My rate is $150/hr though
my rate is $149/hr
...I'd splurge the $1/hr and go with Cody :P
damm, i hate when use incomplete names to varaible declarations
wtf is it
@Jeremy But he works for the devil now
!!google TheGreatestMarketingCompanyInTheWorld
@Jeremy My Google Fu has failed.
!!google Wuzzles
hello everyone, can anyone help? I have a listbox and I want the content to be edited on double click (or with a button, which ever is easier/better). there are some input fields so the content should appear in the respective field and it should be able to change the text
...it's worth nothing that Microsoft's image has changed a lot since the time that page was written :P
this page looks like it was hosted on arpanet
proof that M$ is the best marketing company in the world... we're still using windows after ME and Vista...
MS used to be evil. Now they're more chaotic neutral.
@Bardicer So? People still use apple products after being sold the same item 6 times
that's proof that we're already the walking dead
@Jeremy worth noting? lol
@Codeman YEAH LOL
but i can't speak on apple stuff. it's not allowed in my house
neat, my manager asked me to be the deployment driver because of my experience with agile deployments.
uh, i feel like i must have typed "worth nothing" a lot recently :^)
nice @Codeman
@Jeremy talking about your job a lot, huh?
you should use Octopus ;)
@Codeman :(
hire me
!!google Octopus Deploy
@Bardicer well... considering I work on Visual Studio Team Services, we use the Azure deployment tool ;)
one click deploys
Octopus is fine though, we had that at SBUX
octopus does azure as well ;)
yeah... but we eat the dogfood :P
@Codeman i know that feel
@Codeman "azure deployment tool"?
it's ok, the dogfood tastes good generally
either or is better than ftp
it leaves a bad taste in mine
@MikeAsdf yeah - go create an account in Visual Studio Team Services, look at the "release" tab. It's pretty slick.
we have one click deploys, too ;)
so will you just be responsable for deployment?
Ah, my employer is still reluctant to have source code in the cloud instead of locally hosted
@MikeAsdf lol
For azure deployments we use cobbled-together powershell to deploy the cspkg file
the only thing i've been warned about as far as cloud hosting is steer clear of the chicago location for azure
cause it's super slow
or was
that was 2 years ago so it might've gotten better
Set-AzureDeployment -Upgrade -Slot $slot -Package $packageUrl -Configuration $cloudConfigLocation -label $deploymentLabel -ServiceName $serviceName -Force
So contains will return true when we are trying to compare "SomeThing" and "SomeT"
Wil it also do the same comparison when there is an int involved
@Obviously an int?
an int varaible
like will it return true for 256 and 25
I guess not
it was stupid of me to ask
I ask really stupid stuff
There is no such thing as int.Contains
I guess I am not smart enough
you're trying to treat them as strings, not as numbers
I need help figuring out what I'm looking for conceptually. I have a Reactive Extensions client that pulls a single item from a web API and stores it in a database. How do I then create a ViewModel that pulls the list of all those items, while also watching for any items added, deleted, or changed?
Also, Contains is not a comparison
@Obviously dotnetfiddle.net/CQvDSr won't compile?
There will be 5300+ items in this list
var hasNumber = 66634533.ToString().Contains("evil"); // returns true
huh, String.Contains doesn't have a overload to take a StringComparison?
there's probably good reason
If its a list of int
I meant a list of strings
hm. String.IndexOf() has an overload that accepts a StringComparison
so why doesn't String.Contains()?
because of reasons
that's a pretty good reason, i hadn't considered that.
are there softwares companies on hawai?
never had seen a programmet from there
Jun 6 '14 at 22:07, by CodeWarrior
Been looking for a job for about 3 weeks now. I am a remote developer in Hawaii. Had a few interviews and two dev tests....
@MikeAsdf how the fuck did you find that
3 weeks is few time to get a job imo
@JúlioMurta eh, depends how dedicated you are
@Failsafe look in the top-right corner
i've seen people apply and get hired same day
@MikeAsdf That's the first time i've seen that
@Failsafe and depends how much job offer there are where you live
@KendallFrey sure talks about moms a lot.
like muscle man
I'm writing some code that I'm pretty sure is terrible
!!google muscle man regular show
@Greg - Yup, still enjoying it a lot :)

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