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i had to deal with Telerik silverlight controls at my first employer out of college - i hadn't heard of xaml before, so i got to figure out xaml, DI, IoC, and telerik all at once
so i'm just instinctively suspicious of kendo
try this first OnComplete = "alert('ding');"
Whoah. Talk about crazy bugs. Adding a new controller to a mvc proj, hitting it at /TheControllerName and boom, session is null. Everywhere else it's not. Hah.
nothing :(
hmmm, so apparently the oncomplete mechanism just doesn't work
yeah, that's what it looks like to me too
I would try OnSuccess first, as OnComplete operates a bit differently in the mechanism. Also, use chrome or FF to set some breakpoints in the js ajax call that gets generated by the MS scripts
not that i shouldn't have noticed the red flag that Ajax.BeginForm is included in the HtmlHelpers, but requires a separate nuget download to get it to work in the first place
As far as your scripts go, modernizer should be in the head as the first script, and maybe your ie10fix as well... but everything else should be before the closing body tag
What would you say the best way would be to hide a div if you choose anything outside of that div?
document.on('click', /// hide div)
@RoelvanUden that's weird. do you know why yet?
A: Use jQuery to hide a DIV when the user clicks outside of it

prc322Had the same problem, came up with this easy solution. It's even working recursive: $(document).mouseup(function (e) { var container = $("YOUR CONTAINER SELECTOR"); if (!container.is(e.target) // if the target of the click isn't the container... && container.has(e.target).length...

@Amy Not yet :D
@Bardicer i got a feeling it's a result of marrying jquery 2.x with unobstrusive-ajax, any chance you can downgrade jquery to 1.9 or 1.8 something?
@Amy I now know
wrong base class?
what caused it, @RoelvanUden?
@tweray no, i don't have that sort of authority here
i'm still just a grunt contractor
Doing something with Session in the constructor of the controller. Hehehehehe.
hi steve
@CharlieBrown You thinking?
    $(document).on('click', function (event) {
        var container = $('.Submittal-Pricing');
        if($(event.target).closest(container).length == 0) {
Ok, so I'm gonna post this up as a question on the main site and see what comes of it. @CharlieBrown @tweray thanks for helping me verify that I haven't gone totally nuts.
You will likely get less help there than here...this is more troubleshooting
Good day ladies and gents. Question on MVC/WebAPI. Trying to power a mixed static/interactive dashboard using WebAPI and Angular. I have about 5-7 queries on the same table that output the datasets for graphs and the like but I'm having trouble building the MVC model to serve that from WebAPI. Didn't know if you guys had any resources. I've not come up with much Googling about. Might belong in another room too.
i know, but in the event a solution is found, it'll be there to help others
@Bmo you're using datasets?
No, poor choice of words. Right now it's raw SQL on a table and I'm trying to convert those queries into a JSON response.
Single JSON response.
Or multiple if that's what makes more sense.
sweet baby jesus...
both MVC and Web API do that out of the box. what issue are you having?
my second form works now
first one doesn't...
I guess I don't know where to start.
if it's about purely transfer datacontext into json response without and transition in the middle, that's the job for odata
I have data and I know what I want for an output but I don't have enough chops in this space to know how to set up the model.
well if you return an object from a Web API method, it will get serialized into JSON or XML, depending on the request headers
"My code doesn't work and I don't know why....AND...my code works and I don't know why..." at the same bleeping time?!
@Bardicer read it left to right trying to explain what its' doing
check both ajax.beginform code, and see what's the difference
Do I create a model class for each query?
create classes to model your data however you need it structured.
if you can share models between queries, good, if not, okay.
then map from your original structure to your new one
yeah that's what i'm doing now @tweray
So if I did a ResponseClass and then had all of my query model classes inheret from it with a topTen : ResponseClass type of thing. Then add it to a List<ResponseClass> and serialize that?
List of lists, I suppose.
If I make an array do I put it in a method?
yeah, but dont call your class ResponseClass. that's way too generic and provides no information on what the data is. call it something more specific.
Good call.
if you're modeling a truck, call it a TruckViewModel, don't call it a Thing
I like it, thank you very much.
only a female would come up with a name as distracting as TruckViewModel ;-)
and speaking from experience naming a class "DaClass1" will make co-devs not like you much
i once wrote a class DataGuy.
none of the American crap plz. It's Lorry, not "Truck" or "Wagon". Urgh.
Those should be obvious things get missed when you're a one man army.
That's up there with VB - Sub Sandwich, Sub Marine and goto Hell
or "Horseless Haulage Unit"
@Amy best I've got here is an AccessServiceService
we discovered a week or two ago that you can name classes using Unicode characters. create an exception ಠ_ಠ. then in your code you can throw new ಠ_ಠ()
org.springframework.aop.framework.AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean // Java lol
Oh my god.
lol java
@Amy damnyou. I want to do that now.
@Squiggle give yourself to the dark side
Would you guys consider a contract postion for a year that might rollover to a longer position?
public class ಠ_ರೃ  : CustomLogger {}
catch (ಠ_ಠ e) {
    ಠ_ರೃ .ISeeWhatYouDidTher(e);
i would consider that, unless it required me to move
as long as it come with health care
@KalaJ I took a contract for 3 months. Still here over 2 years later :)
well it says, C2C or W2 next to the rate
I'm not sure if it includes healthcare which is why I'm worried
contract positions here dont usually include healthcare
yeah I don't think they usually do
Am I even allowed to ask to include healthcare if it's contract?
they pay you more though
allowed, as in legally allowed?
my intention is i want a good health care plan even i will get paid less
legally allowed to include healthcare in contract?
Yeah the pay is great
well we aren't lawyers.
but I'm with Tweray!
prefer less pay but good benefits
Yes, contract can include any benfits, including healthcare
since providing you good health care means they are putting you into the general HR flow, raise the chance they likely to really want you stay there
Avoid C2C unless you really know what your doing.
what is C2C?
I only heard of W2
Corporate 2 Corporate. They pay you as if your a business (i.e. you have to do self employment taxes)
also, this it case by case, but health care is usually counted in company wide hr budget pool, not team budget, so your boss or boss's boss will be more relaxed on budget if they want to make you stay
Most companies that do contracting will do a conversion, healthcare = $X/hr
Same goes for PTO. So you might get 50/hr w/o benefits, $35/hr with full benfits
oh I see, interesting
Some contracting companies are switching to salary for contractors. It's pretty new and you don't see it a lot of places yet
So, do you think I can ask for with full benefits for contract?
as a general rule, when it comes to terms of employment you can ASK for anything you want
Wow, that is a lot of benefits.
$15/hr estimate?
Does it come with a butler? :P
@TravisJ it's usually more. For example, w/o benefits at my current position, I get $32/hr more in pay
i'm not even at $50/hr w/o benefits yet :/
you are contractor, ppl can rip you for any reason
@CharlieBrown - What are the benefits?
the Ajax.BeginForm saga continues... everything is structured exactly the same - two forms work and one doesn't.
@Bardicer - Dude.
it's like a developer's Troma film
33 days pto, healthcare pkg, typical 401k, etc
Don't use razor to call c# to write a string to your view in order to have javascript make an ajax call.
i agree in principle travis
@CharlieBrown - Okay, thanks. I was curious. We just offered health care here, but we don't have a 401k and I think it is 14-28 pto depending on seniority
i'd rather just do a Html.BeginForm and write a lot of javascript to intercept the submit, serialize, etc.
i'm more interested in condensing this into one page
It can still be on one page
i don't get to set the requirements
i'm working within prescribed parameters
They force you to use the ajax razor helper?
i can show 'em the shiny flashy after i get it working
ABP, KendoMVC...
Ah telerik. That was all you had to say :P
the general mood is "write as much MVC and as little javascript as possible"
i rolled my own custom tabs control
The real kicker in contracting is how much the contract company is making. For example, you might get $50/hr, but the company you work for is going to pay the contracting company $72/hr for you.
i'm not saying the "T" word anymore
said it too many times already I take it :)
and the contracting company will try to get you to go work elsewhere when you go permanent with the company you're working at
@CharlieBrown - That makes sense. Literally everything we do here is base line at 25% profit.
alright, i've got a RESTful question. i have two resources, Request and Batch. a Batch is made up of a group of requests with some additional data. the Batch resource contains its child Requests. but when creating a batch using a POST, the user only needs to send a list of request IDs. so its a different model. should I create a second resource endpoint?
i had to crash course on their silverlight controls while learning xaml and c# and .net at the same time
you can always say "Holy Telerik, this pasta is NASTY"
no pasta is THAT nasty
and i don't like pasta
Now, if that company decides to hire you directly at the end of your contract, they will pay a buyout fee of 20% of your yearly salary as well to tyhe contracting company
and omg hot coffee up the nose is hot
They made you use Telerik, the ajax helper, and put hot coffee up your nose!? Have you seen the new Jobs tab?
i'm not qualifed for any jobs posted on SO
i've got like 5 more years til then
No way man, you would get hired like tomorrow
And the Coup de grâce... even though they paid $72/hr for you (150k/yr), they will porobably only hire you full time for (45/hr) 90k/yr
typically a 5-10k a year cut when you go perm
@TravisJ i only have a little over 3 years professional experience
@Bardicer I feel you, I only have a little over 2 years
yeah... our day will come @KalaJ
nameof is so awesome <3
I saw a position that called for 5 years but I said screw it
and applied anyway
maybe they have a junior or mid level pos, who knows
@KalaJ you realize those JDs are written by people in HR that have no idea what the team actually needs, right?
Eventually, all the old dinosaurs in our industry (i.e. managers) will up and die and we can fix this broken palace
the company i just left was lookin for someone with 5 years when they hired me
no I didn't know
I'm having this weird experience lately where my manager actually manages me. That's a new one for me.
@Codeman thats b/c you made it further up the mountain
i read that as "massages me" and had to do a double-take.
my coworkers keep telling me to disregard the years of experience stuff because they'd trust me over most people with 5 years experience anyways
@CharlieBrown really? I would think the higher up you are the less management you get
although I had a recruiter recently make me apply for a 8 years plus position but head of engineering said no, I'm inexperienced :(
@Codeman i meant your new company is higher up the mountain
@CharlieBrown oh, so you're saying they're less shitty in their practices?
yeah, basically
Experience is such a bad indicator of skill
It is
All that experience means is that you've had a load of time for people to teach you the wrong way to do things
2-3 good years in development can already make a good fullstack or aggressively senior level developer with proper mentoring and good study mood
I'd rather know that somebody can learn over what they already know
"aggressively senior level developer" no way
yeah i cut my teeth at an awesome company
@tweray I've been "full stack" since I started
@CharlieBrown idk, I was interviewing for senior engineer positions, and got an offer for one at a startup
their view was "we don't have the money or history google, microsoft or apple has, but that doesn't mean our developers aren't as good"
I chose MSFT money over a title bump though
My first company was really great. Pretty boring work (basically a feed generator for marketplaces) but there were some cool relatively big problems to solve
ok...lunch time
well, our "senior" may indicates different things, and i believe it know your definition of "senior", so trust me, there's no conflct between our understanding
Idk if people consider 10GB text files "big data", but it's certainly big enough to worry about when it's a compressed XML file :P
The hard fact is, it takes time. Even if you pound keys everyday, there is an upperlimit on absorption and how much you can grok
How do I let an user add entries to my array?
i'm so thankful we have XML.
10GB of xml is not called "bid data", it's called "big mess"
@tweray "senior engineer" means "I want a fancy job title" to some people and "able to fully implement a scalable, well architected project by myself" to others
XML, like Java, brings us together in unified disgust.
@tweray it's data feeds - big amounts of data being fed to Amazon to list several million products
i like having the fancy job title.
i see, i'm doing similar things nowadays, not millions though
and that damn AMS is soooo fucking retarded
lol, funny code is funny: if (ownerAccounts.Any() && ownerAccounts.Count() > 0)
The amount of tools that need to be learned is incredible now. The current sites I run now require the knowledge of c#, web api, mvc, java, js, node, angular, 100+ diff node module apis, continous delivery, jenkins, protrotactor, selenium, cucumber, fortify, wcag, and a few dozen other infrastructure tools like docker, f5, siteminder, etc etc
@CharlieBrown standing on the shoulders of giants is not free
It takes many years to acquire a good understanding of all that. And that is one site.
whoever architect that site deserves a bullet in head
You should read the architect blogs on facebook if you think that is complex
This is what it takes to host a large enterprise code base (UnitedHealth Care Group)
ugh, Facebook is one giant hack. They even named their programming language after it
well, i gave up. every time i read those things i'm like "ok, this must be my dream in sci-fi world, once i kick myself i would be awake and all these madness would be go.... ouch, dammit it hurts"
Frankly, I would love to dump all the legacy stuff, but it takes a team of 60 a year just to replace one site they are so big. By that time, new tech came out and we need to reconsider options again
If anyone wants to use fortify at your office, go on strike. hate this tool so much today
@Codeman - Agree
we gave ourselves a standard that we must throw away one piece of major old shit per year, that standards almost drove me crazy this sept/oct, but after all when you look back, THAT FEELS FUCKING AWESOME!
We are currently dumping a java/spring project and rewriting in nodejs/angular. It's amazing how easy it is to write code vs that old junk
Of course, being an "enterprise", business can argue over the text of an error message for 3 days...and they do
I have been told people can have small meetings about it
just make it a standing meeting
nobody likes standing while arguing
Have you ever been in a bar?
i've been proven wrong
that's the fastest surrender i ever seen
lol been in a lot of bars
Anyone know why I would receive a null from inside a repeater for a textbox, when I have a value. I have a `<input type="text" id="txtReason" runat="server" />`

But everytime I loop through the Repeater, I receive a null for that textbox. When I do:

`var response = item.FindControl("txtReason") as HtmlInputText;`
@Greg - Are there multiple input elements with that id?
But with runat it should auto increment it's own Id.
How do you convince a fine arts student that they can easily get into designing for you without any extra knowledge. I want attractive UI's
no, you can't convince them, it just won't work, they need extra knowledge
I want her to design what she designs on paper
How do I add a new part from my list from a textbox? (input textbox > name for that entry)
She's ranted what she hates about most user interfaces and I thought that was an opportunity to get a good designer
But oh well
@CharlieBrown classic bikeshedding
I've combatted this problem by using the term "bikeshedding" casually in code reviews. Inevitably, someone will look up its definition and origin, and figure out for themselves what it means, and start thinking about where and when we do it... ;)
good call, I had forgot that term
Then others can fight the good fight with me :^)
How do you debug async methods? The call stack is useless
@TravisJ Found the problem.
guys is it posibble to contact someone on so?
@TravisJ Forgot a dumb !Page.IsPostback
if i got his profile
@Slashy ping them in chat
here? in this chat ?
Fuck TFS.
If my random number generator throws a number how do I get it to show the entry associated with that number?
string ArrayNames()
            int hit = r.Next(0, 8);
            //Array name + length.
            string[] names = new string[8];
            //Array entries.
            names[0] = "Maarten";
            names[1] = "Tim";
            names[2] = "Jos";
            names[3] = "Bart";
            names[4] = "Lisa";
            names[5] = "Joëlle";
            names[6] = "Ski";
            names[7] = "Koen";
            //Trying to figure out how to read these out

            if (hit == names[**r**])
return names[r]
So delete the if statement?
Throws me that he can't convert it to int
do: return names[hit]
and don't call it hit
call it like randomIndex
If I want to show that now how does one do that 0_0
how does one do what?
Has anyone used Nant before?
@MikeAsdf use that return and store it so that I can display it via messagebox
@MaartenWachters Where are you displaying those?
On button click
Found it
messageBox.Text = ArrayNames() or something similar
@MaartenWachters System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( text: "" );
Thanks man you've helped me more then you know :p
Just wondering why use a build tool for .NET project?
I'd also call ArrayNames something like "GetRandomName"
BRB dinner
ah, missed to call ArrayNames
@KalaJ What's the alternative? Write your own?
@MaartenWachters here I improved it dotnetfiddle.net/6sXmQn
I mean, doesn't VS take care of build environment?
@KalaJ for small projects, single project solutions, its not needed. when you want to get into more complex setups you need something to help manage dependencies
And something that plays nice with a build server setup
@KalaJ MSBuild is the standard .NET build tool
Guys I have schools and they have financials, what should i name my local variable?
its a bool
sounds good
financialsExist sound bad
"IsXXX" or HasXXXX"
what is a financial
Boolean variables should be named is- or has- whenever possible
i prefer to prefix my boolean fields with is or has

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